
#' Load data from QIF file generated by MicroSoft Money
#' Currently only Bank and Cash type accounts are supported
#' @param file path to file with QIF transaction data
#' @param aggSplits logical. Convinience parameter to handle special case from
#'   Microsoft Money. When transaction is splitted to some categories which are
#'   later moved to the same category transactions are not aggregated
#' @author Daniel Rodak
#' @importFrom utils maintainer
#' @export
readQIF <- function(file, aggSplits = FALSE) {
  con <- file(file)
  ln <- readLines(con)
  type <- ln[1]
  if (!(type %in% c("!Type:Bank", "!Type:Cash"))) {
    stop("Currently only Bank and Cash accounts are supported. Contact with ", maintainer("budgetr"))
  ln <- ln[!grepl("^!", ln)]
  delims <- grep("^\\^", ln)
  delims <- c(0, delims)
  lnlist <- lapply(2:length(delims), function(i) ln[(delims[i - 1] + 1):(delims[i] - 1)])
  ret <- do.call(rbind, lapply(lnlist, parseQIFLine, aggSplits))

#' Parse single QIF line
#' @param x character vector with QIF line between '^' delimiters
parseQIFLine <- function(x, aggSplits = FALSE) {
  stopifnot(all(c(any(grepl("^D", x)), any(grepl("^P", x)), any(grepl("^T", x)))))

  date <- as.Date(substring(grep("^D", x, value = TRUE), 2))
  title <- substring(grep("^M", x, value = TRUE), 2)
  payee <- substring(grep("^P", x, value = TRUE), 2)
  title <- ifelse(length(title) == 0, "", title)
  if (any(grepl("^S", x))) {
    category <- substring(grep("^S", x, value = TRUE), 2)
    amount <- substring(grep("^\\$", x, value = TRUE), 2)
    amount <- as.numeric(gsub(",", "", amount))
  } else {
    category <- substring(grep("^L", x, value = TRUE), 2)
    category <- ifelse(length(category) == 0, "", category)
    amount <- substring(grep("^T", x, value = TRUE), 2)
    amount <- as.numeric(gsub(",", "", amount))
  type <- ifelse(sign(amount) > 0, "Przelew Przych.", "Przelew Wych.")

  ret <- data.frame(
    Date = date,
    Type = type,
    Title = title,
    Payee = payee,
    Amount = amount,
    Category = category,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  if (aggSplits && nrow(ret) > 1)
    ret <- doAggSplits(ret)


#' Group table by all fields and sum Amounts
#' @param x data.frame
doAggSplits <- function(x) {
  ret <- aggregate(x[, 'Amount', drop = FALSE],
                   by = setNames(
                     lapply(CNSTtransactionCols[-5], function(y) x[[y]]),
                   FUN = sum)[, CNSTtransactionCols]
daniel-rodak/budgetr documentation built on May 25, 2019, 4:22 p.m.