
Defines functions gjamCluster relabel_clust compute_alpha_PYM exp_var_PYM PY_prior compute_parameters_SB_1d Prior_on_K_SB StickBreakingPY compute_fixed_parameters_PY_2d compute_fixed_parameters_1d compute_gamma_parameters newton2 simulatuion_function_DPM simulatuion_function_PY Var_PY functionPY functionDPM functionDP

########## BNP functions
########## Compute Expected Number of clusters

##Expectation for DP
functionDP<-function(x, n) {sum(x/(x+(1:n)-1))}
##Derivative of expectation for DP
functionDPM<-function(x, n,N) {
  vec<- 0:(n-2)
  E<- N - (N-1)*(prod(x + 1 - x/N + vec)/(prod(x + 1 +vec)))

### Expectation for PY
functionPY<-function(x, n,sigma_py=0.25) {(x/sigma_py)*(prod((x+sigma_py+c(1:(n))-1)/(x+c(1:(n))-1))-1)}

### Compute variance for Pitman--Yor process
Var_PY <-  function(alpha, sigma, n) {
  if (n==1) {
  } else {
    exp_term<- (El_prev*((n -1)*sigma - alpha*sigma) + (n-1)*alpha -  sigma*sigma*((El_prev)^2)) /(n-1+ alpha)^2
    return (Var_PY(alpha, sigma,n-1)*(n-1+ alpha + 2*sigma)/(n-1+alpha) + exp_term)

##### Simulation functions
#Function for sampling alpha
simulatuion_function_PY<- function(nu_ratio,variance=20,funct,ns,Sn){
  nu1<- nu2*nu_ratio
  alpha_s<- rgamma(ns, nu1,nu2)
  alpha_s_mod<- replace(alpha_s, alpha_s< 10^(-10), 10^(-10)) #to avoid small values for alpha, which could lead to inf values in funcDP/PY
  sum_list<- sapply(alpha_s_mod,funct,n=Sn)
  return(mean(sum_list, na.rm = TRUE))
simulatuion_function_DPM<- function(nu_ratio,variance=20,funct,ns,Sn,N_tr){
  nu1<- nu2*nu_ratio
  alpha_s<- rgamma(ns, nu1,nu2)
  alpha_s_mod<- replace(alpha_s, alpha_s< 10^(-10), 10^(-10)) #to avoid small values for alpha, which could lead to inf values in funcDP/PY
  sum_list<- sapply(alpha_s_mod,funct,n=Sn,N=N_tr)
  return(mean(sum_list, na.rm = TRUE))

newton2 <- function(f,f_der, tol=1E-12,x0=1,N=50) {
  i <- 1; x1 <- x0
  p <- numeric(N)
  while (i<=N) {
    x1 <- (x0 - (f(x0)/f_der(x0)))
    p[i] <- x1
    i <- i + 1
    if (abs(x1-x0) < tol) break
    x0 <- x1

compute_gamma_parameters<- function(fun,K,var_gamma=20){
  x<- seq(0.01,300,1)
  y=sapply(x, function(x) fun(x)) - K
  f_spline_smooth=smooth.spline(x, y) 
  roots <- newton2(f = function(x) predict(f_spline_smooth, x,deriv = 0)$y ,f_der=  function(x) predict(f_spline_smooth, x,deriv = 1)$y,x0=1,N=50)
  root<-  uniroot(function(x) predict(f_spline_smooth, x, deriv = 0)$y - 0, interval = c(0, 200))$root
  nu2<- roots[length(roots)]/ var_gamma
  nu1<- roots[length(roots)]*nu2

compute_fixed_parameters_1d<- function(fun,K){
  x<- seq(0.000001,300,0.1)
  y=sapply(x, function(x) fun(x)) - K
  f_spline_smooth=smooth.spline(x, y) 
  roots <- newton2(f = function(x) predict(f_spline_smooth, x,deriv = 0)$y ,f_der=  function(x) predict(f_spline_smooth, x,deriv = 1)$y,x0=1,N=50)
  #root<-  uniroot(function(x) predict(f_spline_smooth, x, deriv = 0)$y - 0, interval = c(0, 100))$root

## using rootSolve and multiroot package!
compute_fixed_parameters_PY_2d<- function(K,V,n){
  model<- function(x, K,V,n){
    F1<- functionPY(x[1], n,x[2]) - K
    F2<- Var_PY(x[1], x[2],n) -V
    c(F1 = F1, F2 = F2)
  roots_values <- multiroot(f = function(x) model(x,K,V,n), start=c(1,0.2), positive=TRUE)
   return(list(alpha = roots_values$root[1],sigma=roots_values$root[2]))

### With hyperparameters

#DP_par<- compute_gamma_parameters(fun=function(x) simulatuion_function_PY(x,funct=functionDP,ns=30000,Sn=111), K=16)
#DP_mult_par<- compute_gamma_parameters(fun=function(x) simulatuion_function_DPM(x,funct=functionDPM,ns=30000,Sn=111,N_tr = 111), K=16)
#PY_par<- compute_gamma_parameters(function(x) simulatuion_function_PY(x,funct=functionPY,ns=30000,Sn=111), K=16)
#PY_fixed<- compute_fixed_parameters_1d(fun= function(x) functionPY(x, 111,sigma_py=0.25),K=8)

### With hyperparameters

StickBreakingPY <- function(alpha,sigma, N) {
  a<- rep(1-sigma,N-1)
  b<- alpha+ sigma*(1:N-1)
  V <- rbeta(N-1 , a, b)
  p    <- vector("numeric",length=N)
  p[1] <- V[1]
  for(l in 2:(N - 1))p[l] <- prod(1 - V[1:(l - 1)])*V[l]
  p[N] <- prod(1 - V)   

Prior_on_K_SB<- function(alpha, sigma, N_s,N_tr, runs=10^4 ){
  while (i<=runs){
    weights_PY<- StickBreakingPY(alpha,sigma,N_tr)
    c <- sample(1:N_tr,size=N_s, replace=TRUE, prob=weights_PY )
    n_c<- length(unique(c))
    array_nc[i]<- n_c
  p_k = tibble(k=as.numeric(names(table(array_nc))), 
  p_zeros= tibble(k=(1:N_tr)[!1:N_tr%in%p_k$k], 
  pk_padded= rbind(p_k, p_zeros)
  E_k=sum((1:N_tr) *(pk_padded$p_k))
  V_k = sum((((1:N_tr) - E_k)^2) *(pk_padded$p_k))
  return(list(pk=pk_padded$p_k, Ek= E_k,Vk=V_k ))

compute_parameters_SB_1d<- function(K,n,N_tr,ns=10^5){
  x<- seq(1,10,0.1)
  y=sapply(x, function(x) Prior_on_K_SB(x, 0.25, n,N_tr, runs=ns)$Ek) - K
  f_spline_smooth=smooth.spline(x, y) 
  roots <- newton2(f = function(x) predict(f_spline_smooth, x,deriv = 0)$y ,f_der=  function(x) predict(f_spline_smooth, x,deriv = 1)$y,x0=1,N=50)
  root<-  uniroot(function(x) predict(f_spline_smooth, x, deriv = 0)$y - 0, interval = c(0, 5))$root

#par <- compute_parameters_SB_1d(16,112,112,10^4)
#PkSB<- Prior_on_K_SB(3.057438,0.25,112,112, runs=10^5 )

#p = tibble(k=1:112,
#           pPY=  PkSB$pk)%>%
#  gather(Process_type, distribution, pPY)%>%
#  ggplot(aes( x = k, y = distribution, color=Process_type )) +
#  theme_bw() +
#  geom_point() +
#  geom_line()

####### PYM

PY_prior<- function(k,H, n, alpha, sigma, Cnk_mat){
  n_vec<- 0:(n-2)
  fal_fact <- prod(alpha +1 +n_vec)
  coef = exp(log(factorial(H)) -  log(factorial(H - k)) - log(fal_fact))
  sum<- 0
  for (l in (k:n)){
    if (k==l){
      val0 = exp( lgamma(alpha/sigma +l ) - lgamma(alpha/sigma + 1) - l*log(H)  + Cnk_mat[n,l])
      val0 = exp( lgamma(alpha/sigma +l ) - lgamma(alpha/sigma + 1) - l*log(H) + Strlng2(l, k, log = TRUE) + Cnk_mat[n,l])
    sum<- sum + val0
  return( (coef*sum)/sigma)

exp_var_PYM<- function(alpha,sigma,H=H, n=n, Mat_prior){
  x_vec<- 1:H
  pks<- sapply(x_vec, PY_prior,H=H, n=n, alpha=alpha, sigma=sigma,Cnk_mat=Mat_prior)
 # plot(x_vec, pks)
  Exp <- sum(pks*x_vec)
  Var<- sum(((x_vec- Exp)^2)*pks)
  return(list(E= Exp, V=Var ))

compute_alpha_PYM<- function(H,n,sigma, Mat_prior, K){
  x<- seq(0.001,200,0.5)
  y=sapply(x, function(x) exp_var_PYM(x, sigma=sigma,H=H, n=n,Mat_prior=Mat_prior)$E) - K
  f_spline_smooth=smooth.spline(x, y) 
  roots <- newton2(f = function(x) predict(f_spline_smooth, x,deriv = 0)$y ,f_der=  function(x) predict(f_spline_smooth, x,deriv = 1)$y,x0=1,N=50)
  root<-  uniroot(function(x) predict(f_spline_smooth, x, deriv = 0)$y - 0, interval = c(0, 100))$root

#x= seq(1,10,0.1)
#y = seq(0.1,0.5,0.05)
#grid= expand.grid(x, y)
#f = function(x,y) Prior_on_K_SB(x, y, 112,112, runs=100)$Ek 
#z= mapply( function(x,y) Prior_on_K_SB(x, y, 112,112, runs=100)$Ek , grid$Var1, grid$Var2)
#spline <- interp(x,y,z,linear=FALSE)

#################### Clustering functions

relabel_clust<- function(Mat ){
  Mat_new<- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(Mat),ncol=ncol(Mat))
  for(i in 1:nrow(Mat) ){
    change<- label[which(label>ncol(Mat))]
    all_n<- 1:ncol(Mat)
    admis<- all_n[which(!(all_n %in% label))]
      for(k in 1:length(change)){
        old_row<- Mat_new[i,]
        rep <-old_row==change[k]
        Mat_new[i,] <- replace(Mat_new[i,], rep, admis[k])

gjamCluster<- function(model,  K, prior_clust =True_clust$K_n){
  if("other" %in% colnames(model$inputs$y)){
    sp_num<- ncol(model$inputs$y)-1
  else {
    sp_num<- ncol(model$inputs$y)
  LF_value<- c()
  VI_list<- list()
  MatDP<- relabel_clust(model$chains$kgibbs[(model$modelList$burnin+1):model$modelList$ng,1:sp_num])
  start_list<- list(1:(dim(MatDP)[2]), sample(1:K,dim(MatDP)[2],replace = TRUE), prior_clust)
  for (i in 1:length(start_list)){
    DP_grEPL<- MinimiseEPL(MatDP, pars = list(decision_init=start_list[[i]], loss_type = "VI"))
    VI_list<- list.append(VI_list, DP_grEPL$decision)
    LF_value<- c(LF_value, DP_grEPL$EPL)
  return(list( VI_est = VI_list, EPL_value = LF_value))

################################################################################  Test
## Test DP
#ratio<- DP_par$ratio
#nu1<- DP_par$nu1

#nu1<- DP_par$nu1
#nu1<- DP_par$nu1
#aa<- rgamma(100000, nu1,nu2)

#x<- sapply(aa, functionDPM,n=112, N=112)

## Test DPM

## Test PY fixed
#functionPY(PY_fixed, 111,sigma_py=0.25)
#a = .bisec(f=function(x) functionDPM(x,111,111)- 16, a=0.01, b=10)

#### Test for Expectation and Variance
#values<- compute_fixed_parameters_PY_2d(16,20,111)

dbystrova/GJAM_clust documentation built on Sept. 15, 2020, 5:46 p.m.