API for d9d6ka/RANEPA-R
Set of unit root and cointegration tests

Global functions
.lr.var.alpha.multi Source code
.lr.var.alpha.single Source code
ADF.test Man page Source code
ADF.test.S Man page Source code
AR Man page Source code
DOLS.1.break Man page Source code
DOLS.N.breaks Man page Source code
DOLS.vars.N.breaks Man page Source code
GLS Man page Source code
GLS.bt Man page Source code
GSADF.bootstrap.test Man page Source code
GSADF.test Man page Source code
GSTADF.test Man page Source code
KP Man page Source code
KPSS Man page Source code
KPSS.1.break Man page Source code
KPSS.1.break.unknown Man page Source code
KPSS.2.breaks Man page Source code
KPSS.2.breaks.unknown Man page Source code
KPSS.HLT Man page Source code
KPSS.N.breaks Man page Source code
KPSS.N.breaks.bootstrap Man page Source code
MDF.CHLT Man page Source code
MDF.multiple Man page Source code
MDF.single Man page Source code
MZ.statistic Man page Source code
NW.estimation Man page Source code
NW.kernel Man page Source code
NW.loocv Man page Source code
NW.volatility Man page Source code
OLS Man page Source code
PY.sequential Man page Source code
PY.single Man page Source code
SADF.bootstrap.test Man page Source code
SADF.test Man page Source code
SSR.matrix Man page Source code
SSR.recursive Man page Source code
STADF.test Man page Source code
VECM.break.logl Man page Source code
VECM.logl Man page Source code
VECM.test Man page Source code
coint.conf.sets Man page Source code
coint.test.GH Man page Source code
coint.test.PR Man page Source code
determinants.KPSS.1.break Man page Source code
determinants.KPSS.2.breaks Man page Source code
determinants.KPSS.N.breaks Man page Source code
detrend.recursively Man page Source code
diffn Man page Source code
eos.break.test Man page Source code
get.cv.KPSS.1p Man page Source code
get.cv.KPSS.2p Man page Source code
get.cv.coint.conf.sets Man page Source code
get.p.values.SADF Man page Source code
info.criterion Man page Source code
lagn Man page Source code
lr.var Man page Source code
lr.var.SPC Man page Source code
lr.var.bartlett Man page Source code
lr.var.bartlett.AK Man page Source code
lr.var.kernel Source code
lr.var.quadratic Man page Source code
print.cointGH Man page Source code
print.mdfCHLT Man page Source code
print.mdfHLT Man page Source code
print.mdfHLTN Man page Source code
print.robustUR Man page Source code
print.robustURN Man page Source code
print.sadf Man page Source code
reindex.CT Man page Source code
rescale.CPST Man page Source code
resid.tests.PR Man page Source code
robust.tests.multiple Man page Source code
robust.tests.single Man page Source code
sb.GSADF.test Man page Source code
seasonal.dummies Man page Source code
segments.GLS Man page Source code
segments.OLS.1.break Man page Source code
segments.OLS.2.breaks Man page Source code
segments.OLS.N.breaks Man page Source code
select.lead.lag.KS Man page Source code
supBZ.statistic Man page Source code
supSBADF.statistic Man page Source code
weighted.GSADF.test Man page Source code
weighted.SADF.test Man page Source code
d9d6ka/RANEPA-R documentation built on May 4, 2024, 7:11 a.m.