
Defines functions stan.parfit

Documented in stan.parfit

stan.parfit <-
function(cl, data, params, model, inits = NULL,
    seed = sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, n.chains),
    n.chains = 3,
    format = c("mcmc.list", "stanfit"),
    stan.model = TRUE, fit = NA, ...)
    cl <- evalParallelArgument(cl, quit = FALSE)
    ## nn-parallel
    if (is.null(cl)) {
        return(stan.fit(data, params, model, inits,
            seed = seed[1L],
            n.chains = n.chains,
            format = format,
            stan.model = stan.model, fit = fit, ...))
    ## multicore/forking
    if (is.integer(cl)) {
        return(stan.fit(data, params, model, inits,
            seed = seed[1L],
            n.chains = n.chains,
            format = format,
            stan.model = stan.model, fit = fit,
            cores=cl, ...))
    ## snow type cluster
    format <- match.arg(format)
    if (missing(params))
        params <- NA
    chain_id <- as.integer(seq_len(n.chains))
    ## this is rstan default
    if (is.null(inits))
        inits <- "random"
    ## this is to generate inits list fron function
    if (is.function(inits)) {
        inits <- if (is.null(formals(inits))) {
            lapply(chain_id, function(i) inits())
        } else {
            lapply(chain_id, inits)
    ## this is to repeat if 0 "0" "random" or list()
    ## i.e. not list of lists
    if (length(inits) != n.chains &&
        !identical(unique(unlist(lapply(inits, class))), "list")) {
            inits <- lapply(seq_len(n.chains), function(i) inits)

    if (is.environment(data)) {
        warnings("'data' was environment: it was coerced into a list")
        data <- as.list(data)
    n.clones <- dclone::nclones.list(data)
    trace <- getOption("dcoptions")$verbose
    if (n.chains == 1)
        stop("no need for parallel computing with 1 chain")
    if (is.function(model) || inherits(model, "custommodel")) {
        if (is.function(model))
            model <- match.fun(model)
        if (is.numeric(cl) || inherits(cl, "SOCKcluster")) {
            model <- write.jags.model(model)
            model_chr <- readLines(model)
    } else {
        model_chr <- readLines(model)

    ## Stan keep recompiling, need to find a better way to pass fit
    if (!identical(fit, NA))
        warning("fit ignored when running in cluster")
    cldata <- list(data = data, params = params,
        model = model, model_chr=model_chr,
        inits = inits, chain_id = chain_id, seed = seed)
    stanparallel <- function(i, ...) {
        cldata <- pullDcloneEnv("cldata", type = "model")
            model_code = cldata$model_chr,
            data = cldata$data,
            pars = cldata$params,
            chains = 1,
            chain_id = cldata$chain_id[i],
            seed = cldata$seed[i],
            init = cldata$inits[[i]],
            #fit = cldata$fit,
            fit = NA,
    if (trace) {
        cat("\nParallel computation in progress\n\n")
    balancing <- if (getOption("dcoptions")$LB)
        "load" else "none"
#    dir <- if (inherits(cl, "SOCKcluster"))
#        getwd() else NULL
    mcmc <- parDosa(cl, 1:n.chains, stanparallel, cldata,
        lib = c("dclone", "rstan"),
        balancing = balancing, size = 1,
        rng.type = getOption("dcoptions")$RNG,
        cleanup = TRUE,
        dir=NULL, # model now has full path
        unload = FALSE, ...)
    fit0 <- sflist2stanfit(mcmc)
    ## dc info stuff
    if (format == "mcmc.list") {
        res <- As.mcmc.list(fit0)
        ## get rid of  'lp__'
        res <- res[,which(varnames(res) != "lp__")]
        if (stan.model)
            attr(res, "stan.model") <- get_stanmodel(fit0)
        if (!is.null(n.clones) && n.clones > 1) {
            attr(res, "n.clones") <- n.clones
            class(res) <- c("mcmc.list.dc", class(res))
    } else {
        res <- fit0
        if (!is.null(n.clones) && n.clones > 1) {
            attr(res, "n.clones") <- n.clones
datacloning/dclone documentation built on Sept. 29, 2024, 3:21 p.m.