
Defines functions triad_closure triad_closure_an triad_closure_via_triads triad_closure_from_centered_triads triad_closure_via_wedges triad_closure_watts_strogatz triad_closure_opsahl triad_closure_liebig_rao_0 triad_closure_liebig_rao_3 triad_closure_exclusive triad_closure_projection

Documented in triad_closure triad_closure_an triad_closure_exclusive triad_closure_from_centered_triads triad_closure_liebig_rao_0 triad_closure_liebig_rao_3 triad_closure_opsahl triad_closure_projection triad_closure_via_triads triad_closure_via_wedges triad_closure_watts_strogatz

#' @title Triad closure for affiliation networks
#' @description Given an affiliation network and a vector of actor node IDs, 
#'   calculate a specified measure of triad closure centered at the nodes.
#' @details The \code{triad_closure_*} functions implement the several measures 
#'   of triad closure described below. Each function returns a single global 
#'   statistic, a vector of local statistics, or a matrix of local denominators 
#'   and numerators from which the global and local statistics can be recovered.
#'   The function \code{triad_closure_projection} recapitulates 
#'   \code{\link{triad_closure_watts_strogatz}} by invoking the 
#'   \code{\link[igraph]{bipartite_projection}} and 
#'   \code{\link[igraph]{transitivity}} functions in \strong{igraph}.
#' @template triadclosure

#' @name triad_closure
#' @family triad closure functions
#' @seealso Original \strong{igraph} functions:
#'   \code{\link[igraph]{transitivity}}
#' @param graph An affiliation network.
#' @param actors A vector of actor nodes in \code{graph}.
#' @param triad_list A list of triad isomorphism classes in matrix format, as
#'   produced by \code{\link{centered_triads}}.
#' @param type The type of statistic, matched to \code{"global"}, 
#'   \code{"local"}, or \code{"raw"}.
#' @param ... Measure specifications passed to \code{\link{wedges}}.
#' @param measure Character; the measure of triad closure, used as the suffix 
#'   \code{*} to \code{triad_closure_*} Matched to \code{"classical"} (also 
#'   \code{"watts_strogatz"}), \code{"twomode"} (also \code{"opsahl"}), 
#'   \code{"unconnected"} (also \code{"liebig_rao_0"}), 
#'   \code{"completely_connected"} (also \code{"liebig_rao_3"}), or 
#'   \code{"exclusive"}.
#' @param method Character; for a given \code{measure}, whether to use the 
#'   measure-specific wedge census (\code{"wedges"}) or the measure-specific 
#'   calculation on the centered triad census (\code{"triads"}).
#' @param triads.fun A custom triad closure calculation. It must accept a vector
#'   of \emph{centered} triad isomorphism classes, encoded as vectors \code{w}, 
#'   \code{x}, \code{y}, and \code{z}, and return a 2-row integer matrix 
#'   recording the number of wedges of the desired measure centered at the 
#'   second actor, and involving the other two actors, of each triad.
#' @param wedges.fun A custom wedge census function. It must accept an 
#'   affiliation network \code{graph} and a single actor node ID \code{actor} 
#'   and may have any additional parameters. It must return a named list with 
#'   values \code{wedges} a numeric matrix of node IDs whose columns record the 
#'   wedges centered at \code{actor} and \code{closed} a logical vector 
#'   recording whether each wedge is closed. Overrides \code{measure}.
#' @return If \code{type} is \code{"global"}, the global statistic for 
#'   \code{graph}; if \code{"local"}, the local statistics for \code{actors}; if
#'   \code{"raw"}, a 2-column matrix, each row of which gives the number of 
#'   wedges and of closed wedges centered at \code{actors}.
#' @examples
#' data(women_clique)
#' mapply(
#'   triad_closure,
#'   measure = c("classical", "twomode", "unconnected", "exclusive"),
#'   MoreArgs = list(graph = women_clique, type = "local")
#' )
#' data(women_group)
#' cbind(
#'   triad_closure_watts_strogatz(women_group, type = "local"),
#'   triad_closure_opsahl(women_group, type = "local"),
#'   triad_closure_liebig_rao_0(women_group, type = "local"),
#'   triad_closure_exclusive(women_group, type = "local")
#' )

#' @rdname triad_closure
#' @export
triad_closure <- function(graph, ...) {
  if (is_an(graph)) {
    return(triad_closure_an(graph, ...))
  } else {
    return(transitivity(graph, ...))

#' @rdname triad_closure
#' @export
triad_closure_an <- function(
  method = "wedges",
) {
  method <- match.arg(method, c("triads", "wedges"))
  triad_closure_fun <- get(paste0("triad_closure_via_", method))
  triad_closure_fun(graph, ...)

#' @rdname triad_closure
#' @export
triad_closure_via_triads <- function(
  graph, actors = V(graph)[V(graph)$type == FALSE],
  type = "global",
) {
  if (!is_an(graph)) {
    stop("Not an affiliation network.")
  type <- match.arg(type, c("global", "local", "raw"))
  if (type == "global" &&
      !setequal(V(graph)[V(graph)$type == FALSE], V(graph)[actors])) {
    warning("Calculating a global statistic on a subset of actors.")
  triad_list <- lapply(actors, centered_triads, graph = graph)
  triad_closure_from_centered_triads(triad_list, type = type, ...)

#' @rdname triad_closure
#' @export
triad_closure_from_centered_triads <- function(
  type = "global",
  measure = NULL,
  triads.fun = NULL
) {
  if (length(triad_list) == 0) {
    triad_matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = 5, ncol = 0)
    rownames(triad_matrix) <- c("q", "w", "x", "y", "z")
  } else {
    triad_matrix <- do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_along(triad_list), function(i) {
      ct <- triad_list[[i]]
      if (ncol(ct) == 0) ct <- cbind(ct, 0)
      rbind(q = i, ct)
  triads_fun <- if (!is.null(triads.fun)) {
  } else if (!is.null(measure)) {
    measure <- match.arg(measure, c(
      "homact", "classical", "watts_strogatz",
      "injequ", "twomode", "opsahl",
      "indequ", "unconnected", "liebig_rao_0",
      "sparsely_connected", "liebig_rao_1",
      "highly_connected", "liebig_rao_2",
      "completely_connected", "liebig_rao_3",
      "indstr", "exclusive",
      "homequ", "homstr", "injstr", "injact"
    get(paste0("triad_wedges_", measure))
  } else {
  wedge_tally <- triads_fun(w = triad_matrix["w", ],
                            x = triad_matrix["x", ],
                            y = triad_matrix["y", ],
                            z = triad_matrix["z", ],
  if (nrow(wedge_tally) == 0) {
    wedgelist <- wedge_tally
  } else {
    wedgelist <- stats::aggregate(
      by = list(q = triad_matrix["q", ]),
      FUN = sum
    )[, -1]
    rownames(wedgelist) <- names(triad_list)
  wedgeReturn(wedgelist = wedgelist, type = type)

#' @rdname triad_closure
#' @export
triad_closure_via_wedges <- function(
  graph, actors = V(graph)[V(graph)$type == FALSE],
  type = "global",
  measure = NULL,
  wedges.fun = NULL
) {
  if (!is_an(graph)) {
    stop("Not an affiliation network.")
  type <- match.arg(type, c("global", "local", "raw"))
  if (type == "global" &&
      !setequal(V(graph)[V(graph)$type == FALSE], V(graph)[actors])) {
    warning("Calculating a global statistic on a subset of actors.")
  wedges_fun <- if (!is.null(wedges.fun)) {
  } else if (!is.null(measure)) {
    measure <- match.arg(measure, c(
      "classical", "watts_strogatz",
      "twomode", "opsahl",
      "unconnected", "liebig_rao_0",
      "completely_connected", "liebig_rao_3",
    get(paste0("wedges_", measure))
  } else {
  if (length(actors) == 0) {
    wedgelist <- matrix(NA, nrow = 2, ncol = 0)
  } else {
    wedgelist <- sapply(actors, function(actor) {
      wc <- wedges_fun(graph, actor, ...)$closed
      c(length(wc), sum(wc))
  rownames(wedgelist) <- c("wedges", "closed")
  wedgeReturn(wedgelist = t(wedgelist), type = type)

#' @rdname triad_closure
#' @export
triad_closure_watts_strogatz <- function(
  graph, actors = V(graph)[V(graph)$type == FALSE], type = "global"
) triad_closure(
  graph = graph, actors = actors, type = type,
  alcove = 0, wedge = 0, maps = 0, congruence = 2

#' @rdname triad_closure
#' @export
triad_closure_classical <- triad_closure_watts_strogatz

#' @rdname triad_closure
#' @export
triad_closure_opsahl <- function(
  graph, actors = V(graph)[V(graph)$type == FALSE], type = "global"
) triad_closure(
  graph = graph, actors = actors, type = type,
  alcove = 0, wedge = 0, maps = 1, congruence = 0

#' @rdname triad_closure
#' @export
triad_closure_twomode <- triad_closure_opsahl

#' @rdname triad_closure
#' @export
triad_closure_liebig_rao_0 <- function(
  graph, actors = V(graph)[V(graph)$type == FALSE], type = "global"
) triad_closure(
  graph = graph, actors = actors, type = type,
  alcove = 0, wedge = 0, maps = 2, congruence = 0

#' @rdname triad_closure
#' @export
triad_closure_unconnected <- triad_closure_liebig_rao_0

#' @rdname triad_closure
#' @export
triad_closure_liebig_rao_3 <- function(
  graph, actors = V(graph)[V(graph)$type == FALSE], type = "global"
) triad_closure(
  graph = graph, actors = actors, type = type,
  alcove = 3, wedge = 2, maps = 2, congruence = 0

#' @rdname triad_closure
#' @export
triad_closure_completely_connected <- triad_closure_liebig_rao_3

#' @rdname triad_closure
#' @export
triad_closure_exclusive <- function(
  graph, actors = V(graph)[V(graph)$type == FALSE], type = "global"
) triad_closure(
  graph = graph, actors = actors, type = type,
  alcove = 0, wedge = 0, maps = 2, congruence = 1

#' @rdname triad_closure
#' @export
triad_closure_projection <- function(
  graph, actors = V(graph)[V(graph)$type == FALSE],
  type = "global"
) {
  type <- match.arg(type, c("global", "local", "raw"))
  if (vcount(graph) == 0) {
    if (type == "global") {
    } else if (type == "local") {
    } else {
      return(matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 2))
  stopifnot(all(V(graph)$type[actors] == FALSE))
  proj <- actor_projection(graph)
  proj_actors <- which(which(!V(graph)$type) %in% actors)
  stopifnot(length(proj_actors) == length(actors))
  if (type == "global") {
    return(transitivity(proj, type = "global"))
  } else if (type == "local") {
    return(transitivity(proj, type = "local", vids = proj_actors))
  } else {
    C <- transitivity(proj, type = "local", vids = proj_actors)
    C[is.na(C)] <- 0
    W <- choose(degree(proj)[proj_actors], 2)
    return(unname(cbind(W, as.integer(W * C))))
corybrunson/bitriad documentation built on May 13, 2019, 10:51 p.m.