#' Recode ACS' PUMS Datasets to Forsyth Futures' Labeling
#' This function recodes the ACS' PUMS variables to match Forsyth Futures' labeling standards
#' @details Warning: Make sure to make a column titled 'year' before using pums_recode()
#' @param data The PUMS dataset object
#' @keywords pums_recode
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @examples
#' year <- 2019
#' tidycensus::get_pums(variables = c("RAC1P","HISP","SEX","POVPIP","AGEP","SCHL"), state = "NC", puma = c("01801","01802","01803"),
#' year = year, survey = "acs1", rep_weights = "person") %>%
#' dplyr::rename_all(~str_to_upper(.x)) %>%
#' # Make sure to make a column titled 'year' before using pums_recode()
#' dplyr::mutate(year = year) %>%
#' pums_recode()
pums_recode <- function(data){
message("Make sure to make a column titled 'year' before using pums_recode()")
data %>%
# Age Group Recode
mutate(`Age Group` = tryCatch(cut(as.numeric(AGEP), breaks = c(0, 18, 35, 65, Inf),
labels = c("Under 18 years old", "18-34 years old", "35-64 years old", "65+ years old"), right = FALSE),
error = function(e) NULL),
# Race/Ethnicity Recode
`Race/Ethnicity` = tryCatch(ifelse(as.numeric(HISP) > 1, "Hispanic/Latino",
ifelse(as.numeric(RAC1P) == 1, "White, NH",
ifelse(as.numeric(RAC1P) ==2, "Black/AA, NH",
error = function(e) NULL),
# Sex Recode
Sex = tryCatch(ifelse(as.numeric(SEX) == 1, "Male", "Female"),
error = function(e) NULL),
# Sex of Adults Recode
`Sex of Adults` = tryCatch(ifelse(as.numeric(AGEP) < 18, NA_character_,
ifelse(as.numeric(SEX) == 1, "Male", "Female")),
error = function(e) NULL),
# Associate's Degree or More Recode
`Educational Attainment` = tryCatch(ifelse(AGEP <= 24 | is.na(AGEP), NA_character_,
ifelse(as.numeric(SCHL) >= 20, "Associate's Degree or More", "Less than Associate's Degree")),
error = function(e) NULL),
# Highest Level of Educational Attainment Recode
`Highest Level of Educational Attainment` = tryCatch(ifelse(as.numeric(AGEP) >= 25 & year < 2008,
breaks = c(0, 9, 12, 13, 14, Inf),
labels = c("High School Diploma or Less",
"Some College, No Degree",
"Associate's Degree",
"Bachelor's Degree",
"More than a Bachelor's Degree"), right = FALSE)), NA_character_),
error = function(e) NULL),
# Highest Level of Educational Attainment
`Highest Level of Educational Attainment` = tryCatch(ifelse(as.numeric(AGEP) >= 25 & year > 2007,
breaks = c(0, 18, 20, 21, 22, Inf),
labels = c("High School Diploma or Less",
"Some College, No Degree",
"Associate's Degree",
"Bachelor's Degree",
"More than a Bachelor's Degree"), right = FALSE)), NA_character_),
error = function(e) NULL),
# County Recode
`County` = tryCatch(ifelse(year < 2012, dplyr::case_when(
PUMA == `1800` ~ "Forsyth County, NC",
PUMA == `1900` ~ "Forsyth County, NC",
PUMA == `1601` ~ "Guilford County, NC",
PUMA == `1602` ~ "Guilford County, NC",
PUMA == `1700` ~ "Guilford County, NC",
PUMA == `2801` ~ "Durham County, NC",
PUMA == `2802` ~ "Durham County, NC",
TRUE ~ NA_character_)),
error = function(e) NULL),
# County Recode
`County` = tryCatch(ifelse(year > 2011, dplyr::case_when(
PUMA == `1801` ~ "Forsyth County, NC",
PUMA == `1802` ~ "Forsyth County, NC",
PUMA == `1803` ~ "Forsyth County, NC",
PUMA == `1701` ~ "Guilford County, NC",
PUMA == `1702` ~ "Guilford County, NC",
PUMA == `1703` ~ "Guilford County, NC",
PUMA == `1704` ~ "Guilford County, NC",
PUMA == `1301` ~ "Durham County, NC",
PUMA == `1302` ~ "Durham County, NC",
TRUE ~ NA_character_)),
error = function(e) NULL),
# Poverty Recode
Poverty = tryCatch(dplyr::case_when(
POVPIP == -1 ~ NA_character_,
dplyr::between(POVPIP, 0, 99) ~ "Below 100% FPL",
dplyr::between(POVPIP, 100, 200) ~ "Between 100-200% FPL",
POVPIP > 200 ~ "Above 200% FPL",
TRUE ~ NA_character_),
error = function(e) NULL)
# helper function for the volunteerism function
percent_moe_calc <- function(parameter_b, population, percentage){
sqrt((parameter_b/population)*percentage*(1-percentage)) * 1.96
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
volunteerism <- function(year){
# TODO 2002 has different variable names
if(!year %in% seq(2002, 2019)){stop("Please select a valid year. The Current Population Survey: Volunteering and Civic Life Supplement year range is from 2002 to 2019.",
call. = F)}
data <- censusapi::getCensus(name = "cps/volunteer/sep",
vintage = year,
# TODO think deeper on how we want to do the census key. should it be an argument or an error message at the beginning
# key = CENSUS_KEY,
# variable definitions in attachment 7: https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/cps/techdocs/cpssept19.pdf
region = "state:37")
data %>%
volunteer_status = dplyr::case_when(
PRSUPVOL == "1" | PES16A == "1" ~ "Yes",
PRSUPVOL == "2" ~ "No"),
race_ethnicity = dplyr::case_when(
PEHSPNON == "1" ~ "Hispanic/Latino",
PTDTRACE == "1" ~ "White, NH",
PTDTRACE == "2" ~ "Black, NH")
) %>%
# filtering out missing data
!is.na(race_ethnicity)) %>%
# calculating population by race/ethnicity
dplyr::group_by(race_ethnicity) %>%
dplyr::mutate(pop = sum(as.numeric(PWNRWGT))) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
# calculating total volunteers / not volunteers
dplyr::group_by(pop, volunteer_status, race_ethnicity) %>%
dplyr::summarise(vol_pop = sum(as.numeric(PWNRWGT))) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
# adding b_parameters from table 7 of attachment 16 https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/cps/techdocs/cpssept19.pdf
# TODO each year b and a parameters will be diferent
dplyr::mutate(b_parameter = dplyr::case_when(
race_ethnicity == "Hispanic/Latino" ~ 10191,
race_ethnicity == "White, NH" ~ 7469,
race_ethnicity == "Black, NH" ~ 8067
a_parameter = dplyr::case_when(
race_ethnicity == "Hispanic/Latino" ~ -0.000233,
race_ethnicity == "White, NH" ~ -0.000033,
race_ethnicity == "Black, NH" ~ -0.000138
percentage = vol_pop / pop,
vol_pop_moe = sqrt((a_parameter * vol_pop^2) + (b_parameter * vol_pop)) * 1.96,
percentage_moe = percent_moe_calc(b_parameter, pop, percentage)) %>%
dplyr::filter(volunteer_status == "Yes") %>%
dplyr::select(`Race/Ethnicity` = race_ethnicity, Total = vol_pop, `Total MOE` = vol_pop_moe,
Estimate = percentage, `Estimate MOE` = percentage_moe)
# volunteerism(2019) %>%
# adjust_row_order(c(2,1,3))
#' Install a CENSUS API Key in Your .Renviron File for Repeated Use
#' This function will add your CENSUS API key to your .Renviron file so it can be called securely
#' without being stored in your code. After you have installed your key, it can be called any time
#' by typing Sys.getenv("CENSUS_KEY") and can be used in package functions by simply typing
#' CENSUS_KEY If you do not have an .Renviron file, the function will create on for you. If
#' you already have an .Renviron file, the function will append the key to your existing file,
#' while making a backup of your original file for disaster recovery purposes.
#' @details Warning: Make sure to make a column titled 'year' before using pums_recode()
#' @param key The API key provided to you from the Census formated in quotes. A key can be acquired at http://api.census.gov/data/key_signup.html
#' @param overwrite If this is set to TRUE, it will overwrite an existing CENSUS_KEY that you already have in your .Renviron file.
#' @param install If TRUE, will install the key in your .Renviron file for use in future sessions. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @keywords census_key
#' @export
#' @examples
#' census_key("INSERT Census API Key Here", overwrite = FALSE, install = TRUE)
census_key <- function(key, overwrite = FALSE, install = FALSE) {
if (install) {
home <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
renv <- file.path(home, ".Renviron")
if (file.exists(renv)) {
file.copy(renv, file.path(home, ".Renviron_backup"))
if (!file.exists(renv)) {
else {
if (isTRUE(overwrite)) {
message("Your original .Renviron will be backed up and stored in your R HOME directory if needed.")
oldenv = read.table(renv, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
newenv <- oldenv[-grep("CENSUS_KEY", oldenv),
write.table(newenv, renv, quote = FALSE, sep = "\n",
col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
else {
tv <- readLines(renv)
if (any(grepl("CENSUS_KEY", tv))) {
stop("A CENSUS_KEY already exists. You can overwrite it with the argument overwrite=TRUE",
call. = FALSE)
keyconcat <- paste0("CENSUS_KEY='", key, "'")
write(keyconcat, renv, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
message("Your API key has been stored in your .Renviron and can be accessed by Sys.getenv(\"CENSUS_KEY\"). \nTo use now, restart R or run `readRenviron(\"~/.Renviron\")`")
else {
message("To install your API key for use in future sessions, run this function with `install = TRUE`.")
Sys.setenv(CENSUS_KEY = key)
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