
Defines functions svgout svg_callback svg_clip clip_path_string clip_path svg_metricInfo svg_strWidth svg_rect svg_text get_font_info svg_line svg_polygon svg_path coords_to_svg_path_string svg_polyline svg_circle svg_close svg_open

Documented in svg_callback svgout svg_strWidth

# When opening a device
#  - create a "canvas".  For svg, the canvas is just a text string of SVG
#    commands that we'll keep adding to with each device call
#  - add the canvas to the 'state$rdata' list
#  - always return the state so we keep the canvas across different device calls
svg_open <- function(args, state) {

  # Create a 'minisvg' document. The 'viewBox' will be set by the width and
  # height, but then remove the 'width' and 'height' attributes and keep only
  # the 'viewBox'
  msvg <- minisvg::SVGDocument$new(
    width = state$dd$right,
    height = state$dd$bottom
  )$update(width = NULL, height = NULL)

  # Add a default style
        line, polyline, polygon, path, rect, circle {
          fill: none;
          stroke: #000000;
          stroke-linecap: round;
          stroke-linejoin: round;
          stroke-miterlimit: 10.00;

  # add a blank white rectangle as the background
  msvg$rect(width='100%', height='100%', style='stroke: none; fill: #ffffff')

  # Did the user specify an external CSS location?
  msvg$add_css    (state$rdata$css_decl)
  msvg$add_js_url (state$rdata$js_url)

  state$rdata$msvg <- msvg

  # Keep track of what clip regions have been defined, and the ID of
  # the current clip region
  state$rdata$current_clip_id <- NULL
  state$rdata$all_clip_ids    <- character(0)

  # Keep track of which fills and filters have been added
  state$rdata$all_fill_ids    <- character(0)
  state$rdata$all_filter_ids  <- character(0)

  # `pattern_list` object must be an actual list.
  if (is.null(state$rdata$pattern_list) || !is.list(state$rdata$pattern_list)) {
    state$rdata$pattern_list <- list()

  # Ensure all names of hex colours are uppercase to match svgout internals
  names(state$rdata$pattern_list) <- toupper(names(state$rdata$pattern_list))

  # Initialise some idx counters for element numbering
  state$rdata$idx <- list(
    polygon  = 0L,
    polyline = 0L,
    path     = 0L,
    circle   = 0L,
    rect     = 0L,
    text     = 0L,
    line     = 0L


# When the device is closed
#   - add the closing </svg> tag
#   - output the SVG to file
svg_close <- function(args, state) {

  # Write svg text to file
  state$rdata$msvg$save(filename = state$rdata$filename, include_declaration = TRUE)


# Add a circle to the SVG
svg_circle <- function(args, state) {
  geom                <- 'circle'
  attr_names          <- c('fill', 'stroke', 'filter')

  state$rdata$idx[[geom]] <- state$rdata$idx[[geom]] + 1L

    id        = sprintf("%s-%04i", geom, state$rdata$idx[[geom]]),
    cx        = round(args$x, 2),
    cy        = round(args$y, 2),
    r         = paste0(round(args$r, 2), 'pt'),
    style     = style_string(attr_names = attr_names, state = state, geom = geom),
    clip_path = clip_path_string(state = state)


# Add a polyline to the SVG
svg_polyline <- function(args, state) {
  geom                <- 'polyline'
  attr_names          <- c('stroke', 'filter')

  state$rdata$idx[[geom]] <- state$rdata$idx[[geom]] + 1L

    id        = sprintf("%s-%04i", geom, state$rdata$idx[[geom]]),
    xs        = round(args$x, 2),
    ys        = round(args$y, 2),
    style     = style_string(attr_names = attr_names, state = state, geom = geom),
    clip_path = clip_path_string(state = state)


# Convert a set of x,y coordinates to
coords_to_svg_path_string <- function(xs, ys) {
  xs = round(xs, 4)
  ys = round(ys, 4)
  paste("M", paste(xs, ys, collapse = " L ", sep=" "), "Z")

# Draw multiple paths
svg_path <- function(args, state) {

  geom                <- 'path'
  attr_names          <- c('stroke', 'fill', 'filter')

  state$rdata$idx[[geom]] <- state$rdata$idx[[geom]] + 1L

  extents <- c(0, cumsum(args$nper))

  for (poly in seq_len(args$npoly)) {
    subargs   <- args
    lower     <- extents[poly     ] + 1L
    upper     <- extents[poly + 1L]
    subargs$x <- subargs$x[lower:upper]
    subargs$y <- subargs$y[lower:upper]
      id        = sprintf("%s-%04i-%02i", geom, state$rdata$idx[[geom]], poly),
      d         = coords_to_svg_path_string(subargs$x, subargs$y),
      style     = style_string(attr_names = attr_names, state = state, geom = geom),
      clip_path = clip_path_string(state = state)


# Add a polygon to the SVG
svg_polygon <- function(args, state) {

  geom                <- 'polygon'
  attr_names          <- c('fill', 'stroke', 'filter')

  state$rdata$idx[[geom]] <- state$rdata$idx[[geom]] + 1L

    id        = sprintf("%s-%04i", geom, state$rdata$idx[[geom]]),
    xs        = round(args$x, 4),
    ys        = round(args$y, 4),
    style     = style_string(attr_names = attr_names, state = state, geom = geom),
    clip_path = clip_path_string(state)


# Add a line to the SVG
svg_line <- function(args, state) {
  geom                <- 'line'
  attr_names          <- c('fill', 'stroke', 'filter')

  state$rdata$idx[[geom]] <- state$rdata$idx[[geom]] + 1L

    id        = sprintf("%s-%04i", geom, state$rdata$idx[[geom]]),
    x1        = round(args$x1, 2),
    y1        = round(args$y1, 2),
    x2        = round(args$x2, 2),
    y2        = round(args$y2, 2),
    style     = style_string(attr_names = attr_names, state = state, geom = geom),
    clip_path = clip_path_string(state = state)


# Unpack font information from the graphics context
get_font_info <- function(state) {
  fontfamily <- state$gc$fontfamily
  fontface   <- state$gc$fontface
  is_bold    <- fontface %in% c(2, 4)
  is_italic  <- fontface %in% c(3, 4)
  is_symbol  <- fontface == 5

  if (is_symbol) {
    fontfamily <- 'symbol'
  } else if (fontfamily == '') {
    fontfamily <- 'sans'

  fontfamily <- gdtools::match_family(fontfamily)

  fontsize <- state$gc$cex * state$gc$ps

  list(family = fontfamily, bold = is_bold, italic = is_italic, size = fontsize)

# Add text to the SVG
svg_text <- function(args, state) {

  geom                <- 'text'
  attr_names          <- 'font'

  state$rdata$idx[[geom]] <- state$rdata$idx[[geom]] + 1L

  # Calculate the display width of the string
  font    <- get_font_info(state)
  metrics <- gdtools::str_metrics(args$str, fontname = font$family, fontsize = font$size, bold = font$bold,italic = font$italic, fontfile = "")
  width   <- metrics[['width']]

  # Only calculate a transform if the rotation is non-zero
  transform <- NULL
  if (args$rot != 0) {
    transform <- minisvg::svg_prop$transform$rotate(
      a = -round(args$rot, 2),
      x =  round(args$x  , 2),
      y =  round(args$y  , 2)

  # Add a 'g' group to the SVG.
  #  - the clip-path goes on the group
  #  - the text element is a child of the group
    clip_path    = clip_path_string(state),
      id           = sprintf("%s-%04i", geom, state$rdata$idx[[geom]]),
      x            = round(args$x, 2),
      y            = round(args$y, 2),
      textLength   = paste0(round(width, 2), "px"),
      lengthAdjust = "spacingAndGlyphs",
      style     = style_string(attr_names = attr_names, state = state, geom = geom),


# Add RECT to the SVG
svg_rect <- function(args, state) {

  geom                <- 'rect'
  attr_names          <- c('fill', 'stroke', 'filter')

  state$rdata$idx[[geom]] <- state$rdata$idx[[geom]] + 1L

  # Has the user defined an internal element in the pattern_list?
  gc          <- state$gc
  fill        <- gc$fill
  hexcolour   <- rgba_to_hex(fill)
  inner       <- state$rdata$pattern_list[[hexcolour]][['inner']]

  # Calculate rectangle extents
  x      <- min(args$x0,  args$x1)
  y      <- min(args$y0,  args$y1)
  width  <- abs(args$x1 - args$x0)
  height <- abs(args$y1 - args$y0)

    id        = sprintf("%s-%04i", geom, state$rdata$idx[[geom]]),
    x         = round(x, 2),
    y         = round(y, 2),
    width     = round(width , 2),
    height    = round(height, 2),
    style     = style_string(attr_names = attr_names, state = state, geom = geom),
    clip_path = clip_path_string(state = state),
    class     = state$rdata$pattern_list[[hexcolour]][['class']],


#' Return the width of the given string
#' @param args,state standard pass-through from device driver
#' @import gdtools
svg_strWidth <- function(args, state) {

  fontsize    <- state$gc$cex * state$gc$ps
  metrics     <- gdtools::str_metrics(args$str, fontname = "sans", fontsize = fontsize, bold = FALSE, italic = FALSE, fontfile = "")
  state$width <- metrics[['width']]


# Return some info about font size
svg_metricInfo <- function(args, state) {

  cint <- abs(args$c)
  str  <- intToUtf8(cint)

  fontsize <- state$gc$cex * state$gc$ps
  metrics  <- gdtools::str_metrics(str, fontname = "sans", fontsize = fontsize, bold = FALSE, italic = FALSE, fontfile = "")

  state$ascent  <- metrics[['ascent' ]]
  state$descent <- metrics[['descent']]
  state$width   <- metrics[['width'  ]]


# SVG attribute for Current clip-path
clip_path <- function(state) {

  if (is.null(state$rdata$current_clip_id)) {
  } else {

# SVG attribute for Current clip-path
clip_path_string <- function(state) {
  if (is.null(state$rdata$current_clip_id)) {
  } else {

# Update the clipping path
svg_clip <- function(args, state) {

  # What's the current clip ID.  Could be NULL if not yet set.
  current_clip_id <- state$rdata$current_clip_id

  # Create an ID string but just concatenating all the coordiantes
  this_clip    <- with(args, round(c(x0, y0, x1, y1), 2))
  this_clip_id <- paste0("clip_", gsub("\\.", "_", paste(this_clip, collapse="_")))
  # print(this_clip)

  # If the requested clipping is already active, no need to add anything to SVG
  if (identical(this_clip_id, current_clip_id)) {

  # Set this new clip ID as the current clipping
  state$rdata$current_clip_id <- this_clip_id

  # If the clip ID already exists in IDs we have output to the SVG, then
  # there is no need to output the clip definition again.
  if (this_clip_id %in% state$rdata$all_clip_ids) {

  # Add the current clip ID to the list of all clip IDs in this SVG
  state$rdata$all_clip_ids <- c(state$rdata$all_clip_ids, this_clip_id)

  # Calcualte clipping rectangle extents
  x      <- min(args$x0,  args$x1)
  y      <- min(args$y0,  args$y1)
  width  <- abs(args$x1 - args$x0)
  height <- abs(args$y1 - args$y0)

  # Add the clipPath to the SVG
    id = this_clip_id,
      x      = round(x     , 2),
      y      = round(y     , 2),
      width  = round(width , 2),
      height = round(height, 2)


#' The main SVG callback.
#' @param device_call name of device call
#' @param args arguments to the call
#' @param state rdata, gc and dd
#' @import glue
#' @export
svg_callback <- function(device_call, args, state) {
    "open"         = svg_open      (args, state),
    "close"        = svg_close     (args, state),
    "circle"       = svg_circle    (args, state),
    "line"         = svg_line      (args, state),
    "polyline"     = svg_polyline  (args, state),
    "path"         = svg_path      (args, state),
    "polygon"      = svg_polygon   (args, state),
    "text"         = svg_text      (args, state),
    "textUTF8"     = svg_text      (args, state),
    'rect'         = svg_rect      (args, state),
    'strWidth'     = svg_strWidth  (args, state),
    'strWidthUTF8' = svg_strWidth  (args, state),
    'metricInfo'   = svg_metricInfo(args, state),
    'clip'         = svg_clip      (args, state),
      # if (!device_call %in% c('size', 'mode')) {print(device_call)};

#' SVG device written in R.
#' As with all devices based upon \code{devout}, this function realy just
#' notifies \code{devout::rdevice()} to call \code{devoutsvg::svg_callback()}
#' @param filename default: "svgout.svg"
#' @param width,height size in inches. Default: 10x8
#' @param js_url URL to external javascript to include in SVG output.
#'        Default: NULL (no external JS)
#' @param js_code character string of javascript code to include in SVG output.
#'        Default: NULL (no javascript code to include)
#' @param css_url URL to extenal CSS to include in SVG output.
#'        Default: NULL (no external CSS)
#' @param css_decl character string of CSS declarations to include in SVG output.
#'        Default: NULL (no CSS declarations to include)
#' @param pattern_list named list of patterns and filters to use as fills for the
#'        colour they represent.  See vignettes() for more information.
#'        Default: NULL (no replacement patterns or filters)
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{devout::rdevice}
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages
#' @import devout
#' @export
svgout <- function(filename = "svgout.svg", width = 10, height = 8,
                   js_url = NULL, js_code = NULL,
                   css_url = NULL, css_decl = NULL,
                   pattern_list = NULL, ...) {
    filename     = filename,
    width        = width,
    height       = height,
    js_url       = js_url,
    js_code      = js_code,
    css_url      = css_url,
    css_decl     = css_decl,
    pattern_list = pattern_list, ...)
coolbutuseless/devoutsvg documentation built on April 24, 2020, 10:32 a.m.