
Defines functions get.processors rwty.params.check analyze.rwty

Documented in analyze.rwty

globalVariables(c("lower.95", "upper.95", "lower.75", "upper.75", "Generation", "ACSF",
                  "Chain", "Clade", "title", "Generations", "par", "cor", "text", "sd",
                  "generation", "chain", "x", "y", "strwidth", "mtext", "Split.Frequency",
                  "hclust", "..density..", "recordPlot", "rgb", "panel.smooth", "ci.lower",
                  "ci.upper", "median", "quantile", "median.ess", "ASDSF" ,"Axis" ,"CSF" ,"Gen" ,
                  "as.dist" ,"box" ,"cmdscale" ,"dev.flush" ,"dev.hold" ,"dev.off" ,"ess" ,
                  "optim" ,"pdf" ,"plot" ,"points" ,"read.table" ,"reorder" ,"sampling.interval",
                  "split.frequency" ,"tail" ,"topo.distance" ,"topological.distance", 

#' analyze.rwty, the main interface for rwty analyses and plots.
#' This is the main user interface to rwty.  It allows users to conduct simple
#' visualizations of MCMC chain performance with  very few arguments.
#' @import ape
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom phangorn RF.dist
#' @importFrom coda effectiveSize mcmc
#' @importFrom viridis scale_color_viridis scale_fill_viridis viridis plasma
#' @importFrom grid unit
#' @importFrom plyr ddply summarize . 
#' @importFrom ggdendro ggdendrogram
#' @importFrom GGally ggpairs
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply detectCores
#' @importFrom utils citation
#' @param chains A list of rwty.chain objects. 
#' @param burnin The number of trees to eliminate as burnin.  Default value is zero.
#' @param window.size The number of trees to include in each windows of sliding window plots
#' @param treespace.points The number of trees to plot in the treespace plot. Default is 100 
#' @param n.clades The number of clades to include in plots of split frequencies over the course of the MCMC
#' @param min.freq The minimum frequency for a node to be used for calculating ASDSF. Default is 0.1  
#' @param fill.color The name of a column in your log file that you would like to use as the fill colour of points in the treespace plots
#' @param filename Name of an output file (e.g., "output.pdf").  If none is supplied, rwty will not save outputs to file.
#' @param overwrite Boolean variable saying whether output file should be overwritten, if it exists.
#' @param facet A Boolean expression indicating whether multiple chains should be plotted as facet plots (default TRUE).
#' @param free_y TRUE/FALSE to turn free y scales on the facetted plots on or off (default FALSE). Only works if facet = TRUE.
#' @param autocorr.intervals The maximum number of intervals to use for autocorrelation plots.
#' @param ess.reps The number of replicate analyses to do when calculating the pseudo ESS.
#' @param treedist the type of tree distance metric to use, can be 'PD' for path distance or 'RF' for Robinson Foulds distance.
#' @param params A vector of parameters to use when making the parameter correlation plots.  Defaults to the first two columns in the log table.
#' @param max.sampling.interval The maximum sampling interval to use for generating autocorrelation plots
#' @param ... Extra arguments to be passed to plotting and analysis functions.
#' @return output The output is a list containing the following plots:
#' Plots of likelihood, model parameters, and tree topologies as a function of chain length (the first two only when output from MCMC parameters has been loaded along with the tree topologies).
#' Plot of autocorrelation of tree topolgies at different sampling intervals along a chain 
#' Plot of split frequencies calculated in sliding windows for the most variable clades
#' Plot of change in split frequencies between sliding windows for all clades
#' Plot of cumulative split frequencies as the MCMC progresses
#' Plot of change in cumulative split frequencies as the MCMC progresses
#' Heatmap and point depictions of chains in treespace.
#' Plot of the Average Standard Deviation of Split Frequencies (ASDSF) between chains as the MCMC progresses
#' Plot of pairwise correlations between split frequencies among chains  
#' Plot of chains clustered by their pairwise ASDSF values 
#' @keywords plots, rwty, MCMC, topology, ESS
#' @export analyze.rwty
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(fungus)
#' p <- analyze.rwty(fungus, burnin = 50, window.num = 50)
#' p
#' }

analyze.rwty <- function(chains, burnin=0, window.size=20, treespace.points = 100, n.clades = 20,
                         min.freq = 0.0, fill.color = NA, filename = NA, 
                         overwrite=FALSE, facet=TRUE, free_y=FALSE, autocorr.intervals=100, ess.reps = 20,
                         treedist = 'PD', params = NA, max.sampling.interval = NA, ...){
  chains <- check.chains(chains)
  N <- length(chains[[1]]$trees)
  rwty.params.check(chains, N, burnin, window.size, treespace.points, min.freq, filename, overwrite)
  # check to see if ptables exist, make related plots
  if(all(unlist(lapply(chains, function(x) length(x$ptable[,1])))) > 0){ 
    # plot parameters for all chains
    parameter.plots <- makeplot.all.params(chains, burnin = burnin, facet=facet, strip = 1)
    parameter.correlations <- makeplot.pairs(chains, burnin = burnin, params = params, treedist = treedist, strip = 1)
    names(parameter.correlations) <- paste0(names(parameter.correlations), ".correlations")
    parameter.plots <- makeplot.topology(chains, burnin = burnin, facet = facet)
    parameter.correlations <- NA
  # plot autocorrelation
  if(N < 200){
    autocorr.plot <- NULL
  } else {
    autocorr.plot <- makeplot.autocorr(chains, burnin = burnin, autocorr.intervals = autocorr.intervals, facet = facet, max.sampling.interval = max.sampling.interval) 
  # plot sliding window sf plots
  splitfreq.sliding <- makeplot.splitfreqs.sliding(chains, burnin=burnin, n.clades = n.clades, window.size = window.size, facet = facet)
  acsf.sliding <- makeplot.acsf.sliding(chains, burnin=burnin, window.size = window.size, facet = facet)
  # plot cumulative sf plots
  splitfreq.cumulative <- makeplot.splitfreqs.cumulative(chains, burnin=burnin, n.clades = n.clades, window.size = window.size, facet = facet)
  acsf.cumulative <- makeplot.acsf.cumulative(chains, burnin=burnin, window.size = window.size, facet = facet)
  # plot treespace for all chains
  treespace.plots <- makeplot.treespace(chains, n.points = treespace.points, burnin = burnin, fill.color = fill.color)
  # Add citations for all packages
  citations <- list(
  plots <- c(parameter.plots,
  # plot multichain plots when appropriate
  if(length(chains) > 1){
    asdsf.plot <- makeplot.asdsf(chains, burnin = burnin, window.size = window.size, min.freq = min.freq)
    splitfreq.matrix.plots <- makeplot.splitfreq.matrix(chains, burnin = burnin)
    plots <- c(plots, asdsf.plot, splitfreq.matrix.plots)
  plots[["citations"]] <- citations
  # Print all to pdf if filename provided
    print(sprintf("Saving plots to file: %s", filename))
    pdf(file=filename, width = 10, height = 7, ...)

rwty.params.check <- function(chains, N, burnin, window.size, treespace.points, min.freq, filename, overwrite){
  # Checks for reasonable burnin
    stop("burnin must be numeric")
  if(burnin < 0){
    stop("burnin must be zero or greater")
  if(burnin > N){
    stop("burnin must be smaller than the number of trees in the chain")
  # Checks for reasonable window.num
    stop("window.num must be numeric")
  if(window.size < 1){
    stop("window.size must be 1 or greater")
  if(as.integer((N - burnin) / window.size < 2)) {
    stop("window.size cannot be more than half the number of post-burnin trees")
  # Checks for reasonable treespace.points
    stop("treespace.points must be numeric")
  if(treespace.points < 2){
    stop("treespace.points must be 2 or greater")
  if((N - burnin) < treespace.points){
    stop("treespace.points cannot be more than the number of post-burnin trees")
  # Checks for reasonable min.freq
    stop("min.freq must be numeric")
  if(min.freq < 0 || min.freq > 1){
    stop("min.freq must be between 0 and 1")
  # Checks for output file
    if(file.exists(filename) && overwrite==FALSE){
      stop("You specified an output filename, but an output file already exists and overwrite is set to FALSE. Please check and try again.")

get.processors <- function(processors){

  if(Sys.info()["sysname"] == 'Windows'){
    # mclapply is not supported on windows
    # so we give a single processor,
    # in which case mclapply calls fall back
    # on lapply

  # check for global user-defined variable
    # should be an integer
      stop("the global rwty.processors variable must be an integer")
      available_processors = detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = FALSE)
      if(rwty.processors > available_processors){
        rwty.processors = available_processors - 1
      if(rwty.processors < 1){
        rwty.processors = 1
      stop("the global rwty.processors variable must be an integer")

    available_processors = detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = FALSE)
    processors = max(c(1, c(available_processors - 1)))
danlwarren/RWTY documentation built on Sept. 5, 2021, 8:35 p.m.