
Defines functions query get_document_properties loadMethod saveMethod help getRequiredDataTransformations FixMissing Make getRequiredDictionaries getRequiredDatasets getDictionaries getProperties getFeatures getLabels getFeature getPaths getDataForFeature getDictionary getData getReplayData getRawData getSettings setLabels FixMissings Merge ClearFeatures setDictionaries setPathDefinitions setSettings setReplayData setRawData initialize

 #' cFrogdataHandler 
 #' @require data.table
 #' @require digest
 #' @require igraph
 cFrog2FeatureDataHandler <- R6Class("frog2featureDH", 
    public = list( 
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
        # // Part 1: Public Global Variables                                                          #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
        Description         = NULL,  
        Logbook             = NULL,    
        PathDefinitions     = NULL,  
        Labels              = NULL, 
        Features            = NULL,
        Settings            = list(
            KeepLog         = FALSE,
            Filters.Global  = NULL,
            dictionary.path = NULL
        RequiredDataTransformations = list(
        Data = list(  
            # The raw dataset should contain     the unedited raw dataset as provided
            # at the start of the analysis. 
            Raw                      =   NULL,
            Raw.List                 =   NULL,
            Raw.Dictionaries         =   NULL,
            Merged                   =   NULL,
            Replay                   =   NULL,
            Replay.List              =   NULL,
            Replay.Dictionaries      =   NULL
        Plot = function(graph = "full", paths ="all", pretty = F, vertex.size = 38, vertex.size2 = 10, edge.arrow.size = 0.2, adjust.position = list(), plot.position = F, ...){
                if(graph == "full"){
                    if(paths == "all"){
                        lay <- layout_as_tree(self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.graph)
                        lay.dt <- {lay %>% data.table}[,x := V1][,y := V2][, V1 := NULL][, V2 := NULL]
                        lay.dt <- cbind(lay.dt, name = V(self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.graph)$name)
                            lay.dt <- cbind(lay.dt, name         = V(self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.graph)$name)
                            lay.dt <- cbind(lay.dt, vertex.label = V(self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.graph)$vertex.label)
                            lay.dt <- cbind(lay.dt, type         = V(self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.graph)$type)
                            lay.dt <- cbind(lay.dt, type         = V(self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.graph)$token)
                            lay.dt[type == "output",             y := min(y)]
                            lay.dt[type == "create.dictionary",  y := min(y)]
                            lay.dt[type == "save.dictionary",    y := min(y)]
                            lay.dt[type == "construct.features", y := min(y)]
                        for(node in names(adjust.position)){
                            if("x" %in% (adjust.position[[node]] %>% names)){
                                lay.dt[name == node, x := adjust.position[[node]]$x]    
                            if("y" %in% (adjust.position[[node]] %>% names)){
                                lay.dt[name == node, y := adjust.position[[node]]$y]            
                            vertex.label <- lay.dt[, name %+% "\r\n" %+% "(x=" %+% x %+% ", y=" %+% y %+% ")"]
                        } else {
                            vertex.label <- V(self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.graph)$vertex.label
                        lay <- lay.dt[, .(x,y)] %>% as.matrix
                           layout          = lay,
                           dt.graph        = self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.graph,
                           vertex.label    = vertex.label,
                           vertex.size     = vertex.size, 
                           vertex.size2    = vertex.size2, 
                           edge.arrow.size = edge.arrow.size, ...
                    } else {
                        if(length(paths) == 1){
                            path <- frogdh$RequiredDataTransformations$full.paths[[paths]]
                            lay <- layout_as_tree(path)
                            plotRequiredDataTransformations(path, ...)         
                        } else {
                if(graph == "replay"){
                    if(paths == "all"){
                        lay <- layout_as_tree(self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.graph)
                        lay.dt <- {lay %>% data.table}[,x := V1][,y := V2][, V1 := NULL][, V2 := NULL]
                        lay.dt <- cbind(lay.dt, name = V(self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.graph)$name)
                            lay.dt <- cbind(lay.dt, name         = V(self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.graph)$name)
                            lay.dt <- cbind(lay.dt, vertex.label = V(self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.graph)$vertex.label)
                            lay.dt <- cbind(lay.dt, type         = V(self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.graph)$type)
                            lay.dt <- cbind(lay.dt, type         = V(self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.graph)$token)
                            lay.dt[type == "output",             y := min(y)]
                            lay.dt[type == "create.dictionary",  y := min(y)]
                            lay.dt[type == "save.dictionary",    y := min(y)]
                            lay.dt[type == "construct.features", y := min(y)]
                        for(node in names(adjust.position)){
                            if("x" %in% (adjust.position[[node]] %>% names)){
                                lay.dt[name == node, x := adjust.position[[node]]$x]    
                            if("y" %in% (adjust.position[[node]] %>% names)){
                                lay.dt[name == node, y := adjust.position[[node]]$y]            
                            vertex.label <- lay.dt[, name %+% "\r\n" %+% "(x=" %+% x %+% ", y=" %+% y %+% ")"]
                        } else {
                            vertex.label <- V(self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.graph)$vertex.label
                        lay <- lay.dt[, .(x,y)] %>% as.matrix
                           layout          = lay,
                           dt.graph        = self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.graph,
                           vertex.label    = vertex.label,
                           vertex.size     = vertex.size, 
                           vertex.size2    = vertex.size2, 
                           edge.arrow.size = edge.arrow.size, ...
                    } else {
                        if(length(paths) == 1){
                            path <- frogdh$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.graph[[paths]]
                            lay <- layout_as_tree(path)
                            plotRequiredDataTransformations(path, ...)         
                        } else {
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
        # // Part 2: Initialization                                                                   #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
        #' Title
        #' @param dtfrog 
        #' @param objFeatures 
        #' @param ... 
        #' @return
        #' @export
        #' @examples
        initialize = function(Dataset              = NULL, 
                              Settings             = NULL,
                              PathDefinitions      = NULL, 
                              Dictionaries         = NULL, ...){
            cat("# ----------------------------------------------------------------\r\n")
            cat("# Frog2Feature output:                                               \r\n") 
            cat("# ----------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n")
            cat("# Initialize Frog Data Handler object: \r\n\r\n")
            cat("# ----------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n")
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
            # (i.0) Determine whether to use a logbook                                                    #
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
            # Initialize a log if required
            cat("     - Initialize logbook object \r\n")
            # Determine whether to use a log book:
            if(self$Settings$KeepLog){ self$Logbook <- cLogBook$new(name = "frog data handler")}     
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
            # (i.1) Check input arguments                                                                 #
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
            if(any(Dataset %>% is.null, Settings %>% is.null, PathDefinitions %>% is.null)){
                cat("Warning: Initializing empty or partial Frog2Features-object \r\n\r\n")
                cat("Please note that to continue, you must additionally provide: \r\n\r\n")
            if(Dataset %>% is.null){ 
                cat("\t\t a valid 'Dataset' object from a FROG-pipeline; use: setData(...)\r\n ") 
            if(Settings %>% is.null){
                cat("\t\t a valid 'Settings'object; use: setSettings(...)\r\n ") 
            } else {
                self$Settings %<>% modifyList(Settings)
            if(PathDefinitions %>% is.null){
                cat("\t\t a valid 'PathDefinitions' list of path definitions stored in feature objects. Use: setPathDefinitions\r\n") 
            if(Dictionaries %>% is.null){
                cat("\t\t No dictionaries a valid 'PathDefinitions' list of feature-definition objects.use: setPathDefinitions\r\n")  
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
            # (i.2) Assign arguments to local variables                                                   #
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
            if(Dataset %>% is.null %>% not){ 
                cat("\t\t - Set data \r\n") 
                self$setData(x = Dataset)
            if(Settings %>% is.null %>% not){ 
                cat("\t\t - Override set with settings provided by user \r\n") 
                self$setSettings(x = Settings)
            if(PathDefinitions %>% is.null %>% not){ 
                cat("\t\t - Set Path definitions \r\n") 
            if(Dictionaries %>% is.null %>% not){ 
                cat("\t\t - Set Predifined Dictionaries \r\n") 
                self$setDictionaries(x = Dictionaries)
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
            # (i.3) Assign arguments to local variables                                                   #
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #             
            cat("\r\nNow run, in successive order: \r\n\r\n")
            cat("\t\t\t ...$setRawData(x = ...)\r\n")
            cat("\t\t\t ...$setSettings()\r\n")
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
        # // Part 3: Public Setters                                                                   #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
        setRawData = function(x){
            stopifnot(c("data.frame", "data.table") %in% class(x) %>% any)
            self$Data$Raw <- x %>% copy %>% FixStringsFactors %>% data.table
            setorderv(self$Data$Raw, c("docid","sent","position"))
        setReplayData = function(x){
			stopifnot(c("data.frame", "data.table") %in% class(x) %>% any)
            self$Data$Replay <-x %>% copy %>%  FixStringsFactors %>% data.table
            setorderv(self$Data$Raw, c("docid","sent","position"))
        setSettings = function(...){ 
            self$Settings %<>% modifyList(list(...))   
        setPathDefinitions = function(...){
			dotted <- list(...)
			if(dotted %>% names %>% length %>% equals(0)){
				names(dotted) <- "f" %+% 1:length(names(dotted))
            self$PathDefinitions <- dotted
        setDictionaries = function(x){
            if(self$setDictionaries %>% private$checkDictionaries){
                self$setDictionaries <- x
		ClearFeatures = function(){


        Merge = function(..., type = "raw"){
            MergeList <- list()
            for(feature in names(self$Data$Raw.Features)){
                MergeList[[feature]] <- merge(x     = self$getLables()[, docid],
                                              y     = self$Data$Raw.Features[[feature]],
                                              by    = "docid",
                                              all.x = T,
                                              all.y = F) 
        FixMissings = function(x){
            for (j in names(DT)){
        #' Title
        #' @param document.labels 
        #' @param document.labels.columns 
        #' @param do.return 
        #' @param do.save.internally 
        #' @return
        #' @export
        #' @examples
        setLabels = function(id.col                  = NULL,
                             labels                  = NULL, 
                             label.columns           = NULL,
                             do.return               = FALSE, 
                             do.save.internally      = FALSE,
                             missings                = c("all")){
                # Check 1: Check whether the F2F-datahandler object is ready to assign labels to anything 
                #          (for this, we need the raw dataset to be present)
                if(self$Data$Raw %>% is.null | self$Data$Raw %>% is.data.table %>% not){  
                    stop("Error: the instance should have a Frog output-object assigend to $Data$Raw")  
                    if(! c("docid", "sent", "position") %in% (self$Data$Raw %>% colnames)){ 
                         stop("Error: the instance should have a valid Frog output-object assigend to ...$Data$Raw") 
                # Check 2: Check whether the arguments are properly formatted; we either need label.columns 
                #          to be defined (method 1) or both id.col and labels to be present (method 2). 
                #          throw an error is a user tries to do both...
                # Check the arguments of the method: 
                arg.ch1 <- (label.columns %>% is.null %>% not)
                arg.ch2 <- (id.col %>% is.null %>% not) & (labels %>% is.null %>% not)
                if((arg.ch1 %xor% arg.ch2) %>% not){
                    stop("Error: either specify 'id.col' and 'labels', or specify 'label.columns'. Not neither, not both, but xor.")
                # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                # Method 1: by using the (already) specified self$Data$Raw dataset, and definining the column names that comprise the label(s)
                #   requirements: 
                #      - dtfrog is already part of the instance
                #      - label.columns has been provided as a character vector
                # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            action       = "Assign document labels (extract)", 
                            description  = "Extract columns " %+% paste0(label.columns, collapse = ",") %+% " from the raw frog dataset.",
                            functioncall = sys.call()
                    self$Labels <- self$Data$Raw[, c("docid",label.columns), with=F] %>% FixStringsFactors %>% unique 
                    setorderv(x = self$Labels,cols = "docid") 
                # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                # Method 2: by providing a new data.frame with 
                #      - dtfrog is either given as an argument (in which case setData is also run (!)), or already part of the instance
                #      - document.labels have ben provided as a data.table
                # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------            
                # Method 2: 
                           action       = "Assign document labels (merge)", 
                           description  = "Merge labels from external datasource; merge on column " %+% id.col %+% ".", 
                           functioncall = sys.call()
                    self$Labels <- merge(x     = self$Data$Raw[, c(id.col), with = FALSE] %>% FixStringsFactors %>% unique, 
                                         y     = labels, 
                                         by    = id.col,
                                         all.x = TRUE,
                                         all.y = TRUE)
                    setorderv(x = self$Labels, cols = "docid")
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
        # // Part 4: Public Getters                                                                   #
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
        getSettings   = function(){ return(self$Settings) },  
        getRawData    = function(){ return(self$Data$Raw) }, 
        getReplayData = function(){ return(self$Data$Replay) },       
        getData       = function(x){ 
            if(x %in% c("raw","Raw")){return(self$Data$Raw)}
            if(x %in% c("global","Global", "master","Master")){return(self$Data$Global)}
        getDictionary = function(path, type = "raw"){
            stop("Type should be 'raw' or 'replay'.") %if% (type %notin% c("raw", "replay"))
            if(type == "raw"){ 
                id <- self$Data$Raw.Dictionaries[[path]]$dictionaryID 
            if(type == "replay"){
                id <- self$Data$Replay.Dictionaries[[path]]$dictionaryID 
        getDataForFeature = function(path, type = "raw", fix.missing.values = FALSE){
            stop("Type should be 'raw' or 'replay'.") %if% (type %notin% c("raw", "replay"))
            if(fix.missing.values == FALSE){ 
                if(type == "raw"){ 
                   id <- self$Data$Raw.Dictionaries[[path]]$dataID 
                if(type == "replay"){
                   id <- self$Data$Replay.Dictionaries[[path]]$dataID 
            } else { 
                if(self$Labels %>% is.null %>% not){
                    if(type == "raw"){ 
                        id <- self$Data$Raw.Dictionaries[[path]]$dataID 
                        data <- merge(
                            x = self$Labels[, list(docid)],
                            y = self$Data$Raw.List[[id]],
                            by = c("docid"),
                            all.x = T,
                            all.y = F
                        {colnames(data) %>% lapply(FUN = function(x){
                            {setDT(data)[get(x) %>% is.na, (x) := fix.missing.values]}
                    if(type == "replay"){
                       id <- self$Data$Replay.Dictionaries[[path]]$dataID 
                } else {
                    cat("Error. Please run setlabels first.")
		getPaths = function(type = "raw", verbose = F){
			stopifnot(type %in% c("raw","replay"))
			if(type == "raw"){
				if(self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.paths %>% is.null){
					cat("No paths defined yet!") %if% verbose
				} else {
					cat("The following paths are defined: \r\n") %if% verbose
					cat(self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.paths %>% names) %if% verbose
					return(self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.paths %>% names)
			if(type == "replay"){
				if(self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.paths %>% is.null){
					cat("No paths defined yet!") %if% verbose
				} else {
					cat("The following paths are defined: \r\n") %if% verbose
					cat(self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.paths %>% names) %if% verbose
					return(self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.paths %>% names)
        getFeature = function(x, type = "raw"){
            if(type == "raw"){
                if(x %in% (self$Data$Raw.Features %>% names)){
        getLabels               = function(){ return(self$Labels) }, 
        getFeatures             = function(){ return(self$Features) }, 
        getProperties           = function(){ return(self$Properties) }, 
        getDictionaries         = function(){ return(self$Dictionaries) }, 
        getRequiredDatasets     = function(){ return(self$RequiredDatasets) },        
        getRequiredDictionaries = function(){ return(self$RequiredDictionaries) },
        Make  = function(verbose=T, raw = T, replay = F, create.features = T){
             # Convert the feature-definition list to objects that define the data-transformations that need to be executed. 
             if({self$RequiredDataTransformations %>% length} == 0){
                 stop("No data-transformations defined. Please run $getRequiredDataTransformations() first.")
             # Initialize the list to store the output datasets
             if(replay %>% not){
                  stop("No data present; please run $setRawData([dataset]) first.") %if% (self$Data$Raw %>% is.null)
                  self$Data$Raw.List      <- list(rep(NA,self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.graph %>% vertex_attr(name = "data.id.current") %>% max))
                  self$Data$Raw.List[[1]] <- self$Data$Raw %>% copy
                  # Error handling:
                  if(self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.graph %>% is.igraph %>% not){
                     stop("Error: the object in $RequiredDataTransformations$full.graph is not a valid igraph object.")     
                  if(sapply(self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.paths, is.igraph) %>% all %>% not){
                     stop("Error: provided values for dt.paths are not (all) valid igraph objects.") 
                  # Assume that none of the vertices has been visited before: 
                  self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.graph %<>% set_vertex_attr("visited", value = 0)
                  # Walk through each path
                  for(path.name in self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.paths %>% names){
                     cat("\r\nTraversing path: ", path.name, ":\r\n") %if% (verbose)
                     cat("------------------------------------------------------------------ \r\n")
                     # Walk through each node of each path
                     for(vertex.name in {self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.paths[[path.name]] %>% V}$name){
                        cat("\t processing: ", vertex.name) %if% (verbose)
                        # Derive the ruel from the vertex attribute:
                        tmp.rule <- getRuleFromVertexAttributes(self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.graph, vertex.name) 
                        tmp.rule %<>% unserialize_rule()
                        # If the vertex has been visited before, do not perform any action
                        if(tmp.rule$visited == 1){ 
                            cat("\t (*)", "\r\n") %if% (verbose)
                        } else {
                            # If the node has not yet been visited, perform the required action
                            cat("\t fun: " %+% tmp.rule$type) %if% (verbose)    
                            d.previous <- tmp.rule$data.id.previous
                            d.current  <- tmp.rule$data.id.current
                            cat(" (" %+% d.previous  %+% " -> "  %+% d.current  %+% ")") %if% (verbose)
                            cat("\r\n") %if% (verbose)
                            if(tmp.rule$type == "construct.features"){
                                    dictionaryID <- self$Data$Raw.Dictionaries[[path.name]]$dictionaryID
                                    dataID       <- self$Data$Raw.Dictionaries[[path.name]]$dataID
                                    cat("\t\t\t\t\t Create features based on: \r\n ")
                                    cat("\t\t\t\t\t\t dictionaryID = " %+% dictionaryID  %+%  "\r\n")
                                    cat("\t\t\t\t\t\t dataID       = " %+% dataID %+%  "\r\n")
                                    cat("Data structure: \r\n\t\t")
                                    data.input <<- self$Data$Raw.List[[dataID]] 
                                    dictionary <<- self$Data$Raw.List[[dictionaryID]]
                                    tmp.rule   <<- tmp.rule
                                    path.name  <<- path.name
                                    self$Data$Raw.Features[[path.name]]  <- getCallFromRule(
                                        rule       = tmp.rule, 
                                        data.input = self$Data$Raw.List[[dataID]], 
                                        dictionary = self$Data$Raw.List[[dictionaryID]]
                            } else { 
                                if(tmp.rule$type == "output"){
                                     cat("------------------------------------------------------------------ \r\n")
                                     cat("                                                         Done. \r\n\r\n")
                                } else {
                                    self$Data$Raw.List[[d.current]]  <- getCallFromRule(
                                        rule       = tmp.rule , 
                                        data.input = self$Data$Raw.List[[d.previous]]
                            tmp.rule$visited <- 1
                            tmp.rule %<>% serialize_rule
							# Update the attributes of the vertex in the full graph
                            self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.graph %<>% UpdateVertexAttributes(
                                vertex.name = vertex.name, 
                                new.rule    = tmp.rule, 
                                verbose     = F
							# Update the attributes of the vertex in extracted path
							self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.paths[[path.name]] %<>% UpdateVertexAttributes(
                                vertex.name = vertex.name, 
                                new.rule    = tmp.rule, 
                                verbose     = F
             } else {
                  stop("No data present; please run $setReplayData([dataset]) first.") %if% (self$Data$Replay %>% is.null)

                  self$Data$Replay.List      <- list(rep(NA,self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.graph %>% vertex_attr(name = "data.id.current") %>% max))
                  self$Data$Replay.List[[1]] <- self$Data$Replay %>% copy
                  # Error handling:
                  if(self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.graph %>% is.igraph %>% not){
                    stop("Error: the object in $RequiredDataTransformations$full.graph is not a valid igraph object.")     
                  if(sapply(self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.paths, is.igraph) %>% all %>% not){
                     stop("Error: provided values for dt.paths are not (all) valid igraph objects.") 
                  # Assume that none of the vertices has been visited before: 
                  self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.graph %<>% set_vertex_attr("visited", value = 0)
                  # Walk through each path
                  for(path.name in self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.paths %>% names){
                     cat("Traversing path: ", path.name, ":\r\n") %if% (verbose)
                     # Walk through each node of each path
                     for(vertex.name in {self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.paths[[path.name]] %>% V}$name){
                        cat("\t processing: ", vertex.name) %if% (verbose)
                        # Derive the rule from the vertex attribute:
                        tmp.rule <- getRuleFromVertexAttributes(self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.graph, vertex.name)
                        tmp.rule %<>% unserialize_rule()
                        # If the vertex has been visited before, do not perform any action
                        if(tmp.rule$visited == 1){ 
                            cat("\t (*)", "\r\n") %if% (verbose)
                        } else {
                            # If the node has not yet been visited, perform the required action
                            cat("\t fun: " %+% tmp.rule$type) %if% (verbose)    
                            d.previous <- tmp.rule$data.id.previous
                            d.current  <- tmp.rule$data.id.current
                            cat(" (" %+% d.previous  %+% " -> "  %+% d.current  %+% ")") %if% (verbose)
                            cat("\r\n") %if% (verbose)
                            if(tmp.rule$type == "construct.features"){ 
                                # Perform function call derived from rule
                                    dictionaryID <- self$Data$Replay.Dictionaries[[path.name]]$dictionaryID
                                    dataID       <- self$Data$Replay.Dictionaries[[path.name]]$dataID
                                    cat("\t\t\t\t\t Create features based on: \r\n ")
                                    cat("\t\t\t\t\t\t dictionaryID = " %+% dictionaryID  %+%  "\r\n")
                                    cat("\t\t\t\t\t\t dataID       = " %+% dataID %+%  "\r\n")
                                    cat("Data structure: \r\n\t\t")
                                    self$Data$Replay.Features[[path.name]]  <- getCallFromRule(
                                        rule       = tmp.rule, 
                                        data.input = self$Data$Replay.List[[dataID]], 
                                        dictionary = self$Data$Raw.List[[dictionaryID]]
                            } else { 
                                if(tmp.rule$type == "output"){
                                    cat("------------------------------------------------------------------ \r\n")
                                    cat("                                                         Done. \r\n\r\n")
                                } else {
                                    self$Data$Replay.List[[d.current]]  <- getCallFromRule(
                                        rule       = tmp.rule , 
                                        data.input = self$Data$Replay.List[[d.previous]]
                            tmp.rule$visited <- 1
                            tmp.rule %<>% serialize_rule
							# Update the attributes of the vertex in the full graph
                            self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.graph %<>% UpdateVertexAttributes(
                                vertex.name = vertex.name, 
                                new.rule    = tmp.rule, 
                                verbose     = F
							# Update the attributes of the vertex in extracted path
							self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.paths[[path.name]] %<>% UpdateVertexAttributes(
                                vertex.name = vertex.name, 
                                new.rule    = tmp.rule, 
                                verbose     = F
        FixMissing = function(){ 
		getRequiredDataTransformations =  function(PathDefinitions = NULL){
			if(PathDefinitions %>% is.null & self$PathDefinitions %>% is.null){
				stop("\t\tNo features defined; cannot calculate required datatransformations.")
			if(PathDefinitions %>% is.null & self$PathDefinitions %>% is.null %>% not){
				PathDefinitions <- self$PathDefinitions
				if({self$RequiredDataTransformations %>% length} > 0){
					cat("\t\tWarning: data transformations already provided; overriding previously specified settings.\r\n")
			self$RequiredDataTransformations <- getRequiredDataTransformations(x = PathDefinitions)
			self$Data$Raw.Dictionaries  <- getRequiredDictionaryList(
				paths = self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.paths,
				graph = self$RequiredDataTransformations$full.graph
			self$Data$Replay.Dictionaries <- getRequiredDictionaryList(
				paths = self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.paths,
				graph = self$RequiredDataTransformations$replay.graph
			self$Data$Raw.Features    <- list()
			self$Data$Replay.Features <- list()
        help = function(method = NULL){
            cat("# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n") 
            cat("# Instructions for the frog datahandler object \r\n")
            cat("# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n") 
            cat("# See also: \r\n\r\n")
            cat("#     >  help(\"cFrogDatahandler\")\r\n")
            cat("#     >  help(\"cFrog2Features\")\r\n")
            cat("# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n") 
            cat("# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n") 
            cat("#  (1) Build the dh for the first time \r\n")
            cat("# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n") 
            cat("#  This is the typical workflow if frog datahandling procedure has never \r\n")
            cat("#  been run on this dataset; the required steps are:   \r\n")
            cat("#   i.   ...$setData(x = ...) with a valid frog data.table object; \r\n") 
            cat("#   ii.  ...$setSettings(Settings = ...) with a valid fh.options object;\r\n") 
            cat("#   iii. ...$setFeatures(objFeatures = ...) with a valid objFeatures list. \r\n") 
            cat("# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n") 
            cat("#  iv. ...$run() run the required actions \r\n") ;
            cat("# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n\r\n") 
            cat("#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n") 
            cat("# (2) Load data and apply procedure from previous run \r\n")
            cat("#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n") 
            cat("# This is the typical workflow to apply an existing procedure on new data:  \r\n")
            cat("#  i.   ...$setData(x = ...)   with a valid frog data.table object \r\n") 
            cat("#  ii.  ...$loadMethod(file = ...)      with a valid frog method acquired form a previous run \r\n")
            cat("#  iii. ...$run()                       run the required actions \r\n") 
            cat("#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n\r\n") 
            cat("# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n") 
            cat("#  (3) Load State from previous run \r\n")
            cat("# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n") 
            cat("#  This is the typical workflow to restore a previous instance of the object \r\n") 
            cat("#   ii.  ...$loadMethod(file = ...)      with a valid frog method acquired form a previous run \r\n")
            cat("#   iii. ...$run()                       run the required actions \r\n") 
            cat("# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n\r\n") 
            cat("# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n") 
            cat("#  Optional actions - datahandling:  \r\n")
            cat("# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n") 
            cat("#  ...$saveMethod(file = ...) save the method used in this analysis; \r\n")
            cat("#                             useful to rerun analysis on new data.  \r\n") 
            cat("#  ...$saveState(file = ...)  save the current state of the object, including dictionaries, \r\n")
            cat("#                             data transformations, etc.; \r\nuseful if data transformation \r\n")
            cat("#                              steps are time consuming. \r\n") 
            cat("# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n\r\n") 
        saveMethod = function(file, include_transformed_data = FALSE){
            # Method is a combination of: 
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            #         (1)        the options provided (in fh.options)
            #         (2)        the feature construction objects provided (in ofjFeatures)
            #         (3)        the list/data.frame with data transformations to be applied
            #         (4)        the list/data.frame with data transformations to be applied
            #         (5)        the list/data.frame with data transformations to be applied        
            method_to_save = list( 
                Settings     = self$Settings,
                objFeatures  = self$objFeatures, 
                Dictionaries = self$Dictionaries
        loadMethod = function(file){
        get_document_properties = function(dtfrog                       = NULL, 
                                           document.properties            = NULL, 
                                           document.properties.columns  = NULL,
                                           do.return                    = FALSE, 
                                           do.save.internally           = FALSE){
            self$Logbook$append(action       = "Get document properties", 
                                description  = "If documents have properties (other than dependent-variable-information), 
                                                create a data.table at the document level with this information.",
                                functioncall = sys.call())  
            dtfrog                       <- (dtfrog) %or_if_null% (self$dtfrog)                  
            document.properties          <- (document.properties) %or_if_null% (self$document.properties) %or_if_null% NA      
            document.properties.columns  <- (document.properties.columns) %or_if_null% (self$fh.options$document.properties) 
            cat("Document label columns: ", document.properties.columns, "\r\n")
                document.properties  <- dtfrog[, c("docid",document.properties.columns), with=T] %>% FixStringsFactors %>% unique     
            dt.document.properties <- dtfrog[, c("docid",document.properties.columns), with=F] %>% FixStringsFactors %>% unique
                self$document.properties <- dt.document.properties 
                return( dt.document.properties)    
        query = function(exp='', dtfrog = NULL){
                dtfrog <- self$dtfrog    
            return(dtfrog[eval(parse(text=exp)),] )
davidmacro/frog2features documentation built on Oct. 27, 2021, 12:17 a.m.