#' StructType
#' @description Create a StructType object that contains the metadata for
#' a SparkDataFrame. Intended for use with read functions and apply functions.
#' @param x a StructField object (created with the StructField method).
#' Since Spark 2.3, this can be a DDL-formatted string, which is a comma
#' separated list of field definitions, e.g., "a INT, b STRING".
#' @param ... additional StructField objects
#' @return an object of type \code{StructType}
#' @export
#' @exportClass StructType
#' @aliases StructType, StructType-class
#' @rdname StructType
#' @examples
#' schema <- StructType(
#' StructField("a", "integer"),
#' StructField("c", "string"),
#' StructField("avg", "double")
#' )
StructType <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod("StructType", x)
#' @title StructType
#' @name StructType
#' @rdname StructType
#' @rdname StructType
#' @export
StructType.jobj <- function (x, ...) {
obj <- structure(list(), class = "StructType")
obj$jobj <- x
obj$fields <- function() {
lapply(call_method(obj$jobj, "fields"), StructField)
#' @rdname StructType
#' @export
StructType.character <- function (x, ...) {
if (!is.character(x)) {
stop("schema must be a DDL-formatted string.")
if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
stop("multiple DDL-formatted strings are not supported")
stObj <- call_static_handled("org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType",
"fromDDL", x)
#' @rdname StructType
#' @export
StructType.StructField <- function (x, ...) {
fields <- list(x, ...)
if (!all(sapply(fields, inherits, "StructField"))) {
stop("All arguments must be StructField objects.")
sfObjList <- lapply(fields, function(field) {
stObj <- call_static("org.apache.spark.sql.api.r.SQLUtils",
"createStructType", sfObjList)
#' @rdname StructType
#' @export
StructType.StructType <- function (x, ...) {
tidyspark_types <- c(
"byte" = "ByteType", "integer" = "IntegerType",
"float" = "FloatType", "double" = "DoubleType",
"string" = "StringType", "binary" = "BinaryType",
"boolean" = "BooleanType", "timestamp" = "TimestampType",
"date" = "DateType")
#' @export
print.StructType <- function (x, ...) {
fields <- paste0(
sapply(x$fields(), function(field) {
paste(" StructField(\"", field$name(), "\",",
" ", field$dataType.print(1), ",",
" ", field$nullable(), ")",
sep = "")
}), collapse = ",\n")
cat(paste0("StructType(\n", fields, "\n)"))
#' StructField
#' @param x the name of the field.
#' @param type The data type of the field, see
#' https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sparkr.html#data-type-mapping-between-r-and-spark
#' @param nullable boolean, whether or not the field is nullable
#' @param ... additional argument(s) passed to the method.
#' @return a StructField object
#' @export
#' @rdname StructField
#' @examples
#' schema <- StructType(
#' StructField("a", "integer"),
#' StructField("c", "string"),
#' StructField("avg", "double")
#' )
StructField <- function (x, ...) {
UseMethod("StructField", x)
#' @rdname StructField
#' @export
StructField.jobj <- function (x, ...) {
obj <- structure(list(), class = "StructField")
obj$jobj <- x
obj$name <- function() {
call_method(x, "name")
obj$dataType <- function() {
call_method(x, "dataType")
obj$dataType.toString <- function() {
call_method(obj$dataType(), "toString")
obj$dataType.simpleString <- function() {
call_method(obj$dataType(), "simpleString")
obj$dataType.print <- function(i) {
# complicated recursive print statement let's users copy/paste
# nested schemas back into their schema formulations.
if (spark_class(obj$dataType(), T) == "StructType") {
struct <- StructType(obj$dataType())
indent <- paste0(rep(" ", i + 1), collapse = "")
fields <- paste0(
sapply(struct$fields(), function(field) {
paste(indent, "StructField(\"", field$name(), "\",",
" ", field$dataType.print(i + 1), ",",
" ", field$nullable(), ")",
sep = "")
}), collapse = ",\n")
paste0("StructType(\n", fields, "\n )")
} else if (spark_class(obj$dataType(), T) == "ArrayType") {
type <- spark_class(call_method(obj$dataType(), "elementType"), T)
nullable <- call_method(obj$dataType(), "containsNull")
paste0("ArrayType(", sub("[$]", "", type), ", ", nullable, ")")
} else if (spark_class(obj$dataType(), T) == "MapType") {
key <- spark_class(call_method(obj$dataType(), "keyType"), T)
value <- spark_class(call_method(obj$dataType(), "valueType"), T)
nullable <- call_method(obj$dataType(), "valueContainsNull")
paste0("MapType(", key, ", ", value, ", ", nullable, ")")
} else {
sub(".*[.](.*)@.*$", "\\1", call_method(obj$dataType(), "toString"))
obj$nullable <- function() {
call_method(x, "nullable")
#' @rdname StructField
#' @export
StructField.character <- function (x, type, nullable = TRUE, ...) {
if (class(x) != "character") {
stop("Field name must be a string.")
if (inherits(type, "StructType")) {
type <- type$jobj
class <- "org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataTypes"
} else if (inherits(type, "character")) {
spark_type <- tidyspark_types[type]
if (length(spark_type) == 0) {
stop("Type '", type, "' not recognised, see tidyspark:::tidyspark_types
for supported type conventions.")
type <- eval(as.name(spark_type))
class <- "org.apache.spark.sql.api.r.SQLUtils"
} else if (inherits(type, "jobj")) {
class <- "org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataTypes"
} else stop("Field type must be of class 'jobj', 'StructType', or 'String'.")
if (class(nullable) != "logical") {
stop("nullable must be either TRUE or FALSE")
sfObj <- call_static(class, "createStructField", x, type, nullable)
#' @export
print.StructField <- function (x, ...) {
cat(paste(" StructField(\"", x$name(), "\",",
" ", x$dataType.print(1), ",",
" ", x$nullable(), ")",
sep = ""))
#' @title
#' \code{tidyspark} Schema Types
#' @description
#' Schema types that can be used in specifiying schemas in tidyspark. These
#' are typically used in the creation of `StructField` objects.
#' @param type a schema object or valid string
#' @param nullable logical, if the field allows null values
#' @return a string or if it's a nested type a \code{jobj}
#' @rdname schema-types
#' @export
#' @examples
#' StructType(
#' StructField("int", IntegerType, TRUE),
#' StructField("string", StringType, TRUE)
#' )
#' StructType(
#' StructField("array", ArrayType(IntegerType, TRUE), TRUE),
#' StructField("dict", StructType(
#' StructField("extra_key", StringType, TRUE),
#' StructField("key", StringType, TRUE)
#' ), TRUE),
#' StructField("int", IntegerType, TRUE),
#' StructField("string", StringType, TRUE)
#' )
ArrayType <- function(type, nullable) {
type <- if (inherits(type, "character")) {
spark_type <- tidyspark_types[type]
if (length(spark_type) == 0) {
stop("Type '", type, "' not recognised, see tidyspark:::tidyspark_types
for supported type conventions.")
new_jobj(paste0("org.apache.spark.sql.types.", spark_type))
"createArrayType", type, nullable)
#' @param key a schema object or string representing the key's type
#' @param value a schema object or string representing the value's type
#' @param nullable logical, if the field allows null values
#' @rdname schema-types
#' @export
MapType <- function (key, value, nullable) {
key <- if (inherits(key, "character")) {
spark_type <- tidyspark_types[key]
if (length(spark_type) == 0) {
stop("Type '", key, "' not recognised, see tidyspark:::tidyspark_types
for supported type conventions.")
new_jobj(paste0("org.apache.spark.sql.types.", spark_type))
value <- if (inherits(value, "character")) {
spark_type <- tidyspark_types[value]
if (length(spark_type) == 0) {
stop("Type '", value, "' not recognised, see tidyspark:::tidyspark_types
for supported type conventions.")
new_jobj(paste0("org.apache.spark.sql.types.", spark_type))
"createMapType", key, value, nullable)
#' @rdname schema-types
#' @export
ByteType = "byte"
#' @rdname schema-types
#' @export
IntegerType = "integer"
#' @rdname schema-types
#' @export
FloatType = "float"
#' @rdname schema-types
#' @export
DoubleType = "double"
#' @rdname schema-types
#' @export
StringType = "string"
#' @rdname schema-types
#' @export
BinaryType = "binary"
#' @rdname schema-types
#' @export
BooleanType = "boolean"
#' @rdname schema-types
#' @export
TimestampType = "timestamp"
#' @rdname schema-types
#' @export
DateType = "date"
#' Get schema object
#' @param x a \code{spark_tbl}
#' @return a \code{StructType}
#' @export
schema <- function(x) {
jc <- if (inherits(x, "spark_tbl")) {
attr(x, "jc")
} else if (inherits(x, "SparkDataFrame")) {
} else if (inherits(x, "jobj")) {
} else stop("Input must be of class `jobj` or coercible to 'jobj'")
StructType(call_method(jc, "schema"))
dtypes <- function(x) {
lapply(schema(x)$fields(), function(f) {
c(f$name(), f$dataType.simpleString())
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