
#' Given bisulfite sequencing data, calculates the proportion
#' of intermediate methylation sites.
#' @param bsData Bisulfite sequencing data;
#' @param cacheDir If using caching, this argument specifies the directory to
#'     use for storing the cache; defaults to global option for
#'     \code{RESOURCES.RACHE}; if no such option has been specified you must
#'     provide one
#' @param imLower The lower boundary for intermediate methylation (IM); if a
#'     site is entirely below this threshold (or if any part of its binomial
#'     credibility interval overlaps this boundary) it is not considered IM;
#'     defaults to .25
#' @param imUpper The upper boundary for intermediate methylation (IM); if a
#'     site is entirely above this threshold (or if any part of its binomial
#'     credibility interval overlaps this boundary) it is not considered IM;
#'     defaults to .75
#' @param confLevel A decimal indicating the level of confidence to be used
#'     while creating cached the binomial bayes credibility interval; default is
#'     .95 for 95 percent confidence
#' @return A single value (numeric vector of length 1) indicating the proportion
#'     of intermediate methylation (PIM) of an individual sample
#'data("exampleBSDT", package="epihet")
#'if (require(simpleCache)) {
#'PIM(exampleBSDT, cacheDir="~")
#'PIM(exampleBSDT, cacheDir="~", imLower=.2, imUpper=.8)
#' @export

PIM = function(bsData,
                confLevel=.95) {

    bsData = bsDataCheck(bsData)

    if(!singleSample(bsData)) {

        stop(strwrap("Your data appears to include more than one sample.
        Consider reformatting or try using RPIM() to calculate relative
        proportion of intermediate methylation across all samples.", initial="",
        prefix=" "))


    imtab = prepIM(bsData,

    sum(imtab$IM == TRUE) / nrow(imtab)


#' Helper function to get the relative proportion of flagged sites for a
#' single sample versus all other samples
#' @param sampleBaseline The sample (which should specify a name in the
#' bisulfite sequencing data) to use as the baseline
#' the proportion of sites for.
#' @param sampleRelative The sample to compare relatively to the baseline sample for
#' the proportion of sites.
#' @param bsData Bisulfite sequencing data for multiple samples; a BSDT
#' (bisulfite data.table) that has been split with splitDataTable
#' (so, a list of BSDTs); one corresponds to each sample to test.
#' @param cacheDir If using caching, this argument specifies the directory to
#' use for storing the cache;
#' defaults to global option for \code{RESOURCES.RACHE},
#' if no such option has been specified you must provide one
#' @param imLower The lower boundary for intermediate methylation (IM);
#' if a site is entirely below this threshold
#' (or if any part of its binomial credibility interval overlaps this boundary)
#' it is not considered IM;
#' defaults to .25
#' @param imUpper The upper boundary for intermediate methylation (IM);
#' if a site is entirely above this threshold
#' (or if any part of its binomial credibility interval overlaps this boundary)
#' it is not considered IM;
#' defaults to .75
#' @param confLevel A decimal indicating the level of confidence
#' to be used while creating cached the binomial bayes credibility interval;
#' default is .95 for 95 percent confidence
#'@return A vector of the same length as the number of samples being
#' analyzed; each element in the vector represents the the proportion of
#' intermediate methylation relative to the other samples for a single sample
calculateRPIM = function(sampleBaseline,
                        confLevel=.95) {

    message(paste0(sampleBaseline, " to ", sampleRelative))

    sampleBaseline = prepIM(bsData[[sampleBaseline]],

    sampleRelative = prepIM(bsData[[sampleRelative]],

    result = merge(sampleBaseline, sampleRelative)[,log(sum(IM.x/.N)/sum(IM.y/.N))]



#' Calculate the relative proportion of intermediate methylation (RPIM) score.
#' @param bsData Bisulfite sequencing data for multiple samples. A list of BSDT
#'     (bisulfite data.table), one corresponds to each sample to test. This may
#'     also be a BSseq object
#' @param cacheDir If using caching, this argument specifies the directory to
#'     use for storing the cache; defaults to global option for
#'     \code{RESOURCES.RACHE}. If no such option has been specified you must
#'     provide one
#' @param imLower The lower boundary for intermediate methylation (IM); if a
#'     site is entirely below this threshold (or if any part of its binomial
#'     credibility interval overlaps this boundary) it is not considered IM;
#'     defaults to .25
#' @param imUpper The upper boundary for intermediate methylation (IM); if a
#'     site is entirely above this threshold (or if any part of its binomial
#'     credibility interval overlaps this boundary) it is not considered IM;
#'     defaults to .75
#' @param confLevel A decimal indicating the level of confidence to be used
#'     while creating cached the binomial bayes credibility interval; default is
#'     .95 for 95 percent confidence
#' @return A named vector of the same length as the number of samples being
#'     analyzed; each element in the vector represents the the average
#'     proportion of intermediate methylation relative to the other samples; all
#'     samples are represented and elements named accordingly
#'data("BSDTlist", package="epihet")
#'if (require(simpleCache)) {
#'RPIM(BSDTlist, cacheDir="~")
#'RPIM(BSDTlist, imLower=.2, imUpper=.8)
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @export
RPIM = function(bsData,
                confLevel=.95) {

    bsData = bsDataCheck(bsData)

    if(singleSample(bsData)) {

        stop(strwrap("Your data appears to only include one sample. Consider
        reformatting or try using PIM() to calculate proportion of intermediate
        methylation for an individual.", initial="", prefix=" "))


    mysamples = names(bsData)

    allcomb = t(combn(mysamples,2))

    revcomb = t(apply(allcomb,1,rev))

    res = combn(mysamples,
                FUN=function(x) calculateRPIM(sampleBaseline=x[1], sampleRelative=x[2], bsData=bsData, cacheDir=cacheDir))

    allcomb = cbind(allcomb,res)

    revcomb = cbind(revcomb,-res)

    bothcomb = rbind(allcomb,revcomb)

    ref = expand.grid(V1=mysamples,V2=mysamples, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

    allres = merge(ref,bothcomb,all=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

    allres = apply(allres, 2, as.character)

    vals = as.numeric(allres[,3])

    dim(vals) = rep(length(mysamples),2)

    colnames(vals) = sort(mysamples)

    rownames(vals) = sort(mysamples)

    colMeans(vals, na.rm=TRUE)[mysamples]

databio/epihet documentation built on May 24, 2019, 2:03 a.m.