
Defines functions tag_epochs.eeg_epochs tag_epochs.default tag_epochs `events<-.eeg_data` `events<-.eeg_epochs` `events<-` events.eeg_epochs events.eeg_data events list_epochs.eeg_ICA list_epochs.eeg_epochs list_epochs list_events tag_events.eeg_epochs tag_events.eeg_data tag_events

Documented in events list_epochs list_epochs.eeg_epochs list_epochs.eeg_ICA list_events tag_epochs tag_epochs.default tag_epochs.eeg_epochs tag_events tag_events.eeg_data tag_events.eeg_epochs

#' Tag events
#' Give trigger events meaningful labels. Existing labels will be overwritten.
#' Use hierarchical labelling to tag an event with multiple labels: separate
#' labels with a "/" symbol. (e.g. "cond1" for a trigger that belongs to one
#' condition, "cond1/cond2" for a trigger that could belong to more than one
#' condition).
#' @author Matt Craddock \email{matt@@mattcraddock.com}
#' @param data An object of class `eeg_data` or `eeg_epochs`
#' @param ... Parameters passed to S3 methods
#' @family event handlers
#' @export

tag_events <- function(data, ...) {
  UseMethod("tag_events", data)

#' @param trigs Character vector of trigger numbers
#' @param event_label Labels for the events.
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @export
#' @describeIn tag_events Tag events in an `eeg_data` object

tag_events.eeg_data <- function(data,
                                ...) {

  if (length(trigs) != length(event_label)) {
    stop("Trigs and event_label parameters must be the same length.")

  if (!any(trigs %in% unlist(list_events(data)))) {
    stop(paste0("Trigger(s) not found. Check trigger values with list_events()."))

  data$events <- dplyr::left_join(data$events,
                                  data.frame(event_type = trigs,
                                             event_label = as.character(event_label),
                                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                                  by = "event_type")
  data$events <- tibble::as_tibble(data$events)

#' @describeIn tag_events Tag events in an epoched dataset
#' @export
tag_events.eeg_epochs <- function(data,
                                  ...) {

  if (length(trigs) != length(event_label)) {
    stop("Trigs and event_label parameters must be the same length.")

  data$events <- dplyr::left_join(data$events,
                                  data.frame(event_type = trigs,
                                             event_label = as.character(event_label),
                                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                                  by = "event_type")
  data$events <- tibble::as_tibble(data$events)

#' List events
#' List trigger types and any labels found in an `eeg_data` object.
#' @author Matt Craddock \email{matt@@mattcraddock.com}
#' @param data An object of class `eeg_data`
#' @examples
#' list_events(demo_epochs)
#' @export
#' @family event handlers
#' @seealso [tag_events()] and [list_epochs()]

list_events <- function(data) {
  if (!is.eeg_data(data)) {
    stop("For eeg_data objects only.")

  if ("event_label" %in% names(data$events)) {
    data$events[!duplicated(data$events$event_type), c("event_type", "event_label")]
  } else {
    data.frame(event_type = unique(data$events$event_type))


#' List epochs
#' List trigger types and any labels found in an `eeg_epochs` object.
#' @author Matt Craddock \email{matt@@mattcraddock.com}
#' @param data An object of class `eeg_epochs`
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @export
#' @family event handlers
#' @seealso [tag_events()] and [list_events()]

list_epochs <- function(data, ...) {
  UseMethod("list_epochs", data)

#' @describeIn list_epochs List epochs and associated events from `eeg_epochs` objects
#' @export
list_epochs.eeg_epochs <- function(data, ...) {
  data$events[, c("epoch", "event_type", "event_label")]

#' @describeIn list_epochs List epochs and associated events from `eeg_ICA` objects
#' @export
list_epochs.eeg_ICA <- function(data, ...) {
  data$events[, c("epoch", "event_type", "event_label")]

#' Modify events structure
#' Get or set the values in the `events` structure of an eegUtils object.
#' @examples
#' events(demo_epochs)
#' events(demo_epochs) <- mutate(events(demo_epochs),
#'  sf = dplyr::case_when(
#'          event_type %% 2 == 0 ~ "HSF",
#'          event_type %% 2 == 1 ~ "LSF",
#'  ))
#' events(demo_epochs)
#' @author Matt Craddock \email{matt@@mattcraddock.com}
#' @param .data `eegUtils` object to view
#' @family event handlers
#' @export
events <- function(.data) {
  UseMethod("events", .data)

#' @export
events.eeg_data <- function(.data) {

#' @export
events.eeg_epochs <- function(.data) {

#' @param value Value to replace `events` structure with.
#' @rdname events
#' @export
`events<-` <- function(.data, value) {
  UseMethod("events<-", .data)

#' @rdname events
#' @export
`events<-.eeg_epochs` <- function(.data, value) {

  .data$events <- value

#' @rdname events
#' @export
`events<-.eeg_data` <- function(.data, value) {
  .data$events <- value

#' Tag epochs with labels
#' Tag epochs with labels indicating details such as experimental condition,
#' based on the occurrence of event triggers from the events() structure. This
#' adds a new column to the epochs structure in an `eeg_epochs` object.
#' @param .data An `eegUtils` object
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @export
tag_epochs <- function(.data,
                       ...) {
  UseMethod("tag_epochs", .data)

#'@rdname tag_epochs
tag_epochs.default <- function(.data,
                               ...) {
  warning("Not implemented for objects of class ", class(.data))


#'@describeIn tag_epochs Tag epochs in an `eeg_epochs` object.
#'@param event_type Label epochs according to specific event_types (typically a
#'  trigger)
#'@param event_label Label epochs according to specific event_labels
tag_epochs.eeg_epochs <- function(.data,
                                  event_type = NULL,
                                  event_label = NULL,
                                  ...) {

  # need to work out how to deal with multiple labels in single epochs.
  # 1) error and demand the labels be specified?
  # 2) request specific event_types?
  # 3) allow specification of new column name in the epochs structure?

  if (!is.null(event_type) && !is.null(event_label)) {
    stop("Only event_type or event_label should be supplied, not both.")
  } else if (is.null(event_type) && is.null(event_label)) {
   epochs(.data) <- dplyr::left_join(epochs(.data),
                                     by = "epoch")

  if (!is.null(event_type)) {
    epochs(.data) <- dplyr::left_join(epochs(.data),
                                    by = "epoch")

  if (!is.null(event_label)) {
    epochs(.data) <- dplyr::left_join(epochs(.data),
                                      by = "epoch")
craddm/eegUtils documentation built on March 24, 2022, 9:17 a.m.