
Defines functions DOLS.vars.N.breaks DOLS.N.breaks KPSS.N.breaks.bootstrap KPSS.N.breaks

Documented in DOLS.N.breaks DOLS.vars.N.breaks KPSS.N.breaks KPSS.N.breaks.bootstrap

#' @title
#' KPSS-test with multiple known structural breaks
#' @description
#' Procedure to compute the KPSS test with multiple known structural breaks
#' @details
#' The code provided is based on the original code
#' by Carrion-i-Silvestre and Sansó.
#' @param y A time series of interest.
#' @param x A matrix of explanatory stochastic regressors.
#' @param model A scalar or vector of
#' * 1: for the break in const,
#' * 2: for the break in trend,
#' * 3: for the break in const and trend.
#' @param break.point Array of structural breaks.
#' @param const,trend Whether a constant or trend should be included.
#' @param weakly.exog Boolean where we specify
#' whether the stochastic regressors are exogenous or not
#' * `TRUE`: if the regressors are weakly exogenous,
#' * `FALSE`: if the regressors are not weakly exogenous
#' (DOLS is used in this case).
#' @param lags.init,leads.init Scalars defininig the initial number of lags and
#' leads for DOLS.
#' @param max.lag scalar, with the maximum order of the parametric correction.
#' The final order of the parametric correction is selected
#' using the BIC information criterion.
#' @param kernel Kernel for calculating long-run variance
#' * `bartlett`: for Bartlett kernel,
#' * `quadratic`: for Quadratic Spectral kernel,
#' * `NULL` for the Kurozumi's proposal, using Bartlett kernel.
#' @param criterion Information criterion for DOLS lags and leads selection:
#' aic, bic, hq, or lwz.
#' @return A list of
#' * `beta`: DOLS estimates of the coefficients,
#' * `tests`: SC test (coinKPSS-test),
#' * `resid`: Residuals of the model,
#' * `t.beta`: \eqn{t}-statistics for `beta`,
#' * `DOLS.lags`: The estimated number of lags and leads in DOLS,
#' * `break_point`: Break points.
#' @references
#' Carrion-i-Silvestre, Josep Lluís, and Andreu Sansó.
#' “Testing the Null of Cointegration with Structural Breaks.”
#' Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 68, no. 5 (October 2006): 623–46.
#' https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0084.2006.00180.x.
#' Carrion-i-Silvestre, Josep Lluís, and Andreu Sansó.
#' “The KPSS Test with Two Structural Breaks.”
#' Spanish Economic Review 9, no. 2 (May 16, 2007): 105–27.
#' https://doi.org/10.1007/s10108-006-9017-8.
#' @export
KPSS.N.breaks <- function(y,
                          const = FALSE,
                          trend = FALSE,
                          weakly.exog = TRUE,
                          criterion = "bic") {
    if (!is.matrix(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)
    if (!is.null(x)) {
        if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)

    n.obs <- nrow(y)

    if (weakly.exog) {
        xt <- cbind(
            determinants.KPSS.N.breaks(model, n.obs, break.point, const, trend)

        tmp.OLS <- OLS(y, xt)
        beta <- tmp.OLS$beta
        resids <- tmp.OLS$residuals
        t.beta <- tmp.OLS$t.beta
        DOLS.lags <- 0
        DOLS.leads <- 0
    } else {
        info.crit.min <- Inf
        for (i in lags.init:1) {
            for (j in leads.init:1) {
                tmp.DOLS <- DOLS.N.breaks(
                    y, x, model, break.point, const, trend, i, j
                beta <- tmp.DOLS$beta
                resids <- tmp.DOLS$residuals
                t.beta <- tmp.DOLS$t.beta
                info.crit <- tmp.DOLS$criterions
                if (info.crit[[criterion]] < info.crit.min) {
                    info.crit.min <- info.crit[[criterion]]
                    beta.min <- beta
                    t.beta.min <- t.beta
                    resid.min <- resids
                    DOLS.lags <- i
                    DOLS.leads <- j
        resids <- resid.min
        beta <- beta.min
        t.beta <- t.beta.min

    if (!is.null(kernel)) {
        test <- KPSS(resids, lr.var.SPC(resids, max.lag, kernel))
    } else {
        test <- KPSS(resids, lr.var.bartlett.AK(resids))

            beta = beta,
            test = test,
            residuals = resids,
            t.beta = t.beta,
            DOLS.lags = DOLS.lags,
            DOLS.leads = DOLS.leads,
            break.point = break.point

#' @title
#' KPSS-test with multiple unknown structural breaks
#' @description
#' Procedure to compute the KPSS test with multiple unknown structural breaks
#' @param y A time series of interest.
#' @param x A matrix of explanatory stochastic regressors.
#' @param model A scalar or vector of
#' * 1: for the break in const,
#' * 2: for the break in trend,
#' * 3: for the break in const and trend.
#' @param break.point Array of structural breaks.
#' @param const Include constant if **TRUE**.
#' @param trend Include trend if **TRUE**.
#' @param weakly.exog Boolean where we specify
#' whether the stochastic regressors are exogenous or not
#' * `TRUE`: if the regressors are weakly exogenous,
#' * `FALSE`: if the regressors are not weakly exogenous
#' (DOLS is used in this case).
#' @param lags.init,leads.init Scalars defininig the initial number of lags and
#' leads for DOLS.
#' @param max.lag scalar, with the maximum order of the parametric correction.
#' The final order of the parametric correction is selected using the BIC
#' information criterion.
#' @param kernel Kernel for calculating long-run variance
#' * `bartlett`: for Bartlett kernel,
#' * `quadratic`: for Quadratic Spectral kernel,
#' * `NULL` for the Kurozumi's proposal, using Bartlett kernel.
#' @param iter Number of bootstrap iterations.
#' @param bootstrap Type of bootstrapping:
#' * `"sample"`: sampling from residuals with replacement,
#' * `"Cavaliere-Taylor"`: multiplying residuals by \eqn{N(0, 1)}-distributed
#' variable,
#' * `"Rademacher"`: multiplying residuals by Rademacher-distributed variable.
#' @param criterion Information criterion for DOLS lags and leads selection:
#' aic, bic or lwz.
#' @return A list of:
#' * `test`: The value of KPSS test statistic,
#' * `p.value`: The estimates p-value,
#' * `bootstrapped`: Bootstrapped auxiliary statistics.
#' @import doSNOW
#' @import foreach
#' @import parallel
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
KPSS.N.breaks.bootstrap <- function(y,
                                    const = FALSE,
                                    trend = FALSE,
                                    weakly.exog = TRUE,
                                    iter = 9999,
                                    bootstrap = "sample",
                                    criterion = "bic") {
    if (!is.matrix(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)
    if (!is.null(x)) {
        if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)

    n.obs <- nrow(y)

    tmp.kpss <- KPSS.N.breaks(
        y, x,
        model, break.point,
        const, trend,
        lags.init, leads.init,
        max.lag, kernel,
    test <- tmp.kpss$test
    u <- tmp.kpss$residuals
    DOLS.lags <- tmp.kpss$DOLS.lags
    DOLS.leads <- tmp.kpss$DOLS.leads

    if (weakly.exog) {
        xreg <- cbind(
            determinants.KPSS.N.breaks(model, n.obs, break.point, const, trend)
    } else {
        xreg <- DOLS.vars.N.breaks(
            y, x,
            model, break.point,
            const, trend,
            DOLS.lags, DOLS.leads

    cores <- detectCores()

    progress.bar <- txtProgressBar(max = iter, style = 3)
    progress <- function(n) setTxtProgressBar(progress.bar, n)

    cluster <- makeCluster(max(cores - 1, 1))

    result <- foreach(
        i = 1:iter,
        .combine = rbind,
        .options.snow = list(progress = progress)
    ) %dopar% {
        if (bootstrap == "sample") {
            temp.y <- sample(u, length(u), replace = TRUE)
        } else if (bootstrap == "Cavaliere-Taylor") {
            z <- rnorm(length(u))
            temp.y <- z * u
        } else if (bootstrap == "Rademacher") {
            z <- sample(c(-1, 1), length(u), replace = TRUE)
            temp.y <- z * u

        resids <- OLS(temp.y, xreg)$residuals

        if (!is.null(kernel)) {
            temp.test <- KPSS(resids, lr.var.SPC(resids, max.lag, kernel))
        } else {
            temp.test <- KPSS(resids, lr.var.bartlett.AK(resids))



    p.value <- (1 / iter) * sum(I(test <= result))

            test = test,
            p.value = p.value,
            bootstrapped = result

#' @title
#' Estimating DOLS regression for multiple known break points
#' @param y A time series of interest.
#' @param x A matrix of explanatory stochastic regressors.
#' @param model A scalar or vector of break types:
#' * 1: for the break in const.
#' * 2: for the break in trend.
#' * 3: for the break in const and trend.
#' @param break.point An array of moments of structural breaks.
#' @param const,trend Whether a constant or trend are to be included.
#' @param k.lags,k.leads A number of lags and leads in DOLS regression.
#' @return A list of:
#' * Estimates of coefficients,
#' * Estimates of residuals,
#' * A set of informational criterions values,
#' * \eqn{t}-statistics for the estimates of coefficients.
#' @keywords internal
DOLS.N.breaks <- function(y,
                          const = FALSE,
                          trend = FALSE,
                          k.leads) {
    if (!is.matrix(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)
    if (is.null(x)) {
        stop("ERROR! Explanatory variables needed for DOLS")
    if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)

    dols.vars <- DOLS.vars.N.breaks(
        y, x,
        model, break.point,
        const, trend,
        k.lags, k.leads

    res.OLS <- OLS(dols.vars$yreg, dols.vars$xreg)

    criterions <- info.criterion(res.OLS$residuals, ncol(dols.vars$xreg))

            beta = res.OLS$beta,
            residuals = res.OLS$residuals,
            criterions = criterions,
            t.beta = res.OLS$t.beta

#' @title
#' Preparing variables for DOLS regression with multiple known break points
#' @param y A time series of interest.
#' @param x A matrix of explanatory stochastic regressors.
#' @param model A scalar or vector of
#' * 1: for the break in const.
#' * 2: for the break in trend.
#' * 3: for the break in const and trend.
#' @param break.point An array of moments of structural breaks.
#' @param const,trend Whether a constant or trend are to be included.
#' @param k.lags,k.leads A number of lags and leads in DOLS regression.
#' @return A list of LHS and RHS variables.
#' @keywords internal
DOLS.vars.N.breaks <- function(y,
                               const = FALSE,
                               trend = FALSE,
                               k.leads) {
    if (is.null(x)) {
        stop("ERROR! Explanatory variables needed for DOLS")
    if (!is.matrix(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)
    if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)

    n.obs <- nrow(y)

    d.x.step <- x[2:n.obs, , drop = FALSE] - x[1:(n.obs - 1), , drop = FALSE]
    d.x.lag <- d.x.step
    d.x.lead <- d.x.step

    for (i in 1:k.lags) {
        d.x.lag <- cbind(
            lagn(d.x.step, i)

    for (i in 1:k.leads) {
        d.x.lead <- cbind(
            lagn(d.x.step, -i)

    if (k.lags != 0 && k.leads != 0) {
        lags <- d.x.lag
        leads <- d.x.lead[, (ncol(x) + 1):(ncol(d.x.lead)), drop = FALSE]
        lags.leads <- cbind(lags, leads)
        lags.leads <-
            lags.leads[(k.lags + 1):(n.obs - 1 - k.leads), , drop = FALSE]
    } else if (k.lags != 0 && k.leads == 0) {
        lags <- d.x.lag
        lags.leads <- lags[(k.lags + 1):(n.obs - 1), , drop = FALSE]
    } else if (k.lags == 0 && k.leads != 0) {
        lags <- d.x.lag
        leads <- d.x.lead[, (ncol(x) + 1):(ncol(d.x.lead)), drop = FALSE]
        lags.leads <- cbind(lags, leads)
        lags.leads <- lags.leads[1:(n.obs - 1 - k.leads), , drop = FALSE]
    } else if (k.lags == 0 && k.leads == 0) {
        lags.leads <- d.x.lag
    deter <- determinants.KPSS.N.breaks(model, n.obs, break.point, const, trend)

    xreg <- cbind(
        deter[(k.lags + 2):(n.obs - k.leads), , drop = FALSE],
        x[(k.lags + 2):(n.obs - k.leads), , drop = FALSE],

    yreg <- y[(k.lags + 2):(n.obs - k.leads), 1, drop = FALSE]

            yreg = yreg,
            xreg = xreg
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