
Defines functions .set_estimator .set_threshold .insert_label .delete_label .plot_gain_curve .plot_lift_curve .calculate_class_metrics .calculate_numeric_metrics .call_class_metric .call_numeric_metric .call_metric .check_classification_plot_prerequisites .get_classification_plot_data

# Yardstick -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Methods for Measuring Model Performance
#' @name Yardstick
#' @description Encapsulate `yardstick` functions in an `R6` object.
#' @section Constructor Arguments:
#' * \code{data} (`data.frame`) A table containing the \code{truth} and\code{estimate} columns.
#' * \code{truth} (`character`) The column identifier for the true results.
#' * \code{estimate} (`character`) The column identifier for the predicted results.
#' @section Public Methods:
#' * \code{set_estimator} One of: "binary", "macro", "macro_weighted", or
#' "micro" to specify the type of averaging to be done. See \link[yardstick]{bal_accuracy}.
#' * \code{set_threshold} TRUE if x > threshold; FALSE if x <= threshold.
#' * \code{insert_label}
#' * \code{delete_label}
#' * \code{plot_gain_curve} A cumulative gains curve shows the total number of
#' events captured by a model over a given number of samples.
#' * \code{plot_lift_curve} A lift curve shows the ratio of a model to a random
#' guess ('model cumulative sum' / 'random guess').
#' @return (`Yardstick`) A Yardstick object.
#' @seealso \url{https://tidymodels.github.io/yardstick/}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ls("package:yardstick")
#' mpg_hat <- mtcars$mpg
#' data <- cbind(mpg_hat, mtcars)
#' metrics <- Yardstick$new(data = data, truth = mpg, estimate = mpg_hat)
#' metrics$rmse
#' }
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import yardstick
#' @export
Yardstick <- R6::R6Class(
    classname = "Yardstick",
    cloneable = FALSE,
    lock_objects = FALSE,
    public = list(
        ## Public Methods
        initialize = function(data, truth, estimate){
            is.a.character <- function(x) identical(is.character(x) & length(x) == 1, TRUE)
            stopifnot(is.data.frame(data), is.a.character(truth), is.a.character(estimate))

            private$.data <- data
            private$.truth <- truth
            private$.estimate <- estimate

            # Class metrics
            for(metric_name in private$.class_metrics){
                dynamic_function <- function(metric) eval(parse(text = paste0("function() private$call_class_metric(metric = \"", metric_name, "\")")))
                makeActiveBinding(metric_name, dynamic_function(), self)

            # Numeric metrics
            for(metric_name in private$.numeric_metrics){
                dynamic_function <- function(metric) eval(parse(text = paste0("function() private$call_numeric_metric(metric = \"", metric_name, "\")")))
                makeActiveBinding(metric_name, dynamic_function(), self)
        set_threshold = function(value) .set_threshold(value, private),
        set_estimator = function(value) .set_estimator(value, private),
        insert_label = function(key, value) .insert_label(key, value, private),
        delete_label = function(key) .delete_label(key, private),
        plot_gain_curve = function() .plot_gain_curve(private),
        plot_lift_curve = function() .plot_lift_curve(private)
    private = list(
        ## Private Variables
        .class_metrics = c("accuracy", "bal_accuracy", "f_meas"),
        .numeric_metrics = c("rmse", "mae", "rsq", "ccc"),
        .estimator = NULL,
        .threshold = NULL,
        .dictionary = data.frame(key = c(".metric", ".estimator", ".estimate"), value = NA_character_, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
        .data = data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
        .truth = character(0),
        .estimate = character(0),
        ## Private Methods
        call_class_metric = function(metric) .call_class_metric(private, metric),
        call_numeric_metric = function(metric) .call_numeric_metric(private, metric),
        return = function() invisible(get("self", envir = parent.frame(2)))
    active = list(
        keys = function() private$.dictionary$key,
        all_class_metrics = function() .calculate_class_metrics(private),
        all_numeric_metrics = function() .calculate_numeric_metrics(private)

# Public Methods ----------------------------------------------------------
.set_estimator <- function(value, private){
    private$.estimator <- value

.set_threshold <- function(value, private){
    private$.threshold <- value

.insert_label <- function(key, value, private){
    new_entry <- data.frame(key = key, value = value, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    private$.dictionary <- rbind(new_entry, private$.dictionary) %>% dplyr::distinct(key, .keep_all = TRUE)

.delete_label <- function(key, private){
    dictionary <- private$.dictionary
    private$.dictionary <- dictionary[!dictionary$key %in% key, ]

.plot_gain_curve <- function(private){

    ggplot_data <- .get_classification_plot_data(private)

    ggplot_fig <-
        ggplot_data %>%
        yardstick::gain_curve(!!private$.truth, !!private$.estimate) %>%
        autoplot() +
        coord_fixed(ratio = 1) +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 100, by = 10), expand = c(0,0)) +
        scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 100, by = 10), expand = c(0,0))


.plot_lift_curve <- function(private){

    ggplot_data <- .get_classification_plot_data(private)

    ggplot_fig <-
        ggplot_data %>%
        yardstick::lift_curve(!!private$.truth, !!private$.estimate) %>%
        autoplot() +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 100, by = 10)) +
        scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(1, 100, by = 0.5))


# Private Methods ---------------------------------------------------------
.calculate_class_metrics <- function(private){
    entries <- tibble::tibble()
    metrics <- private$.class_metrics

    for(metric in metrics){
        new_entry <- .call_class_metric(private, metric)
        entries <- dplyr::bind_rows(entries, new_entry)


.calculate_numeric_metrics <- function(private){
    entries <- tibble::tibble()
    metrics <- private$.numeric_metrics

    for(metric in metrics){
        new_entry <- .call_numeric_metric(private, metric)
        entries <- dplyr::bind_rows(entries, new_entry)


.call_class_metric <- function(private, metric){
    data <- private$.data
    truth <- private$.truth
    estimate <- private$.estimate

    classes <- levels(data[[truth]])

    for(k in 1:(length(classes) + 1)){
        if(k == 1){
            entries <-
                .call_metric(private, metric) %>%
                tibble::add_column(.class = NA_character_, .before = 0)
        } else {
            private$.data[, truth] <- data[[truth]] %in% classes[k-1] %>% factor(levels = c(FALSE, TRUE))
            private$.data[, estimate] <- data[[estimate]] %in% classes[k-1] %>% factor(levels = c(FALSE, TRUE))

            new_entry <-
                .call_metric(private, metric) %>%
                dplyr::mutate(.class = classes[[k-1]]) %>%
                dplyr::mutate(.n = sum(data[[truth]] %in% classes[[k-1]]))

            entries <- dplyr::bind_rows(entries, new_entry)

            private$.data <- data


.call_numeric_metric <- function(private, metric){
    .call_metric(private, metric)

.call_metric <- function(private, metric){
    dictionary <- private$.dictionary
    data <- private$.data %>% dplyr::add_count(name = ".n") %>% dplyr::group_by_at(".n", .add = TRUE)
    truth <- private$.truth
    estimate <- private$.estimate
    estimator <- private$.estimator
    grouping_vars <- dplyr::group_vars(data)

    command <- paste0("yardstick::", metric, "(data, !!truth, !!estimate, estimator = estimator)")
    suppressWarnings(results <- eval(expr = parse(text = command)))
    results <- results[, colnames(results) %in% unique(c(grouping_vars, dictionary$key))]

    for(key in dictionary$key){
        if(key %in% colnames(results)) {
        } else {
            value <- dictionary %>% dplyr::filter(key == !!key) %>% .$value
            results <- results %>% tibble::add_column(!!key := value, .before = 0)
        }# end if-else
    }# end for loop


# Public Methods Helper Functions -----------------------------------------
.check_classification_plot_prerequisites <- function(private){
    data <- private$.data
    truth <- private$.truth
    estimate <- private$.estimate
    threshold <- private$.threshold

    if(data[[truth]] %>% is.numeric()){
        if(is.null(threshold)) stop("No threshold value is defined; use set_threshold() to define it.")
        if(max(data[[truth]]) > 1 | min(data[[truth]]) < 0) stop("`truth` has values outside the bounded interval [0,1]")

    if(data[[estimate]] %>% is.numeric()){
        if(max(data[[estimate]]) > 1 | min(data[[estimate]]) < 0) stop("`estimate` has values outside the bounded interval [0,1]")


.get_classification_plot_data <- function(private){
    data <- private$.data
    truth <- private$.truth
    estimate <- private$.estimate
    threshold <- private$.threshold

    ggplot_data <- dplyr::mutate(data, !!truth := factor(truth > threshold, levels = c(FALSE, TRUE)))

data-science-competitions/Modeling-Earthquake-Damage documentation built on Dec. 25, 2019, 12:02 p.m.