
Defines functions img_to_latex latex_highlightcolor latex_text_direction latex_cell_bgcolor latex_fontcolor latex_fontsize as_table_latexstyle_lr sanitize_latex_str

sanitize_latex_str <- function(str) {
  z <- gsub("[\\\\]", "\\\\textbackslash", str)
  z <- gsub("([&%$#_{} ]{1})", "\\\\\\1", z)
  z <- gsub("[~]", "\\\\\\textasciitilde ", z)
  z <- gsub("^", "\\\\\\textasciicircum ", z, fixed = TRUE)


as_table_latexstyle_lr <- function(x) {
  left <- character(nrow(x))
  right <- character(nrow(x))

  fontcolor_left <- paste0(latex_fontcolor(x$color), "{")
  fontcolor_right <- rep("}", nrow(x))
  fontcolor_left[is.na(x$color)] <- ""
  fontcolor_right[is.na(x$color)] <- ""
  left <- paste0(fontcolor_left, left)
  right <- paste0(right, fontcolor_right)

  highlight_left <- paste0(latex_highlightcolor(x$shading.color), "{")
  highlight_right <- rep("}", length(x$shading.color))
  highlight_left[is.na(x$shading.color) | colalpha(x$shading.color) < 1] <- ""
  highlight_right[is.na(x$shading.color) | colalpha(x$shading.color) < 1] <- ""
  left <- paste0(left, highlight_left)
  right <- paste0(highlight_right, right)

  fontsize_left <- paste0(latex_fontsize(x$font.size, x$line_spacing), "{")
  fontsize_right <- rep("}", nrow(x))
  fontsize_left[is.na(x$font.size) | is.na(x$line_spacing)] <- ""
  fontsize_right[is.na(x$font.size) | is.na(x$line_spacing)] <- ""
  left <- paste0(left, fontsize_left)
  right <- paste0(fontsize_right, right)

  fonts_ok <- get_pdf_engine() %in% c("xelatex", "lualatex")
  if (fonts_ok && !flextable_global$defaults$fonts_ignore) {
    font_family_left <- sprintf("\\global\\setmainfont{%s}{", x$font.family)
    font_family_right <- rep("}", nrow(x))
    font_family_left[is.na(x$font.family)] <- ""
    font_family_right[is.na(x$font.family)] <- ""
    left <- paste0(left, font_family_left)
    right <- paste0(font_family_right, right)

  bold_left <- rep("", nrow(x))
  bold_right <- rep("", nrow(x))
  bold_left[x$bold %in% TRUE] <- "\\textbf{"
  bold_right[x$bold %in% TRUE] <- "}"
  left <- paste0(left, bold_left)
  right <- paste0(bold_right, right)

  italic_left <- rep("", nrow(x))
  italic_right <- rep("", nrow(x))
  italic_left[x$italic %in% TRUE] <- "\\textit{"
  italic_right[x$italic %in% TRUE] <- "}"
  left <- paste0(left, italic_left)
  right <- paste0(italic_right, right)

  underlined_left <- rep("", nrow(x))
  underlined_right <- rep("", nrow(x))
  underlined_left[x$underlined %in% TRUE] <- "\\underline{"
  underlined_right[x$underlined %in% TRUE] <- "}"
  left <- paste0(left, underlined_left)
  right <- paste0(underlined_right, right)

  valign_left <- character(nrow(x))
  valign_right <- character(nrow(x))
  valign_left[x$vertical.align %in% "subscript"] <- "\\textsubscript{"
  valign_right[x$vertical.align %in% "subscript"] <- "}"
  valign_left[x$vertical.align %in% "superscript"] <- "\\textsuperscript{"
  valign_right[x$vertical.align %in% "superscript"] <- "}"
  left <- paste0(left, valign_left)
  right <- paste0(valign_right, right)

  data.frame(left = left, right = right, classname = x$classname, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

latex_fontsize <- function(x, line_spacing = 1, digits = 0) {
  size <- format_double(x, digits = 0)
  baselineskip <- format_double(x * line_spacing, digits = 0)
  z <- sprintf("\\fontsize{%s}{%s}\\selectfont", size, baselineskip)
  z[is.na(x)] <- ""

latex_fontcolor <- function(x) {
  col <- colcode0(x)
  z <- sprintf("\\textcolor[HTML]{%s}", col)

latex_cell_bgcolor <- function(x) {
  is_transparent <- colalpha(x) < 1
  z <- sprintf("\\cellcolor[HTML]{%s}", colcode0(x))
  z[is_transparent] <- ""

latex_text_direction <- function(x, left = TRUE) {
  textdir <- rep("", length(x))
  if (left) {
    textdir[x %in% "tbrl"] <- "\\rotatebox[origin=c]{270}{"
    textdir[x %in% "btlr"] <- "\\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{"
  } else {
    textdir[x %in% c("tbrl", "btlr")] <- "}"

latex_highlightcolor <- function(x) {
  col <- colcode0(x)
  z <- sprintf("\\colorbox[HTML]{%s}", col)

#' @importFrom knitr fig_path
img_to_latex <- function(img_data, width, height) {
  new_files <- fig_path(suffix = ".png", number = seq_along(img_data))
  for (d in unique(dirname(new_files))) {
    dir.create(d, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  str_raster <- mapply(function(img_raster, new_file, width, height) {
    if (inherits(img_raster, "raster")) {
      agg_png(filename = new_file, units = "in", res = 300, background = "transparent", width = width, height = height)
      op <- par(mar = rep(0, 4))
      plot(img_raster, interpolate = FALSE, asp = NA)
    } else if (is.character(img_raster)) {
      if (!file.exists(img_raster)) {
        stop(sprintf("File '%s' could not be found.", img_raster))
      file.copy(from = img_raster, to = new_file, overwrite = TRUE)
    } else {
      stop("`image_data` can only be a raster or a filename.")
    sprintf("\\includegraphics[width=%sin, height=%sin]{%s}", width, height, new_file)
  }, img_data, new_files, width, height, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  str_raster <- as.character(unlist(str_raster))
davidgohel/flextable documentation built on April 18, 2024, 11:37 a.m.