
Defines functions NetInfo getNetworkInfos loadNetwork loadInbuiltNetwork showOpencl setOpencl printGeneralError printError printSensitivity isSingleNetwork isListNetworks generateStates generateState generateGroups generateGroups1 generateGroup perturb restore generateRule initJVM

Documented in generateGroup generateGroups generateRule generateState generateStates initJVM loadNetwork perturb printSensitivity restore setOpencl showOpencl

# Copyright 2017 Hung-Cuong Trinh and Yung-Keun Kwon
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Func: create a Network information object
NetInfo <- function(a_name = "Network 1", a_nodes, a_edges, is_transitionNetwork) {
  df_net <- data.frame(NetworkID = a_name, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  me = list(name = a_name, nodes = a_nodes, edges = a_edges,
            network = df_net, transitionNetwork = is_transitionNetwork)
  # Set the name for the new class
  class(me) <- append(class(me), "NetInfo")

# Func: get the network information
getNetworkInfos <- function(networkName) {
  netData <- .jnew("mod.jmut.core.comp.NetData")
  infos <- .jcall(netData, "[Ljava/lang/String;", "getNetworkInfos", as.character(networkName))

  # listArr <- sapply(infos, .jevalArray)
  # nodes <- unlist(listArr[1])
  # edges <- unlist(listArr[2])

  list_data <- extractInfos(infos, 1, 1)
  # print(paste("Number of nodes:", list_data[1], sep = "", collapse = ""))
  # print(paste("Number of edges:", list_data[2], sep = "", collapse = ""))

  nodes <- unlist(list_data[3])
  edges <- unlist(list_data[4])

  df_node <- data.frame(NodeID = nodes, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  df_edge <- data.frame(EdgeID = edges, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  netw <- NetInfo(networkName, df_node, df_edge, FALSE)
  return (netw)

#' Loads a network from a file.
#' \code{loadNetwork} loads a network from a file and returns the network object.
#' This function loads a network from a Tab-separated values text file and returns the network object.
#' The file format contains three columns:  source, interaction type, and target.
#' "Source" and "target" are gene/protein identifiers that are used to define nodes,
#' while "interaction type" labels the edges connecting each pair of nodes.
#' The returned network object contains the network name, three data frames used for storing
#' the nodes/edges and network attributes, respectively.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{output}}, \code{\link{createRBNs}}, \code{\link{calSensitivity}}
#' @name loadNetwork
#' @param pathToFile The path points to a file
#' @return The network object
#' @usage
#' loadNetwork(pathToFile)
#' @examples
#' amrn <- loadNetwork("D:\\AMRN.sif")
#' print(amrn)

loadNetwork <- function(pathToFile) {
  netData <- .jnew("mod.jmut.core.comp.NetData")
  fileName <- .jcall(netData, "S", "loadNetwork", as.character(pathToFile))

  #Get nodes and edges information
  netw <- getNetworkInfos(fileName)

  return (netw)

# Load inbuilt network
loadInbuiltNetwork <- function(network) {
  # Convert the network data frame to 1D array of strings
  # print("Go into loadInbuiltNetwork ...")
  netName <- network$Source[1]
  numEdges <- length(network$Source)

  edges <- c(netName, (numEdges - 1))
  edges <- append(edges, network$Source[2:numEdges])
  edges <- append(edges, network$Interaction[2:numEdges])
  edges <- append(edges, network$Target[2:numEdges])

  netData <- .jnew("mod.jmut.core.comp.NetData")
  fileName <- .jcall(netData, "S", "loadInbuiltNetwork", .jarray(edges))

  #Get nodes and edges information
  netw <- getNetworkInfos(fileName)

  return (netw)

# OpenCL section --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->>>
#' Shows OpenCL information.
#' \code{showOpencl} gets OpenCL information and prints them to the console screen.
#' This function gets OpenCL information and prints them to the console screen.
#' For ex., installed OpenCL platforms and its corresponding CPU/GPU devices.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{setOpencl}}
#' @name showOpencl
#' @return A string of OpenCL information
#' @usage
#' showOpencl()
#' @examples
#' showOpencl()
showOpencl <- function() {
  calc <- .jnew("mod.jmut.core.Calc")
  infoBytes <- .jcall(calc, "[B", "getOpenCLInfo")

  #infos <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]///' ]", "", infos)
  #iconv(infos, to = 'UTF-8')

  remove <- c(as.raw(0))
  infoBytes <- infoBytes[! infoBytes %in% remove]
  infos <- rawToChar(infoBytes)

#' Enables or disables OpenCL computation.
#' \code{setOpencl} enables or disables OpenCL computation.
#' This function enables OpenCL computation by selecting a CPU/GPU device and utilizing all of its cores for further computation.
#' Thus, all tasks will be executed in parallel.
#' About the parameter \code{deviceType}, there exists three options: \'none\' means disable OpenCL,
#' \'cpu\' means selecting a CPU device and \'gpu\' means using a GPU device.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{showOpencl}}
#' @name setOpencl
#' @param deviceType The type of OpenCL device, including three options: \'none\', \'cpu\' and \'gpu\'
#' @return Information of the successfully selected device
#' @usage
#' setOpencl(deviceType)
#' @examples
#' showOpencl()
#' setOpencl("gpu")
#' setOpencl("cpu")
#' setOpencl("none")
setOpencl <- function(deviceType) {
  calc <- .jnew("mod.jmut.core.Calc")
  infoBytes <- .jcall(calc, "[B", "setOpenCL", as.character(deviceType))

  remove <- c(as.raw(0))
  infoBytes <- infoBytes[! infoBytes %in% remove]
  infos <- rawToChar(infoBytes)

# Print a message for a general error
printGeneralError <- function() {
  print("Fail to execute the calculation. Please check all inputed parameters or restart R environment!")

# Print a message for a specific error
printError <- function(errCode) {
  if(errCode == 0)
    print("The network is not exist!")

  else if(errCode == 1)
    print("Length of the initial state must be equal to number of nodes in the network!")

  else if(errCode == 2)
    print("The set of initial states is not exist!")

  else if(errCode == 3)
    print("The group of nodes/edges is not exist in the network!")

  else if(errCode == 4)
    print(paste("Fail to initialize the Java Virtual Machine! ",
                "Please check the maximum amount of memory supported by your system.",
                sep = "", collapse = ""))

#' Print out the sensitivity values of node/edge groups
#' Print out the sensitivity values of node/edge groups in a network
#' This function prints out the sensitivity values of node/edge groups in a specific network.
#' And the parameter \code{groupSet}
#' has same meaning as in the \code{\link{calSensitivity}} function.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{calSensitivity}}, \code{\link{generateStates}}, \code{\link{generateGroups}}, \code{\link{generateGroup}}, \code{\link{findFBLs}}, \code{\link{findFFLs}}, \code{\link{calCentrality}}, \code{\link{findAttractors}}
#' @name printSensitivity
#' @param network A network used for the outputting
#' @param groupSet The indexing number of node/edge groups for whose sensitivity values are calculated. Default is 0 which specify the latest generated groups.
#' @return None
#' @usage
#' printSensitivity(network, groupSet = 0)
#' @examples
#' data(amrn)
#' # generate 1000 random initial-states
#' states <- generateStates(amrn, 1000)
#' print(states)
#' # generate all possible groups each containing a single node in the HSN network
#' amrn <- generateGroups(amrn, "all", 1, 0)
#' # calculate sensitivity values of all nodes against the knockout mutation
#' amrn <- calSensitivity(amrn, states, "knockout")
#' # view the calculated sensitivity values and export all results to files
#' printSensitivity(amrn)
printSensitivity <- function(network, groupSet = 0) {
  if(groupSet == 0) {
    groupSet <- length(network) - 5
    if(groupSet <= 0)   {
      print("Please generate node/edge groups for the sensitivity calculation!")
      return ()

  print(network[[5 + groupSet]])

# Determine if the single network or not
isSingleNetwork <- function(networks) {
  cnames <- class(networks)
  if(length(cnames) == 2) {
    if(cnames[2] == "NetInfo") {
      return (TRUE)

  return (FALSE)

# Determine if a list of networks or not
isListNetworks <- function(networks) {
  cnames <- class(networks)
  if(length(cnames) == 1) {
    if(cnames[1] == "list") {
      return (TRUE)

  return (FALSE)

#' Generate random initial-states.
#' Generate random initial-states for a network or a set of networks.
#' This function generates random initial-states for a network or a set of networks.
#' The initial-states would be used to analyze the dynamics of the examined networks,
#' for ex., calculating sensitivity or searching attractors.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{calSensitivity}}, \code{\link{findAttractors}}
#' @name generateStates
#' @param numNodes Number of nodes in each initial-state or a network object
#' @param numStates Number of random initial-states to be generated. If set to "all", all possible initial-states would be generated. For the large networks, we should use a specific value becaused of memory limitation.
#' @return An identifier for accessing the generated initial-states. The identifier would be used as a parameter of the functions of calculating sensitivity and finding attractors.
#' @usage
#' generateStates(numNodes, numStates)
#' @examples
#' # Generate a set of 200 initial-states each containing 10 Boolean nodes
#' set1 <- generateStates(10, 200)
#' print(set1)
#' # Generate all possible initial-states each containing 10 Boolean nodes
#' set2 <- generateStates(10, "all")
#' print(set2)

generateStates <- function(numNodes, numStates) {
  if(is.data.frame(numNodes)) {
    numNodes <- loadInbuiltNetwork(numNodes)
  if(isSingleNetwork(numNodes)) {
    numNodes <- numNodes$name

  netData <- .jnew("mod.jmut.core.comp.NetData")
  infos <- .jcall(netData, "Ljava/lang/String;", "generateInitialStates", as.character(numNodes), as.character(numStates))

  if(is.jnull(infos)) {
    return (-1)

  return (infos)

#' Generate a specific initial-state.
#' Generate a specific initial-state for a network.
#' This function generates a specific initial-state for a network.
#' The initial-state would be used to analyze the dynamics of the examined network,
#' for ex., calculating sensitivity or searching attractors.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{calSensitivity}}, \code{\link{findAttractors}}
#' @name generateState
#' @param network The network used for the generation
#' @param state A binary string with one entry for each node of the network in alphabetical order
#' @return An identifier for accessing the generated initial-state. The identifier would be used as a parameter of the functions of calculating sensitivity and finding attractors.
#' @usage
#' generateState(network, state)
#' @examples
#' data(amrn)
#' state1 <- generateState(amrn, "1010101111")
#' print(state1)

generateState <- function(network, state) {

  if(is.data.frame(network)) {
    network <- loadInbuiltNetwork(network)

  netData <- .jnew("mod.jmut.core.comp.NetData")
  id <- .jcall(netData, "Ljava/lang/String;", "setInitialState", as.character(network$name), as.character(state))

  if(is.jnull(id)) {
    return (NULL)

  if(id == -1) {
    return (NULL)

  #Print out the state with nodes
  a <- strsplit(state, split="")
  a <- unlist(a)
  nodes <- network$nodes$NodeID

  df <- data.frame(NodeID = nodes, State = a, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  return (id)

#' Generate random node/edge groups.
#' Generate random groups of node/edge in a network or in a set of networks.
#' This function generates random groups of elements in a network or in a set of networks.
#' The groups would be used to analyze the dynamics of the examined networks,
#' for ex., calculating sensitivity,  perturbing a network, or restoring a network to the origin.
#' Each element group contains only nodes, only edges, or a combination of nodes/edges.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{calSensitivity}}, \code{\link{perturb}}, \code{\link{restore}}
#' @name generateGroups
#' @param networks A network or a set of networks contain the generated groups
#' @param numGroups Number of random groups to be generated for each network. If set to "all", all possible groups would be generated.
#' @param nodeSize Number of nodes in each group, default is 1
#' @param edgeSize Number of edges in each group, default is 0
#' @param newEdges If TRUE, new edges would be created for each group. Otherwise, existing edges of the networks are selected for each group.
#' @return The updated network objects including generated groups
#' @usage
#' generateGroups(networks, numGroups, nodeSize = 1, edgeSize = 0, newEdges = FALSE)
#' @examples
#' data(amrn)
#' # Generate all possible groups each containing a single node in the AMRN network
#' amrn <- generateGroups(amrn, "all", 1, 0)
#' print(amrn$Group_1)
#' # Generate all possible groups each containing a single edge in the AMRN network
#' amrn <- generateGroups(amrn, "all", 0, 1)
#' print(amrn$Group_2)
#' # Generate all possible groups each containing a new edge (the edge did not exist in the AMRN network)
#' amrn <- generateGroups(amrn, "all", 0, 1, TRUE)
#' print(amrn$Group_3)

generateGroups <- function(networks, numGroups, nodeSize = 1, edgeSize = 0, newEdges = FALSE, start = -1) {
  if(is.data.frame(networks)) {
    networks <- loadInbuiltNetwork(networks)

  if(isSingleNetwork(networks)) {
    networks <- generateGroups1(networks, numGroups, nodeSize, edgeSize, newEdges, start)
    return (networks)
  else if(isListNetworks(networks)) {
    numNetworks <- length(networks)
    for(i in 1:numNetworks) {
      networks[[i]] <- generateGroups1(networks[[i]], numGroups, nodeSize, edgeSize, newEdges, start)

    return (networks)

  return (NULL)

generateGroups1 <- function(network, numGroups, nodeSize, edgeSize, newEdges = FALSE, start) {
  netData <- .jnew("mod.jmut.core.comp.NetData")
  groupsName <- .jcall(netData, "Ljava/lang/String;", "generateGroups", as.character(network$name), as.character(numGroups),
                  as.integer(nodeSize), as.integer(edgeSize), as.logical(newEdges), as.integer(start))

  if(is.jnull(groupsName)) {
    return (network)

  #Retrieve the newly generated groups
  infos <- .jcall(netData, "[Ljava/lang/String;", "getMutatedGroups", as.character(network$name), as.character(groupsName))
  list_data <- extractInfos(infos, 1, 0)

  print(paste("Number of possibly mutated groups:", list_data[1], sep = "", collapse = ""))
  groups <- unlist(list_data[3])
  df_groups <- data.frame(GroupID = groups, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  network[[length(network) + 1]] <- df_groups

  #groupsName <- paste("Group_", length(network) - 5, sep = "", collapse = "")
  names(network)[length(network)] <- groupsName

  return (network)

#' Generate a specific group of nodes/edges.
#' Generate a specific group of nodes/edges in a network.
#' This function generates a specific group of elements in a network.
#' The group would be used to analyze the dynamics of the examined network,
#' for ex., calculating sensitivity,  perturbing the network, or restoring the network to the origin.
#' The element group contains only nodes, only edges, or a combination of nodes/edges.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{calSensitivity}}, \code{\link{perturb}}, \code{\link{restore}}
#' @name generateGroup
#' @param network The network contains the generated group
#' @param nodes A list of nodes in the generated group
#' @param edges A list of edges in the generated group
#' @return The updated network object including the generated group
#' @usage
#' generateGroup(network, nodes, edges = "")
#' @examples
#' data(amrn)
#' # Generate a group of two nodes and two edges in the AMRN network
#' amrn <- generateGroup(amrn, nodes = "AG, SUP", edges = "UFO (1) PI, LUG (-1) PI")
#' print(amrn$Group_1)
generateGroup <- function(network, nodes, edges = "") {
  if(is.data.frame(network)) {
    network <- loadInbuiltNetwork(network)

  netData <- .jnew("mod.jmut.core.comp.NetData")
  groupsName <- .jcall(netData, "Ljava/lang/String;", "generateSpecificGroup", as.character(network$name), as.character(nodes),

  if(is.jnull(groupsName)) {
    return (network)

  if(groupsName == "-1") {
    return (network)

  #Retrieve the newly generated groups
  infos <- .jcall(netData, "[Ljava/lang/String;", "getMutatedGroups", as.character(network$name), as.character(groupsName))
  list_data <- extractInfos(infos, 1, 0)

  groups <- unlist(list_data[3])
  df_groups <- data.frame(GroupID = groups, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  network[[length(network) + 1]] <- df_groups

  names(network)[length(network)] <- groupsName

  return (network)

#' Perturb a set of node/edge groups.
#' Perturb a set of node/edge groups in a network.
#' This function perturbs a set of node/edge groups in a network.
#' Two parameters \code{groupSet}, and \code{mutateMethod}
#' have same meaning as in the \code{\link{calSensitivity}} function.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{restore}}, \code{\link{generateGroups}}, \code{\link{generateGroup}}, \code{\link{calSensitivity}}, \code{\link{findAttractors}}
#' @name perturb
#' @param network The network contains the node/edge groups
#' @param groupSet The indexing number of node/edge groups in the network
#' @param mutateMethod The method of mutation to be performed, default is "rule flip"
#' @return None. Error messages or information would be outputed to the screen.
#' @usage
#' perturb(network, groupSet, mutateMethod = "rule flip")
#' @examples
#' data(amrn)
#' # Generate a group of two nodes and two edges in the AMRN network
#' amrn <- generateGroup(amrn, nodes = "AG, SUP", edges = "UFO (1) PI, LUG (-1) PI")
#' print(amrn$Group_1)
#' # Generate a specific initial-state for the AMRN network
#' state1 <- generateState(amrn, "1110011011")
#' # Find the original transition network (before making perturbations)
#' transNet <- findAttractors(amrn, state1)
#' print(transNet)
#' # Perturb the group with overexpression mutation,
#' #  in this case only two nodes (AG, SUP) of the group are affected by the mutation.
#' perturb(amrn, 1, "overexpression")
#' # Continuously perturb the group with edge-removal mutation,
#' #  in this case only two edges of the group are removed by the mutation.
#' perturb(amrn, 1, "edge removal")
#' # Continuously perturb the group with "state-flip" mutation,
#' #  thus only two nodes (AG, SUP) of the group are affected by the mutation.
#' perturb(amrn, 1, "state flip")
#' # Find the perturbed transition network
#' perturbed_transNet <- findAttractors(amrn, state1)
#' print(perturbed_transNet)
perturb <- function(network, groupSet, mutateMethod = "rule flip") {

  if(is.data.frame(network)) {
    network <- loadInbuiltNetwork(network)

  calc <- .jnew("mod.jmut.core.Calc")
  errCode <- .jcall(calc, "Ljava/lang/String;", "perturb", as.character(network$name), as.integer(groupSet),

  if(is.jnull(errCode)) {
    return (NULL)

  if(errCode == "-2") {
    return (NULL)

  if(errCode == "-1") {
    return (NULL)

  print("Perturb the specified group successfully!")
  return (errCode)

#' Restore a set of node/edge groups.
#' Restore a set of node/edge groups in a network.
#' This function restores a set of node/edge groups in a network to its normal condition.
#' And the parameter \code{groupSet}
#' has same meaning as in the \code{\link{calSensitivity}} function.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{perturb}}, \code{\link{generateGroups}}, \code{\link{generateGroup}}, \code{\link{calSensitivity}}, \code{\link{findAttractors}}
#' @name restore
#' @param network The network contains the node/edge groups
#' @param groupSet The indexing number of node/edge groups in the network
#' @return None. Error messages or information would be outputed to the screen.
#' @usage
#' restore(network, groupSet)
#' @examples
#' data(amrn)
#' # Generate a group of two nodes in the AMRN network
#' amrn <- generateGroup(amrn, nodes = "AG, SUP")
#' print(amrn$Group_1)
#' # Generate a specific initial-state for the AMRN network
#' state1 <- generateState(amrn, "1110011011")
#' # Find the original transition network (before making perturbations)
#' transNet <- findAttractors(amrn, state1)
#' print(transNet)
#' # Perturb the group with overexpression mutation
#' perturb(amrn, 1, "overexpression")
#' # Continuously perturb the group with "state-flip" mutation
#' perturb(amrn, 1, "state flip")
#' # Find the perturbed transition network
#' perturbed_transNet <- findAttractors(amrn, state1)
#' print(perturbed_transNet)
#' # Restore the group from previous mutations
#' restore(amrn, 1)
#' # Find again the original transition network, it should be same with the "transNet" network
#' origin_transNet <- findAttractors(amrn, state1)
#' print(origin_transNet)
restore <- function(network, groupSet) {

  if(is.data.frame(network)) {
    network <- loadInbuiltNetwork(network)

  calc <- .jnew("mod.jmut.core.Calc")
  errCode <- .jcall(calc, "Ljava/lang/String;", "restore", as.character(network$name), as.integer(groupSet))

  if(is.jnull(errCode)) {
    return (NULL)

  if(errCode == "-2") {
    return (NULL)

  if(errCode == "-1") {
    return (NULL)

  print("Restore the specified group successfully!")
  return (errCode)

#' Generate a default set of update-rules.
#' Generate a default set of update-rules for a network.
#' This function generates a default set of update-rules for a network.
#' The rules would be used to analyze the dynamics of the examined network, for ex., calculating sensitivity, searching attractors.
#' The type of random update-rules can be specified by the parameter \code{ruleType}:
#' 0 means only Conjunction rules, 1 means only Disjunction rules and 2 means random Nested Canalyzing rules.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{findAttractors}}, \code{\link{perturb}}, \code{\link{restore}}
#' @name generateRule
#' @param network The network used for the generation
#' @param ruleType Type of random update-rules, default is 0
#' @return The string "ok" if success, otherwise NULL object
#' @usage
#' generateRule(network, ruleType = 0L)
#' @examples
#' data(amrn)
#' # Generate a set of random Nested Canalyzing rules
#' generateRule(amrn, 2)
#' # Generate a specific initial-state for the AMRN network
#' state1 <- generateState(amrn, "1110011011")
#' att <- findAttractors(amrn, state1)
#' print(att)

generateRule <- function(network, ruleType = 0L) {

  if(is.data.frame(network)) {
    network <- loadInbuiltNetwork(network)

  netData <- .jnew("mod.jmut.core.comp.NetData")
  errCode <- .jcall(netData, "Ljava/lang/String;", "generateCurrentRule", as.character(network$name), as.integer(ruleType))

  if(is.jnull(errCode)) {
    return (NULL)

  if(errCode == "-1") {
    return (NULL)

  print("Generate a default set of update-rules successfully!")
  return (errCode)

#' Initialize the Java Virtual Machine.
#' \code{initJVM} initializes the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
#' This function must be called before any RMut functions can be used.
#' This function initializes the JVM with a parameter of the maximum Java heap size \code{maxHeapSize}.
#' The parameter is a string composed of a number and followed by a letter K, or M, or G
#' (K indicates kilobytes, M indicates megabytes, G indicates gigabytes).
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{setOpencl}}, \code{\link{showOpencl}}
#' @name initJVM
#' @param maxHeapSize The maximum Java heap size. Default is "1G" (means 1 gigabytes).
#' @return TRUE denotes successful initialization, and FALSE indicates failure.
#' @usage
#' initJVM(maxHeapSize)
#' @examples
#' initJVM("1G")
initJVM <- function(maxHeapSize = "1G") {
  jvm_heap <- paste("-Xmx", maxHeapSize, sep = "", collapse = "")

  ret <- .jinit(parameters=jvm_heap)
  if(ret != 0) {
    return (FALSE)

  ret <- .jpackage("RMut", lib.loc = RMut_libname)
  if(ret != TRUE) {
    return (FALSE)

  print("The Java Virtual Machine is successfully initialized!")
  return (TRUE)
csclab/RMut documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:07 p.m.