# Function to predict the survival for each individual
#' Predict survival from a stan_surv object
#' @export get_metrics
get_metrics <- function(train, test = NULL, cox_rp, splines_rp, cox_rp_train = NULL, splines_rp_train = NULL){
test <- train
cox_rp_train <- cox_rp
splines_rp_train <- splines_rp
## Prepare to calculate metrics
ws <- rep(1, length(test$time))
ws[test$time > max(test$time[test$status] ) ] <- 0.01
obs.test.time <- sort ( unique( test$time[test$status] ) )
Cindex.cox <- survcomp::concordance.index(x = cox_rp, surv.time = test$time, surv.event = test$status, method = "conservative", na.rm=TRUE, weights = ws)$c.index
Cindex.splines <- survcomp::concordance.index(x = splines_rp, surv.time = test$time, surv.event = test$status, method = "conservative", na.rm=TRUE, weights = ws)$c.index
#brier score
bs.cox <- survcomp::sbrier.score2proba(data.tr = data.frame(time = train$time, event = train$status, score = cox_rp_train), data.ts = data.frame(time = test$time, event = test$status, score = cox_rp), method = c("prodlim"))
bs.splines <- survcomp::sbrier.score2proba(data.tr = data.frame(time = train$time, event = train$status, score = splines_rp_train), data.ts = data.frame(time = test$time, event = test$status, score = splines_rp), method = c("prodlim"))
AUC.cox <- survcomp::tdrocc(x = as.vector(cox_rp) , surv.time = test$time, surv.event = test$status, time = max(obs.test.time) )
AUC.splines <- survcomp::tdrocc(x = as.vector( splines_rp) , surv.time = test$time, surv.event = test$status, time = max(obs.test.time) )
list("Cindex.cox" = Cindex.cox, "Cindex.splines" = Cindex.splines, "bs.cox" = bs.cox, "bs.splines" = bs.splines, "AUC.cox" = AUC.cox, "AUC.splines" = AUC.splines)
# Function to predict the survival for each individual
#' Predict survival from a stan_surv object
#' @export link_surv
#' @importFrom Hmisc approxExtrap
#' @examples
#' pbc2 <- survival::pbc
#' pbc2 <- pbc2[!is.na(pbc2$trt),]
#' pbc2$status <- as.integer(pbc2$status > 0)
#' m1 <- stan_surv(survival::Surv(time, status) ~ trt, data = pbc2)
#' df <- flexsurv::bc
#' m2 <- stan_surv(survival::Surv(rectime, censrec) ~ group,
#' data = df, cores = 1, chains = 1, iter = 2000,
#' basehaz = "fpm", iknots = c(6.594869, 7.285963 ),
#' degree = 2, prior_aux = normal(0, 2, autoscale = F))
pred_surv2 <- function(fit, holdout = NULL, timepoints = NULL, time = "time", status = "status", ncores = 1L, method = "gp"){
## get obs.time
obs.time <- get_obs.time(fit$data)
timepoints <- test.time <- get_obs.time(holdout)
##methd stan fit
if(any( class(fit$stanfit) == "stanfit" ) ){
basehaz.samples <- extract_basehaz_draws(fit)
spline.basis <- extract_splines_bases(fit)
beta_draws <- extract_beta_draws(fit);
varis.obs <- get_predictors(fit);
basehaz.post <- lapply(seq_along(1:nrow(basehaz.samples)), function(s){
sapply(seq_along(1:nrow(spline.basis)), function(n){
basehaz.samples[s, ] %*% spline.basis[n, ]
basehaz.post <- do.call(cbind, basehaz.post)
basehaz.post <- apply(X = basehaz.post, MARGIN = 1, FUN = mean)
if(method == "linear" | method == "constant"){
# surv.approx <- approx(x = obs.time, y = surv.base, xout = timepoints, method = method)$y # only interpolation
haz.approx <- Hmisc::approxExtrap(x = obs.time, y = basehaz.post, xout = timepoints, method = method)$y # with extrapolation
} else if(method == "gp" | method == "gaussian process"){
haz.bgp <- tgp::bgp(X= obs.time, Z= basehaz.post, verb = 1)
X <- data.frame(x1 = obs.time)
XX <- data.frame(x1 = timepoints)
haz.bgp$Xsplit <- rbind(X, XX)
haz.approx <- predict(object = haz.bgp, XX = timepoints)$ZZ.mean
} else if(method == "tgp" | method == "treed gaussian process"){
haz.btgp <- tgp:: btgp(X= obs.time,
Z= basehaz.post, verb = 1)
X <- data.frame(x1 = obs.time)
XX <- data.frame(x1 = timepoints)
haz.btgp$Xsplit <- rbind(X, XX)
haz.approx <- predict(object = haz.btgp, XX = timepoints)$ZZ.mean
} else {
stop2(paste0("method ", method, " not implemented"))
surv.approx <- link_surv_base.helper(b = haz.approx)
surv.approx[surv.approx > 1] <- 1
surv.approx[surv.approx < 0] <- 0
ind.post <- lapply(seq_along(1:nrow(holdout)), function(i){
surv.post <- sapply(seq_along(1:nrow(beta_draws)), function(s){
lin_post <- varis.obs[i, ] %*% beta_draws[s, ]
link_surv_lin.helper(p = lin_post, s = surv.approx)
apply(surv.post, 1, mean)
ind.post <- do.call(rbind, ind.post)
rownames(ind.post) <- rownames(holdout)
} else {
# For null model
if(method == "linear" | method == "constant"){
# surv.approx <- approx(x = obs.time, y = surv.base, xout = timepoints, method = method)$y # only interpolation
haz.approx <- Hmisc::approxExtrap(x = obs.time, y = basehaz.post, xout = timepoints, method = method)$y # with extrapolation
} else if(method == "gp" | method == "gaussian process"){
haz.bgp <- tgp::bgp(X= obs.time, Z= basehaz.post, verb = 1)
X <- data.frame(x1 = obs.time)
XX <- data.frame(x1 = timepoints)
haz.bgp$Xsplit <- rbind(X, XX)
haz.approx <- predict(object = haz.bgp, XX = timepoints)$ZZ.mean
} else if(method == "tgp" | method == "treed gaussian process"){
haz.btgp <- tgp:: btgp(X= obs.time,
Z= basehaz.post, verb = 1)
X <- data.frame(x1 = obs.time)
XX <- data.frame(x1 = timepoints)
haz.btgp$Xsplit <- rbind(X, XX)
haz.approx <- predict(object = haz.btgp, XX = timepoints)$ZZ.mean
} else {
stop2(paste0("method ", method, " not implemented"))
surv.approx <- link_surv_base.helper(b = haz.approx)
surv.approx[surv.approx > 1] <- 1
surv.approx[surv.approx < 0] <- 0
#No difference in survival expected in the null model
ind.post <- matrix(rep(surv.approx, nrow(holdout)),
nrow = nrow(holdout),
ncol = n_distinct(timepoints),
byrow = TRUE)
} else if(any( class( fit ) == "gam") ) {
split_holdout <- split(holdout, as.factor(holdout$patient_id) )
linked.surv <- lapply(split_holdout, function(s){
long_holdout <- gen_long_data_backup(x = s,
timepoints = timepoints)
long_holdout$bh <- predict(fit, newdata = long_holdout )
long_holdout %>%
dplyr::group_by(patient_id) %>%
dplyr::mutate(surv = exp( - cumsum(exp(bh))) ) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
select(surv) %>%
ind.post <- do.call(rbind, linked.surv)
} else if (any(class(fit$mfit) == "ahaz")) {
obs.haz <- predict(fit$mfit, type = "cumhaz")$cumhaz
obs.time <- predict(fit$mfit, type = "cumhaz")$time
cumhaz.approx <- Hmisc::approxExtrap(x = obs.time, y = obs.haz, xout = timepoints, method = method)$y # with
surv.approx <- exp(-cumhaz.approx)
surv.approx[surv.approx > 1] <- 1
surv.approx[surv.approx < 0] <- 0
varis.obs <- as.matrix(gam_matrix(x = holdout, vars = fit$formula))
ind.post <- lapply(seq_along(1:nrow(holdout)), function(i){
lin_post <- varis.obs[i, ] %*% as.vector( unlist( coef(fit$mfit) ) )
link_surv_lin.helper(p = lin_post, s = surv.approx)
ind.post <- do.call(rbind, ind.post)
rownames(ind.post) <- rownames(holdout)
} else {
stop(paste0("Error: No method for evaluating predicted probabilities from objects in class", class(fit)))
#' Calculate tdBrier
#' These functions calculate the survival analysis metric measured of a
#' system compared to a hold-out test set. The measurement and the "truth"
#' have a survival time and a censoring indicator 0/1 indicating if the event
#' result or the event.
#' The Brier score is defined as the squared distance between the
#' expected survival probability and the observed survival.
#' Therefore, it measures the discrepancy between observation
#' and model-based prediction.
#' The integrated Brier Score summarises the Brier Score over the range
#' of observed events.Similar to the original Brier score [40] the iBrier:
#' ranges from 0 to 1; the model with an out-of-training sample value closer
#' to 0 outperforms the rest.
#' @aliases tdbrier tdbrier.model.list tdbrier.int.matrix
#' stdbrier.int.reference
#' @param data For the default functions, a datframe containing survival
#' (time), and status (0:censored/1:event), and the explanatory variables.
#' @param mod Coxph model object fitted with coxph (survival).
#' @return A tdBrier object
#' @seealso [iBrier]
#' @keywords brier
#' @examples
#' require(survival)
#' require(dplyr)
#' data(lung)
#' lung <- lung %>%
#' mutate(status = (status == 2))
#' mod <- coxph(Surv(time, status)~ age, data = lung)
#' tdbrier <- get_tdbrier(lung, mod)
#' integrate_tdbrier(tdroc)
#' @export tdbrier
#' @references
#' Ulla B. Mogensen, Hemant Ishwaran, Thomas A. Gerds (2012).
#' Evaluating Random Forests for Survival Analysis Using Prediction Error
#' Curves. Journal of Statistical Software, 50(11), 1-23.
#' URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v50/i11/.
#' @export tdbrier
tdbrier <- function(holdout, fit, time = "time", status = "status", ncores = 1L, method = NULL){
#select timepoints with observed event
holdout <- prepare_surv(holdout, time = time, status = status)
observed.timepoints <- get_obs.time(holdout)
#timepoints <- seq(min(observed.timepoints), max(observed.timepoints), length.out = 100)
timepoints <- observed.timepoints
if(any( class(fit) == "coxph") ){
#get probabilites
probs <- pec::predictSurvProb(fit, newdata = holdout, times = timepoints)
} else if (any( class(fit$stanfit) == "stanfit" ) | any(class(fit$mfit) == "ahaz") | any(class(fit) == "gam") ){
probs <- pred_surv2(fit = fit, holdout = holdout, timepoints = timepoints, ncores = ncores, method = method)
} else {
stop(paste0("Error: No method for evaluating predicted probabilities from objects in class", class(fit)))
out.brier <- suppressMessages( pec::pec(probs, Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
data = holdout,
maxtime = max(timepoints),
exact = FALSE,
exactness = length(timepoints) - 1 ) )
apperror <- out.brier$AppErr$matrix
time <- timepoints
ref <- out.brier$AppErr$Reference
ibrier <- integrate_tdbrier(out.brier)
ibrier_ref <- integrate_tdbrier_reference(out.brier)
object <- out.brier
rsquaredbs <- 1 - (apperror / ref)
irsquared <- unclass(1 - ( ibrier / ibrier_ref ) )
out <- list(object, rsquaredbs, ibrier, ibrier_ref, apperror, ref, time, irsquared, method = method)
names(out) <- c("brier.object", "rsquaredbs","ibrier_model", "ibrier_ref", "model_error", "ref_error","time", "irsquared", "method")
#' @rdname tdbrier
#' @export
integrate_tdbrier <-
function(x, ...) {
ibrier <- pec::crps(x, models = "matrix", times = x$maxtime)
#' @export
#' @rdname tdbrier
integrate_tdbrier_reference <-
function(x, ...) {
ibrier <- pec::crps(x, models = "Reference", times = x$maxtime)
integrate_rsquared <- function(m, r){
1 - (m / r)
#' Get c-index
#' The efficacy of the survival model can be measured by
#' the concordance statistic
#' @param data For the default functions, a datframe containing survival
#' (time), and status (0:censored/1:event), and the explanatory variables.
#' @param mod Coxph model object fitted with coxph (survival).
#' @return A cindex object
#' @seealso [coxph]
#' @keywords cindex
#' @examples
#' require(survival)
#' require(dplyr)
#' data(lung)
#' lung <- lung %>%
#' mutate(status = (status == 2))
#' mod <- coxph(Surv(time, status)~ age, data = lung)
#' get_cindex(lung, mod)
#' @export get_cindex
#' @author Carlos S Traynor
#' @references
#' Terry M. Therneau and Patricia M. Grambsch (2000).
#' _Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model_.
#' Springer, New York. ISBN 0-387-98784-3.
#' @export get_cindex
get_cindex <- function(data, mod,...)
#' @export
#' @rdname get_cindex
get_cindex <-
function(holdout, fit, time = "time", status = "status", ncores = 1L, method = NULL){
#select timepoints with observed event
holdout <- prepare_surv(holdout, time = time, status = status)
#timepoints = seq(min(get_obs.time(holdout)), max(get_obs.time(holdout)), length.out = 100)
timepoints <- get_obs.time(holdout)
if(any( class(fit) == "coxph") ){
#get probabilites
probs <- pec::predictSurvProb(fit, newdata = holdout, times = timepoints)
} else if (any( class(fit$stanfit) == "stanfit" ) | any(class(fit$mfit) == "ahaz") | any(class(fit) == "gam") ){
probs <- pred_surv2(fit = fit, holdout = holdout, timepoints = timepoints, ncores = ncores, method = method)
} else {
stop(paste0("Error: No method for evaluating predicted probabilities from objects in class ", class(fit)))
statistic <- suppressMessages( pec::cindex(probs,
Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
data = holdout,
pred.times = timepoints,
eval.times = timepoints ) )
apperror <- unlist(statistic$AppCindex)
time <- timepoints
concordance <- mean(apperror)
ref <- 0.5
out <- list(concordance, apperror, ref, time, statistic)
names(out) <- c( "concordance", "apperror", "reference","time",
#' Calculate survival ROC
#' These functions calculate the survival analysis metric measured of a
#' system compared to a hold-out test set. The measurement and the "truth"
#' have a survival time and a censoring indicator 0/1 indicating if the event
#' result or the event.
#' The Brier score is defined as the squared distance between the
#' expected survival probability and the observed survival.
#' Therefore, it measures the discrepancy between observation
#' and model-based prediction.
#' The integrated Brier Score summarises the Brier Score over the range
#' of observed events.Similar to the original Brier score [40] the iBrier:
#' ranges from 0 to 1; the model with an out-of-training sample value closer
#' to 0 outperforms the rest.
#' @aliases tdbrier tdbrier.model.list tdbrier.int.matrix
#' stdbrier.int.reference
#' @param data For the default functions, a datframe containing survival
#' (time), and status (0:censored/1:event), and the explanatory variables.
#' @param mod Coxph model object fitted with coxph (survival).
#' @return A tdBrier object
#' @seealso [iBrier]
#' @keywords brier
#' @examples
#' require(survival)
#' require(dplyr)
#' data(lung)
#' lung <- lung %>%
#' mutate(status = (status == 2))
#' mod <- coxph(Surv(time, status)~ age, data = lung)
#' tdbrier <- get_tdbrier(lung, mod)
#' integrate_tdbrier(tdroc)
#' @export get_survroc
#' @author Carlos S Traynor
#' @references
#' Ulla B. Mogensen, Hemant Ishwaran, Thomas A. Gerds (2012).
#' Evaluating Random Forests for Survival Analysis Using Prediction Error
#' Curves. Journal of Statistical Software, 50(11), 1-23.
#' URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v50/i11/.
get_survroc <- function(holdout, fit, time = "time", status = "status", ncores = ncores){
#select timepoints with observed event
holdout <- prepare_surv(holdout, time = time, status = status)
timepoints = seq(min(get_obs.time(holdout)), max(get_obs.time(holdout)), length.out = 100)
if(any( class(fit) == "coxph") ){
probs <- predict(fit, newdata = holdout, type = "lp")
statistic <- tdROC::tdROC(X = probs[!is.na(probs)],
Y = holdout[[time]][!is.na(probs)],
delta = holdout[[status]][!is.na(probs)],
tau = max(holdout[[time]][holdout[[status]] ]),
n.grid = 1000)
iroc <- integrate_tdroc(statistic)
sens <- statistic$ROC$sens
spec <- statistic$ROC$spec
grid <- statistic[[1]]$ROC$grid
out <- list(iroc, sens, spec, grid)
names(out) <- c( "iroc", "sens", "spec","grid")
} else if(any( class(fit) == "gam" )){
beta <- fit$coefficients[!grepl("Intercept|tend", names(fit$coefficients))]
vars <- unlist( strsplit(deparse(fit$formula[[3]]), "[+]") )
vars <- gsub(" ", "", vars) #remove space
vars <- vars[!grepl("1|offset|tend", vars)]
vars <- vars[vars != ""]
X <- gam_matrix(x = holdout, vars = vars)
probs <- as.matrix(X) %*% as.vector(unlist( beta) )
statistic <- tdROC::tdROC(X = probs[!is.na(probs)],
Y = holdout[[time]][!is.na(probs)],
delta = holdout[[status]][!is.na(probs)],
tau = max(holdout[[time]][holdout[[status]] ]),
n.grid = 1000)
iroc <- integrate_tdroc(statistic)
sens <- statistic$ROC$sens
spec <- statistic$ROC$spec
grid <- statistic[[1]]$ROC$grid
out <- list(iroc, sens, spec, grid)
names(out) <- c( "iroc", "sens", "spec","grid")
} else if (any( class(fit$stanfit) == "stanfit" ) ){
beta_draws <- extract_beta_draws(fit);
varis.obs <- get_predictors(fit);
vars <- unlist( strsplit(deparse(fit$formula$rhs ), "[+]") )
vars <- gsub(" ", "", vars) #remove space
vars <- vars[vars != ""]
x <- holdout[fit$formula$allvars[-(1:2)]]
X <- data.frame(id = seq_along(1:nrow(x)))
for(i in seq_along(vars) ){
if(grepl("log", vars[i])){
x[[i]] <- log(x[[i]])
matrixna <- x[i]
X <- cbind(X, matrixna)
} else{
x[[i]] <- as.factor(x[[i]])
coluna <- x[i]
matrixna <- model.matrix(~ ., coluna)[ ,-1]
matrixna <- as.data.frame(matrixna)
if('matrixna' %in% colnames(matrixna) ){
colnames(matrixna) <- paste0(colnames(coluna), "1")
X <- cbind(X, matrixna)
X <- X[-match("id", colnames(X) )]
beta_draws_mean <- apply(beta_draws, 2, mean)
probs <- as.matrix(X) %*% as.vector(unlist( beta_draws_mean ) )
statistic <- tdROC::tdROC(X = probs[!is.na(probs)],
Y = holdout[[time]][!is.na(probs)],
delta = holdout[[status]][!is.na(probs)],
tau = max(holdout[[time]][holdout[[status]] ]),
n.grid = 1000)
iroc <- integrate_tdroc(statistic)
sens <- statistic$ROC$sens
spec <- statistic$ROC$spec
grid <- statistic[[1]]$ROC$grid
out <- list(iroc, sens, spec, grid)
names(out) <- c( "iroc", "sens", "spec","grid")
# roc.out <- lapply(seq_along(1:nrow(beta_draws)), function(samp){
# probs <- as.matrix(X) %*% as.vector(unlist( beta_draws[samp, ] ))
# tdROC::tdROC(X = probs[!is.na(probs)],
# Y = holdout[[time]][!is.na(probs)],
# delta = holdout[[status]][!is.na(probs)],
# tau = max(holdout[[time]][holdout[[status]] ]),
# n.grid = 1000)
# } )
# iroc <- sapply(roc.out, function(statistic){
# integrate_tdroc(statistic)
# })
# iroc <- mean(unlist( iroc))
# sens <- lapply(roc.out, function(sensibility){
# sensibility$ROC$sens
# })
# sens <- do.call(cbind, sens)
# sens <- apply(sens, 1, mean)
# spec <- lapply(roc.out, function(specificity){
# specificity$ROC$spec
# })
# spec <- do.call(cbind, spec)
# spec <- apply(spec, 1, mean)
# grid <- roc.out[[1]]$ROC$grid
# out <- list(iroc, sens, spec, grid)
# names(out) <- c( "iroc", "sens", "spec","grid")
# out
} else {
"Print object must be either coxph or stanreg"
#' Calculate survival ROC
#' @export integrate_tdroc
#' @rdname integrate_tdroc
integrate_tdroc <-
function( fit, ...) {
fit$AUC[1] %>% unlist
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