
Defines functions dynamic_triad_closure dynamic_triad_closure_projection

Documented in dynamic_triad_closure dynamic_triad_closure_projection

#' Triadic closure for dynamic affiliation networks
#' Given an affiliation network with time-stamped events, compute the proportion
#' of centered triples at which an open wedge exists at some time that is closed
#' at a later time.
#' @name dynamic_triad_closure
#' @family triad closure functions
#' @param graph An affiliation network with time-stamped events.
#' @param actors A vector of actor nodes in \code{graph}.
#' @param type The type of statistic, matched to \code{"global"}, 
#'   \code{"local"}, or \code{"raw"}.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to specific functions.
#' @param measure Character; the measure of triad closure, used as the suffix 
#'   \code{*} to \code{triad_closure_*}. Matched to \code{"classical"} (also 
#'   \code{"watts_strogatz"}), \code{"twomode"} (also \code{"opsahl"}), 
#'   \code{"unconnected"} (also \code{"liebig_rao_0"}), 
#'   \code{"completely_connected"} (also \code{"liebig_rao_3"}), 
#'   \code{"exclusive"}, or \code{"projection"}.
#' @param memory Numeric; minimum delay of wedge formation since would-have-been
#'   closing events.
#' @examples
#' data(women_group)
#' dynamic_triad_closure(women_group)
#' cbind(
#'   transitivity(actor_projection(women_group), type = "local"),
#'   triad_closure_opsahl(women_group, type = "local"),
#'   triad_closure_exclusive(women_group, type = "local"),
#'   dynamic_triad_closure_projection(women_group, type = "local"),
#'   dynamic_triad_closure(women_group, type = "local")
#' )
#' @export
dynamic_triad_closure <- function(
  graph, actors = V(graph)[V(graph)$type == FALSE],
  type = "global",
  measure = NULL
) {
  if (!is_dynamic_an(graph)) {
    stop("Not a dynamic affiliation network.")
  type <- match.arg(type, c("global", "local", "raw"))
  if (type == "global" &&
      !setequal(V(graph)[V(graph)$type == FALSE], V(graph)[actors])) {
    warning("Calculating a global statistic on a subset of actors.")
  if (!is.null(measure)) {
    if (measure == "projection") {
      return(dynamic_triad_closure_projection(graph, ..., type = type))
  wedges_fun <- if (!is.null(measure)) {
    get(paste0("dynamic_wedges_", measure))
  } else {
  wedgelist <- sapply(actors, function(actor) {
    wc <- wedges_fun(graph, actor, ...)$closed
    c(length(wc), sum(wc))
  wedgeReturn(wedgelist = t(wedgelist), type = type)

#' @rdname dynamic_triad_closure
#' @export
dynamic_triad_closure_an <- dynamic_triad_closure

#' @rdname dynamic_triad_closure
#' @export
dynamic_transitivity_an <- dynamic_triad_closure

#' @rdname dynamic_triad_closure
#' @export
dyn.transitivity.an <- dynamic_triad_closure

#' @rdname dynamic_triad_closure
#' @export
dynamic_triad_closure_projection <- function(
  memory = Inf,
  type = "global"
) {
  if (vcount(graph) == 0) {
    # Empty resulting data frame
    wedges_dat <- data.frame(
      wedges = c(),
      closed = c()
    # Tailor the output to global, local, or raw
      if (type == "global") {
        sum(wedges_dat$closed, na.rm = TRUE) /
          sum(wedges_dat$wedges, na.rm = TRUE)
      } else if (type == "local") {
        wedges_dat$closed / wedges_dat$wedges
      } else wedges_dat
  if (!("name" %in% vertex_attr_names(graph))) {
    stop('Actors need names')
  # Make sure events increase with time, and put actors before events
  perm <- order(c(
  graph <- permute(graph, perm)
  # Actor names
  actors <- V(graph)$name[which(!V(graph)$type)]
  # All values of time, in order
  span <- sort(unique(V(graph)$time))
  # An empty array of wedges with closure counts (to be incremented)
  wedges <- matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 4)
  for (s in span[-1]) {
    # Remove events after time t or before time t - memory
    # from graph to get graph1
    graph1 <- delete_vertices(graph, which(
      V(graph)$type & (V(graph)$time > s | V(graph)$time < s - memory)
    # Remove events at time t from graph1 to get graph0
    graph0 <- delete_vertices(graph1, which(
      V(graph1)$type & (V(graph1)$time == s)
    # Remove any actors who did not attend any events in graph0
    # from both graph0 and graph1
    missing_actors <- which(
      !V(graph0)$type & (degree(graph0) == 0)
    graph0 <- delete_vertices(graph0, missing_actors)
    # graph0 is the cumulative graph from s - memory to s, exclusive
    graph1 <- delete_vertices(graph1, missing_actors)
    # graph1 includes any new events at time s (but no new actors)
    # Check that the actors of graph0 and graph1 agree
    stopifnot(all(V(graph0)$name[!V(graph0)$type] ==
    # Projections
    proj0 <- actor_projection(graph0)
    proj1 <- actor_projection(graph1)
    stopifnot(all(V(proj0)$name == V(proj1)$name))
    # Local transitivities of proj0
    tr0 <- transitivity(proj0, type = "local")
    # Exclude actors with undefined or complete transitivity
    wh.tr0 <- which((!is.na(tr0)) & (tr0 != 1))
    if (length(wh.tr0) == 0) next
    # Survey the wedges at these actors
    wedges01 <- do.call(rbind, lapply(wh.tr0, function(v) {
      # Actor's neighbors
      nbhd <- sort(
        setdiff(neighborhood(proj0, order = 1, nodes = v)[[1]], v)
      # Pairs of neighbors
      pairs <- t(matrix(utils::combn(nbhd, 2), nrow = 2))
      # Those that are not connected form wedges...
      pairs <- matrix(pairs[-which(apply(pairs, 1, function(x) {
        are.connected(proj0, v1 = x[1], v2 = x[2])
      })), ], ncol = 2)
      if (nrow(pairs) == 0) return(matrix(NA, ncol = 4, nrow = 0))
      # ...with v at the corner...
      pairs <- cbind(pairs[, 1], unname(v), pairs[, 2])
      # ...that are closed if the end nodes are tied in proj1
      pairs <- cbind(pairs, apply(pairs, 1, function(x) {
        are.connected(proj1, v1 = x[1], v2 = x[3])
    if (nrow(wedges01) == 0) next
    # Convert IDs in wedges01 from those of proj0 to those of graph0
    wedges01[, 1:3] <-
      as.numeric(V(graph)[V(proj0)$name[wedges01[, 1:3]]])
    # Aggregate these with the existing survey
    wedges <- rbind(wedges, wedges01)
    wedges <- as.matrix(unname(stats::aggregate(
      wedges[, 4],
      by = list(wedges[, 1], wedges[, 2], wedges[, 3]),
      FUN = max  # use `sum` to count closures
  # Count the number of wedges and the number that close for each actor
  wedges_dat <- if (nrow(wedges) == 0) {
      wedges = rep(0, length(actors)),
      closed = rep(0, length(actors))
  } else {
      wedges = tabulate(wedges[, 2], nbins = length(actors)),
      closed = sapply(1:length(actors), function(v) {
        sum(wedges[which(wedges[, 2] == v), 4])
  rownames(wedges_dat) <- actors
  # Tailor the output to global, local, or raw
  if (type == "global") {
    sum(wedges_dat$closed, na.rm = TRUE) /
      sum(wedges_dat$wedges, na.rm = TRUE)
  } else if (type == "local") {
    wedges_dat$closed / wedges_dat$wedges
  } else wedges_dat
corybrunson/bitriad documentation built on May 13, 2019, 10:51 p.m.