
Defines functions load.enmtools.clade save.enmtools.clade print.enmtools.clade plot.enmtools.clade summary.enmtools.clade enmtools.clade

Documented in enmtools.clade load.enmtools.clade save.enmtools.clade

#' Defining a class for enmtools.clade.  Each clade gets:
#' @param species A list of enmtools.species objects
#' @param tree A tree showing the relationships between the species
#' @return An enmtools.clade object, either empty or containing a formatted version of the data that was passed into the function.

enmtools.clade <- function(species = NA, tree = NA){

   # Checking classes of input args.  The isTRUE stuff is needed because R doesn't
   # know how to do is.na on raster data, so it was barfing and error when a raster
   # was passed in.


      # Checking to see if species is a list
      if(!"list" %in% class(species)){
         stop("Argument species requires a list of enmtools.species objects")

      # This if statement is asking whether any of the list elements don't have
      # enmtools.species in their class definitions
      if(any(unlist(lapply(species, function(x) !"enmtools.species" %in% class(x))))){
         warning("The following objects in the species list do not appear to be enmtools.species objects:\n",
         names(which(unlist(lapply(species, function(x) !"enmtools.species" %in% class(x))))))


      # Checking to see if species is a list
      if(!"phylo" %in% class(tree)){
         stop("Argument tree requires a phylo object")

   output <- list(species = species,
                  tree = tree)

   class(output) <- c("list", "enmtools.clade")


summary.enmtools.clade <- function(object, ...){

  object <- check.clade(object)

  cat(paste("\n\nAn enmtools.clade object with", length(object$species), "species\n"))

  cat("\nSpecies names: \n")
  cat(paste("\t", lapply(object$species, function(object) object$species.name)))

  cat("\n\nTree: \n")

  cat("\n\nData Summary: \n")


plot.enmtools.clade <- function(x, ...){

  # Figure out how many plots you need.  We'll do one for each species (up to 15)
  # and one for the tree.
  n.plot <- min(16, length(x$species))

  # We'll use this to keep track of how many plots we've made
  plotted <- 0

  # Figure out how many rows and columns we need, declare a new plot
  n.rows <- ceiling(sqrt(n.plot))
  n.cols <- ceiling(n.plot/n.rows)

  # Storing and resetting par on exit as required by CRAN
  opar <- par(no.readonly =TRUE)

  par(mfrow = c(n.rows, n.cols))

  for(i in 1:n.plot){

  par(mfrow = c(1,1))


print.enmtools.clade <- function(x, ...){

#' @describeIn enmtools.clade Save an ENMTools clade object
#' @param x An enmtools.clade object to be saved
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to R's save function (eg., filename)
save.enmtools.clade <- function(x, ...){
  x <- rapply(x, terra::wrap, classes = c("SpatVector", "SpatRaster"), how = "replace")
  save(x, ...)

#' @describeIn enmtools.clade Load an ENMTools clade object
#' @param x Path to an enmtools.species file
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to R's load function
load.enmtools.clade<- function(x, ...) {
  load(x, ...)
  x <- rapply(x, terra::unwrap, classes = c("PackedSpatVector", "PackedSpatRaster"), how = "replace")
danlwarren/ENMTools documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 11:26 p.m.