
Defines functions kub_create_task

Documented in kub_create_task

#' Create a docker directory with the kuber template for parallelism by expansion
#' @description This function creates a directory with 5 components from the
#' kuber template: a `Dockerfile` (that is designed for expanded parallel taks),
#' an R file `exec.R` (which contains some code that guides how your program
#' should work), a `job-tmpl.yaml` (a template for the yaml files that will lauch
#' the docker jobs), an RDS `list.rds` (which contains `as.list(seq(1, 10))` just
#' so you don't forget to setup the inputs that each job will take) and a `jobs/`
#' folder (where the actual job yaml files will go once you run [kub_push_task()]).
#' For more information, please see the sections below.
#' @section Dockerfile:
#' This is a very simple `Dockerfile` based on `rocker/tidyverse` that installs
#' `tidyverse`, `devtools` and `abjutils`, and copies `exec.R` and `list.rds` to
#' the home directory. If you have any extra dependencies or want to use more
#' files for your script, this is where you should add them.
#' @section Exec.R:
#' The `exec.R` file is only a guide for what your script should probably be
#' doing. It gets the number of the current job as its only argument, saves a
#' result file as an RDS and uploads that file to the desired bucket. For more
#' information, see the "Toy example" vignette; if you're having problems, see
#' the "Debugging exec.R" vignette.
#' @section Job-tmpl.yaml:
#' The job template is a very simple file that describes how the job should be
#' run once it is activated by the pod, which is essentially running
#' `Rscript --vanilla exec.R [JOB_NUMBER]`. Since this template uses parallelism
#' via expansion, [kub_push_task()] will expand this template into as many job
#' files as you want.
#' @section Jobs/:
#' This is simply a folder that will store the job files once the template is
#' expanded.
#' @section List.rds:
#' This is more of a suggestion than a required file. It contains (by default)
#' a `list()` with each integer from 1 to 10, but actually it could be any list
#' of your choosing. The goal here is to be able to get the arguments for your
#' script just by extracting the element with index equal to the job number
#' (meaning that job number `N` might read and use everything stored in `list.rds`
#' at index `[[N]]`). To illustrate this concept, take for example a webscraping
#' script: `list.rds` would contain a list where each element is a character
#' vector of URLs to scrape; each job would therefore read the file but only
#' scrape `list[[N]]` so that it doesn't overlap with any other job. Fore more
#' information, see the "Toy example" vignette.
#' @section Service account:
#' In order to create a service account (necessary to manage storage resources
#' remotely) you must access \url{https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts}
#' and add to it the "storage object administrator" role. You should then click
#' on the account and generate a key as a JSON file. This file will be downloaded
#' to your computer and can be referenced via the `service_account` argument.
#' @param path Directory where to initialize task (will be set as default for
#' other Kuber functions)
#' @param cluster_name Name of the cluster where to execute jobs (must exist
#' already)
#' @param bucket_name Name of the storage bucket where the files will be stored
#' (will be created if necessary)
#' @param image_name Name of the docker image where to build the container (either
#' its full path in the form `[HOSTNAME]/[PROJECT_ID]/[IMAGE_NAME]:[VERSION]` or
#' simply `[IMAGE_NAME]` for it to be automatically pushed to the Google Cloud
#' Registry)
#' @param service_account Path to the Service Account JSON file that will be
#' used to authenticate `gsutil` inside each container (must be a storage object
#' administrator)
#' @references \url{https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/job/parallel-processing-expansion/}
#' \url{https://cloud.google.com/container-registry/docs/quickstart}
#' @return Path where the kuber folder was created
#' @export
kub_create_task <- function(path, cluster_name, bucket_name, image_name, service_account) {
  path <- default_path(path, TRUE)

  # Create empty directory
  dir.create(path, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  if (length(list.files(path, all.files = TRUE, no.. = TRUE)) > 0) {
    stop("Directory must be empty")

  # Hidden file for information
  file.create(paste0(path, "/.kuber"))

  # Fetch cluster info
  cl <- cluster_info(cluster_name)
  write(paste("cluster:", cluster_name), paste0(path, "/.kuber"), append = TRUE)
  write(paste("location:", cl$LOCATION), paste0(path, "/.kuber"), append = TRUE)
  write(paste("region:", gsub("-[a-z]$", "", cl$LOCATION)), paste0(path, "/.kuber"), append = TRUE)
  write(paste("num_nodes:", cl$NUM_NODES), paste0(path, "/.kuber"), append = TRUE)

  # Create bucket
  write(paste("bucket:", bucket_name), paste0(path, "/.kuber"), append = TRUE)

  # Build image name if necessary
  if (!grepl("/", image_name)) {
    conf <- gcloud_get_config(TRUE)
    project <- gsub("project = ", "", conf[grep("project = ", conf)])
    image_name <- paste0("gcr.io/", project, "/", image_name, ":latest")
  write(paste("image:", image_name), paste0(path, "/.kuber"), append = TRUE)

  # Create job name
  job <- paste0("process-", paste0(sample(letters, 6, TRUE), collapse = ""))
  write(paste("template:", job), paste0(path, "/.kuber"), append = TRUE)

  # Text for files
  dockerfile_file <- c(
    "FROM rocker/tidyverse",
    "RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install \\",
    "  build-essential \\",
    "  libcurl4-gnutls-dev \\",
    "  libxml2-dev \\",
    "  libssl-dev \\",
    "  r-cran-curl \\",
    "  r-cran-openssl \\",
    "  curl \\",
    "  gnupg1 \\",
    "  r-cran-xml2 \\",
    "  && install2.r --error \\",
    "    --deps TRUE \\",
    "    abjutils",
    "COPY exec.R service_account_key.json list.rds* ./",
    'RUN export CLOUD_SDK_REPO="cloud-sdk-$(lsb_release -c -s)" && \\',
    '  echo "deb http://packages.cloud.google.com/apt $CLOUD_SDK_REPO main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list && \\',
    "  curl https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | apt-key add - && \\",
    "  apt-get update -y && apt-get install google-cloud-sdk -y",
    "RUN gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=service_account_key.json",
  exec_r_file <- c(
    "#!/usr/bin/env Rscript",
    "args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)",
    "# Arguments",
    "idx <- as.numeric(args[1])",
    "bucket <- as.character(args[2])",
    "# Use this function to save your results",
    "save_path <- function(path) {",
    '  file_ <- gsub("\\\\./", "", path)',
    '  system(paste0("gsutil cp -r ", file_, " gs://", bucket, "/", gsub("/.+", "", file_)))',
    "  do.call(file.remove, list(list.files(path, full.names = TRUE)))",
    "  return(path)",
    "# Get object passed in list[[idx]]",
    'obj <- readRDS("list.rds")[[idx]]',
  job_tmpl_file <- c(
    "apiVersion: batch/v1",
    "kind: Job",
    paste0("  name: ", job, "-item-$ITEM"),
    "  labels:",
    paste0("    jobgroup: ", job),
    "  template:",
    "    metadata:",
    paste0("      name: ", job),
    "      labels:",
    paste0("        jobgroup: ", job),
    "    spec:",
    "      containers:",
    "      - name: c",
    paste0("        image: ", image_name),
    paste0('        command: ["Rscript", "--vanilla", "exec.R", "$ITEM", "', bucket_name, '"]'),
    "      restartPolicy: OnFailure"

  # Paths for files
  dockerfile <- paste0(path, "/Dockerfile")
  exec_r <- paste0(path, "/exec.R")
  job_tmpl <- paste0(path, "/job-tmpl.yaml")
  list <- paste0(path, "/list.rds")

  # Create all files
  file.create(dockerfile, exec_r, job_tmpl)
  writeLines(dockerfile_file, dockerfile)
  writeLines(exec_r_file, exec_r)
  writeLines(job_tmpl_file, job_tmpl)
  file.copy(service_account, path)
    list.files(path, pattern = "json", full.names = TRUE),
    paste0(path, "/service_account_key.json")
  saveRDS(as.list(seq(1, 10)), list)
  dir.create(paste0(path, "/jobs"), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  # Further instructions
  todo("Edit '", exec_r, "'")
  todo("Create '", list, "' with usable parameters")
  todo("Run 'kub_push_task(\\\"", path, "\\\")'")

  # Edit file
  if (requireNamespace("rstudioapi", quietly = TRUE) && is_rstudio()) {

curso-r/kuber documentation built on Sept. 30, 2019, 9:12 a.m.