uses_table <- function(lb, table) {
expect_equal(tolower(get_table(lb)), tolower(table))
id_field_is <- function(lb, id_type) {
expect_equal(tolower(get_id_field(lb)), tolower(id_type))
id_of_type <- function(lb, id_type) {
expect_equal(get_id_type(lb), id_type)
filters_on <- function(lb, desired_fields) {
desired_fields <- as.list(desired_fields)
expect_equal(length(lb$where), length(desired_fields))
actual_fields <- lapply(lb$where, "[[", 2)
extra_desired <- setdiff(desired_fields, actual_fields)
extra_actual <- setdiff(actual_fields, desired_fields)
expect_identical(extra_desired, list())
expect_identical(extra_actual, list())
has_filters <- function(lb, ...) {
expected <- list(...)
expected_field_names <- names(expected)
if (any(nchar(expected_field_names) < 1))
stop("all arguments must be named")
expected_values <- unname(expected)
logic <- c(get_where(lb), get_having(lb))
# this test is just for the x %in% y or x == y variety
testlogic <- Filter(function(x) deparse(x[[1]]) %in% c("%in%", "=="), logic)
expect_identical(length(expected), length(testlogic))
for (i in seq_along(expected)) {
current <- Filter(function(x) deparse(x[[2]]) == expected_field_names[[i]],
if (length(current) > 1) stop("multiple clauses with same field")
actual_values <- current[[1]][[3]]
expect_true(setequal(expected_values[[i]], actual_values))
has_clause_count <- function(lb, expected) {
logic <- c(get_where(lb), get_having(lb))
expect_equal(length(logic), expected)
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