
# TODO: Support display of *absolute* dose [mg] on right-hand axis?

#' Visualize the 'percolation' through the dose levels of a 3+3/PC titration
#' study
#' Visualize participants' 'percolation' through the dose levels of a 3+3/PC
#' titration study
#' @param de A data frame describing a dose-titration study
#' @param tox.pending Set TRUE to show last-period DLT assessment pending
#' @param periods Number of periods of \code{de} to show
#' @param top.dose Highest dose level to show on the plot
#' @param ox.col Colors to cycle through to help discriminate enrolled cohorts
#' @return A \code{lattice} plot
#' @author David C. Norris
#' @seealso \code{\link{OXDSplot}} uses \code{OXplot} in its full and proper
#' context; please consult its documentation for full details
#' @references Norris DC. Precautionary Coherence Unravels Dose Escalation
#' Designs. bioRxiv. December 2017:240846. doi:10.1101/240846.
#' \url{https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2017/12/29/240846}
#' @keywords hplot
#' @importFrom Hmisc xYplot
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @export
OXplot <- function(de, tox.pending=FALSE, periods=max(de$period), top.dose=max(de$dose),
  esc.stop <- min(Inf, attr(de,'stop.esc'))
  de <- add.plottables(de, tox.pending)
  if(top.dose < max(de$dose)){
    top.dose <- max(de$dose)
    warning(paste("Increasing top.dose to", top.dose, "to avoid lopping top off OXplot."))
  ylim <- c(0.5, top.dose+0.5)
  xYplot(dose ~ x, groups='cohort', data=de
         , par.settings=list(layout.heights=list(bottom.padding=1.75, right.padding=-1))
         , scales = list(x=list(limits=c(0.5, 3*periods+0.5),
                                rot=60, cex=0.6,
                                        to=floor(ylim[2] - 0.001))
         , xlab = "Patient number"
         , ylab = "Dose level"
         , cex = ifelse(de$pch==20, 0.8, 1.5) # make carry-forward dots smaller
         , pch = de$pch
         , col = ox.col[1 + (as.integer(de$cohort) - 1) %% length(ox.col)]
         , panel = function(x, y, ..., pch, col, cex, subscripts, darkline=esc.stop){
           panel.xyplot(x, y, pch=pch[subscripts], col=col[subscripts], cex=cex[subscripts])
           for(v in 3*(1:periods) + 0.5){
               if((v - 0.5) == 3*esc.stop)
               panel.abline(v=v, col='black', lty=2)
dcnorris/DTAT documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:45 p.m.