
Defines functions view

Documented in view

#' view
#' Visualize results in RStudio's Viewer or in Web Browser
#' @usage
#' view(x, method = "viewer", file = "", append = FALSE,
#'   report.title = NA, table.classes = NA, 
#'   bootstrap.css = st_options("bootstrap.css"), 
#'   custom.css = st_options("custom.css"), silent = FALSE, 
#'   footnote = st_options("footnote"),
#'   max.tbl.height = Inf,
#'   collapse = 0,
#'   escape.pipe = st_options("escape.pipe"), \dots)
#' @inheritParams print.summarytools
#' @aliases view stview
#' @details 
#' Creates \emph{html} outputs and displays them in \emph{RStudio}'s viewer, in
#' a browser, or renders the \emph{html} code in \emph{R markdown} documents. 
#' For objects of class \dQuote{\emph{summarytools}}, this function is simply
#' a wrapper around \code{\link{print.summarytools}} with
#' \code{method = "viewer"}.
#' Objects of class \dQuote{\emph{by}}, \dQuote{\emph{stby}}, or 
#' \dQuote{\emph{list}} are dispatched to the present function, as it can
#' manage multiple objects, whereas \code{\link{print.summarytools}} can only
#' manage one object at a time. 
#' @export
view <- function(x, 
                 method         = "viewer",
                 file           = "",
                 append         = FALSE, 
                 report.title   = NA, 
                 table.classes  = NA, 
                 bootstrap.css  = st_options("bootstrap.css"), 
                 custom.css     = st_options("custom.css"), 
                 silent         = FALSE, 
                 footnote       = st_options("footnote"), 
                 max.tbl.height = Inf,
                 collapse       = 0,
                 escape.pipe    = st_options("escape.pipe"),
                 ...) {
  # Check that the appropriate method is chosen when a file name is given
  if (grepl("\\.r?md$", file, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = TRUE) &&
      method != "pander") {
    message("Switching method to 'pander'")
    method <- "pander"
  } else if (grepl("\\.html$", file, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = TRUE) &&
      method == "pander") {
    message("Switching method to 'browser'")
    method <- "browser"
  # Objects not created via by() / stby() / lapply() (not a list) --------------
  if (inherits(x, "summarytools") && 
      (isTRUE(attr(x, "st_type") %in% 
              c("freq", "ctable", "descr", "dfSummary")))) {
                       method         = method,
                       file           = file,
                       append         = append,
                       report.title   = report.title,
                       table.classes  = table.classes,
                       bootstrap.css  = bootstrap.css,
                       custom.css     = custom.css,
                       silent         = silent,
                       footnote       = footnote,
                       max.tbl.height = max.tbl.height,
                       collapse       = collapse,
                       escape.pipe    = escape.pipe,

  } else if (inherits(x = x, what = c("stby","by")) &&
             attr(x[[1]], "st_type") == "descr" &&
             length(attr(x[[1]], "data_info")$by_var) == 1 &&
             ((!attr(x[[1]], "data_info")$transposed && dim(x[[1]])[2] == 1) ||
              (attr(x[[1]], "data_info")$transposed && dim(x[[1]])[1] == 1))) {

    # Special case: descr() + [by() | stby()]  objects with 1 variable --------
    # A column will become created for every distinct value of the ------------
    # grouping variable -------------------------------------------------------
    if (attr(x[[1]], "data_info")$transposed) {
      xx <- do.call(rbind, x)
    } else {
      # 1 Column several times - use cbind
      xx <- do.call(cbind, x)
      class(xx)    <- class(x[[1]])
      colnames(xx) <- vapply(x, function(k) attr(k, "data_info")$Group,
                             character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
      colnames(xx) <- sub("^.+?= ", "", colnames(xx))
    attr(xx, "st_type")   <- "descr"
    attr(xx, "date")      <- attr(x[[1]], "date")
    attr(xx, "fn_call")   <- attr(x[[1]], "fn_call")
    attr(xx, "stats")     <- attr(x[[1]], "stats")
    attr(xx, "data_info") <- attr(x[[1]], "data_info")
    attr(xx, "data_info")$by_var_special <- 
      sub("^.*\\$(.+)", "\\1", attr(x[[1]], "data_info")$by_var)
    attr(xx, "data_info")$Group    <- NULL
    attr(xx, "data_info")$by_first <- NULL
    attr(xx, "data_info")$by_last  <- NULL
    attr(xx, "data_info")$N.Obs    <- 
      sum(sapply(x, function(x) attr(x, "data_info")$N.Obs))
    # Remove NA items if any
    attr(xx, "data_info") <- attr(xx,"data_info")[!is.na(attr(xx, "data_info"))]
    attr(xx, "format_info") <- attr(x[[1]], "format_info")
    attr(xx, "user_fmt")    <- attr(x[[1]], "user_fmt")
    attr(xx, "lang")        <- attr(x[[1]], "lang")
                       method        = method,
                       file          = file,
                       append        = append,
                       report.title  = report.title,
                       table.classes = table.classes,
                       bootstrap.css = bootstrap.css,
                       custom.css    = custom.css,
                       silent        = silent,
                       footnote      = footnote,
                       collapse      = collapse,
                       escape.pipe   = escape.pipe,
  } else if (inherits(x = x, what = c("stby", "by", "array")) &&
             attr(x[[1]], "st_type") %in% 
               c("freq", "ctable", "descr", "dfSummary")) {
    # html file is being created -- we fix method = "browser"
    if (grepl("\\.html$", file, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = TRUE) &&
        !grepl(pattern = tempdir(), x = file, fixed = TRUE) && 
        method == "pander") {
      method <- "browser"
      message("Switching method to 'browser'")
    # Remove NULL objects from list
    null_ind <- which(vapply(x, is.null, TRUE))
    if (length(null_ind) > 0) {
      x <- x[-null_ind]
    if (method %in% c("viewer", "browser")) {

      # by object, viewer / browser --------------------------------------------
      file <- ifelse(file == "", paste0(tempfile(),".html"), file)
      footnote_safe <- footnote
      for (i in seq_along(x)) {

        if (grepl(tempdir(), file, fixed = TRUE) && i == length(x)) {
          open.doc <- TRUE
        } else {
          open.doc <- FALSE
        if (i == length(x)) {
          footnote <- footnote_safe
        } else {
          footnote <- NA

        if (i == 1) {
          if (isTRUE(append) && !is.na(custom.css)) {
            stop("Can't append existing html file with new custom.css")
          if (isTRUE(append) && !is.na(report.title)) {
            stop("Can't append existing html file with new report.title")

                             method        = method,
                             file          = file,
                             append        = append,
                             report.title  = report.title,
                             table.classes = table.classes,
                             bootstrap.css = bootstrap.css,
                             custom.css    = custom.css,
                             silent        = silent,
                             footnote      = footnote,
                             collapse      = collapse,
                             escape.pipe   = escape.pipe,
                             open.doc      = open.doc,

        } else if (i < length(x)) {
                             method        = method,
                             file          = file,
                             append        = TRUE,
                             table.classes = table.classes,
                             silent        = TRUE,
                             footnote      = footnote,
                             collapse      = collapse,
                             escape.pipe   = escape.pipe,
                             group.only    = TRUE,
                             open.doc      = open.doc,
        } else {
                             method        = method,
                             file          = file,
                             append        = TRUE,
                             escape.pipe   = escape.pipe,
                             table.classes = table.classes,
                             silent        = silent,
                             footnote      = footnote,
                             collapse      = collapse,
                             group.only    = TRUE,
                             open.doc      = open.doc,
    } else if (method == "render") {
      # by object, render ------------------------------------------------------
      for (i in seq_along(x)) {

        if (i == 1) {
          html_content <- 
                                    method        = method,
                                    table.classes = table.classes,
                                    bootstrap.css = bootstrap.css,
                                    custom.css    = custom.css,
                                    silent        = silent,
                                    footnote      = NA,
                                    collapse      = collapse,
        } else if (i < length(x)) {
          html_content[[i]] <- 
                               method        = method,
                               table.classes = table.classes,
                               silent        = silent,
                               footnote      = NA,
                               collapse      = collapse,
                               group.only    = TRUE,
        } else {
          html_content[[i]] <- 
                               method        = method,
                               table.classes = table.classes,
                               silent        = silent,
                               footnote      = footnote,
                               collapse      = collapse,
                               group.only    = TRUE,
    } else if (method == "pander") {
      # by object, pander ------------------------------------------------------
      for (i in seq_along(x)) {
        if (i == 1) {
                             method      = "pander",
                             silent      = silent,
                             file        = file,
                             append      = append,
                             group.only  = FALSE,
                             escape.pipe = escape.pipe,
        } else {
                             method      = "pander",
                             silent      = silent,
                             file        = file,
                             append      = ifelse(file == "", FALSE, TRUE),
                             group.only  = TRUE,
                             escape.pipe = escape.pipe,
  } else if (inherits(x = x, what = "list") &&
             inherits(x[[1]], "summarytools") && 
             attr(x[[1]], "st_type") == "freq") {

    if ("ignored" %in% names(attributes(x))) {
      message("Variable(s) ignored: ",
              paste(attr(x, "ignored"), collapse = ", "))
    if (method %in% c("viewer", "browser")) {
      # list (lapply) object, viewer / browser ---------------------------------
      file <- ifelse(file == "", paste0(tempfile(),".html"), file)

      if (grepl(tempdir(), file, fixed = TRUE)) {
        open.doc <- TRUE
      } else {
        open.doc <- FALSE
      for (i in seq_along(x)) {
        if (i == 1) {
                             method        = method,
                             file          = file,
                             silent        = silent,
                             footnote      = NA,
                             collapse      = collapse,
                             append        = FALSE,
                             var.only      = FALSE,
                             report.title  = report.title,
                             escape.pipe   = escape.pipe,
                             table.classes = table.classes,
                             bootstrap.css = bootstrap.css,
                             custom.css    = custom.css,
        } else if (i < length(x)) {
                             method        = method,
                             file          = file,
                             append        = TRUE,
                             var.only      = TRUE,
                             silent        = TRUE,
                             footnote      = NA,
                             collapse      = collapse,
                             escape.pipe   = escape.pipe,
                             table.classes = table.classes,
        } else {
                             method        = method,
                             file          = file,
                             append        = TRUE,
                             var.only      = TRUE,
                             silent        = silent,
                             footnote      = footnote,
                             collapse      = collapse,
                             escape.pipe   = escape.pipe,
                             table.classes = table.classes,
                             open.doc      = open.doc,
    } else if (method == "render") {
      # list (lapply) object, render -------------------------------------------
      for (i in seq_along(x)) {
        if (i == 1) {
          html_content <- 
                                    method        = method,
                                    silent        = TRUE,
                                    footnote      = NA,
                                    collapse      = collapse,
                                    table.classes = table.classes,
                                    bootstrap.css = bootstrap.css,
                                    custom.css    = custom.css,
                                    var.only      = FALSE,
        } else if (i < length(x)) {
          html_content[[i]] <-
                             method        = method,
                             var.only      = TRUE,
                             silent        = TRUE,
                             footnote      = NA,
                             collapse      = collapse,
                             table.classes = table.classes,
                             bootstrap.css = FALSE,
                             var.only      = TRUE,
        } else {
          html_content[[i]] <- 
                               method        = method,
                               var.only      = TRUE,
                               silent        = silent,
                               footnote      = footnote,
                               collapse      = collapse,
                               table.classes = table.classes,
                               bootstrap.css = FALSE,
                               var.only      = TRUE,
    } else if (method == "pander") {
      # list (lapply) object, pander -------------------------------------------

      var.only <- "headings" %in% names(list(...)) &&

      for (i in seq_along(x)) {
        if (i == 1) {
          #if (isTRUE(var.only)) {
                               method      = "pander",
                               file        = file,
                               silent      = silent,
                               append      = append,
                               escape.pipe = escape.pipe,
                               var.only    = var.only,
        } else {
                             method      = "pander",
                             file        = file,
                             silent      = silent,
                             append      = ifelse(file == "", FALSE, TRUE),
                             var.only    = TRUE,
                             escape.pipe = escape.pipe,
  } else {
        "x must either be a summarytools object created with freq(), descr(),",
        "or a list of summarytools objects created using by()"

#' @export
stview <- view
dcomtois/summarytools documentation built on Feb. 15, 2025, 8:08 a.m.