Man pages for cschieberle/lifeCourseExposureTrajectories
Determine life-long exposure accummulation to multiple stressors based on estimated lifecourse trajectories

adolescModelCreates the adolescence model from individual cross-secional...
adolescModelAlphabetAlphabet of adolesc model.
adolescModelCodesCodes of adolesc model.
adolescModelLabelsLabels of adolesc model.
adolescSeqPredicts school type.
asMarkovChainDetermines the matrix of transition rates from the sequence...
defaultConfigDefault configuration for this package.
determineFullTrajRuns the trajectory simulation in parallel.
determineSeqTreeDetermines the sequence tree.
findNodeByIdFinds a specific node in the sequence dissimilarity tree.
getCrossSectEduDetermine cross-sectional education data in terms of highest...
getExposureDataReads individual-specific daily exposure data from a given...
getNodeIdDetermines corresponding leaf node in the sequence...
isLeafNodeDetermines whether a node in the sequence dissimilarity tree...
par_lifeCourseExposurePrallel estimation of life-long exposure of the given...
par_lifeTrajSimSimulation of the lifecourse trajectory of the given...
plotMarkovChainPlots the Markov chain determined from the transition matrix.
predictSchoolTypeProbPredicts school type.
readHouseholdDataReads household data from cross-sectional EU-SILC data
readHouseholdData2Reads household data from cross-sectional EU-SILC data
readIndividualDataReads individual data from cross-sectional EU-SILC data (only...
readIndividualData2Reads individual data from cross-sectional EU-SILC data (only...
readIndividualSeqReads individual 4-year sequences from longitudinal EU-SILC...
simulateSimulates life trajectories
stratifiedSeqSampleCreates a stratified sample of sequences.
traversePreOrderTraverses the sequence dissimilarity tree.
visitTreeNodeVisits a node in the sequence dissimilarity tree
cschieberle/lifeCourseExposureTrajectories documentation built on May 30, 2019, 4:02 p.m.