
#' @title S4 class for the standard data.frame for a fixed-width file schema.
#' @description Definition of the S4 class named \code{StfwfSchema} for the data.frame providing the
#' schema of the fixed-width file to read.
#' @slot df data.frame with 5 columns:
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item variable: the name of the variable.
#'    \item width: the number of positions which the values of this variable occupies in the file.
#'    \item initialPos: initial position of the field whic hthe values of this variable occupies in
#'    the file.
#'    \item finalPos: final position of the field whic hthe values of this variable occupies in the
#'    file.
#'    \item type: type of the variable. It must be either \code{num} or \code{char}.
#'    \item valueRegEx: regular expression for the values of this variable.
#'    \item description: textual description of the variable.
#'  }
#' @examples
#' # An empty StfwfSchema object:
#' new(Class = 'StfwfSchema')
#' # A trivial example:
#' df <- data.frame(variable = c('Turnover', 'Employees'),
#'                  width = c(9L, 3L),
#'                  initialPos = c(1, 10),
#'                  finalPos = c(9, 12),
#'                  type = rep('num', 2),
#'                  valueRegEx = c('[0-9]{0,9}', '[0-9]{0,3}'),
#'                  description = c('Turnover of the business unit',
#'                                  'Number of employees of the business unit'),
#'                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' new(Class = 'StfwfSchema', df = df)
#' @importFrom qdapRegex is.regex
#' @export
setClass(Class = "StfwfSchema",
         representation = list(df = 'data.frame'),
         prototype = list(df = data.frame(variable = character(0),
                                          width = integer(0),
                                          initialPos = integer(0),
                                          finalPos = integer(0),
                                          type = character(0),
                                          valueRegEx = character(0),
                                          description = character(0))),
         validity = function(object){

           df <- slot(object, 'df')
           if (dim(df)[1] == 0) {

             warning('[StfwfSchema:: validity StfwfSchema] The schema data.frame has 0 rows.\n')

           # Column types
           colClasses <- lapply(df, class)
           if (colClasses$variable != 'character') {

             stop('[StfwfSchema:: validity StfwfSchema] The class of column variable must be character.\n')


           if (!colClasses$width %in% c('numeric', 'integer')) {

             stop('[StfwfSchema:: validity StfwfSchema] The class of column width must be numeric or integer.\n')


           if (!colClasses$initialPos %in% c('numeric', 'integer')) {

             stop('[StfwfSchema:: validity StfwfSchema] The class of column initialPos must be numeric or integer.\n')


           if (!colClasses$finalPos %in% c('numeric', 'integer')) {

             stop('[StfwfSchema:: validity StfwfSchema] The class of column finalPos must be numeric or integer.\n')


           if (colClasses$type != 'character') {

             stop('[StfwfSchema:: validity StfwfSchema] The class of column type must be character.\n')


           if (colClasses$valueRegEx != 'character') {

             stop('[StfwfSchema:: validity StfwfSchema] The class of column valueRegEx must be character.\n')


           if (colClasses$description != 'character') {

             stop('[StfwfSchema:: validity StfwfSchema] The class of column description must be character.\n')

           # Column names
           if (!all(names(df) ==
                    c('variable', 'width', 'initialPos', 'finalPos',
                      'type', 'valueRegEx', 'description'))) {

             stop('[StfwfSchema:: validity StfwfSchema] The schema data.frame has wrong column names. (Check also the order). \n')

           # No duplicated variable names
           variables <- df$variable
           dupVars <- variables[duplicated(variables)]
           if (length(dupVars) > 0){

             stop(paste0('[StfwfSchema:: validity StfwfSchema] The following variables are duplicated: ',
                         paste0(dupVars, collapse = ', '), '.\n'))


           # finPos >= iniPos
           diffPos <- df$finalPos - df$initialPos
           errorDiffPos <- df$variable[diffPos < 0]
           if (length(errorDiffPos) > 0) {

             stop(paste0('[StfwfSchema:: validity StfwfSchema] The following variables have incoherent positions:', paste0(errorDiffPos, collapse = ' , '), '.\n'))

           # width = finPos - iniPos + 1
           diff <- df$finalPos - df$initialPos + 1
           errorwidthVar <- df$variable[diff != df$width]
           if (length(errorwidthVar) > 0) {

             stop(paste0('[StfwfSchema:: validity StfwfSchema] The following variables have incoherent widths and positions:', paste0(errorwidthVar, collapse = ' , '), '.\n'))


           # sum(width) = finPos[final] - iniPos[initial] + 1
           if (df$finalPos[dim(df)[1]] - df$initialPos[1] + 1 > sum(df$width)) {

             warning('[StfwfSchema:: validity StfwfSchema] The sum of widths is not equal to the number of positions. There seems to be blank spaces in the schema.\n')


           if (df$finalPos[dim(df)[1]] - df$initialPos[1] + 1 < sum(df$width)) {

             stop('[StfwfSchema:: validity StfwfSchema] The sum of widths is not equal to the number of positions. There seems to be overlapping positions.\n')


          # type num or char
          invalidTypes <-  which(!df$type %in% c('num', 'char', 'log'))
          invalidTypes <- df$variable[invalidTypes]
          if (length(invalidTypes) > 0) {

            stop(paste0('[StfwfSchema:: validity StfwfSchema] Types must be char, num or log. The type of the following variables are invalid:\n',
                        paste0(invalidTypes, collapse = ', '), '.\n'))


          # ascending order (by initialPos)
          variables_origOrder <- df$variable
          variables_ascOrder <- df$variable[order(df$initialPos)]
          dif <- (variables_origOrder != variables_ascOrder)
          if (sum(dif) > 0){

           stop(paste0('[StfwfSchema:: validity StfwfSchema] the following variables are not in the correct order (ascending initial position): ', paste0(variables_origOrder[dif], collapse = ', ')))


          # Is regex?
          notValidRegex <- qdapRegex::is.regex(df$valueRegEx)
          notRegExVar <- df$variable[!notValidRegex]

          if (!all()) {

            stop(paste0('[StfwfSchema:: validity StfwfSchema] The following variables have invalid regex:', paste0(notRegExVar, collapse = ' , '), '.\n'))

david-salgado/fastReadfwf documentation built on Dec. 25, 2021, 12:43 p.m.