
Defines functions tca.fit

# Fits the TCA model
#' @importFrom parallel clusterExport
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @importFrom stats anova
tca.fit <- function(X, W, C1, C1.map, C2, refit_W, tau, vars.mle, constrain_mu, parallel, num_cores, max_iters){

  flog.debug("Starting function 'tca.fit'...")

  config <- config::get(file = system.file("extdata", "config.yml", package = "TCA"), use_parent = FALSE)

  n <- nrow(X)
  m <- ncol(X)
  k <- ncol(W)
  p1 <- ncol(C1)
  p2 <- ncol(C2)

  # init estimates
  init <- init_means_vars(colnames(C1), colnames(C2), colnames(X), colnames(W), tau)
  mus_hat <- init[["mus_hat"]]
  sigmas_hat <- init[["sigmas_hat"]]
  deltas_hat <- init[["deltas_hat"]]
  gammas_hat <- init[["gammas_hat"]]
  tau_hat <- init[["tau_hat"]]
  deltas_hat_pvals <- if(constrain_mu) NULL else init[["deltas_hat_pvals"]]
  gammas_hat_pvals <- if(constrain_mu) NULL else init[["gammas_hat_pvals"]]
  gammas_hat_pvals.joint <- if(constrain_mu) NULL else init[["gammas_hat_pvals.joint"]]

  const <- -n*log(2*pi)
  ll_prev <- -Inf
  for (iter in 1:max_iters){
    if (refit_W) flog.info("Iteration %s out of %s external iterations (fitting all parameters including W)...", iter, max_iters)

    flog.info("Fitting means and variances...")
    res <- tca.fit_means_vars(X, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, tau_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, C1.map, tau, vars.mle, constrain_mu, max_iters, parallel, num_cores)
    mus_hat <- res[["mus_hat"]]
    sigmas_hat <- res[["sigmas_hat"]]
    deltas_hat <- res[["deltas_hat"]]
    gammas_hat <- res[["gammas_hat"]]
    tau_hat <- res[["tau_hat"]]

    if (!refit_W) break
    flog.info("Fitting W...")
    W <- tca.fit_W(X, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, tau_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, max_iters, parallel, num_cores)

    C1_ <- calc_C1_W_interactions(W,C1)
    flog.debug("Test for convergence.")
    U <- (tcrossprod(W,mus_hat) + tcrossprod(C2,deltas_hat) + tcrossprod(C1_,gammas_hat) - X)**2
    W_squared <- W**2
    ll_new <- -minus_log_likelihood_tau(U,W_squared,sigmas_hat,const,tau_hat)[[1]]
    flog.debug("~~Main loop ll=%s",ll_new)
    # Test for convergence
    ll_diff = ll_new-ll_prev
    flog.debug("ll_new=%s, ll_prev=%s, ll_diff=%s, threshold=%s",ll_new,ll_prev,ll_diff,config[["epsilon"]]*abs(ll_new))
    if (ll_diff < config[["epsilon"]]*abs(ll_new)){
      flog.info("External loop converged.")
    ll_prev <- ll_new


    flog.info("Calculate p-values for deltas and gammas.")
    C1_ <- calc_C1_W_interactions(W,C1)
    W_norms <- (tcrossprod(W**2,sigmas_hat**2)+tau_hat**2 )**0.5
    X_tilde <- X/W_norms
    cl <- NULL
    if (parallel){
      cl <- init_cluster(num_cores)
      clusterExport(cl, varlist = c("C1_","W_norms","X_tilde","W","k","p2","C2","p1","p1","lm"), envir=environment())
    res <- pblapply(1:m,function(j) {
      df = data.frame(y = X_tilde[,j], cbind(W/t(repmat(W_norms[,j],k,1)),if (p2>0) C2/t(repmat(W_norms[,j],p2,1)) else C2,if (p1>0) C1_/t(repmat(W_norms[,j],k*p1,1)) else C1_));
      mdl1.fit <- lm(y~., data = df)
      mdl1.coef <- summary(mdl1.fit)$coefficients
      mdl1.cov.names <- colnames(df)[colnames(df) != 'y']
      deltas_gammas_hat_pvals <- sapply(mdl1.cov.names, function(x){
        if (x %in% rownames(mdl1.coef)){
        else {
      #deltas_gammas_hat_pvals <- summary(mdl1.fit)$coefficients[2:(1+k+p1*k+p2),4];
      gammas_hat_pvals.joint <- numeric(p1)+1
      if (p1){
        C1_alt <- C1_/t(repmat(W_norms[,j],k*p1,1))
        for (d in 1:p1){
          C1_null <- C1_alt[,setdiff(1:(p1*k),seq(d,k*p1,p1))]
          df = data.frame(y = X_tilde[,j], cbind(W/t(repmat(W_norms[,j],k,1)),if (p2>0) C2/t(repmat(W_norms[,j],p2,1)) else C2,C1_null));
          mdl0.fit <- lm(y~., data = df)
          anova.fit <- anova(mdl0.fit,mdl1.fit);
          gammas_hat_pvals.joint[d] <- anova.fit$`Pr(>F)`[2];
    }, cl = cl )
    if (parallel) stop_cluster(cl)
    for (j in 1:m){
      deltas_hat_pvals[j,] <- res[[j]][(k+1):(k+p2)]
      gammas_hat_pvals[j,] <- res[[j]][(k+p2+1):(k+p2+p1*k)]
      gammas_hat_pvals.joint[j,] <- res[[j]][(k+p2+p1*k+1):(k+p2+p1*k+p1)]
    # res <- pblapply(1:m,function(j) {
    #   df = data.frame(y = X_tilde[,j], cbind(W/t(repmat(W_norms[,j],k,1)),if (p2>0) C2/t(repmat(W_norms[,j],p2,1)) else C2,if (p1>0) C1_/t(repmat(W_norms[,j],k*p1,1)) else C1_));
    #   return(summary(lm(y~., data = df))$coefficients[2:(1+k+p1*k+p2),4]);
    #   }, cl = cl )
    # if (parallel) stop_cluster(cl)
    # for (j in 1:m){
    #   deltas_hat_pvals[j,] <- res[[j]][(k+1):(k+p2)]
    #   gammas_hat_pvals[j,] <- res[[j]][(k+p2+1):(k+p2+p1*k)]
    # }
  return (list("W" = W, "mus_hat" = mus_hat, "sigmas_hat" = sigmas_hat, "tau_hat" = tau_hat, "deltas_hat" = deltas_hat, "gammas_hat" = gammas_hat, "deltas_hat_pvals" = deltas_hat_pvals, "gammas_hat_pvals"= gammas_hat_pvals, "gammas_hat_pvals.joint" = gammas_hat_pvals.joint))

init_means_vars <- function(C1_names, C2_names, feature_ids, source_ids, tau){
  config <- config::get(file = system.file("extdata", "config.yml", package = "TCA"), use_parent = FALSE)
  k <- length(source_ids)
  m <- length(feature_ids)
  p1 <- length(C1_names)
  p2 <- length(C2_names)
  C1_names_ <- matrix("0",k*p1,1)
  if (p1){
    for (j in 1:k){
      C1_names_[((j-1)*p1+1):(p1*j)] <- unlist(lapply(C1_names,function(i) paste(source_ids[j],".",i,sep="")))
  # init
  mus_hat <- matrix(0, nrow=m, ncol=k)
  sigmas_hat <- matrix(0, nrow=m, ncol=k)
  deltas_hat <- matrix(0, nrow=m, ncol=p2)
  gammas_hat <- matrix(0, nrow=m, ncol=p1*k)
  deltas_hat_pvals <- matrix(1, nrow=m, ncol=p2)
  gammas_hat_pvals <- matrix(1, nrow=m, ncol=p1*k)
  gammas_hat_pvals.joint <- matrix(1, nrow=m, ncol=p1)
  if (is.null(tau)){
    tau_hat <- config[["tau_hat_init"]]
    tau_hat <- tau
  # set row and column names
  rownames(mus_hat) <- feature_ids
  colnames(mus_hat) <- source_ids
  rownames(sigmas_hat) <- feature_ids
  colnames(sigmas_hat) <- source_ids
  rownames(deltas_hat) <- feature_ids
  colnames(deltas_hat) <- C2_names
  rownames(gammas_hat) <- feature_ids
  colnames(gammas_hat) <- C1_names_
  rownames(deltas_hat_pvals) <- feature_ids
  colnames(deltas_hat_pvals) <- C2_names
  rownames(gammas_hat_pvals) <- feature_ids
  colnames(gammas_hat_pvals) <- C1_names_
  rownames(gammas_hat_pvals.joint) <- feature_ids
  colnames(gammas_hat_pvals.joint) <- C1_names

  return( list("mus_hat" = mus_hat, "sigmas_hat" = sigmas_hat, "gammas_hat" = gammas_hat, "deltas_hat"= deltas_hat, "deltas_hat_pvals" = deltas_hat_pvals, "gammas_hat_pvals" = gammas_hat_pvals, "gammas_hat_pvals.joint" = gammas_hat_pvals.joint, "tau_hat" = tau_hat) )

#' @importFrom pracma repmat
#' @importFrom pracma lsqlincon
#' @importFrom nloptr nloptr
#' @importFrom matrixStats colVars
tca.fit_means_vars <- function(X, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, tau_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, C1.map, tau, vars.mle, constrain_mu, max_iters, parallel, num_cores){

  flog.debug("Starting function 'tca.fit_means_vars'...")

  config <- config::get(file = system.file("extdata", "config.yml", package = "TCA"), use_parent = FALSE)
  nloptr_opts = list("algorithm"=config[["nloptr_opts_algorithm"]], "xtol_rel"=config[["nloptr_opts_xtol_rel"]], "print_level" = config[["nloptr_opts_print_level"]], "check_derivatives" = config[["nloptr_opts_check_derivatives"]])

  n <- nrow(X)
  m <- ncol(X)
  k <- ncol(W)
  p1 <- ncol(C1)
  p2 <- ncol(C2)

  C1_ <- calc_C1_W_interactions(W,C1)

  cl <- if (parallel) init_cluster(num_cores) else NULL

  const <- -n*log(2*pi)
  W_squared <- W**2
  W_squared_ <- cbind(W_squared,numeric(n) + 1)

  ll_prev <- -Inf
  # Perform an alternative optimization of the means (mus, deltas, gammas) and variances (sigmas and tau)
  for (iter in 1:max_iters){

    flog.info("Iteration %s out of %s internal iterations...", iter, max_iters)

    # (1) Estimate the means (mus, deltas, gammas)

    ub <- numeric(k+p2+p1*k)+config[["lsqlincon_inf"]]
    lb <- numeric(k+p2+p1*k)-config[["lsqlincon_inf"]]
    if (constrain_mu){
      ub[1:k] <- max(X)
      ub[1:k] <- ub[1:k] - config[["mu_epsilon"]]
      lb[1:k] <- min(X)
      lb[1:k] <- lb[1:k] + config[["mu_epsilon"]]

    if (p1){
      # All zeros will get ub and lb set to 0 (i.e. effect sizes will not be estimated); use a small value (config[["nloptr_opts_xtol_rel"]]) for stability; otherwise nloptr may return an error in some cases.
      ub[seq(k+p2+1,k+p2+p1*k)] <- Reshape(C1.map,p1*k,1)*config[["lsqlincon_inf"]] + config[["nloptr_opts_xtol_rel"]]
      lb[seq(k+p2+1,k+p2+p1*k)] <- Reshape(C1.map,p1*k,1)*(-config[["lsqlincon_inf"]]) - config[["nloptr_opts_xtol_rel"]]

    flog.debug("Calculate W_norms and related quantities")
    if (sum(colSums(mus_hat)) == 0){
      # Use the following for getting initial estimates of mus, deltas, gammas; under the assumptions that tau=0 and sigmas_{1j},...,sigmas_{kj} for each j.
      W_norms <- rowSums(W**2)**0.5
      # Since W_norms is the same for all features in this case can already calculate the following quantities
      W_tilde <- W/t(repmat(W_norms,k,1))
      C1_tilde <- if (p1>0) C1_/t(repmat(W_norms,k*p1,1)) else C1_
      C2_tilde <- if (p2>0) C2/t(repmat(W_norms,p2,1)) else C2
      flog.debug("Calculate W_norms")
      W_norms <- (tcrossprod(W**2,sigmas_hat**2)+tau_hat**2 )**0.5
    X_tilde <- X/W_norms

    flog.debug("Estimate mus, deltas, gammas.")

    if (sum(colSums(mus_hat)) == 0){
      if (parallel) clusterExport(cl, varlist = c("W_tilde","C2_tilde","C1_tilde","X_tilde","lb","ub","k","p1","p2","lsqlincon"), envir=environment())
      res <- pblapply(1:m,function(j) lsqlincon(cbind(W_tilde,C2_tilde,C1_tilde), X_tilde[,j], lb = lb,  ub = ub), cl = cl )
      if (parallel) clusterExport(cl, c("W_norms","W","C2","C1_","X_tilde","lb","ub","k","p1","p2","lsqlincon"), envir=environment())
      res <- pblapply(1:m,function(j) lsqlincon(cbind(W/t(repmat(W_norms[,j],k,1)),
                                                        if (p2>0) C2/t(repmat(W_norms[,j],p2,1)) else C2,
                                                        if (p1>0) C1_/t(repmat(W_norms[,j],k*p1,1)) else C1_),
                                                  X_tilde[,j], lb = lb,  ub = ub), cl = cl )

    # Update estimtes
    for (j in 1:m){
      mus_hat[j,] = res[[j]][1:k]
      deltas_hat[j,seq(1,p2,length=p2)] = res[[j]][seq(k+1,k+p2,length=p2)]
      gammas_hat[j,seq(1,k*p1,length=k*p1)] = res[[j]][seq(k+p2+1,k+p2+p1*k,length=p1*k)]

    # (2) Estimate the variances (sigmas, tau)

    # Calculate some quantities that will be repeatedly used throughout the optimization in this step
    U <- (tcrossprod(W,mus_hat) + tcrossprod(C2,deltas_hat) + tcrossprod(C1_,gammas_hat) - X)**2

    if (vars.mle){

      if (sum(colSums(sigmas_hat)) == 0){
        # Set a starting point for the optimization
        flog.debug("Get initial estimates of sigmas")
        row_names <- rownames(sigmas_hat)
        col_names <- colnames(sigmas_hat)
        sigmas_hat <- t(repmat((colVars(X)/k)**0.5,k,1))
        rownames(sigmas_hat) <- row_names
        colnames(sigmas_hat) <- col_names

      # (2.2) Estimate sigmas
      flog.debug("Estimate sigmas.")
      lb <- numeric(k)+config[["min_sd"]]
      ub <- numeric(k)+Inf
      if (parallel) clusterExport(cl, c("lb","ub","n","k","U","const","W_squared","sigmas_hat","tau_hat","nloptr_opts","minus_log_likelihood_sigmas"), envir=environment())
      res <- pblapply(1:m,function(j) nloptr( x0=sigmas_hat[j,],
                                            eval_f = function(x,U_j,W_squared,const,tau_hat) minus_log_likelihood_sigmas(x,U_j,W_squared,const,tau_hat),
                                            lb = lb,
                                            ub = ub,
                                            opts = nloptr_opts,
                                            U_j = U[,j],
                                            W_squared = W_squared,
                                            const = const,
                                            tau_hat = tau_hat)$solution, cl = cl )

      for (j in 1:m){
        sigmas_hat[j,] = res[[j]]

      # (2.3) Estimate tau
      if (is.null(tau)){
        flog.debug("Estimate tau.")
        lb <- config[["min_sd"]]
        ub <- Inf
        tau_hat = nloptr(x0=tau_hat,
                         eval_f = function(x,U,W_squared,sigmas_hat,const) minus_log_likelihood_tau(U,W_squared,sigmas_hat,const,x),
                         lb = lb,
                         ub = ub,
                         opts = nloptr_opts,
                         U = U,
                         W_squared = W_squared,
                         sigmas_hat = sigmas_hat,
                         const = const)$solution

      # Learn the variances using gmm
      flog.debug("Estimate sigmas, tau")
      lb <- numeric(k+1)+config[["min_sd"]]
      # calculate weights matrix V
      if (sum(colSums(sigmas_hat)) == 0){
        V <- matrix(1,n,m)
        V <- abs(U - tcrossprod(W_squared_, cbind(sigmas_hat**2, matrix(tau_hat**2,m,1))))
        V[V < config[["V_weight_limit"]]] <- config[["V_weight_limit"]]
      if (parallel) clusterExport(cl, c("lb","U","W_squared_","lsqlincon","V","n"), envir=environment())
      res <- pblapply(1:m,function(j) {
        x <- W_squared_/t(repmat(V[,j],ncol(W_squared_),1));
        # For numeric stability, normalize the design matrix and adjust the final estimats accordingly
        norms <- (colSums(x**2))**0.5;
        x <- x/repmat(norms,n,1);
        lsqlincon(x, U[,j]/V[,j], lb = lb*norms)/norms
        }, cl = cl)
      tau_squared_hat <- 0
      for (j in 1:m){
        sigmas_hat[j,] <- sqrt(res[[j]][1:k])
        tau_squared_hat <- tau_squared_hat + res[[j]][k+1]
      tau_hat <- sqrt(tau_squared_hat/m)

    flog.debug("Test for convergence.")
    ll_new <- -minus_log_likelihood_tau(U,W_squared,sigmas_hat,const,tau_hat)[[1]]
    # Test for convergence
    ll_diff = ll_new-ll_prev
    flog.debug("ll_new=%s, ll_prev=%s, ll_diff=%s, diff_threshold=%s",ll_new,ll_prev,ll_diff,config[["epsilon"]]*abs(ll_new))
    if (ll_diff < config[["epsilon"]]*abs(ll_new)){
      flog.info("Internal loop converged.")
    ll_prev <- ll_new


  if (parallel) stop_cluster(cl)

  return(list("mus_hat"=mus_hat, "sigmas_hat"=sigmas_hat, "tau_hat"=tau_hat, "deltas_hat"=deltas_hat, "gammas_hat"=gammas_hat, "tau_hat"=tau_hat))


tca.fit_W <- function(X, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, tau_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, max_iters, parallel, num_cores){

  flog.debug("Starting function 'tca.fit_W'...")

  config <- config::get(file = system.file("extdata", "config.yml", package = "TCA"), use_parent = FALSE)
  nloptr_opts = list("algorithm"=config[["nloptr_opts_fit_W_algorithm"]], "xtol_rel"=config[["nloptr_opts_xtol_rel"]], "print_level" = config[["nloptr_opts_print_level"]], "check_derivatives" = config[["nloptr_opts_check_derivatives"]])

  n <- nrow(X)
  m <- ncol(X)
  k <- ncol(W)
  p1 <- ncol(C1)
  lb <- numeric(k)
  ub <- numeric(k)+1
  ones <- numeric(k)+1
  sigmas_squared <- sigmas_hat**2
  W_hat <- matrix(0, n, k)
  colnames(W_hat) <- colnames(W)
  rownames(W_hat) <- rownames(W)
  const <- -m*log(2*pi)

  cl <- if (parallel) init_cluster(num_cores) else NULL
  if (parallel) clusterExport(cl, c("lb","ub","ones","nloptr_opts","X","W","C1","C2","n","k","p1","m","const","tau_hat","mus_hat","gammas_hat","deltas_hat","sigmas_squared","minus_log_likelihood_w","calc_C1_W_interactions"), envir=environment())
  res <- pblapply(1:n,function(i) nloptr( x0=W[i,],
                                              eval_f = function(x, x_i, c1_i, mus, tau, gammas, const, C_tilde, sigmas_squared, crossprod_deltas_c2_i) minus_log_likelihood_w(t(x), x_i, c1_i, mus, tau, gammas, const, C_tilde, sigmas_squared, crossprod_deltas_c2_i),
                                              eval_g_eq = function(x, x_i, c1_i, mus, tau, gammas, const, C_tilde, sigmas_squared, crossprod_deltas_c2_i) list("constraints" = crossprod(x,ones)-1, "jacobian" = ones),
                                              lb = lb,
                                              ub = ub,
                                              opts = nloptr_opts,
                                              x_i = t(X[i,]),
                                              c1_i = t(C1[i,]),
                                              mus = mus_hat,
                                              tau = tau_hat,
                                              gammas = gammas_hat,
                                              const = const,
                                              C_tilde = if (p1>0) apply(as.matrix(1:k),1,function(h) tcrossprod(gammas_hat[,(1+(h-1)*p1):(h*p1)],t(C1[i,]))) else matrix(0,m,k),
                                              sigmas_squared = sigmas_squared,
                                              crossprod_deltas_c2_i = tcrossprod(deltas_hat,t(C2[i,])) )$solution, cl = cl )
  if (parallel) stop_cluster(cl)
  for (i in 1:n){
    W_hat[i,] = res[[i]]

# Creates a p1*k matrix of the interaction terms betweem each covariate in C1 and each column in W
# Both W, C1 have to be of type matrix
#' @importFrom matrixcalc hadamard.prod
calc_C1_W_interactions <- function(W,C1){
  n <- nrow(W)
  k <- ncol(W)
  p1 <- ncol(C1)
  if (p1){
    return( hadamard.prod(Reshape(Reshape(apply(W, 2, function(v) repmat(v,1,p1)), n*p1*k,1), n,p1*k), repmat(C1, 1, k)) )

# Returns the (minus) log likelihood of the entire model in a list together with the derivative of tau
# Input:
#  U <- (tcrossprod(W,mus_hat) + tcrossprod(C2,deltas_hat) + tcrossprod(C1_,gammas_hat) - X)**2
#  const <- -n*log(2*pi)
#  W_squared <- W**2
#  tau
minus_log_likelihood_tau <- function(U,W_squared,sigmas,const,tau){
  m <- ncol(U)
  res <- matrix(0,m,2)
  tmp <- lapply(1:m, function(j)
    {V <- tcrossprod(W_squared,t(sigmas[j,]**2))+tau**2;
    V_squared <- V**2;
    return (c(-0.5*(const-sum(log(V))-sum(U[,j]/V)), -(tau*(sum(U[,j]/V_squared)-sum(1./V))))) } )
  for (j in 1:m){
    res[j,] = tmp[[j]]
  res <- colSums(res)
  return(list( "objective" = res[1], "gradient" = res[2] ))

# Returns the (minus) log likelihood of the model for a particular feature j in a list together with the gradient with respect to sigmas of feature j
# Input:
#  sigmas_hat (of a particular feature j)
#  U_j is the j-th columns of U, where U = (tcrossprod(W,mus_hat) + tcrossprod(C2,deltas_hat) + tcrossprod(C1_,gammas_hat) - X)**2
#  const <- -n*log(2*pi)
#  W_squared <- W**2
#  tau
minus_log_likelihood_sigmas <- function(sigmas,U_j,W_squared,const,tau){
  k <- length(sigmas)
  n <- nrow(W_squared)
  V <- tcrossprod(W_squared,t(sigmas**2))+tau**2
  V_squared <- V**2
  return(list("objective"= -0.5*(const-sum(log(V))-sum(U_j/V)),
              "gradient" = -(colSums(W_squared*repmat(sigmas,n,1)*t(repmat(U_j,k,1))/repmat(V_squared,1,k)) - colSums(W_squared*repmat(sigmas,n,1)/repmat(V,1,k)))))

# Returns the (minus) log likelihood of the model for a particular observation i in a list together with the gradient with respect to w_i
# Input:
# C_tilde - if p1=0 then C_tilde = matrix(0,m,k), otherwise it is calculated as follows:
# for (h in 1:k){
#    C_tilde[,h] = tcrossprod(gammas[,(1+(h-1)*p1):(h*p1)],c1_i)
# }
# sigmas_squared = sigmas**2
# crossprod_deltas_c2_i = tcrossprod(deltas,t(C2[i,]))
minus_log_likelihood_w <- function(w_i, x_i, c1_i, mus, tau, gammas, const, C_tilde, sigmas_squared, crossprod_deltas_c2_i){
  k <- length(w_i)
  m <- dim(mus)[1]
  c1_i_ <- calc_C1_W_interactions(w_i,c1_i)
  V <- tcrossprod(sigmas_squared,w_i**2)+tau**2
  V_rep <- repmat(V,1,k)
  U_i <- tcrossprod(mus,w_i) + crossprod_deltas_c2_i + tcrossprod(gammas,c1_i_) - t(x_i)
  U_i_squared <- U_i**2
  w_i_rep <- repmat(w_i,m,1)
  fval <- -0.5*(const-sum(log(V))-sum(U_i_squared/V))
  gval <- colSums(w_i_rep*sigmas_squared/V_rep) + colSums(( (mus+C_tilde)*repmat(U_i,1,k)*V_rep - w_i_rep*sigmas_squared*repmat(U_i_squared,1,k) ) / repmat(V**2,1,k))
  return(list("objective"= fval, "gradient" = gval))

# X is n by m
estimate_Z <- function(X, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, tau_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, scale, parallel, num_cores){
  flog.info("Estimate tensor...")
  # init
  n <- dim(X)[1]
  m <- dim(X)[2]
  k <- ncol(W)
  Z_hat <- list()
  for (h in 1:k){
    Z_hat[[h]] <- matrix(0,n,m)
    colnames(Z_hat[[h]]) <- colnames(X)
    rownames(Z_hat[[h]]) <- rownames(X)
  # Calculate quantities that can be calculated only once
  W_prime <- replicate(n, matrix(0,k,k), simplify=F)
  for (i in 1:n){
    W_prime[[i]] = tcrossprod(W[i,],W[i,])/(tau_hat**2)
  #if (m==1) deltas_hat <- t(as.matrix(deltas_hat))
  C2_prime <- (X - tcrossprod(C2,deltas_hat))/(tau_hat**2)
  cl <- if (parallel) init_cluster(num_cores) else NULL
  if (parallel) clusterExport(cl, c("W","mus_hat","sigmas_hat","tau_hat","C1","gammas_hat","W_prime","C2_prime","estimate_Z_j"), envir=environment())
  # Estimate Z
  res <- pblapply(1:m, function(j) estimate_Z_j(W, mus_hat[j,], sigmas_hat[j,], tau_hat, C1, gammas_hat[j,], W_prime, C2_prime[,j], scale), cl = cl )
  if (parallel) stop_cluster(cl)
  for (j in 1:m){
    for (h in 1:k){
      Z_hat[[h]][,j] = res[[j]][,h]
  # add rownames and colnames and transpose matrices
  for (h in 1:k){
    rownames(Z_hat[[h]]) <- rownames(X)
    colnames(Z_hat[[h]]) <- colnames(X)
    Z_hat[[h]] <- t(Z_hat[[h]])
  flog.info("Finished estimating tensor.")

# Estimate Z for one feature j
#' @importFrom matrixcalc matrix.inverse
#' @importFrom pracma sqrtm
estimate_Z_j <- function(W, mus_hat_j, sigmas_hat_j, tau_hat, C1, gammas_hat_j, W_prime, C2_prime_j, scale){
  n <- nrow(W)
  k <- ncol(W)
  p1 <- ncol(C1)
  Z_j_hat <- matrix(0,n,k)
  Sig_j_orig <- diag(sigmas_hat_j**2)
  Sig_j <- matrix.inverse(Sig_j_orig)
  C1_prime <- tcrossprod(C1, t(Reshape(gammas_hat_j,p1,k)))
  for (i in 1:n){
    #S_ij_inv <- W_prime[[i]]+Sig_j
    #S_ij <- matrix.inverse(S_ij_inv)
    ## the above two lines are the straightforward (slower) way to calculate S_ij; calculate 'matrix.inverse(W_prime[[i]]+Sig_j)' using the lemma from Miller 1981:
    BA_inv <- W_prime[[i]] %*% Sig_j_orig
    g <- sum(diag(BA_inv))
    S_ij <- Sig_j_orig - ((1/(1+g))*(Sig_j_orig %*% BA_inv))
    Z_j_hat[i,] = crossprod(S_ij, ( tcrossprod(Sig_j,t(mus_hat_j+C1_prime[i,])) + W[i,]*C2_prime_j[i] ) )
    if (scale) Z_j_hat[i,] <- Z_j_hat[i,] / diag(S_ij)**0.5

tcareg.fit <- function(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, test, null_model, alternative_model, fast_mode, parallel, num_cores){

  flog.debug("Starting function 'tcareg.fit'...")

  k <- ncol(W)

  if (fast_mode){
    if (test == "joint" | test == "single_effect" | test == "marginal_conditional") alternative_model <- 1:k
    if (test == "joint" | test == "single_effect") null_model <- c()
    if (test == "marginal"){
      results <- vector(mode="list", k)
      for (h in 1:k) results[[h]] <- tcareg.fit.fast(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, test, null_model, alternative_model = h, parallel, num_cores)
      results <- tcareg.fit.fast(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, test, null_model, alternative_model, parallel, num_cores)
    single_effect <- if(test == "single_effect") TRUE else FALSE
    if (test == "joint" | test == "single_effect") results <- tcareg.fit_joint(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, parallel, num_cores, single_effect)
    if (test == "marginal") results <- tcareg.fit_marginal(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, parallel, num_cores)
    if (test == "marginal_conditional") results <- tcareg.fit_marginal_conditional(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, parallel, num_cores)
    if (test == "custom") results <- tcareg.fit_custom(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, parallel, num_cores, null_model, alternative_model)

#' @importFrom stats anova
tcareg.fit.fast <- function(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, test, null_model, alternative_model, parallel, num_cores){

  flog.debug("Starting function 'tcareg.fit.fast'...")

  config <- config::get(file = system.file("extdata", "config.yml", package = "TCA"), use_parent = FALSE)

  m <- ncol(X)
  n <- nrow(X)
  k <- ncol(W)

  p3 <- ncol(C3)
  num_betas <- if (test == "custom" | test == "joint" | test == "marginal_conditional") length(alternative_model) else 1
  num_pvals <- if (test == "marginal_conditional") length(alternative_model) else 1
  Z_hat <- estimate_Z(X, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, tau_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, scale = FALSE, parallel, num_cores)
  lm0.joint.fit <- if (p3) lm(y~.,data = data.frame(C3)) else lm(y ~ 1)
  cl <- if (parallel) init_cluster(num_cores) else NULL
  if (parallel) clusterExport(cl, c("Z_hat","n","k","y","test","null_model","alternative_model","C3","p3","num_betas","lm0.joint.fit"), envir=environment())
  res <- pblapply(1:m, function(j){
    r <- list();
    D <- matrix(0,n,k);
    for (h in 1:k) D[,h] <- Z_hat[[h]][j,];
    if (test == "single_effect") D <- as.matrix(rowSums(D));
    if (test == "custom"){
      D <- D[,alternative_model,drop=F];
    if (test == "marginal"){
      D <- D[,alternative_model,drop=F];
    colnames(D) <- paste("X",1:ncol(D),sep="")
    D <- cbind(C3,D)
    lm.fit <- lm(y~.,data = data.frame(D));
    coefficients <- summary(lm.fit)$coefficients;
    r[["intercept"]] <- coefficients[1,1];
    if (p3) r[["alpha"]] <- coefficients[2:(1+p3),1];
    r[["phi"]] <- summary(lm.fit)$sigma;
    r[["alternative_ll"]] <- as.numeric(logLik(lm.fit));
    if (test == "custom"){
      lm0.fit <- if (is.null(null_model)) lm0.joint.fit else lm(y~.,data = data.frame(cbind(C3,D[,null_model])));
      anova.fit <- anova(lm0.fit,lm.fit);
      stats <- anova.fit$F[2];
      pvals <- anova.fit$`Pr(>F)`[2];
    if (test == "joint"){
      anova.fit <- anova(lm0.joint.fit, lm.fit);
      stats <- anova.fit$F[2];
      pvals <- anova.fit$`Pr(>F)`[2];
      #stats <- summary(lm.fit)$fstatistic[1];
      #pvals <- pf(summary(lm.fit)$fstatistic[1],summary(lm.fit)$fstatistic[2],summary(lm.fit)$fstatistic[3],lower.tail=FALSE);
    l <- nrow(coefficients);
    beta <- matrix(NA,1,num_betas);
    v <- if (max(0,nrow(coefficients)-1-p3)) match(rownames(coefficients)[(p3+2):nrow(coefficients)], colnames(D)[(p3+1):ncol(D)]) else NULL

    if(!is.null(v)) beta[v[!is.na(v)]] <- coefficients[(p3+2):l,1];
    if (test == "single_effect" | test == "marginal_conditional" | test == "marginal"){
      stats <- matrix(NA,1,num_betas);
      pvals <- matrix(1,1,num_betas);
        stats[v[!is.na(v)]] <- coefficients[(p3+2):l,3];
        pvals[v[!is.na(v)]] <- coefficients[(p3+2):l,4];
    r[["beta"]] <- beta;
    r[["stats"]] <- stats;
    r[["pvals"]] <- pvals;
    return(r) }, cl = cl)
  if (parallel) stop_cluster(cl)

  lst <- init_fast_tcareg_output(colnames(X), rownames(X), colnames(W), colnames(C3), num_pvals, num_betas, alternative_model, test)
  phi <- lst[["phi"]]
  beta <- lst[["beta"]]
  intercept <- lst[["intercept"]]
  alpha <- lst[["alpha"]]
  alternative_ll <- lst[["alternative_ll"]]
  stats <- lst[["stats"]]
  pvals <- lst[["pvals"]]
  qvals <- lst[["qvals"]]

  for (j in 1:m){
    phi[j,1] <- res[[j]][["phi"]]
    beta[j,] <- res[[j]][["beta"]]
    intercept[j,1] <- res[[j]][["intercept"]]
    alpha[j,] <- res[[j]][["alpha"]]
    alternative_ll[j,1] <- res[[j]][["alternative_ll"]]
    stats[j,] <- res[[j]][["stats"]]
    pvals[j,] <- res[[j]][["pvals"]]
  for (i in 1:num_pvals) qvals[,i] <- cbind(p.adjust(pvals[,i], method = config[["fdr_method"]]))

  deg_freedom <- if (test == "marginal" | test == "marginal_conditional" | test == "single_effect") 1 else (length(alternative_model)-length(null_model))

  return( list("phi" = phi, "beta" = beta, "intercept" = intercept, "alpha" = alpha, "null_ll" = NA, "alternative_ll" = alternative_ll, "pvals" = pvals, "qvals" = qvals, "stats" = stats, "df" = deg_freedom) )


init_fast_tcareg_output <- function(feature_ids, sample_ids, source_ids, C3_names, num_pvals, num_betas, alternative_model, test){

  m <- length(feature_ids)
  p3 <- length(C3_names)

  phi <- matrix(0, m, 1)
  beta <- matrix(0, m, num_betas)
  intercept <- matrix(0, m, 1)
  alpha <- matrix(0, m, p3)
  alternative_ll <- matrix(0, m, 1)
  stats <- matrix(0, m, num_pvals)
  pvals <- matrix(1, m, num_pvals)
  qvals <- matrix(1, m, num_pvals)

  rownames(phi) <- feature_ids
  rownames(beta) <- feature_ids
  rownames(intercept) <- feature_ids
  rownames(alpha) <- feature_ids
  rownames(alternative_ll) <- feature_ids
  rownames(stats) <- feature_ids
  rownames(qvals) <- feature_ids
  rownames(pvals) <- feature_ids

  if(p3) colnames(alpha) <- C3_names
  colnames(beta) <- if (test != "single_effect") source_ids[alternative_model] else "beta"
  colnames(phi) <- "phi"
  colnames(intercept) <- "intercept"
  colnames(alternative_ll) <- "alternative_ll"

  if (test == "marginal_conditional"){
    colnames(stats) <- source_ids
    colnames(pvals) <- source_ids
    colnames(qvals) <- source_ids
    colnames(stats) <- "stats"
    colnames(pvals) <- "pvals"
    colnames(qvals) <- "qvals"

  return( list("phi" = phi, "beta" = beta, "intercept" = intercept, "alpha"= alpha, "alternative_ll" = alternative_ll, "stats" = stats, "pvals" = pvals, "qvals" = qvals) )

tcareg.fit_joint <- function(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, parallel, num_cores, single_effect){

  flog.debug("Starting function 'tcareg.fit_joint'...")

  config <- config::get(file = system.file("extdata", "config.yml", package = "TCA"), use_parent = FALSE)
  k <- ncol(W)

  lst <- init_tcareg.fit_model(colnames(X), colnames(W), colnames(C3), 1:k, single_effect)
  phi <- lst[["phi"]]
  beta <- lst[["beta"]]
  intercept <- lst[["intercept"]]
  alpha <- lst[["alpha"]]
  null_ll <- lst[["null_ll"]]
  alternative_ll <- lst[["alternative_ll"]]
  pvals <- lst[["pvals"]]
  qvals <- lst[["qvals"]]
  stats <- lst[["stats"]]

  mdl1 <- tcareg.optimize(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, 1:k, parallel, num_cores, single_effect)
  phi[,1] <- mdl1[["phi"]]
  beta[,] <- mdl1[["beta"]]
  intercept[,1] <- mdl1[["intercept"]]
  alpha[,] <- mdl1[["alpha"]]
  alternative_ll[,] <- mdl1[["ll"]]

  if (ncol(C3) == 0){
    mdl0 <- lm(y ~ 1)
    mdl0 <- lm(y~.,data = data.frame(C3))
  null_ll[,1] <- numeric(length(mdl1[["ll"]])) + as.numeric(logLik(mdl0))

  df <- if(single_effect) 1 else ncol(W)
  lrt <- lrt.test(null_ll[,1], alternative_ll[,1], df = df)
  pvals[,1] <- lrt[["pvals"]]
  qvals[,1] <- p.adjust(lrt[["pvals"]], method = config[["fdr_method"]])
  stats[,1] <- lrt[["stats"]]

  return( list("phi" = phi, "beta" = beta, "intercept" = intercept, "alpha" = alpha, "null_ll" = null_ll, "alternative_ll" = alternative_ll, "pvals" = pvals, "qvals" = qvals, "stats" = stats, "df" = df) )

tcareg.fit_marginal <- function(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, parallel, num_cores){
  config <- config::get(file = system.file("extdata", "config.yml", package = "TCA"), use_parent = FALSE)
  m <- ncol(X)
  k <- ncol(W)
  results <- list()

  if (ncol(C3) == 0){
    mdl0 <- lm(y ~ 1)
    mdl0 <- lm(y~.,data = data.frame(C3))
  for (h in 1:k){
    lst <- init_tcareg.fit_model(colnames(X), colnames(W), colnames(C3), h, FALSE)
    phi <- lst[["phi"]]
    beta <- lst[["beta"]]
    intercept <- lst[["intercept"]]
    alpha <- lst[["alpha"]]
    null_ll <- lst[["null_ll"]]
    alternative_ll <- lst[["alternative_ll"]]
    pvals <- lst[["pvals"]]
    qvals <- lst[["qvals"]]
    stats <- lst[["stats"]]

    mdl1 <- tcareg.optimize(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, h, parallel, num_cores, FALSE)
    alternative_ll[,1] <- mdl1[["ll"]]
    null_ll[,1] <- numeric(length(mdl1[["ll"]])) + as.numeric(logLik(mdl0))
    phi[,1] <- mdl1[["phi"]]
    beta[,] <- mdl1[["beta"]]
    intercept[,1] <- mdl1[["intercept"]]
    alpha[,] <- mdl1[["alpha"]]

    df <- 1
    lrt <- lrt.test(null_ll[,1], alternative_ll[,1], df = df)

    pvals[,1] <- lrt[["pvals"]]
    qvals[,1] <- p.adjust(lrt[["pvals"]], method = config[["fdr_method"]])
    stats[,1] <- lrt[["stats"]]

    results[[length(results)+1]] <- list("phi" = phi, "beta" = beta, "intercept" = intercept, "alpha" = alpha, "null_ll" = null_ll, "alternative_ll" = alternative_ll, "pvals" = pvals, "qvals" = qvals, "stats" = stats, "df" = df)

tcareg.fit_marginal_conditional <- function(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, parallel, num_cores){
  config <- config::get(file = system.file("extdata", "config.yml", package = "TCA"), use_parent = FALSE)
  m <- ncol(X)
  k <- ncol(W)
  results <- list()
  # Calculate the likelihood of the alternative model
  mdl1 <- tcareg.optimize(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, 1:k, parallel, num_cores, FALSE)
  # Calculate the likelihood of each of the null models
  df <- 1
  for (h in 1:k){
    lst <- init_tcareg.fit_model(colnames(X), colnames(W), colnames(C3), 1:k, FALSE)
    phi <- lst[["phi"]]
    beta <- lst[["beta"]]
    intercept <- lst[["intercept"]]
    alpha <- lst[["alpha"]]
    null_ll <- lst[["null_ll"]]
    alternative_ll <- lst[["alternative_ll"]]
    pvals <- lst[["pvals"]]
    qvals <- lst[["qvals"]]
    stats <- lst[["stats"]]
    phi[,1] <- mdl1[["phi"]]
    beta[,] <- mdl1[["beta"]]

    intercept[,1] <- mdl1[["intercept"]]
    alpha[,] <- mdl1[["alpha"]]

    mdl0 <- tcareg.optimize(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, setdiff(1:k,h), parallel, num_cores, FALSE)
    null_ll[,1] <- mdl0[["ll"]]
    alternative_ll[,1] <- mdl1[["ll"]]

    df <- 1
    lrt <- lrt.test(null_ll[,1], alternative_ll[,1], df = df)
    pvals[,1] <- lrt[["pvals"]]
    qvals[,1] <- p.adjust(lrt[["pvals"]], method = config[["fdr_method"]])
    stats[,1] <- lrt[["stats"]]

    results[[length(results)+1]] <- list("phi" = phi, "beta" = beta, "intercept" = intercept, "alpha" = alpha, "null_ll" = null_ll, "alternative_ll" = alternative_ll, "pvals" = pvals, "qvals" = qvals, "stats" = stats, "df" = df)

tcareg.fit_custom <- function(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, parallel, num_cores, null_model, alternative_model){

  config <- config::get(file = system.file("extdata", "config.yml", package = "TCA"), use_parent = FALSE)

  lst <- init_tcareg.fit_model(colnames(X), colnames(W), colnames(C3), alternative_model, FALSE)
  phi <- lst[["phi"]]
  beta <- lst[["beta"]]
  intercept <- lst[["intercept"]]
  alpha <- lst[["alpha"]]
  null_ll <- lst[["null_ll"]]
  alternative_ll <- lst[["alternative_ll"]]
  pvals <- lst[["pvals"]]
  qvals <- lst[["qvals"]]
  stats <- lst[["stats"]]

  mdl1 <- tcareg.optimize(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, alternative_model, parallel, num_cores, FALSE)
  alternative_ll[,1] <- mdl1[["ll"]]
  phi[,1] <- mdl1[["phi"]]
  beta[,] <- mdl1[["beta"]]
  intercept[,1] <- mdl1[["intercept"]]
  alpha[,] <- mdl1[["alpha"]]

  if (is.null(null_model)){
    if (ncol(C3) == 0){
      mdl0 <- lm(y ~ 1)
      mdl0 <- lm(y~.,data = data.frame(C3))
    null_ll[,1] <- numeric(ncol(X)) + as.numeric(logLik(mdl0))
    # mdl0.ll <- conditional_model_log_likelihood.all(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, mdl1$phi, mdl1$beta[,match(null_model,alternative_model),drop=F], mdl1$alpha, mdl1$intercept, null_model, parallel, num_cores)
    mdl0 <- tcareg.optimize(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, null_model, parallel, num_cores, FALSE)
    null_ll[,1] <- mdl0[["ll"]]

  df <- length(alternative_model) - length(null_model)
  lrt <- lrt.test(null_ll[,1], alternative_ll[,1], df = df)

  pvals[,1] <- lrt[["pvals"]]
  qvals[,1] <- p.adjust(lrt[["pvals"]], method = config[["fdr_method"]])
  stats[,1] <- lrt[["stats"]]

  return( list("phi" = phi, "beta" = beta, "intercept" = intercept, "alpha" = alpha, "null_ll" = null_ll, "alternative_ll" = alternative_ll, "pvals" = pvals, "qvals" = qvals, "stats" = stats, "df" = df) )

init_tcareg.fit_model <- function(feature_ids, source_ids, C3_names, mdl, single_effect){

  flog.debug("Starting function init_tcareg.fit_model...")

  m <- length(feature_ids)
  p3 <- length(C3_names)
  num_beta <- length(mdl)

  phi <- matrix(0,m,1)
  beta <- if (single_effect) matrix(0,m,1) else matrix(0,m,num_beta)
  intercept <- matrix(0,m,1)
  alpha <- matrix(0,m,p3)
  null_ll <- matrix(0,m,1)
  alternative_ll <- matrix(0,m,1)

  pvals <- matrix(1,m,1)
  qvals <- matrix(1,m,1)
  stats <- matrix(1,m,1)

  rownames(phi) <- feature_ids
  rownames(beta) <- feature_ids
  rownames(intercept) <- feature_ids
  rownames(alpha) <- feature_ids
  rownames(null_ll) <- feature_ids
  rownames(alternative_ll) <- feature_ids
  rownames(pvals) <- feature_ids
  rownames(qvals) <- feature_ids
  rownames(stats) <- feature_ids

  colnames(beta) <- if(single_effect) "beta" else source_ids[mdl]
  colnames(phi) <- "phi"
  colnames(intercept) <- "intercept"
  colnames(alpha) <- C3_names
  colnames(null_ll) <- "null_ll"
  colnames(alternative_ll) <- "alternative_ll"
  colnames(pvals) <- "pvals"
  colnames(qvals) <- "qvals"
  colnames(stats) <- "stats"

  return(list("phi" = phi, "beta" = beta, "intercept" = intercept, "alpha" = alpha, "null_ll" = null_ll, "alternative_ll" = alternative_ll,"pvals" = pvals, "qvals" = qvals, "stats" = stats))


tcareg.optimize <- function(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, mdl, parallel, num_cores, single_effect){


  config <- config::get(file = system.file("extdata", "config.yml", package = "TCA"), use_parent = FALSE)

  nloptr_opts = list("algorithm"=config[["nloptr_opts_fit_conditional_algorithm"]], "xtol_rel"=config[["nloptr_opts_xtol_rel"]], "print_level" = config[["nloptr_opts_print_level"]], "check_derivatives" = config[["nloptr_opts_check_derivatives"]])
  lambda <- config[["lambda"]]

  l <- length(mdl)
  k <- ncol(W)
  n <- nrow(W)
  m <- ncol(X)
  p1 <- ncol(C1)
  p3 <- ncol(C3)

  # define lower of upper bounds for the optimization
  num_betas <- if(single_effect) 1 else l
  ub <- numeric(1+num_betas+p3+1)+Inf # adding one for intercept
  lb <- numeric(1+num_betas+p3+1)-Inf # adding one for intercept
  lb[1] = config[["min_sd"]]

  # # find initial estimates for phi, beta, alpha for each feature j using the model y~Z_hat[,j]+C3; note that an intercept term is implicitly added to C3; In practice, this didn't work well.
  # X0 <- get_initial_estimates(Z_hat, y, C3, mdl, lambda, single_effect, parallel, num_cores)

  # Set initial estimates for phi and alpha for each feature j using the model y~C3; initialize all betas with 0
  if (p3 == 0){
    mdl0 <- lm(y ~ 1)
    mdl0 <- lm(y~.,data = data.frame(C3))
  X0 <- list("phi0" = matrix(sqrt(sum(mdl0$residuals**2)/(n-1)),m,1),
             "beta0" = matrix(0,m,num_betas),
             "alpha0" = repmat(t(as.matrix(mdl0$coefficients)),m,1) )

  # include an intercept term in C3; required for TCA
  C3 <- cbind(as.matrix(numeric(n)+1), C3)

  # calculate quantaties that can be calculated only once
  const <- -n*log(2*pi)
  sigmas_squared <- sigmas_hat**2
  C1_ <- calc_C1_W_interactions(W,C1)
  X_tilde = X - (tcrossprod(C2,deltas_hat) + tcrossprod(C1_,gammas_hat) + tcrossprod(W,mus_hat))
  V <- tau_hat**2 + tcrossprod(W**2,sigmas_squared)

  # Fit the model for each feature
  cl <- if (parallel) init_cluster(num_cores) else NULL
  if (parallel) clusterExport(cl, c("lb","ub","p1","k","W","y","C1","C3","n","l","X0","const","sigmas_squared","X_tilde","V","mdl","gammas_hat","sigmas_squared","mus_hat","lambda","single_effect","nloptr_opts","conditional_model_minus_log_likelihood","tcareg.optimize_j"), envir=environment())
  res <- pblapply(1:m, function(j) tcareg.optimize_j(j, y, W, C1, C3, mus_hat, gammas_hat, const, sigmas_squared, V, X_tilde, X0, mdl, lb, ub, nloptr_opts, single_effect, lambda), cl = cl)
  if (parallel) stop_cluster(cl)

  intercept <- matrix(0, m, 1)
  alpha <- matrix(0, m, p3)
  beta <- matrix(0, m, num_betas)
  phi <- matrix(0, m, 1)
  ll <- matrix(0, m, 1)

  for (j in 1:m){
    phi[j,] <- res[[j]][["solution"]][1]
    beta[j,] <- res[[j]][["solution"]][2:(1+num_betas)]
    intercept[j,] <- res[[j]][["solution"]][2+num_betas]
    alpha[j,] <- res[[j]][["solution"]][-1:-(2+num_betas)]
    ll[j,] <- -res[[j]][["objective"]] # take the negative to get the log likelihood
  return( list("phi" = phi, "beta" = beta, "intercept" = intercept, "alpha" = alpha, "ll" = ll) )

# fit the model for a particular feature
tcareg.optimize_j <- function(j, y, W, C1, C3, mus_hat, gammas_hat, const, sigmas_squared, V, X_tilde, X0, mdl, lb, ub, nloptr_opts, single_effect, lambda){

  n <- nrow(W)
  k <- ncol(W)
  l <- length(mdl)
  p1 <- ncol(C1)
  p3 <- ncol(C3)

  # calculate external quantities (e1,e2,...) that need to be calculated only once per feature j
  gammas_hat_j_tilde <- t(Reshape(gammas_hat[j,],p1,k)[,mdl])
  gammas_hat_j_tilde <- if (p1 == 1) t(gammas_hat_j_tilde) else gammas_hat_j_tilde
  sigmas_squared_j <- sigmas_squared[j,]
  e1 <- V[,j]
  e2 <- W[,mdl]*repmat(sigmas_squared[j,mdl],n,1)
  e3 <- t(repmat(e1,l,1))
  e4 <- repmat(mus_hat[j,mdl],n,1) + tcrossprod(C1, gammas_hat_j_tilde)  + (e2 * t(repmat(X_tilde[,j],l,1)) )/e1
  e5 <- repmat(sigmas_squared[j,mdl],n,1)
  e6 <- e2/e3
  if (single_effect){
    nloptr_res <- nloptr( x0=c(X0[["phi0"]][j,1], X0[["beta0"]][j,], X0[["alpha0"]][j,]), eval_f = function(x, y, C3, const, sigmas_squared_j, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, mdl, lambda){
          res <- conditional_model_minus_log_likelihood(x = c(x[1],repmat(x[2],1,length(mdl)),x[-1:-2]), y, C3, const, sigmas_squared_j, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, mdl, lambda)
          return( list( "objective" = res[["objective"]], "gradient" = c(res[["gradient"]][1], sum(res[["gradient"]][2:(1+length(mdl))]), res[["gradient"]][-1:-(1+length(mdl))]) ) )
        lb = lb, ub = ub, opts = nloptr_opts,
        y = y, C3 = C3, const = const, sigmas_squared_j = sigmas_squared_j, e1 = e1, e2 = e2, e3 = e3, e4 = e4, e5 = e5, e6 = e6, mdl = mdl, lambda = lambda)
    nloptr_res <- nloptr( x0=c(X0[["phi0"]][j,1], X0[["beta0"]][j,], X0[["alpha0"]][j,]), eval_f = function(x, y, C3, const, sigmas_squared_j, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, mdl, lambda)
      conditional_model_minus_log_likelihood(x, y, C3, const, sigmas_squared_j, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, mdl, lambda),
      lb = lb, ub = ub, opts = nloptr_opts,
      y = y, C3 = C3, const = const, sigmas_squared_j = sigmas_squared_j, e1 = e1, e2 = e2, e3 = e3, e4 = e4, e5 = e5, e6 = e6, mdl = mdl, lambda = lambda)
  return( list("solution" = nloptr_res[["solution"]], "objective" = nloptr_res[["objective"]]) )

# conditional_model_log_likelihood.all <- function(X, y, W, mus_hat, sigmas_hat, C2, deltas_hat, C1, gammas_hat, tau_hat, C3, phis, betas, alphas, intercepts, mdl, parallel, num_cores){
#   flog.debug("Starting function 'conditional_model_log_likelihood.all'...")
#   config <- config::get(file = system.file("extdata", "config.yml", package = "TCA"), use_parent = FALSE)
#   lambda <- config[["lambda"]]
#   l <- length(mdl)
#   k <- ncol(W)
#   n <- nrow(W)
#   m <- ncol(X)
#   p1 <- ncol(C1)
#   C1_ <- calc_C1_W_interactions(W,C1)
#   X_tilde = X - (tcrossprod(C2,deltas_hat) + tcrossprod(C1_,gammas_hat) + tcrossprod(W,mus_hat))
#   const <- -n*log(2*pi)
#   sigmas_squared <- sigmas_hat**2
#   V <- tau_hat**2 + tcrossprod(W**2,sigmas_squared)
#   C3 <- cbind(as.matrix(numeric(n)+1), C3)
#   cl <- NULL
#   if (parallel){
#     cl <- init_cluster(num_cores)
#     clusterExport(cl, varlist = c("l","k","n","m","p1","C1_","X_tilde","const","V","X","y","W","mus_hat","sigmas_squared","C1","deltas_hat","C1","gammas_hat","tau_hat", "C3", "mdl", "phis", "alphas", "betas", "intercepts"), envir=environment())
#   }
#   flog.debug("Calculate the likelihood for every feature...")
#   res <- pblapply(1:m,function(j){
#     gammas_hat_j_tilde <- t(Reshape(gammas_hat[j,],p1,k)[,mdl]);
#     gammas_hat_j_tilde <- if (p1 == 1) t(gammas_hat_j_tilde) else gammas_hat_j_tilde;
#     e1 <- V[,j];
#     e2 <- W[,mdl]*repmat(sigmas_squared[j,mdl],n,1);
#     e3 <- t(repmat(e1,l,1));
#     e4 <- repmat(mus_hat[j,mdl],n,1) + tcrossprod(C1, gammas_hat_j_tilde)  + (e2 * t(repmat(X_tilde[,j],l,1)) )/e1;
#     e5 <- repmat(sigmas_squared[j,mdl],n,1);
#     e6 <- e2/e3;
#     sigmas_squared_j <- sigmas_squared[j,];
#     phi_j <- phis[j];
#     beta_j <- betas[j,];
#     alpha_j <- alphas[j,];
#     intercept_j <- intercepts[j,];
#     x <- c(phi_j,beta_j,alpha_j,intercept_j)
#     neg_ll <- conditional_model_minus_log_likelihood(x, y, C3, const, sigmas_squared_j, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, mdl, lambda);
#     return(-neg_ll$objective);
#     }, cl = cl )
#   if (parallel) stop_cluster(cl)
#   ll0 <- numeric(m)
#   for (j in 1:m) ll0[j] <- res[[j]]
#   return(ll0)
# }

conditional_model_minus_log_likelihood <- function(x, y, C3, const, sigmas_squared_j, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, mdl, lambda){
  l <- length(mdl)
  p3 <- ncol(C3)
  phi = x[1]
  beta_j = x[2:(l+1)]
  alpha_j = x[-1:-(1+l)]
  s1 <- beta_j**2
  s2 <- phi**2 + sum((s1)*(sigmas_squared_j[mdl])) - (tcrossprod(e2,t(beta_j))**2)/e1 # sigma_ij_tilde_squared
  s3 <- C3 %*% as.matrix(alpha_j) + tcrossprod(e4,t(beta_j)) - y  # mu_ij_tilde - y
  s4 <- s3/s2
  s5 <- s3*s4
  s6 <- 1/s2
  s7 <- (e5 - e6*repmat(tcrossprod(e2,t(beta_j)),1,l) )/repmat(s2,1,l)
  fval <- -0.5*(const - sum(log(s2)) - sum(s5)) + 0.5*lambda*sum(s1)
  gval = numeric(length(x))
  gval[1] <- phi*(sum(s6) - sum(s5*s6))
  gval[2:(l+1)] <- beta_j * colSums(s7) + colSums(e4*repmat(s4,1,l)) - beta_j * colSums(s7*repmat(s5,1,l)) + lambda*beta_j
  gval[-1:-(1+l)] <- colSums(C3 * repmat(s4,1,p3))
  return(list("objective"= fval, "gradient" = gval))

## The following can be used for getting initial estimates for the optimization using Z_hat; in practice, this worked worse than a naive initialization.
#' # the returned alpha0 contains intercept term at the beginning
#' get_initial_estimates <- function(Z_hat, y, C3, mdl, lambda, single_effect, parallel, num_cores){
#'   l <- length(mdl)
#'   num_betas <- if(single_effect) 1 else l
#'   n <- length(y)
#'   m <- ncol(Z_hat[[1]])
#'   p3 <- ncol(C3)
#'   phi0 <- matrix(0,m,1)
#'   beta0 <- matrix(0,m,num_betas)
#'   alpha0 <- matrix(0,m,p3+1) # include intercept terms
#'   cl <- if (parallel) init_cluster(num_cores) else NULL
#'   if (parallel) clusterExport(cl, c("n","l","p3","Z_hat","mdl","y","lambda","C3","get_initial_estimates_j","single_effect"), envir=environment())
#'   res <- pblapply(1:m, function(j) get_initial_estimates_j(j, n, l, p3, Z_hat, mdl, y, lambda, C3, single_effect), cl = cl )
#'   if (parallel) stop_cluster(cl)
#'   for (j in 1:m){
#'     beta0[j,] = res[[j]][["beta0"]]
#'     alpha0[j,] = res[[j]][["alpha0"]]
#'     phi0[j,1] = res[[j]][["phi0"]]
#'   }
#'   return( list("phi0" = phi0, "beta0" = beta0, "alpha0" = alpha0) )
#' }
#' #' @importFrom glmnet glmnet
#' get_initial_estimates_j <- function(j, n, l, p3, Z_hat, mdl, y, lambda, C3, single_effect){
#'   if (single_effect){
#'     U <- matrix(0,n,1+p3)
#'     for (h in mdl){
#'       U[,1] = U[,1] + Z_hat[[h]][,j]
#'     }
#'     U[,-1] <- C3
#'   }else{
#'     U <- matrix(0,n,l+p3)
#'     for (h in mdl){
#'       U[,h] = Z_hat[[h]][,j]
#'     }
#'     U[,-1:-l] <- C3
#'   }
#'   num_betas <- if (single_effect) 1 else l
#'   p <- numeric(num_betas+p3)
#'   p[1:num_betas] <- 1
#'   coeffs <- as.numeric(coefficients(glmnet(U, y, family="gaussian", alpha=0, lambda = lambda, penalty.factor = p, intercept = TRUE)))
#'   phi0 <- sqrt(sum((y-tcrossprod(cbind(numeric(n), U),t(coeffs)))**2)/n)
#'   beta0 <- coeffs[2:(num_betas+1)]
#'   alpha0 <- c(coeffs[1], coeffs[-1:-(1+num_betas)])
#'   return( list("beta0" = beta0, "alpha0" = coeffs[-1:-num_betas], "phi0" =  phi0) )
#' }
cozygene/TCA documentation built on Feb. 18, 2021, 1:17 a.m.