
Defines functions apply_bounds get_bounds vary_color reactive_validated get_names heat_map add_heat point_range_map range_map point_map build_point_map add_home_range_list add_home_range add_control add_points add_measure base_map

Documented in add_control base_map get_names heat_map point_map point_range_map range_map

# CONFIG ----
# the layer name of graticule, it need to be consistent across functions. so making it parameter will not guarantee consistency. It's less important so using global is OK.
GRID_GROUP <- "_graticule_"
# TILES_INFO hold information of tiles needed for initialization. HERE maps need api key and different init code, so they are placed in separate list items, also need to keep here api key. The layer names are also needed in layer control code in other places
TILES_INFO <- list(here = c("HERE.terrainDay", "HERE.satelliteDay",
                   open = c("OpenTopoMap",
                            "Esri.WorldTopoMap", "Esri.WorldImagery"),
                   here_app_id = 'ehftALetcOLjvopsXsZP',
                   here_app_code = 'a5oE5ewb0eH9ojahDBLUzQ'
# build map ----

#' Build a leaflet base map
#' @param tiles_info A list holding tiles information, default to be
#'   `ctmmweb:::TILES_INFO`. To customize it, use `ctmmweb:::TILES_INFO` as a
#'   template.
#' @param grid Add graticule by [leaflet::addSimpleGraticule()]
#' @return A leaflet widget object.
#' @export
base_map <- function(tiles_info = TILES_INFO,
                     grid = TRUE) {
  leaf <- leaflet::leaflet(options = leaflet::leafletOptions(
    attributionControl = FALSE))
  for (prov in tiles_info$here) {
    leaf <- leaf %>%
                                group = prov,
                                options = leaflet::providerTileOptions(
                                  detectRetina = TRUE,
                                  app_id = tiles_info$here_app_id,
                                  app_code = tiles_info$here_app_code))
  for (prov in tiles_info$open) {
    leaf <- leaf %>%
      leaflet::addProviderTiles(leaflet::providers[[prov]], group = prov)
  if (grid) {
    leaf <- leaf %>%
      leaflet::addSimpleGraticule(interval = 1, showOriginLabel = FALSE,
                                  redraw = "moveend", group = GRID_GROUP)
# note all additional augment functions need leaf as first parameter.
add_measure <- function(leaf) {
  leaf %>%
      position = "bottomright",
      primaryLengthUnit = "meters",
      secondaryLengthUnit = "kilometers",
      primaryAreaUnit = "sqmeters",
      secondaryAreaUnit = "hectares",
      activeColor = "#3D535D",
      completedColor = "#e74c3c")
# the layer control need to wait home range, so not added here. id_pal is color pallete function from full data set. used different parameter name specifically to hint the difference. Always use id to hint the full context since id is a factor. leaflet need a factor function to apply on id column. In comparison, home ranges are added one by one and used plain color vector.
add_points <- function(leaf, dt, name_vec, id_pal) {
  # add each individual as a layer
  # for loop is better than lapply since we don't need to use <<-
  for (current_id in name_vec) {
    leaf <- leaf %>%
      leaflet::addCircles(data = dt[identity == current_id], group = current_id,
                          lng = ~longitude, lat = ~latitude,
                          radius = 0.3, weight = 2,
                          color = ~id_pal(id),
                          opacity = 0.4, fillOpacity = 0.05)
  leaf %>%
    leaflet::addLegend(pal = id_pal, values = name_vec,
                       position = "topleft") %>%
    leaflet::addScaleBar(position = "bottomleft") %>%
    # draw with measure, but it show measure on markers
    # addDrawToolbar(targetGroup = draw_group,
    #                editOptions = editToolbarOptions(
    #                  selectedPathOptions = selectedPathOptions())) %>%
    # addMeasurePathToolbar(options =
    #                         measurePathOptions(showOnHover = FALSE,
    #                                            minPixelDistance = 100))
    # simple measure

#' Add layer control for leaflet map
#' @param leaf leaflet map widget object.
#' @param layer_vec character vector of user data layers. For example animal
#'   names, model names etc.
#' @inheritParams base_map
#' @export
add_control <- function(leaf, layer_vec,
                        tiles_info = TILES_INFO) {
  leaf %>% leaflet::addLayersControl(
    baseGroups = c(tiles_info$here, tiles_info$open),
    overlayGroups = c(GRID_GROUP, layer_vec),
    options = leaflet::layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)
# home range ----
add_home_range <- function(leaf, hrange, hr_levels, hr_color, hr_name){
  hrange_spdf <- sp::spTransform(
    ctmm::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.UD(hrange, level.UD = hr_levels),
    sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
  est_indice <- seq(2, length(hrange_spdf), by = 3)
  hrange_spdf_est <- hrange_spdf[est_indice, ]
  hrange_spdf_other <- hrange_spdf[-est_indice, ]
  leaf %>%
    leaflet::addPolygons(data = hrange_spdf_est, weight = 2.2, opacity = 0.7,
                         fillOpacity = 0.05, color = hr_color, group = hr_name) %>%
    leaflet::addPolygons(data = hrange_spdf_other, weight = 1.2, opacity = 0.4,
                         fillOpacity = 0.05, color = hr_color, group = hr_name)
# given a map object, add layers and return the map object. use simple color_vec instead of pallete function so user can customize it easier.
add_home_range_list <- function(leaf, hrange_list, hr_levels,
                                hr_color_vec) {
  hr_name_vec <- names(hrange_list)
  for (i in seq_along(hrange_list)) {
    leaf <- leaf %>% add_home_range(hrange_list[[i]], hr_levels,
                                    hr_color_vec[i], hr_name_vec[i])
# point map ----
# exported user friendly version ends with map and don't use verb in beginning. the usage in app is already abstract enough, nothing to wrap more. For package users, things can be improved: 1. name_vec came from dt, id_pal came from full dt, so only provide two dt? that will be difficult to customize color. show them the internal usage. so it's easy to get points map with two dt, that's good. next, home range is complex, need lots of parameters, just let user define the color is easier, and keep the separated functions, the add control need to be separated, but with more control.
# decided to wrap control code inside function, so user will use 3 different functions. no step by step building but it's easier. they can use internal functions if they need more flexibility.
# the internal shared part of point map
build_point_map <- function(dt_subset) {
  full_id_vec <- levels(dt_subset$id)
  selected_id_vec <- get_names(dt_subset)
  id_pal <- leaflet::colorFactor(scales::hue_pal()(length(full_id_vec)),
                                 full_id_vec, ordered = TRUE)
  base_map() %>% add_points(dt_subset, selected_id_vec, id_pal)
#' Build maps of animal locations
#' An interactive map will shown in RStudio Viewer pane when running in
#' interactive session. You can also further augment it with
#' [leaflet](https://github.com/rstudio/leaflet) functions, or save to a html
#' with [htmlwidgets::saveWidget()].
#' @describeIn point_map Build point map of animal locations
#' @param loc_data_subset `data.table` subset of full data set of animal
#'   locations from [combine()]. The `id` column need to keep all animal names
#'   in factor levels to maintain color consistency.
#' @return A `Leaflet` map widget.
#' @export
point_map <- function(loc_data_subset) {
  # full_id_vec <- levels(loc_data$id)
  selected_id_vec <- get_names(loc_data_subset)
  # id_pal <- leaflet::colorFactor(scales::hue_pal()(length(full_id_vec)),
  #                                full_id_vec, ordered = TRUE)
  # base_map() %>% add_points(loc_data, selected_id_vec, id_pal) %>%
  #   add_control(selected_id_vec)
  build_point_map(loc_data_subset) %>% add_control(selected_id_vec)
#' @describeIn point_map Build map of home ranges
#' @param hrange_list list of home range UD object. The names of list will be
#'   used as layer names, usually they are model names.
#' @param hr_levels  The vector of `level.UD` in `ctmm::plot.telemetry`. To be
#'   consistent with `ctmm` they are values 0 ~ 1 (for example 0.95). Note the
#'   app UI take values 0 ~ 100 (for example 95) for easier input.
#' @param hr_color_vec Vector of color names to be used for each home range. The
#'   length of `hr_color_vec` should match length of `hrange_list`.
#' @export
range_map <- function(hrange_list, hr_levels, hr_color_vec) {
  base_map() %>%
    add_home_range_list(hrange_list, hr_levels, hr_color_vec) %>%
#' @describeIn point_map Build map of home ranges and animal locations
#' @export
point_range_map <- function(loc_data_subset, hrange_list,
                            hr_levels, hr_color_vec) {
  selected_id_vec <- get_names(loc_data_subset)
  build_point_map(loc_data_subset) %>%
    add_home_range_list(hrange_list, hr_levels, hr_color_vec) %>%
    add_control(c(selected_id_vec, names(hrange_list)))
# heat map ----
# base map layer control added here
add_heat <- function(leaf, loc_data, tiles_info = TILES_INFO) {
  leaf %>%
    leaflet.extras::addHeatmap(data = loc_data, lng = ~longitude, lat = ~latitude,
                               blur = 8, max = 1, radius = 5, group = "Heatmap") %>%
    leaflet::addScaleBar(position = "bottomleft") %>%
    add_measure() %>%
      baseGroups = c(tiles_info$here, tiles_info$open),
      overlayGroups = c(GRID_GROUP, "Heatmap"),
      options = leaflet::layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE))
#' @describeIn point_map Build heat map of animal locations
#' @export
heat_map <- function(loc_data_subset) {
  base_map() %>% add_heat(loc_data_subset)
# utilities ----
# need a helper so it's easier for user not familiar with data.table.

#' Extract vector of names from `data.table`
#' @param loc_data `data.table` of animal locations from [combine()]
#' @return A character vector of animal names from `identity` column in
#' `loc_data`. Order is not changed.
#' @export
get_names <- function(loc_data) {
  unique(loc_data, by = "identity")$identity
# check if a reactive value is valid yet
reactive_validated <- function(reactive_value) {
  res <- try(reactive_value, silent = TRUE)
  return(!("try-error" %in% class(res)))
# take and return rgb strings. given a base color, create variations in different values, ordered from bright to dark.
# the usual scales::gradient_n_pal take two ends then cut between, this is taking the 1 and 0.5 brightness variation of base color as two ends, otherwise the available color space could be very small when base color is quite dark/bright
vary_color <- function(base_color, count) {
  if (count == 1) {
  } else {
    hsv_vec <- grDevices::rgb2hsv(grDevices::col2rgb(base_color))[, 1]
    return(grDevices::hsv(hsv_vec[1], hsv_vec[2], seq(1, 0.5, length.out = count)))
get_bounds <- function(dt) {
  return(list(lng1 = min(dt$longitude), lat1 = min(dt$latitude),
              lng2 = max(dt$longitude), lat2 = max(dt$latitude)))
apply_bounds <- function(leaf, bounds) {
  leaflet::fitBounds(leaf, bounds$east, bounds$north, bounds$west, bounds$south)
ctmm-initiative/ctmm-webapp documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 4:39 a.m.