matrix_bot_query_template <- getcdw::parameterize_template(
with savedlist as (
sa as (
select distinct
'participated_in' as widget,
student_activity_code as code,
student_activity_desc as description,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over (partition by student_activity_code) as overlap,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over () as sl_total,
count (distinct tags.entity_id) over (partition by student_activity_code) as tag_cnt,
count(distinct tags.entity_id) over () as total
from cdw.d_bio_student_activity_mv tags
left join savedlist on tags.entity_id = savedlist.entity_id
dept as (
select distinct
'gave_to_department' as widget,
alloc_dept_code as code,
alloc_department_desc as description,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over (partition by alloc_dept_code) as overlap,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over () as sl_total,
count (distinct tags.donor_entity_id_nbr) over (partition by alloc_dept_code) as tag_cnt,
count(distinct tags.donor_entity_id_nbr) over () as total
from cdw.f_transaction_detail_mv tags
left join savedlist on tags.donor_entity_id_nbr = savedlist.entity_id
where benefit_dept_credited_amt > 0
affil as (
select distinct
'has_affiliation' as widget,
affil_code as code,
affil_code_desc as description,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over (partition by affil_code) as overlap,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over () as sl_total,
count (distinct tags.entity_id) over (partition by affil_code) as tag_cnt,
count(distinct tags.entity_id) over () as total
from cdw.d_bio_affiliation_mv tags
left join savedlist on tags.entity_id = savedlist.entity_id
major as (
select distinct
'majored_in' as widget,
major_code1 as code,
major_1_desc as description,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over (partition by major_code1) as overlap,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over () as sl_total,
count (distinct tags.entity_id) over (partition by major_code1) as tag_cnt,
count(distinct tags.entity_id) over () as total
from cdw.d_bio_degrees_mv tags
left join savedlist on tags.entity_id = savedlist.entity_id
where institution_code in ('004833', '0A4833')
and degree_year <> ' '
and major_code1 <> 'UNK'
interest as (
select distinct
'has_interest' as widget,
interest_code as code,
interest_desc as description,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over (partition by interest_code) as overlap,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over () as sl_total,
count (distinct tags.entity_id) over (partition by interest_code) as tag_cnt,
count(distinct tags.entity_id) over () as total
from cdw.d_bio_interest_mv tags
left join savedlist on tags.entity_id = savedlist.entity_id
sport as (
select distinct
'played_sport' as widget,
sport_code as code,
sport_desc as description,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over (partition by sport_code) as overlap,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over () as sl_total,
count (distinct tags.entity_id) over (partition by sport_code) as tag_cnt,
count(distinct tags.entity_id) over () as total
from cdw.d_bio_sport_mv tags
left join savedlist on tags.entity_id = savedlist.entity_id
phil_affin as (
select distinct
'has_philanthropic_affinity' as widget,
other_affinity_type as code,
other_affinity_type_desc as description,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over (partition by other_affinity_type) as overlap,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over () as sl_total,
count (distinct tags.entity_id) over (partition by other_affinity_type) as tag_cnt,
count(distinct tags.entity_id) over () as total
from cdw.d_oth_phil_affinity_mv tags
left join savedlist on tags.entity_id = savedlist.entity_id
industry as (
select distinct
'works_in_industry' as widget,
sic_code as code,
sic_code_desc as description,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over (partition by sic_code) as overlap,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over () as sl_total,
count (distinct tags.entity_id) over (partition by sic_code) as tag_cnt,
count(distinct tags.entity_id) over () as total
from cdw.d_bio_employment_mv tags
left join savedlist on tags.entity_id = savedlist.entity_id
where sic_code is not null
occupation as (
select distinct
'has_occupation' as widget,
fld_of_spec_code1 as code,
fld_of_spec_1_desc as description,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over (partition by fld_of_spec_code1) as overlap,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over () as sl_total,
count (distinct tags.entity_id) over (partition by fld_of_spec_code1) as tag_cnt,
count(distinct tags.entity_id) over () as total
from cdw.d_bio_employment_mv tags
left join savedlist on tags.entity_id = savedlist.entity_id
where trim(fld_of_spec_code1) is not null
event as (
select distinct
'attended_event' as widget,
activity_code as code,
activity_desc as description,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over (partition by activity_code) as overlap,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over () as sl_total,
count (distinct tags.entity_id) over (partition by activity_code) as tag_cnt,
count(distinct tags.entity_id) over () as total
from cdw.d_bio_activity_mv tags
left join savedlist on tags.entity_id = savedlist.entity_id
where activity_participation_code IN ('P', 'ST', 'SP', 'V', 'H', 'S', 'C', 'KN', 'MD', 'E', 'OL', 'IS')
award as (
select distinct
'received_award' as widget,
awd_honor_code as code,
awd_honor_desc as description,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over (partition by awd_honor_code) as overlap,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over () as sl_total,
count (distinct tags.entity_id) over (partition by awd_honor_code) as tag_cnt,
count(distinct tags.entity_id) over () as total
from cdw.d_bio_awards_and_honors_mv tags
left join savedlist on tags.entity_id = savedlist.entity_id
philaffin as (
select distinct
'has_philanthropic_interest' as widget,
affinity_type as code,
affinity_type_desc as description,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over (partition by affinity_type) as overlap,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over () as sl_total,
count (distinct tags.entity_id) over (partition by affinity_type) as tag_cnt,
count(distinct tags.entity_id) over () as total
from cdw.d_philanthropic_interest_mv tags
left join savedlist on tags.entity_id = savedlist.entity_id
where stop_date is null
fec_category as (
select distinct
'fec_gave_to_category' as widget,
fec_cmte_category.cmte_code as code,
fec_cmte_category.catname as description,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over (partition by fec_cmte_category.cmte_code) as overlap,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over () as sl_total,
count (distinct tags.entity_id) over (partition by fec_cmte_category.cmte_code) as tag_cnt,
count(distinct tags.entity_id) over () as total
from rdata.fec tags
inner join rdata.fec_cmte_category on tags.cmte_id = fec_cmte_category.cmte_id
left join savedlist on tags.entity_id = savedlist.entity_id
fec_candidate as (
select distinct
'fec_gave_to_candidate' as widget,
fec_candidates.cand_id as code,
first_value(fec_candidates.cand_name) over (partition by fec_candidates.cand_id) as description,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over (partition by fec_candidates.cand_id) as overlap,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over () as sl_total,
count (distinct tags.entity_id) over (partition by fec_candidates.cand_id) as tag_cnt,
count(distinct tags.entity_id) over () as total
from rdata.fec tags
inner join rdata.fec_ccl
on tags.cmte_id = fec_ccl.cmte_id
and tags.fec_cycle = fec_ccl.fec_cycle
inner join rdata.fec_candidates
on fec_ccl.fec_cycle = fec_candidates.fec_cycle
and fec_ccl.cand_id = fec_candidates.cand_id
left join savedlist on tags.entity_id = savedlist.entity_id
ca_candidate as (
select distinct
'ca_gave_to_candidate' as widget,
ca_candidates.candidate_id as code,
first_value(ca_candidates.candidate) over (partition by ca_candidates.candidate_id) as description,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over (partition by ca_candidates.candidate_id) as overlap,
count (distinct savedlist.entity_id) over () as sl_total,
count (distinct tags.entity_id) over (partition by ca_candidates.candidate_id) as tag_cnt,
count(distinct tags.entity_id) over () as total
from rdata.ca_campaign tags
inner join rdata.ca_campaign_candidate ca_candidates
on tags.filing_id = ca_candidates.filing_id
left join savedlist on tags.entity_id = savedlist.entity_id
select * from sa where overlap >= ##MIN_CUTOFF##
select * from dept where overlap >= ##MIN_CUTOFF##
select * from affil where overlap >= ##MIN_CUTOFF##
select * from major where overlap >= ##MIN_CUTOFF##
select * from interest where overlap >= ##MIN_CUTOFF##
select * from sport where overlap >= ##MIN_CUTOFF##
select * from phil_affin where overlap >= ##MIN_CUTOFF##
select * from industry where overlap >= ##MIN_CUTOFF##
select * from occupation where overlap >= ##MIN_CUTOFF##
select * from event where overlap >= ##MIN_CUTOFF##
select * from award where overlap >= ##MIN_CUTOFF##
select * from philaffin where overlap >= ##MIN_CUTOFF##
select * from fec_category where overlap >= ##MIN_CUTOFF##
select * from fec_candidate where overlap >= ##MIN_CUTOFF##
select * from ca_candidate where overlap >= ##MIN_CUTOFF##
matrix_bot_query <- function(sl)
disco = to_sql(sl),
#' Broaden a search using co-occurrence analysis
#' The \code{matrix_bot} takes a disco engine definition and compares it to
#' other codes in CADS, looking for patterns of co-occurrence. That is, it
#' analyzes individuals who match your definition, looking for other codes they
#' have in common.
#' @param ... One or more disco engine definitions and/or individual entity IDs
#' @examples
#' ## we start out with a basic definition of interst in Chicano Studies
#' chicano_interest = majored_in(chicano_studies) %or% gave_to_department(CHICANO)
#' ## now the matrix_bot discovers related characteristics, such as
#' ## majoring in ethnic studies or participating in MEChXA
#' matrix_bot(chicano_interest)
#' @export
matrix_bot <- function(...) {
#stopifnot(listbuilder::get_id_type(savedlist) == "entity_id")
savedlist <- entity_id_param(...)
overlap_df <- getcdw::get_cdw(matrix_bot_query(savedlist))
overlap_df <- dplyr::mutate(
prob = pbinom(
size = sl_total,
prob = tag_cnt / total,
lower.tail = FALSE
), effect = (overlap / sl_total) / (tag_cnt / total))
overlap_df <- dplyr::filter(overlap_df, effect >= MIN_EFFECT, prob < PROB_CUTOFF)
overlap_df <- dplyr::select(overlap_df,
widget, code, description, effect)
overlap_df <- dplyr::arrange(overlap_df, widget, desc(effect))
bigmap <- dplyr::select(overlap_df, -effect)
bigmap <- split(bigmap, bigmap$widget)
if (length(bigmap) == 0L)
stop("Bleep bloop. Sorry, matrix bot didn't find anything",
call. = FALSE)
lblist <- Map(function(fun, df), list(df[["code"]])),
names(bigmap), bigmap)
lb <- Reduce(`%or%`, lblist)
bot_results = bigmap,
class = c("matrix_bot", "bot_results", "listbuilder", class(bigmap)))
#' @rdname matrix_bot
#' @export
bot_matrix <- matrix_bot
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