
Defines functions supBZ.statistic weighted.GSADF.test weighted.SADF.test

Documented in supBZ.statistic weighted.GSADF.test weighted.SADF.test

#' @title
#' Weighted supremum ADF test
#' @order 1
#' @details
#' Refactored original code by Kurozumi et al.
#' @param y A time series of interest.
#' @param trim The trimming parameter to find the lower and upper bounds of
#' possible break dates.
#' @param const Whether the constant needs to be included.
#' @param alpha A significance level of interest.
#' @param iter Nnumber of iterations.
#' @param urs Use `union of rejections` strategy.
#' @param seed A seed parameter for the random number generator.
#' @return An object of type `sadf`. It's a list of:
#' * `y`,
#' * `trim`,
#' * `const`,
#' * `alpha`,
#' * `iter`,
#' * `urs`,
#' * `seed`,
#' * `sigma.sq`: the estimated variance,
#' * `BZ.values`: a series of BZ-statistic,
#' * `supBZ.value`: the maximum of `supBZ.values`,
#' * `supBZ.bootstsrap.values`: bootstrapped supremum BZ values,
#' * `supBZ.cr.value`: supremum BZ \eqn{\alpha} critical value,
#' * `p.value`,
#' * `is.explosive`: 1 if `supBZ.value` is greater than `supBZ.cr.value`.
#' if `urs` is `TRUE` the following items are also included:
#' * vector of \eqn{t}-values,
#' * the value of the SADF test statistic,
#' * `SADF.bootstrap.values`: bootstrapped SADF values,
#' * `U.value`: union test statistic value,
#' * `U.bootstrap.values`: bootstrapped series of `U.value`,
#' * `U.cr.value`: critical value of `U.value`.
#' @references
#' Harvey, David I., Stephen J. Leybourne, and Yang Zu.
#' “Testing Explosive Bubbles with Time-Varying Volatility.”
#' Econometric Reviews 38, no. 10 (November 26, 2019): 1131–51.
#' https://doi.org/10.1080/07474938.2018.1536099.
#' Kurozumi, Eiji, Anton Skrobotov, and Alexey Tsarev.
#' “Time-Transformed Test for Bubbles under Non-Stationary Volatility.”
#' Journal of Financial Econometrics, April 23, 2022.
#' https://doi.org/10.1093/jjfinec/nbac004.
#' @import doSNOW
#' @import foreach
#' @import parallel
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
weighted.SADF.test <- function(y,
                               trim = 0.01 + 1.8 / sqrt(length(y)),
                               const = TRUE,
                               alpha = 0.05,
                               iter = 4 * 200,
                               urs = TRUE,
                               seed = round(10^4 * sd(y))) {
    n.obs <- length(y)

    ## Find supBZ.value.
    supBZ.model <- supBZ.statistic(y, trim)
    sigma.sq <- supBZ.model$sigma.sq
    BZ.values <- supBZ.model$BZ.values
    supBZ.value <- supBZ.model$supBZ.value

    ## Do parallel.
    cores <- detectCores()

    progress.bar <- txtProgressBar(max = iter, style = 3)
    progress <- function(n) setTxtProgressBar(progress.bar, n)

    cluster <- makeCluster(max(cores - 1, 1))
    clusterExport(cluster, c(

    SADF.supBZ.bootstrap.values <- foreach(
        i = 1:iter,
        .combine = rbind,
        .options.snow = list(progress = progress)
    ) %dopar% {
        y.star <- cumsum(c(0, rnorm(n.obs - 1) * diff(y)))
        tmp.SADF.value <- NA
        if (urs) {
            tmp.sadf.model <- SADF.test(y.star, trim, const)
            tmp.SADF.value <- tmp.sadf.model$SADF.value
        tmp.supBZ.model <- supBZ.statistic(y.star, trim, sigma.sq)
        tmp.supBZ.value <- tmp.supBZ.model$supBZ.value
        c(tmp.SADF.value, tmp.supBZ.value)


    ## Get sadf_supBZ_bootstrap.values.
    supBZ.bootstrap.values <- SADF.supBZ.bootstrap.values[, 2]

    ## Find critical value.
    supBZ.cr.value <- as.numeric(quantile(
        1 - alpha

    ## A union of rejections strategy.
    if (urs == TRUE) {
        ## Find SADF.value.
        sadf.model <- SADF.test(y, trim, const)
        t.values <- sadf.model$t.values
        SADF.value <- sadf.model$SADF.value

        ## Get sadf_supBZ.bootstrap.values.
        SADF.bootstrap.values <- SADF.supBZ.bootstrap.values[, 1]

        ## Find critical value.
        SADF.cr.value <- as.numeric(quantile(SADF.bootstrap.values, 1 - alpha))

        ## Calculate U value.
        U.value <- max(
            SADF.cr.value / supBZ.cr.value * supBZ.value

        ## Find U_bootstrap.values.
        U.bootstrap.values <- c()
        for (b in 1:iter) {
            U.bootstrap.values[b] <- max(
                SADF.cr.value /
                    supBZ.cr.value *

        ## Find critical value.
        U.cr.value <- as.numeric(quantile(U.bootstrap.values, 1 - alpha))

        p.value <- round(sum(U.bootstrap.values > U.value) / iter, 4)

        is.explosive <- ifelse(U.value > U.cr.value, 1, 0)
    } else {
        p.value <- round(sum(supBZ.bootstrap.values > supBZ.value) / iter, 4)

        is.explosive <- ifelse(supBZ.value > supBZ.cr.value, 1, 0)

    result <- c(
            y = y,
            trim = trim,
            const = const,
            alpha = alpha,
            iter = iter,
            urs = urs,
            seed = seed,
            sigma.sq = sigma.sq,
            BZ.values = BZ.values,
            supBZ.value = supBZ.value,
            supBZ.bootstrap.values = supBZ.bootstrap.values,
            supBZ.cr.value = supBZ.cr.value,
            p.value = p.value,
            is.explosive = is.explosive
        if (urs) {
                t.values = t.values,
                SADF.value = SADF.value,
                SADF.bootstrap.values = SADF.bootstrap.values,
                SADF.cr.value = SADF.cr.value,
                U.value = U.value,
                U.bootstrap.values = U.bootstrap.values,
                U.cr.value = U.cr.value
        } else {

    class(result) <- "sadf"


#' @rdname weighted.SADF.test
#' @order 2
#' @import doSNOW
#' @import foreach
#' @import parallel
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
weighted.GSADF.test <- function(y,
                                trim = 0.01 + 1.8 / sqrt(length(y)),
                                const = TRUE,
                                alpha = 0.05,
                                iter = 4 * 200,
                                urs = TRUE,
                                seed = round(10^4 * sd(y))) {
    n.obs <- length(y)

    ## Find supBZ.value.
    supBZ.model <- supBZ.statistic(y, trim)
    sigma.sq <- supBZ.model$sigma.sq
    BZ.values <- supBZ.model$BZ.values
    supBZ.value <- supBZ.model$supBZ.value

    ## Do parallel.
    cores <- detectCores()

    progress.bar <- txtProgressBar(max = iter, style = 3)
    progress <- function(n) setTxtProgressBar(progress.bar, n)

    cluster <- makeCluster(max(cores - 1, 1))
    clusterExport(cluster, c(

    SADF.supBZ.bootstrap.values <- foreach(
        step = 1:iter,
        .combine = rbind,
        .options.snow = list(progress = progress)
    ) %dopar% {
        y.star <- cumsum(c(0, rnorm(n.obs - 1) * diff(y)))
        tmp.GSADF.value <- NA
        if (urs == TRUE) {
            gsadf.model <- GSADF.test(y.star, trim, const)
            tmp.GSADF.value <- gsadf.model$GSADF.value
        supBZ.model <- supBZ.statistic(y.star, trim, sigma.sq)
        tmp.supBZ.value <- supBZ.model$supBZ.value
        c(tmp.GSADF.value, tmp.supBZ.value)


    ## Get sadf_supBZ.bootstsrap.values.
    supBZ.bootstsrap.values <- SADF.supBZ.bootstrap.values[, 2]

    ## Find critical value.
    supBZ.cr.value <- as.numeric(quantile(
        1 - alpha

    ## A union of rejections strategy.
    if (urs == TRUE) {
        ## Find sadf.value.
        gsadf.model <- GSADF.test(y, trim, const)
        t.values <- gsadf.model$t.values
        GSADF.value <- gsadf.model$GSADF.value

        ## Get sadf_supBZ.bootstsrap.values.
        GSADF.bootstsrap.values <- SADF.supBZ.bootstrap.values[, 1]

        ## Find critical value.
        GSADF.cr.value <- as.numeric(quantile(
            1 - alpha

        ## Calculate U value.
        U.value <- max(
            GSADF.cr.value / supBZ.cr.value * supBZ.value

        ## Find U.bootstsrap.values.
        U.bootstsrap.values <- c()
        for (b in 1:iter) {
            U.bootstsrap.values[b] <- max(
                GSADF.cr.value / supBZ.cr.value * supBZ.bootstsrap.values[b]

        ## Find critical value.
        U.cr.value <- as.numeric(quantile(U.bootstsrap.values, 1 - alpha))

        p.value <- round(sum(U.bootstsrap.values > U.value) / iter, 4)

        is.explosive <- ifelse(U.value > U.cr.value, 1, 0)
    } else {
        p.value <- round(sum(supBZ.bootstsrap.values > supBZ.value) / iter, 4)

        is.explosive <- ifelse(supBZ.value > supBZ.cr.value, 1, 0)

    result <- c(
            y = y,
            trim = trim,
            const = const,
            alpha = alpha,
            iter = iter,
            urs = urs,
            seed = seed,
            sigma.sq = sigma.sq,
            BZ.values = BZ.values,
            supBZ.value = supBZ.value,
            supBZ.bootstsrap.values = supBZ.bootstsrap.values,
            supBZ.cr.value = supBZ.cr.value,
            p.value = p.value,
            is.explosive = is.explosive
        if (urs) {
                t.values = t.values,
                GSADF.value = GSADF.value,
                GSADF.bootstsrap.values = GSADF.bootstsrap.values,
                GSADF.cr.value = GSADF.cr.value,
                U.value = U.value,
                U.bootstsrap.values = U.bootstsrap.values,
                U.cr.value = U.cr.value
        } else {

    class(result) <- "sadf"


#' @title
#' Calculate supBZ statistic
#' @param y A time series of interest.
#' @param trim The trimming parameter to find the lower and upper bounds of
#' possible break dates.
#' @param sigma.sq Local non-parametric estimates of variance. If `NULL` they
#' will be estimated via Nadaraya-Watson procedure.
#' @param generalized Whether to calculate generalized statistic value.
#' @return A list of:
#' * `y`,
#' * `trim`,
#' * `sigma.sq`,
#' * `BZ.values`: a series of BZ-statistic,
#' * `supBZ.value`: the maximum of `supBZ.values`,
#' * `h.est`: the estimated value of bandwidth if `sigma.sq` is `NULL`.
#' @references
#' Harvey, David I., Stephen J. Leybourne, and Yang Zu.
#' “Testing Explosive Bubbles with Time-Varying Volatility.”
#' Econometric Reviews 38, no. 10 (November 26, 2019): 1131–51.
#' https://doi.org/10.1080/07474938.2018.1536099.
#' @keywords internal
supBZ.statistic <- function(y,
                            trim = 0.01 + 1.8 / sqrt(length(y)),
                            sigma.sq = NULL,
                            generalized = FALSE) {
    n.obs <- length(y)

    if (is.null(sigma.sq)) {
        ## NW estimation.
        my <- (diff(y))^2
        mx <- rep(1, n.obs - 1)
        nw.loocv.model <- NW.loocv(my, mx, kernel = "gauss")
        h.est <- nw.loocv.model$h
        nw.model <- NW.volatility(
            kernel = "gauss",
            h = nw.loocv.model$h
        sigma.sq <- nw.model$omega.sq

    y <- y - y[1]
    d.y <- diff(y)
    l.y <- y[1:(n.obs - 1)]

    BZ.values <- c()
    m <- 1

    if (!generalized) {
        for (j in (floor(trim * n.obs)):n.obs) {
            BZ.values[m] <-
                sum(d.y[1:(j - 1)] * l.y[1:(j - 1)] / sigma.sq[1:(j - 1)]) /
                    (sum(l.y[1:(j - 1)]^2 / sigma.sq[1:(j - 1)]))^0.5
            m <- m + 1
    } else {
        for (i in 1:(n.obs - floor(trim * n.obs) + 1)) {
            for (j in (i + floor(trim * n.obs) - 1):n.obs) {
                BZ.values[m] <-
                    sum(d.y[i:(j - 1)] * l.y[i:(j - 1)] / sigma.sq[i:(j - 1)]) /
                        (sum(l.y[i:(j - 1)]^2 / sigma.sq[i:(j - 1)]))^0.5
                m <- m + 1

    supBZ.value <- max(BZ.values)

                y = y,
                trim = trim,
                sigma.sq = sigma.sq,
                BZ.values = BZ.values,
                supBZ.value = supBZ.value
            if (exists("h.est")) {
                list(h.est = h.est)
            } else {
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