
Defines functions simpleMplot plot.estM

Documented in plot.estM simpleMplot

#' @title Plot total mortality estimation
#' @description \code{plot} defined for class \code{estM} objects
#' @param x \code{estM} object
#' @param ... arguments to pass down
#' @param CL confidence level
#' @examples 
#'  \dontrun{
#'  data(mock)
#'  model_SE <- pkm(formula_p = p ~ HabitatType, formula_k = k ~ 1,
#'               data = mock$SE)
#'  model_CP <- cpm(formula_l = l ~ Visibility, formula_s = s ~ Visibility, 
#'                data = mock$CP, dist = "weibull",
#'                left = "LastPresentDecimalDays", 
#'                right = "FirstAbsentDecimalDays")
#'  eM <- estM(nsim = 1000, data_CO = mock$CO, data_SS = mock$SS, 
#'          data_DWP = mock$DWP, frac = 1, model_SE = model_SE, 
#'          model_CP = model_CP, COdate = "DateFound",
#'          DWPCol = "S", sizeCol = NULL)
#'  plot(eM)
#'  }
#' @export
plot.estM <- function(x, ..., CL = 0.90){
  par.old <- par()
  simpleMplot(x$Mhat, ..., Xmin = x$Xtot, CL = CL)

#' @title Plot a total mortality estimation for a simple situation
#' @description Function underneath \code{\link{plot.estM}}, which 
#'   defines the plot method for a mortality object, composed of a hisogram 
#'   with the empirical PDF and summary statistics
#' @param M Mortality object
#' @param ... arguments to pass down
#' @param Xmin minimum number of observable carcasses 
#' @param CL confidence level
#' @export
simpleMplot <- function(M, ..., Xmin = 0, CL = 0.90){
  if ("splitSummary" %in% class(M) || "splitFull" %in% class(M)){
    Mtot <- as.vector(M$M)
    Xmin <- M$X
  } else if (is.vector(M)){
    Mtot <- M
  } else if (is.matrix(M)){
    Mtot <- colSums(M)
  } else {
    stop("M is not a properly formatted mortality estimate.")
  Mtot[Mtot < Xmin] <- Xmin
  minMtot <- min(Mtot)
  maxMtot <- max(Mtot)
  pl <- (1 - CL)/2
  ph <- 1 - (1 - CL)/2
  MCLlow <- round(quantile(Mtot, pl), 2)
  MCLhi <- round(quantile(Mtot, ph), 2)
  Mmed <- round(median(Mtot), 2)

  Mtext <- paste0("Median: ", sprintf("%.2f", Mmed), "; ", CL * 100, "% CI: [",
    sprintf("%.2f", MCLlow), ", ", sprintf("%.2f", MCLhi), "]")

  minMtot <- min(Mtot)
  maxMtot <- max(Mtot)
  MCLlow <- quantile(Mtot, (1 - CL)/2)
  MCLhi <- quantile(Mtot, 1 - (1 - CL)/2) 
  medM <- median(Mtot)
  meanM <- mean(Mtot)
  minM <- min(Mtot)
  maxM <- max(Mtot)
  stepMin <- floor(minM / 10) * 10 
  stepMax <- ceiling(maxM / 10) * 10
  steps <- seq(stepMin, stepMax, length.out = 10)
  stepSize <- steps[2] - steps[1]
  if (min(steps) > minM){
    steps <- c(min(steps) - stepSize, steps)
  if (max(steps) < maxM){
    steps <- c(steps, max(steps) + stepSize)
  nstep <- length(steps)
  nrect <- nstep - 1
  rectL <- rep(NA, nrect)
  rectR <- rep(NA, nrect)
  rectY <- rep(NA, nrect)

  for (recti in 1:nrect){
    rectL[recti] <- steps[recti]
    rectR[recti] <- steps[recti + 1]
    rectY[recti] <- sum(Mtot >= steps[recti] & Mtot < steps[recti + 1])
  rectY <- rectY / sum(rectY)
  df <- approxfun(density(Mtot)) 
  xnew <- seq(minMtot, maxMtot, 1)
  ynew <- df(xnew)
  maxynew <- max(ynew)
  ynew <- ynew / maxynew
  ynew <- ynew * max(rectY)
  xxnew <- seq(MCLlow, MCLhi, 1)
  yynew <- df(xxnew)
  maxyynew <- max(yynew)
  yynew <- yynew / maxyynew
  yynew <- yynew * max(rectY)
  xx <- c(xxnew, xxnew[length(xxnew):1], xxnew[1])
  yy <- c(yynew, rep(0, length(xxnew)), yynew[1])
  Mmedy <- df(Mmed)
  Mmedy <- Mmedy / maxyynew
  Mmedy <- Mmedy * max(rectY)
  par.old <- par()
  plot(rectL, rectY, type = "n", bty = "o", xlab = "", ylab = "", las = 1,
    xlim = c(rectL[1], rectR[nrect]), cex.axis = 1.1)
  polygon(xx, yy, border = NA, col = rgb(0.9, 0.9, 0.9))
  points(xnew, ynew, type = "l", lwd = 2)
  for (recti in 1:nrect){
    rect(rectL[recti], 0, rectR[recti], rectY[recti])
  points(Mmed, Mmedy, pch = 16, cex = 2, col = "white")
  points(Mmed, Mmedy, pch = 1, cex = 2, lwd = 2)
  mtext(side = 1, "Mortality", line = 2.75, cex = 1.5)
  mtext(side = 2, "Probability", line = 3.5, cex = 1.5)

#  text(minMtot, max(rectY) * 1.075, Mtext, adj = 0, xpd = T, cex = 1.2)
  mtext(side = 3, line = -1, adj = 0.97, cex = 0.9,
    paste0("Median: ", sprintf("%.2f", Mmed)))
  mtext(side = 3, line = -2, adj = 0.97, cex = 0.9,
    paste0(CL * 100, "% CI: [", sprintf("%.1f", MCLlow), ", ",
    sprintf("%.1f", MCLhi), "]"))
ddalthorp/GenEst documentation built on June 4, 2023, 1 a.m.