
Defines functions hot.deck

Documented in hot.deck

# DA 9/10/14: Added argument for IDvars (ID variables that are not to be used in imputation, but should remain in data)
hot.deck <-
function(data, m = 5, method=c("best.cell", "p.draw"), cutoff=10, sdCutoff=1, optimizeSD = FALSE, 
    optimStep = 0.1, optimStop = 5, weightedAffinity = FALSE, impContinuous = c("HD", "mice"), 
    IDvars = NULL, ...){
	method <- match.arg(method)
    impContinuous <- match.arg(impContinuous)
# DA 9/15/14 Added warning about weighted affinity calculations and correlations among or with categorical variables. 
        warning("Affinity calculations made as a function of pearson correlations among variables coerced to class 'numeric'\ntake care when using this on categorical, especially nominal variables")
# DA 9/10/14: If IDvars is specified, remove them from the data and save in a different file. 
        IDdata <- data[, which(names(data) %in% IDvars), drop=FALSE]
        data <- data[,-which(names(data) %in% IDvars), drop=FALSE]
# DA 9/10/14: Added code to remove any observations that are always missing
        allNA <- apply(data, 1, function(x)all(is.na(x)))
            IDdata <- IDdata[-which(allNA), , drop=FALSE]
            data <- data[-which(allNA), , drop=FALSE]
        allNA <- apply(data, 1, function(x)all(is.na(x)))
            data <- data[-which(allNA), , drop=FALSE]
        warning(paste(sum(allNA), " observations with no observed data.  These observations were removed\n", sep="") )
	facs <- sapply(1:ncol(data), function(x)is.factor(data[,x]))
	disc.miss <- which(is.discrete(data, cutoff) & apply(data, 2, function(x)any(is.na(x))))
	alldisc <- is.discrete(data, cutoff)
	allmiss <- which(is.na(data), arr.ind=TRUE)
	cont.miss <- allmiss[-which(allmiss[,2] %in% disc.miss), ]
# DA 10/2/14: moved the warning here in response to Toby's problem where the error was getting tripped
# even though there was no continuous data.  This goes a step further and doesn't trip the warning unless
# there is any continuous data with missing observations.
    if(impContinuous == "HD" & method == "p.draw" & length(cont.miss) > 0){
        stop("Hot Deck imputation of continuous values can only be used with the best cell method\n")
	whichna <- which(is.na(data), arr.ind=TRUE)
    if(impContinuous == "mice"){
	    whichna <- whichna[which(whichna[,2] %in% disc.miss), ]
# DA 9/5/14: added condition any(!alldisc) so that optimization only happens when there are continuous variables on which to optimize
    if(optimizeSD & any(!alldisc)){
        mm <- 0
        while(sdCutoff <= optimStop & mm < m){
            tmp <- scaleContinuous(data, alldisc, sdx=1/sdCutoff)
            numdata <- sapply(1:ncol(tmp), function(i)as.numeric(tmp[,i]))
            R <- abs(cor(numdata, use="pairwise"))
            diag(R) <- 0
# DA 9/5/14: Commented out 2 lines below because I changed the looping mechanism for the affinity calculation
            # aff <- t(apply(whichna, 1, function(x)affinity(numdata, x[1], x[2], R, weightedAffinity)))
            # aff[which(!is.finite(aff), arr.ind=TRUE)] <- 0

# DA 9/5/14: changed the way affinity is calculated so no duplicates are calculated.  This should speed
# up computation particularly when there are many observations missing on many variables.  This also makes
# the weighted measure potentially much slower
            unnaobs <- unique(whichna[,1])
        	    aff <- t(sapply(unnaobs, function(x)affinity(numdata, x, weighted=FALSE)))
                aff <- aff[match(whichna[,1], unnaobs), ]
            	aff <- t(apply(whichna, 1, function(x)affinity(numdata, x[1], x[2], R, weightedAffinity)))
        	if(any(!is.finite(aff))){aff[which(!is.finite(aff), arr.ind=TRUE)] <- 0}

# DA 9/5/14: added the following 4 lines to ensure that only valid donors (i.e., those with observed values) have 
# non-zero affinity scores.
            wnadat <- matrix(1, nrow=nrow(data), ncol=ncol(data))
            wnadat[which(is.na(data), arr.ind=TRUE)] <- 0
            wnadat <- t(wnadat[, whichna[,2]])
            aff <- aff*wnadat
            w <- apply(aff, 1, function(x)which(x == max(x)))
            donors <- lapply(1:nrow(whichna), function(x)na.omit(data[w[[x]], whichna[x,2]]))
        	matches <- sapply(donors, length)
            mm <- min(matches)
            cat("SD Cutoff = ", sprintf("%.2f", sdCutoff), ", # Thin Cells = ", sum(matches < m), "\n", sep="")
            if(mm < m & sdCutoff == optimStop){warning(paste("Optimization unsuccessful, ", sum(matches < m), " thin cells remain with SD cutoff of ", sdCutoff, "\n", sep=""))}
            if(sdCutoff < optimStop){sdCutoff <- sdCutoff + optimStep}

# DA 9/10/14: changed result of scaleContinuous here to tmp from data so that the draws for the donors will not come from the scaled, but from the unscaled data. 
    tmp <- scaleContinuous(data, alldisc, sdx=1/sdCutoff)
	numdata <- sapply(1:ncol(tmp), function(i)as.numeric(tmp[,i]))
	R <- abs(cor(numdata, use="pairwise"))
	diag(R) <- 0
	max.emp.aff <- 	apply(R, 2, sum)[whichna[,2]] # new
	max.the.aff <- rep(dim(R)[2] - 1, nrow(whichna)) # new
# DA 9/5/14: Commented out 2 lines below because I changed the looping mechanism for the affinity calculation
    # aff <- t(apply(whichna, 1, function(x)affinity(numdata, x[1], x[2], R, weightedAffinity)))
    # aff[which(!is.finite(aff), arr.ind=TRUE)] <- 0

# DA 9/5/14: changed the way affinity is calculated so no duplicates are calculated.  This should speed
# up computation particularly when there are many observations missing on many variables.  This also makes
# the weighted measure potentially much slower
    unnaobs <- unique(whichna[,1])
	    aff <- t(sapply(unnaobs, function(x)affinity(numdata, x, weighted=FALSE)))
        aff <- aff[match(whichna[,1], unnaobs), ]
    	aff <- t(apply(whichna, 1, function(x)affinity(numdata, x[1], x[2], R, weightedAffinity)))
	if(any(!is.finite(aff))){aff[which(!is.finite(aff), arr.ind=TRUE)] <- 0}

# DA 9/5/14: added the following 4 lines to ensure that only valid donors (i.e., those with observed values) have 
# non-zero affinity scores.
    wnadat <- matrix(1, nrow=nrow(data), ncol=ncol(data))
    wnadat[which(is.na(data), arr.ind=TRUE)] <- 0
    wnadat <- t(wnadat[, whichna[,2]])
    aff <- aff*wnadat
	if(method == "best.cell"){
		w <- apply(aff, 1, function(x)which(x == max(x)))
		donors <- lapply(1:nrow(whichna), function(x)na.omit(data[w[[x]], whichna[x,2]]))
		matches <- sapply(donors, length)
		if(any(matches < m)){warning(paste(sum(matches < m ), " of ", length(matches), " imputations with # donors < ", m, ", consider increasing sdCutoff or using method='p.draw'\n", sep=""))}
		repl <- ifelse(matches < m, TRUE, FALSE)
	    draws <- lapply(1:length(donors), function(x)sample(donors[[x]], m, replace=repl[x]))
	if(method == "p.draw"){
		donors <- lapply(1:nrow(whichna), function(x)aggregate(aff[x, ], list(data[, whichna[x,2]]), mean, na.rm=TRUE))
	    draws <- lapply(1:length(donors), function(x)sample(donors[[x]][,1], m, replace=TRUE, prob=donors[[x]][,2]))
	res <- vector(mode="list", length=m)
	inp.D <- lapply(1:m, function(x)data)
	for(md in 1:m){
		for(i in 1:nrow(whichna)){
			inp.D[[md]][whichna[i,1], whichna[i,2]] <- draws[[i]][md]
		if(length(cont.miss) > 0 & impContinuous == "mice"){
			mice.D <- mice(inp.D[[md]], m = 1, ...)
			res[[md]] <- complete(mice.D)
			res[[md]] <- inp.D[[md]]
# DA 9/10/14: added three lines to put ID variables back in dataset
            res[[md]] <- cbind(IDdata, res[[md]])
	class(res)  <- c("mi","list")
	return(list(data = res, affinity = aff, donors = donors, draws = draws, max.emp.aff = max.emp.aff, max.the.aff = max.the.aff))
davidaarmstrong/hot.deck documentation built on April 2, 2020, 4:52 a.m.