
#' Function for estimating disturbance rates from TimeSync samples using Bayesian hierarchical modeling
#' @param x A data frame returned from \code{disturbance_summary()}.
#' @param disturbance_col A vector indexing the column storing the number of disturbed plots. Either index value or column name.
#' @param total_col A vector indexing the column storing the number of forested plots. Either index value or column name.
#' @param index_cols A vector indexing the columns storing the hierarchical levels (e.g., years, agents). Either index value or column name.
#' @param prob A vector indicating the quantiles used for summarizing the posterior. Default is 'c(0.025, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.975)'
#' @param model The model family. Either 'binomial' or 'poisson'.
#' @param trend Wehther a trend should be caluclated.
#' @param year_col Column name of year column.
#' @return A sumary of the joint posterior distribution for each hierarchical level + posterior of parameters (and trend)
#' @export

bayes_estimator <- function (x,
                             prob = c(0.025, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.975),
                             trend = FALSE,
                             year_col = "year") {

  rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
  options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())

  N <- dim(x)[1]
  K <- as.data.frame(x)[ , total_col]
  y <- as.data.frame(x)[, disturbance_col]

  if (model == "binomial") {
    if (trend) {

      time <- unique(as.integer(x[[year_col]])) - min(x[[year_col]]) + 1
      length_pred <- length(min(x[[year_col]]):max(x[[year_col]]))
      time_pred <- 1:length_pred

      fit <- rstan::sampling(stanmodels$bayes_estimator_binomial_trend,
                      data = c("N", "K", "y", "time", "length_pred", "time_pred"),
                      iter = 2000,
                      chains = 4)

      # fit <- stan("../disturbanceBayes/src/stan_files/bayes_estimator_binomial_trend.stan",
      #             data = c("N", "K", "y", "time", "length_pred", "time_pred"),
      #             iter = 2000,
      #             chains = 4)

    } else {
      fit <- rstan::sampling(stanmodels$bayes_estimator_binomial,
                      data = c("N", "K", "y"),
                      iter = 2000,
                      chains = 4)
  } else if (model == "poisson") {
    if (trend) {
      stop("Not implemented yet, sorry...")
    } else {
      fit <- rstan::sampling(stanmodels$bayes_estimator_poisson,
                      data = c("N", "K", "y"),
                      iter = 2000,
                      chains = 4)

  params <- as.matrix(fit)

  theta <- params[, grep("theta*", colnames(params))]

  if (model == "poisson") {
    theta <- sweep(theta, 2, K, "/")

  estimates <-t(apply(theta, 2, function(z) {c(mean(z), sd(z), quantile(z, prob))}))
  estimates <- as.data.frame(estimates)
  colnames(estimates) <- c("mean", "sd", paste0("Q", prob))
  for (i in index_cols) estimates[, i] <- x[, i]
  rownames(estimates) <- NULL

  posterior <- data.table::melt(theta)
  for (i in index_cols) posterior[, i] <- rep(x[, i][[1]], each = length(unique(posterior$iterations)))
  posterior$parameters <- NULL

  # Posterior p-values

  posterior_p_values <- summary(fit, c("p_min", "p_max", "p_mean", "p_sd"), probs = c())$summary

  # Posterior distributions for graphical evaluation

  df_post1 <- data.frame(replication = rep("data", length(y)), rate = y / K)

  stanfit <- rstan::extract(fit)

  df_post2 <- vector("list", 25)

  for (n in 1:25) {
    df_post2[[n]] <- data.frame(list(replication = rep(paste("repl_", n), N),
                                     rate = stanfit$y_rep[n,] / K))
  df_post2 <- do.call("rbind", df_post2)

  posterior_draws <- rbind(df_post1, df_post2)

  # Return everything

  if (trend) {

    trend_pred <- params[, grep("trend_pred*", colnames(params))]
    trend <- params[, grep("trend$", colnames(params))]

    year_pred <- min(x[[year_col]]):(min(x[[year_col]]) + length_pred - 1)

    trend_estimates <-t(apply(trend_pred, 2, function(z) {c(mean(z), sd(z), quantile(z, prob))}))
    trend_estimates <- as.data.frame(trend_estimates)
    colnames(trend_estimates) <- c("mean", "sd", paste0("Q", prob))
    trend_estimates$year <- year_pred
    rownames(trend_estimates) <- NULL

    trend_posterior <- data.table::melt(trend_pred)
    trend_posterior$year <- rep(year_pred, each = length(unique(trend_posterior$iterations)))
    trend_posterior$parameters <- NULL

    return(list(estimate = estimates,
                posterior = posterior,
                model = fit,
                posterior_p_values = posterior_p_values,
                posterior_draws = posterior_draws,
                trend_estimate = trend_estimates,
                trend_posterior = trend_posterior,
                trend = trend))

  } else {

    return(list(estimate = estimates,
                posterior = posterior,
                model = fit,
                posterior_p_values = posterior_p_values,
                posterior_draws = posterior_draws))


corneliussenf/disturbanceBayes documentation built on May 9, 2019, 2:26 p.m.