
Defines functions assess_all assessment_code assess_task assess safe_eval reset_feedback give_feedback add_feedback get_blacklist figdir validate_preseed

Documented in add_feedback assess assess_all assessment_code assess_task get_blacklist give_feedback reset_feedback

validate_preseed <- function(preseed, tasks) {
  if (is.null(preseed)) {
    preseed <- list()
  } else {
    if (is.null(names(preseed)))
      stop("'preseed' must be a named list")
    ## check that names match assessment code chunk names
    if (length(diffnames <- setdiff(names(preseed), tasks)) > 0L) {
      stop("Names of 'preseed' argument must match assessment code chunk names.",
           "\n  Offending name(s):\n    ", paste(diffnames, collapse = "', '"), "'")
    if (!is.numeric(unlist(preseed)))
      stop("preseed values must be numeric")

figdir <- function(sub_id, trailing = FALSE) {
  fdir <- file.path("submission_figs", sub_id)

#' Get blacklisted functions
#' @export
get_blacklist <- function() {
  blacklist <- c("install.packages", "update.packages", "download.packages",
                 "setwd", "help", "vignette", "download.file", "system",
                 "file.remove", "curl", "View", "view", "browseURL", "set.seed")
  other <- tibble::tribble(~fn,        ~regex,
          "? (help)", "(^|[^[:alnum:]_])*(\\?)\\s*[[:alnum:]]+",
          "library() with no arguments",

  dplyr::bind_rows(tibble::tibble(fn = blacklist,
                                  regex = fn_regex(blacklist)),

#' Add feedback to end of code block
#' @param ... character strings giving feedback
#' @param sep separator for character strings
#' @param add whether to add or ignore
#' @export
add_feedback <- function(..., sep = "", add = TRUE) {
  str <- do.call("paste", c(..., list(sep = sep)))
  if (add) 
    cat(str, "\n", file = file.path(tempdir(), ".fbk"), append = TRUE)

#' Output the feedback
#' @export
give_feedback <- function() {
  if (file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), ".fbk"))) {
    dat <- paste(stringr::str_trim(readLines(file.path(tempdir(), ".fbk"))),
                 collapse = "\n")
  } else {

#' Reset feedback
#' @export
reset_feedback <- function() {
  if (file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), ".fbk"))) {
    file.remove(file.path(tempdir(), ".fbk"))

safe_eval <- function(this_code, this_env, new_device) {
  ## were any "forbidden" functions called?
  ## sub_code <- strsplit(sub_code, "\n")[[1]]
  forbidden <- get_blacklist()
  fb_regx <- forbidden[["regex"]]
  is_forbid <-
    purrr::map_lgl(fb_regx, ~ any(grepl(.x,
  if (any(is_forbid)) {
    ## remove them
    for (i in forbidden[is_forbid, "regex"]) {
      this_code <- gsub(i, "## \\2(", this_code)
                     new_device = new_device)

#' Assess a submission
#' @param filename name of submission file
#' @param key key table (see \code{\link{compile_key}})
#' @param sub_id unique submission identifier
#' @param use_sub_env whether each submission code chunk is to be run
#'   within the submission environment (to allow for dependencies
#'   between chunks) or whether to be run in the solution environment
#'   of the previous chunk (to allow recovery from errors).  In the
#'   former case, all but the first of the `key$start_env`
#'   environments will be ignored.
#' @param workdir the working directory in which to evaluate the code
#' @param seed starting seed for random number generation (or NULL to not set the seed)
#' @param preseed A named list whose names are the task names and whose elements are the RNG seeds to set prior to the task.
#' @param task_varnames A named list of task variable names, where the names are are some or all of the task names and the elements are named character vectors of variables for the corresponding task.
#' @details Task variables are passed to the \code{task_varnames} argument to \code{\link{assess_task}}, and appear in the submission/assessment environment as the variable \code{._av}.
#' @return A table
#' @export
assess <- function(filename, sub_id = filename, key,
                   use_sub_env = TRUE, workdir = NULL, seed = NULL,
                   preseed = NULL,
                   task_varnames = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(task_varnames)) {
    ## make sure that it is a named list, and that the names
    ## correspond to the names of the tasks in key
    if (is.null(names(task_varnames)))
      stop("argument 'task_varnames' must be a named list whose names match the task names in the key")
    missing_task <- setdiff(names(task_varnames), key[["task"]])
    if (length(missing_task > 0)) {
        "task variables for supplied for ",
        if (length(missing_task) == 1L) "a task named '" else "tasks named '",
        paste0(missing_task, collapse = "', '"),
        "' that ",
        if (length(missing_task) == 1L) "is " else "are ",
        "missing from key; variables will be ignored")
  search_pre <- search()
  sub_chunks <- tangle(filename)
  ix <- seq_along(key[["task"]])
  names(ix) <- key[["task"]]

  this_env <- NULL
  if (use_sub_env) {
    ## use a copy so that things are fresh for each submission
    this_env <- new.env(parent = key[["start_env"]][[1]])

  oldwd <- getwd()
  if (!is.null(workdir)) {

  if (!is.null(seed)) {

  preseed <- validate_preseed(preseed, key[["task"]])

  res <- purrr::map(key[["task"]], function(x) {
    ##if (x == "P5") browser()
    if (!use_sub_env) {
      ## use a copy so that things are fresh for each submission
      this_env <- new.env(parent = key[["start_env"]][[x]])
    } else {
      ## #######################################
      ## run intervening blocks
      code_cur <- which(names(sub_chunks) == x)
      if (length(code_cur)) {  ## it exists
        ## what are the names of sub_chunks previous to this one
        chk_names_pre <- names(sub_chunks)[seq_len(code_cur - 1L)]
        if (length(chk_names_pre)) { # there are previous chunks
          ## what are the names of tasks previous to this one
          task_names_pre <- key[["task"]][seq_len(which(key[["task"]] == x) - 1L)]
          if (length(task_names_pre)) {
            ## which preceding blocks have task names
            pre <- purrr::map_lgl(chk_names_pre, ~ .x %in% task_names_pre)
            ## find the numeric index of last task that was executed
            chk_ix_pre <- max(seq_along(pre)[pre])
          } else {
            chk_ix_pre <- 0L
          ## get indices of intervening blocks
          chk_todo <- setdiff(seq(chk_ix_pre, code_cur, 1L),
                              c(chk_ix_pre, code_cur))
          purrr::walk(chk_todo, function(nx) {
            imgfile <- tempfile()
            result <- safe_eval(sub_chunks[[nx]], this_env, new_device = FALSE)
            ## check for errors
            errs <- purrr::map_lgl(result, evaluate::is.error)
            if (any(errs)) {
              fbk <- paste0("your code chunk named `", names(sub_chunks)[nx],
                            "` generated the following error(s):\n<pre>\n",
                                                 purrr::pluck, "message"),
                                  collapse = "\n"), "\n</pre>\n")
    ## ###########################################
    ## now any intervening blocks will have run

    ## create the list to contain assessment params
    ## assign("._ar", list(), envir = this_env)
    ## copy the solution environment over to this_env
    ## assign("._as", key[["sol_env"]][[x]], envir = this_env)

    ff <- list()

    if (!is.null(preseed[[x]])) {
    ff <- safely_assess_task(sub_id, x, sub_chunks,
                             task_varnames[[x]]) ## TODO add taskvar argument here
    if (!is.null(ff[["error"]])) {
    } else {
  names(res) <- key[["task"]]

  tibble::enframe(res, "task") %>%
    tidyr::unnest("value") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(sub_id = sub_id, filename = filename,
                  code = sub_chunks[key[["task"]]]) %>%
    dplyr::select(sub_id, task, vars:fbk, err, code, filename) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(fbk = purrr::map_chr(fbk, function(x) {
      paste(unique(strsplit(x, "\n")[[1]]), collapse = "\n")

#' Assess individual task
#' Assess an individual task from a submission
#' @param sub_id submission id
#' @param task name of task to assess
#' @param codelist list of all submission code chunks
#' @param a_code assessment code
#' @param orig_env starting environment in which to evaluate submission code
#' @param use_sub_env set to \code{TRUE} if you want to run in a single submission environment; \code{FALSE} to use the solution as starting environment
#' @param task_vars A named character vector where the element names are the variables in the solution and the values are their realizations in the submission.
#' @details The values in \code{task_vars} appear in the submission/assessment environment as elements of the character vector \code{._av}. So if you have a task variable named 'my_var' in the solution you would reference it in the assessment code as \code{._av[["my_var"]]}.
#' @return TODO
#' @export
assess_task <- function(sub_id, task, codelist, a_code,
                        orig_env, sol_env, use_sub_env = TRUE,
                        task_varnames = NULL) {

  if (!is.null(task_varnames)) {
    if (is.null(names(task_varnames)) || !is.character(task_varnames))
      stop("argument 'task_varnames' must be a named character vector")
  sub_code <- codelist[[task]]
  if (is.null(sub_code)) {
    sub_code <- ""
    add_feedback("code block `", task, "` was missing from your RMarkdown file",
                 sep = " ")
  if (!use_sub_env) {
    sub_env <- new.env(parent = orig_env)
  } else {
    sub_env <- orig_env
  assign("._ar", list(), sub_env)
  assign("._ac", sub_code, sub_env)
  assign("._av", as.list(task_varnames), sub_env)
  assign("._as", sol_env, sub_env)
  fig <- ""

  ## need add_feedback() in the environment
  evaluate::evaluate(deparse(add_feedback), sub_env, new_device = FALSE)

  ## were any "forbidden" functions called?
  ## sub_code <- strsplit(sub_code, "\n")[[1]]
  forbidden <- get_blacklist()
  fb_regx <- forbidden[["regex"]]
  is_forbid <- purrr::map_lgl(fb_regx, ~ any(grepl(.x,
  forbid <- FALSE
  if (any(is_forbid)) {
    forbid <- TRUE
      "Certain functions should *never* be called from an RMarkdown script.",
      "These functions are unsafe, require user input, or are just unnecessary.",
      "We found the following 'forbidden' function(s) in your RMarkdown script: ",
      paste(paste0("`", forbidden[is_forbid, "fn"], "()`"), collapse = ", ",
            "\n", sep = ""))
    ## remove them
    for (i in forbidden[is_forbid, "regex"]) {
      sub_code <- gsub(i, "## \\2(", sub_code)

  ## evaluate the submission code, saving any plots if necessary
  sub_code <- paste(sub_code, collapse = "\n")
  imgfile <- tempfile()
  result <- evaluate::evaluate(sub_code, sub_env, new_device = FALSE)
  if (file.exists(imgfile)) {
    ## if (!dir.exists(figdir(sub_id))) {
    ##   dir.create(figdir(sub_id), recursive = TRUE)
    ## }
    ## figpath <- file.path(figdir(sub_id), paste(task, "png", sep = "."))
    ## file.copy(imgfile, figpath)
    ## paste0("data:image/png;base64,", f)
    fig = paste0("data:image/png;base64,", base64enc::base64encode(imgfile))

  ## check for errors
  errs <- purrr::map_lgl(result, evaluate::is.error)
  err <- FALSE
  if (any(errs)) {
    fbk <- paste0("your code generated the following error(s):\n<pre>\n",
                  paste(purrr::map_chr(result[errs], purrr::pluck, "message"),
                        collapse = "\n"), "\n</pre>\n")
    err <- TRUE

  ## run the assessment code
  eval_res <- evaluate::evaluate(a_code, sub_env, new_device = FALSE,
                     stop_on_error = 1L)

  if ((ix <- purrr::detect_index(eval_res, evaluate::is.error)) != 0L) {
    ## TODO: fix this hacky code
    msg <- ifelse(!is.null(eval_res[[ix]][["message"]]),
                  eval_res[[ix]][["message"]], # simpleError
                  eval_res[[ix]][[1]][["message"]]) # error
    stop("assessment code failed for ", sub_id, " task ", task, ":\n", msg)

  a_vars <- tibble::enframe(unlist(get("._ar", sub_env)), "var", "value")

  tibble::tibble(vars = list(a_vars),
                 fig = fig,
                 forbid = forbid,
                 fbk = stringr::str_trim(paste("", give_feedback(),
                                               collapse = "\n")),
                 err = err)

safely_assess_task <- purrr::safely(assess_task)

#' Create an assessment code file
#' Create an assessment code file based on solution
#' @param s_file name of file with solutions
#' @return name of the output file
#' @export
assessment_code <- function(s_file, o_file = "assess_code.Rmd",
                            overwrite = FALSE) {
  if (file.exists(o_file) && !overwrite) {
    stop("file '", o_file, "' exists and overwrite = FALSE")

  s_code <- tangle(s_file)

  ## create the file
  append <- FALSE

  purrr::walk(names(s_code), function(x) {
    if (x == names(s_code)[[1]]) append <- FALSE else append <- TRUE
    cat(rmd_chunk_stub(x, trailing = ""),
        sep = "\n", file = o_file, append = append)

  message("wrote ", length(s_code), " code chunk",
          if (length(s_code) > 1) "s" else "",
          " to file '", o_file, "'")


#' Assess all files in a directory
#' Convenience function that runs the function \code{assess} on all files within the directory specified by \code{dirname}.
#' @param dirname name of the directory containing the submission files
#' @param key Must be either: (1) A single key with answers to the problems, normally result of call to \code{link{compile_key}}; or (2) A named list of keys, with names matching the values of \code{sub_id}.
#' @param sub_id subject identifies (vector same length as \code{dirname})
#' @param use_sub_env process submission code in the submission environment (\code{FALSE} to process it in the solution environment)
#' @param workdir working directory
#' @param seed random seed to set at the beginning
#' @param preseed Named list with random seed to set before each (named) block.
#' @param stop_after stop processing after completing N files
#' @param task_varlist Named list of lists, with each element having names corresponding to the names in \code{sub_id}, and with each sublist being itself a named list whose names correspond to task chunks. Elements of that second list should be named character vectors with task variables.
#' @return a dataframe with the assessment variables and their values
#' @export 
assess_all <- function(dirname,
                       sub_id = moodle_id(list_submissions(dirname)),
                       use_sub_env = TRUE,
                       workdir = NULL,
                       seed = NULL,
                       preseed = NULL,
                       stop_after = -1L,
                       task_varlist = NULL) {

  ## don't allow assessments where certain submissions are missing task vars
  if (!is.null(task_varlist)) {
    if (length(names(task_varlist)) != length(sub_id)) {
      stop("'task_varlist' must be a named lists, with names matching elements of 'sub_id'")

  if (!inherits(key, "data.frame")) {
    ## make sure we have multiple keys and that the names match
    if (!is.list(key))
      stop("'key' must either be a data.frame or a named list.")
    if (!setequal(names(key), sub_id))
      stop("key names must match values of 'sub_id'")
    key <- key[sub_id] ## make sure they're in the right order
  todo <- list_submissions(dirname)
  if (stop_after != -1L) {
    todo <- todo[1:stop_after]
    sub_id <- sub_id[1:stop_after]

  worklist <- list(todo, sub_id, seq_along(todo))
  if (!is.null(task_varlist)) {
    worklist <- c(worklist, task_varlist[sub_id])
                 function(.x, .y, .z, .t = NULL, .k = key) {
                   message("Processing ", .z, " of ", length(todo), " (",
                           .y, ")")
                   assess(.x, .y, .k, use_sub_env, workdir, seed, preseed,
                          task_varnames = .t)
dalejbarr/assessr documentation built on Jan. 25, 2024, 10:47 p.m.