
Defines functions loadWorkbook2

Documented in loadWorkbook2

#' @title Load Workbook 2
#' @description Load an xlsx workbook object in original or unzipped form
#' @param file filename of an xlsx file or path to an unzipped xlsx file
#' @param xlsxFile duplicate of \code{file}
#' @param isUnzipped logical, is \code{file} an xlsx file or a folder containing an unzipped xlsx file?
#' @return Workbook object
loadWorkbook2 <- function(file, xlsxFile = NULL, isUnzipped = FALSE, messageLevel = 0){
    file <- xlsxFile
  ## If this is an unzipped workbook, skip the temp dir stuff
    xmlDir = file
    xmlFiles <- list.files(path = xmlDir, full.names = T, recursive = T, all.files = T)
  } else {
    file <- getFile(file)
    file <- getFile(file)
      stop("File does not exist.")
    ## create temp dir
    xmlDir <- file.path(tempdir(),  paste0(tempfile(tmpdir = ""), "_openxlsx_loadWorkbook"))
    ## Unzip files to temp directory
    xmlFiles <- unzip(file, exdir = xmlDir)
  wb <- createWorkbook()
  ## Not used
  # .relsXML           <- xmlFiles[grepl("_rels/.rels$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  # appXML             <- xmlFiles[grepl("app.xml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  drawingsXML        <- xmlFiles[grepl("drawings/drawing[0-9]+.xml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  worksheetsXML      <- xmlFiles[grepl("/worksheets/sheet[0-9]", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  coreXML            <- xmlFiles[grepl("core.xml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  workbookXML        <- xmlFiles[grepl("workbook.xml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  stylesXML          <- xmlFiles[grepl("styles.xml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  sharedStringsXML   <- xmlFiles[grepl("sharedStrings.xml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  themeXML           <- xmlFiles[grepl("theme[0-9]+.xml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  drawingRelsXML     <- xmlFiles[grepl("drawing[0-9]+.xml.rels$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  sheetRelsXML       <- xmlFiles[grepl("sheet[0-9]+.xml.rels$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  media              <- xmlFiles[grepl("image[0-9]+.[a-z]+$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  vmlDrawingXML      <- xmlFiles[grepl("drawings/vmlDrawing[0-9]+\\.vml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  vmlDrawingRelsXML  <- xmlFiles[grepl("vmlDrawing[0-9]+.vml.rels$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  commentsXML        <- xmlFiles[grepl("xl/comments[0-9]+\\.xml", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  embeddings         <- xmlFiles[grepl("xl/embeddings", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  charts             <- xmlFiles[grepl("xl/charts/.*xml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  chartsRels         <- xmlFiles[grepl("xl/charts/_rels", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  chartSheetsXML     <- xmlFiles[grepl("xl/chartsheets/sheet[0-9]+\\.xml", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  tablesXML          <- xmlFiles[grepl("tables/table[0-9]+.xml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  tableRelsXML       <- xmlFiles[grepl("table[0-9]+.xml.rels$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  queryTablesXML     <- xmlFiles[grepl("queryTable[0-9]+.xml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  connectionsXML     <- xmlFiles[grepl("connections.xml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  extLinksXML        <- xmlFiles[grepl("externalLink[0-9]+.xml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  extLinksRelsXML    <- xmlFiles[grepl("externalLink[0-9]+.xml.rels$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  # pivot tables
  pivotTableXML      <- xmlFiles[grepl("pivotTable[0-9]+.xml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  pivotTableRelsXML  <- xmlFiles[grepl("pivotTable[0-9]+.xml.rels$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  pivotDefXML        <- xmlFiles[grepl("pivotCacheDefinition[0-9]+.xml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  pivotDefRelsXML    <- xmlFiles[grepl("pivotCacheDefinition[0-9]+.xml.rels$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  pivotCacheRecords  <- xmlFiles[grepl("pivotCacheRecords[0-9]+.xml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  ## slicers
  slicerXML          <- xmlFiles[grepl("slicer[0-9]+.xml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  slicerCachesXML    <- xmlFiles[grepl("slicerCache[0-9]+.xml$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  ## VBA Macro
  vbaProject         <- xmlFiles[grepl("vbaProject\\.bin$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  ## remove all EXCEPT media and charts
    on.exit(expr = unlink(xmlFiles[!grepl("charts|media|vmlDrawing|comment|embeddings|pivot|slicer|vbaProject", xmlFiles, ignore.case = TRUE)], recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE), add = TRUE)
  nSheets <- length(worksheetsXML) + length(chartSheetsXML)
  ## get Rid of chartsheets, these do not have a worksheet/sheeti.xml
  worksheet_rId_mapping <- NULL
  workbookRelsXML <- xmlFiles[grepl("workbook.xml.rels$", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
  if(length(workbookRelsXML) > 0){
    workbookRelsXML <- paste(readLines(con = workbookRelsXML, encoding="UTF-8", warn = FALSE), collapse = "")
    workbookRelsXML <- .Call("openxlsx_getChildlessNode", workbookRelsXML, "<Relationship ", PACKAGE="openxlsx")
    worksheet_rId_mapping <- workbookRelsXML[grepl("worksheets/sheet", workbookRelsXML, fixed = TRUE)]
  chartSheetRIds <- NULL
  if(length(chartSheetsXML) > 0){
    workbookRelsXML <- workbookRelsXML[grepl("chartsheets/sheet", workbookRelsXML, fixed = TRUE)]
    chartSheetRIds <- unlist(getId(workbookRelsXML))
    chartsheet_rId_mapping <- unlist(regmatches(workbookRelsXML, gregexpr('sheet[0-9]+\\.xml', workbookRelsXML, perl = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)))
    sheetNo <- as.integer(regmatches(chartSheetsXML, regexpr("(?<=sheet)[0-9]+(?=\\.xml)", chartSheetsXML, perl = TRUE)))
    chartSheetsXML <- chartSheetsXML[order(sheetNo)]
    chartSheetsRelsXML <- xmlFiles[grepl("xl/chartsheets/_rels", xmlFiles, perl = TRUE)]
    sheetNo2 <- as.integer(regmatches(chartSheetsRelsXML, regexpr("(?<=sheet)[0-9]+(?=\\.xml\\.rels)", chartSheetsRelsXML, perl = TRUE)))
    chartSheetsRelsXML <- chartSheetsRelsXML[order(sheetNo2)]
    chartSheetsRelsDir <- dirname(chartSheetsRelsXML[1])
  ## xl\
  ## xl\workbook
  if(length(workbookXML) > 0){
    workbook <- readLines(workbookXML, warn=FALSE, encoding="UTF-8")
    workbook <-  removeHeadTag(workbook)
    sheets <- unlist(regmatches(workbook, gregexpr("<sheet .*/sheets>", workbook, perl = TRUE)))
    ## sheetId is meaningless
    ## sheet rId links to the workbook.xml.resl which links worksheets/sheet(i).xml file
    ## order they appear here gives order of worksheets in xlsx file
    sheetrId <- unlist(getRId(sheets))
    sheetId <- unlist(regmatches(sheets, gregexpr('(?<=sheetId=")[0-9]+', sheets, perl = TRUE)))
    sheetNames <- unlist(regmatches(sheets, gregexpr('(?<=name=")[^"]+', sheets, perl = TRUE)))
    is_chart_sheet <- sheetrId %in% chartSheetRIds
    is_visible <- !grepl("hidden",  unlist(strsplit(sheets, split = "<sheet "))[-1])
    if(length(is_visible) != length(sheetrId))
      is_visible <- rep(TRUE, length(sheetrId))
    ## add worksheets to wb
    j <- 1
    for(i in 1:length(sheetrId)){
        count <- 0
        txt <- paste(readLines(chartSheetsXML[j], warn = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8"), collapse = "")
        zoom <- regmatches(txt, regexpr('(?<=zoomScale=")[0-9]+', txt, perl = TRUE))
        if(length(zoom) == 0)
          zoom <- 100
        tabColour <- .Call("openxlsx_getChildlessNode", txt, "<tabColor ", PACKAGE = "openxlsx")
        if(length(tabColour) == 0)
          tabColour <- NULL
        j <- j + 1L
        wb$addChartSheet(sheetName = sheetNames[i], tabColour = tabColour, zoom = as.numeric(zoom))
        wb$addWorksheet(sheetNames[i], visible = is_visible[i])
    ## replace sheetId
    for(i in 1:nSheets)
      wb$workbook$sheets[[i]] <- gsub(sprintf(' sheetId="%s"', i), sprintf(' sheetId="%s"', sheetId[i]), wb$workbook$sheets[[i]])
    ## additional workbook attributes
    calcPr <- .Call("openxlsx_getChildlessNode", workbook, "<calcPr ", PACKAGE = "openxlsx")
    if(length(calcPr) > 0)
      wb$workbook$calcPr <- calcPr
    workbookPr <- .Call("openxlsx_getChildlessNode", workbook, "<workbookPr ", PACKAGE = "openxlsx")
    if(length(calcPr) > 0)
      wb$workbook$workbookPr <- workbookPr
    ## defined Names
    dNames <- .Call("openxlsx_getNodes", workbook, "<definedNames>", PACKAGE = "openxlsx")
    if(length(dNames) > 0){
      dNames <- gsub("^<definedNames>|</definedNames>$", "", dNames)
      wb$workbook$definedNames <- paste0(.Call("openxlsx_getNodes", dNames, "<definedName", PACKAGE = "openxlsx"), ">")
  ## xl\sharedStrings
  if(length(sharedStringsXML) > 0){
    sharedStrings <- readLines(sharedStringsXML, warn = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8")
    sharedStrings <- paste(sharedStrings, collapse = "\n")
    sharedStrings <- removeHeadTag(sharedStrings)
    uniqueCount <- as.integer(regmatches(sharedStrings, regexpr('(?<=uniqueCount=")[0-9]+', sharedStrings, perl = TRUE)))
    ## read in and get <si> nodes
    vals <- .Call("openxlsx_getNodes", sharedStrings, "<si>", PACKAGE = "openxlsx")
    Encoding(vals) <- "UTF-8"
    attr(vals, "uniqueCount") <- uniqueCount
    wb$sharedStrings <- vals
  ## xl\pivotTables & xl\pivotCache
  if(length(pivotTableXML) > 0){
    # pivotTable cacheId links to workbook.xml which links to workbook.xml.rels via rId
    # we don't modify the cacheId, only the rId
    nPivotTables <- length(pivotTableXML)
    rIds <- 20000L + 1:nPivotTables
    ## pivot tables
    pivotTableXML     <- pivotTableXML[order(nchar(pivotTableXML), pivotTableXML)]
    pivotTableRelsXML <- pivotTableRelsXML[order(nchar(pivotTableRelsXML), pivotTableRelsXML)]
    ## Cache
    pivotDefXML       <- pivotDefXML[order(nchar(pivotDefXML), pivotDefXML)]
    pivotDefRelsXML   <- pivotDefRelsXML[order(nchar(pivotDefRelsXML), pivotDefRelsXML)]
    pivotCacheRecords <- pivotCacheRecords[order(nchar(pivotCacheRecords), pivotCacheRecords)]
    wb$pivotDefinitionsRels <- character(nPivotTables)
    pivot_content_type <- NULL
    if(length(pivotTableRelsXML) > 0)
      wb$pivotTables.xml.rels <- unlist(lapply(pivotTableRelsXML, function(x) removeHeadTag(.Call("openxlsx_cppReadFile", x, PACKAGE = "openxlsx"))))
    # ## Check what caches are used
    cache_keep <- unlist(regmatches(wb$pivotTables.xml.rels, gregexpr("(?<=pivotCache/pivotCacheDefinition)[0-9](?=\\.xml)",
                                                                      wb$pivotTables.xml.rels, perl = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)))
    ## pivot cache records
    tmp <- unlist(regmatches(pivotCacheRecords, gregexpr("(?<=pivotCache/pivotCacheRecords)[0-9](?=\\.xml)", pivotCacheRecords, perl = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)))
    pivotCacheRecords <- pivotCacheRecords[tmp %in% cache_keep]
    ## pivot cache definitions rels
    tmp <- unlist(regmatches(pivotDefRelsXML, gregexpr("(?<=_rels/pivotCacheDefinition)[0-9](?=\\.xml)", pivotDefRelsXML, perl = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)))
    pivotDefRelsXML <- pivotDefRelsXML[tmp %in% cache_keep]
    ## pivot cache definitions
    tmp <- unlist(regmatches(pivotDefXML, gregexpr("(?<=pivotCache/pivotCacheDefinition)[0-9](?=\\.xml)", pivotDefXML, perl = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)))
    pivotDefXML <- pivotDefXML[tmp %in% cache_keep]
    if(length(pivotTableXML) > 0){
      wb$pivotTables[1:length(pivotTableXML)] <- pivotTableXML
      pivot_content_type <- c(pivot_content_type, 
                              sprintf('<Override PartName="/xl/pivotTables/pivotTable%s.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.pivotTable+xml"/>', 1:length(pivotTableXML))) 
    if(length(pivotDefXML) > 0){
      wb$pivotDefinitions[1:length(pivotDefXML)]  <- pivotDefXML
      pivot_content_type <- c(pivot_content_type, 
                              sprintf('<Override PartName="/xl/pivotCache/pivotCacheDefinition%s.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.pivotCacheDefinition+xml"/>', 1:length(pivotDefXML))) 
    if(length(pivotCacheRecords) > 0){
      wb$pivotRecords[1:length(pivotCacheRecords)] <- pivotCacheRecords
      pivot_content_type <- c(pivot_content_type, 
                              sprintf('<Override PartName="/xl/pivotCache/pivotCacheRecords%s.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.pivotCacheRecords+xml"/>', 1:length(pivotCacheRecords))) 
    if(length(pivotDefRelsXML) > 0)
      wb$pivotDefinitionsRels[1:length(pivotDefRelsXML)] <- pivotDefRelsXML
    ## update content_types
    wb$Content_Types <- c(wb$Content_Types, pivot_content_type)
    ## workbook rels
    wb$workbook.xml.rels <- c(wb$workbook.xml.rels,    
                              sprintf('<Relationship Id="rId%s" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/pivotCacheDefinition" Target="pivotCache/pivotCacheDefinition%s.xml"/>', rIds, 1:length(pivotDefXML))
    caches <- .Call("openxlsx_getNodes", workbook, "<pivotCaches>", PACKAGE = "openxlsx")
    caches <- .Call("openxlsx_getChildlessNode", caches, "<pivotCache ", PACKAGE = "openxlsx")
    for(i in 1:length(caches))
      caches[i] <- gsub('"rId[0-9]+"', sprintf('"rId%s"', rIds[i]), caches[i])
    wb$workbook$pivotCaches <- paste0('<pivotCaches>', paste(caches, collapse = ""), '</pivotCaches>')
  ## xl\vbaProject
  if(length(vbaProject) > 0){
    wb$vbaProject <- vbaProject
    wb$Content_Types[grepl('<Override PartName="/xl/workbook.xml" ', wb$Content_Types)] <- '<Override PartName="/xl/workbook.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroEnabled.main+xml"/>'
    wb$Content_Types <- c(wb$Content_Types, '<Override PartName="/xl/vbaProject.bin" ContentType="application/vnd.ms-office.vbaProject"/>')    
  ## xl\styles
  if(length(stylesXML) > 0){
    styleObjects <- wb$loadStyles(stylesXML)
    styleObjects <- list()
  ## xl\media
  if(length(media) > 0){
    mediaNames <- regmatches(media, regexpr("image[0-9]\\.[a-z]+$", media))
    fileTypes <- unique(gsub("image[0-9]\\.", "", mediaNames))
    contentNodes <- sprintf('<Default Extension="%s" ContentType="image/%s"/>', fileTypes, fileTypes)
    contentNodes[fileTypes == "emf"] <- '<Default Extension="emf" ContentType="image/x-emf"/>'
    wb$Content_Types <- c(contentNodes, wb$Content_Types) 
    names(media) <- mediaNames
    wb$media <- media
  ## xl\chart
  if(length(charts) > 0){
    chartNames <- basename(charts)
    nCharts <- sum(grepl("chart[0-9]+.xml", chartNames))
    nChartStyles <- sum(grepl("style[0-9]+.xml", chartNames))
    nChartCol <- sum(grepl("colors[0-9]+.xml", chartNames))
    if(nCharts > 0)
      wb$Content_Types <- c(wb$Content_Types, sprintf('<Override PartName="/xl/charts/chart%s.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chart+xml"/>', 1:nCharts))
    if(nChartStyles > 0)
      wb$Content_Types <- c(wb$Content_Types, sprintf('<Override PartName="/xl/charts/style%s.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.ms-office.chartstyle+xml"/>', 1:nChartStyles))
    if(nChartCol > 0)
      wb$Content_Types <- c(wb$Content_Types, sprintf('<Override PartName="/xl/charts/colors%s.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.ms-office.chartcolorstyle+xml"/>', 1:nChartCol))
      charts <- c(charts, chartsRels)
      chartNames <- c(chartNames, file.path("_rels", basename(chartsRels)))
    names(charts) <- chartNames
    wb$charts <- charts
  ## xl\theme
  if(length(themeXML) > 0)
    wb$theme <- removeHeadTag(paste(unlist(lapply(sort(themeXML)[[1]], function(x) readLines(x, warn = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8"))), collapse = ""))
  ## externalLinks
  if(length(extLinksXML) > 0){
    wb$externalLinks <- lapply(sort(extLinksXML), function(x) removeHeadTag(.Call("openxlsx_cppReadFile", x, PACKAGE = "openxlsx")))
    wb$Content_Types <-c(wb$Content_Types, 
                         sprintf('<Override PartName="/xl/externalLinks/externalLink%s.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.externalLink+xml"/>', 1:length(extLinksXML)))
    wb$workbook.xml.rels <- c(wb$workbook.xml.rels, sprintf('<Relationship Id="rId4" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/externalLink" Target="externalLinks/externalLink1.xml"/>',
  ## externalLinksRels
  if(length(extLinksRelsXML) > 0)
    wb$externalLinksRels <- lapply(sort(extLinksRelsXML), function(x) removeHeadTag(.Call("openxlsx_cppReadFile", x, PACKAGE = "openxlsx")))
  ## xl\worksheets
  file_names <- regmatches(worksheet_rId_mapping, regexpr("sheet[0-9]+\\.xml", worksheet_rId_mapping, perl = TRUE))
  file_rIds <- unlist(getId(worksheet_rId_mapping))
  file_names <- file_names[match(sheetrId, file_rIds)]
  worksheetsXML <- file.path(dirname(worksheetsXML), file_names)
  wb <- .Call("openxlsx_loadworksheets", wb, styleObjects, worksheetsXML, is_chart_sheet, PACKAGE = 'openxlsx')
  ## Fix styleobject encoding
  if(length(wb$styleObjects) > 0){
    style_names <- sapply(wb$styleObjects, "[[", "sheet")
    Encoding(style_names) <- "UTF-8"
    wb$styleObjects <- lapply(1:length(style_names), function(i) {wb$styleObjects[[i]]$sheet = style_names[[i]]; wb$styleObjects[[i]]})
  ## Fix headers/footers
  for(i in 1:length(worksheetsXML)){
      if(length(wb$worksheets[[i]]$headerFooter) > 0)
        wb$worksheets[[i]]$headerFooter <- lapply(wb$worksheets[[i]]$headerFooter, splitHeaderFooter)
  ## Next sheetRels to see which drawings_rels belongs to which sheet
  if(length(sheetRelsXML) > 0){
    ## sheetrId is order sheet appears in xlsx file
    ## create a 1-1 vector of rels to worksheet
    ## haveRels is boolean vector where i-the element is TRUE/FALSE if sheet has a rels sheet
    if(length(chartSheetsXML) == 0){
      allRels <- file.path(dirname(sheetRelsXML[1]), paste0(file_names, ".rels"))
      haveRels <- allRels %in% sheetRelsXML
      haveRels <- rep(FALSE, length(wb$worksheets))
      allRels <- rep("", length(wb$worksheets))
      for(i in 1:nSheets){
          ind <- which(chartSheetRIds == sheetrId[i])
          rels_file <- file.path(chartSheetsRelsDir, paste0(chartsheet_rId_mapping[ind], ".rels"))
          ind <- sheetrId[i]
          rels_file <- file.path(xmlDir, "xl", "worksheets", "_rels", paste0(file_names[i], ".rels"))
          allRels[i] <- rels_file
          haveRels[i] <- TRUE
    ## sheet.xml have been reordered to be in the order of sheetrId
    ## not every sheet has a worksheet rels
    xml <- lapply(1:length(allRels), function(i) {
        xml <- readLines(allRels[[i]], warn = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8")
        xml <- removeHeadTag(xml)
        xml <- gsub("<Relationships .*?>", "", xml)
        xml <- gsub("</Relationships>", "", xml)
        xml <- .Call("openxlsx_getChildlessNode", xml, "<Relationship ", PACKAGE ="openxlsx")
        xml <- "<Relationship >"
    ## Slicers
    if(length(slicerXML) > 0){
      slicerXML <- slicerXML[order(nchar(slicerXML), slicerXML)]
      slicersFiles <- lapply(xml, function(x) as.integer(regmatches(x, regexpr("(?<=slicer)[0-9]+(?=\\.xml)", x, perl = TRUE))))
      inds <- sapply(slicersFiles, length) > 0
      ## worksheet_rels Id for slicer will be rId0
      k <- 1L
      wb$slicers <- rep("", nSheets)
      for(i in 1:nSheets){
        ## read in slicer[j].XML sheets into sheet[i]
          wb$slicers[[i]] <- slicerXML[k]
          k <- k + 1L
          wb$worksheets_rels[[i]] <- unlist(c(wb$worksheets_rels[[i]],
                                              sprintf('<Relationship Id="rId0" Type="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2007/relationships/slicer" Target="../slicers/slicer%s.xml"/>', i)))
          wb$Content_Types <- c(wb$Content_Types,
                                sprintf('<Override PartName="/xl/slicers/slicer%s.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.ms-excel.slicer+xml"/>', i))
          slicer_xml_exists <- FALSE
          ## Append slicer to worksheet extLst
          if(length(wb$worksheets[[i]]$extLst) > 0){
            if(grepl('x14:slicer r:id="rId[0-9]+"', wb$worksheets[[i]]$extLst)){
              wb$worksheets[[i]]$extLst <- sub('x14:slicer r:id="rId[0-9]+"', 'x14:slicer r:id="rId0"', wb$worksheets[[i]]$extLst)
              slicer_xml_exists <- TRUE
            wb$worksheets[[i]]$extLst <- c(wb$worksheets[[i]]$extLst, genBaseSlicerXML())
    if(length(slicerCachesXML) > 0){
      ## ---- slicerCaches
      inds <- 1:length(slicerCachesXML)
      wb$Content_Types <- c(wb$Content_Types, sprintf('<Override PartName="/xl/slicerCaches/slicerCache%s.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.ms-excel.slicerCache+xml"/>', inds))
      wb$slicerCaches <- sapply(slicerCachesXML[order(nchar(slicerCachesXML), slicerCachesXML)], function(x) removeHeadTag(.Call("openxlsx_cppReadFile", x, PACKAGE = "openxlsx")))
      wb$workbook.xml.rels <- c(wb$workbook.xml.rels, sprintf('<Relationship Id="rId%s" Type="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2007/relationships/slicerCache" Target="slicerCaches/slicerCache%s.xml"/>', 1E5 + inds, inds))
      wb$workbook$extLst <- c(wb$workbook$extLst,  genSlicerCachesExtLst(1E5 + inds))
    ## tables
    if(length(tablesXML) > 0){
      tables <- lapply(xml, function(x) as.integer(regmatches(x, regexpr("(?<=table)[0-9]+(?=\\.xml)", x, perl = TRUE))))
      tableSheets <- unlist(lapply(1:length(sheetrId), function(i) rep(i, length(tables[[i]]))))  
      if(length(unlist(tables)) > 0){
        ## get the tables that belong to each worksheet and create a worksheets_rels for each
        tCount <- 2L ## table r:Ids start at 3
        for(i in 1:length(tables)){
          if(length(tables[[i]]) > 0){
            k <- 1:length(tables[[i]]) + tCount
            wb$worksheets_rels[[i]] <- unlist(c(wb$worksheets_rels[[i]],
                                                sprintf('<Relationship Id="rId%s" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/table" Target="../tables/table%s.xml"/>',  k,  k)))
            wb$worksheets[[i]]$tableParts <- sprintf("<tablePart r:id=\"rId%s\"/>", k)
            tCount <- tCount + length(k)
        ## sort the tables into the order they appear in the xml and tables variables
        names(tablesXML) <- basename(tablesXML)
        tablesXML <- tablesXML[sprintf("table%s.xml", unlist(tables))]
        ## tables are now in correct order so we can read them in as they are
        wb$tables <- sapply(tablesXML, function(x) removeHeadTag(paste(readLines(x, warn = FALSE), collapse = "")))
        ## pull out refs and attach names
        refs <- regmatches(wb$tables, regexpr('(?<=ref=")[0-9A-Z:]+', wb$tables, perl = TRUE))
        names(wb$tables) <- refs
        wb$Content_Types <- c(wb$Content_Types, sprintf('<Override PartName="/xl/tables/table%s.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.table+xml"/>', 1:length(wb$tables)+2))   
        ## relabel ids
        for(i in 1:length(wb$tables)){
          newId <- sprintf(' id="%s" ', i+2)
          wb$tables[[i]] <- sub(' id="[0-9]+" ' , newId, wb$tables[[i]])
        displayNames <- unlist(regmatches(wb$tables, regexpr('(?<=displayName=").*?[^"]+', wb$tables, perl = TRUE)))
        if(length(displayNames) != length(tablesXML))
          displayNames <- paste0("Table", 1:length(tablesXML))
        attr(wb$tables, "sheet") <- tableSheets
        attr(wb$tables, "tableName") <- displayNames
        for(i in 1:length(tableSheets)){
          table_sheet_i <- tableSheets[i]
          attr(wb$worksheets[[table_sheet_i]]$tableParts, "tableName") <- c(attr(wb$worksheets[[table_sheet_i]]$tableParts, "tableName"), displayNames[i])
    } ## if(length(tablesXML) > 0)
    ## might we have some external hyperlinks
    if(any(sapply(wb$worksheets[!is_chart_sheet], function(x) length(x$hyperlinks) > 0))){
      ## Do we have external hyperlinks
      hlinks <- lapply(xml, function(x) x[grepl("hyperlink", x) & grepl("External", x)])
      hlinksInds <- which(sapply(hlinks, length) > 0)
      ## If it's an external hyperlink it will have a target in the sheet_rels
      if(length(hlinksInds) > 0){
        for(i in hlinksInds){
          ids <- unlist(lapply(hlinks[[i]], function(x) regmatches(x, gregexpr('(?<=Id=").*?"', x, perl = TRUE))[[1]]))
          ids <- gsub('"$', "", ids)
          targets <- unlist(lapply(hlinks[[i]], function(x) regmatches(x, gregexpr('(?<=Target=").*?"', x, perl = TRUE))[[1]]))
          targets <- gsub('"$', "", targets)
          ids2 <- lapply(wb$worksheets[[i]]$hyperlinks, function(x) regmatches(x, gregexpr('(?<=r:id=").*?"', x, perl = TRUE))[[1]])
          ids2[sapply(ids2, length) == 0] <- NA
          ids2 <- gsub('"$', "", unlist(ids2))
          targets <- targets[match(ids2, ids)]
          names(wb$worksheets[[i]]$hyperlinks) <- targets
    ## drawings
    ## xml is in the order of the sheets, drawIngs is toes to sheet position of hasDrawing
    ## Not every sheet has a drawing.xml
    drawXMLrelationship <- lapply(xml, function(x) x[grepl("drawings/drawing", x)])
    hasDrawing <- sapply(drawXMLrelationship, length) > 0 ## which sheets have a drawing
    if(length(drawingRelsXML) > 0){
      dRels <- lapply(drawingRelsXML, readLines, warn = FALSE)
      dRels <- unlist(lapply(dRels, removeHeadTag))
      dRels <- gsub("<Relationships .*?>", "", dRels)
      dRels <- gsub("</Relationships>", "", dRels)
    if(length(drawingsXML) > 0){
      dXML <- lapply(drawingsXML, readLines, warn = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8")  
      dXML <- unlist(lapply(dXML, removeHeadTag))
      dXML <- gsub("<xdr:wsDr .*?>", "", dXML)
      dXML <- gsub("</xdr:wsDr>", "", dXML)
      #       ptn1 <- "<(mc:AlternateContent|xdr:oneCellAnchor|xdr:twoCellAnchor|xdr:absoluteAnchor)"
      #       ptn2 <- "</(mc:AlternateContent|xdr:oneCellAnchor|xdr:twoCellAnchor|xdr:absoluteAnchor)>"
      ## split at one/two cell Anchor
      # dXML <- regmatches(dXML, gregexpr(paste0(ptn1, ".*?", ptn2), dXML))
    ## loop over all worksheets and assign drawing to sheet
      for(i in 1:length(xml)){
          target <- unlist(lapply(drawXMLrelationship[[i]], function(x) regmatches(x, gregexpr('(?<=Target=").*?"', x, perl = TRUE))[[1]]))
          target <- basename(gsub('"$', "", target))
          ## sheet_i has which(hasDrawing)[[i]]
          relsInd <- grepl(target, drawingRelsXML)
            wb$drawings_rels[i] <- dRels[relsInd]
          drawingInd <- grepl(target, drawingsXML)
            wb$drawings[i] <- dXML[drawingInd]
    ## VML drawings
    if(length(vmlDrawingXML) > 0){
      wb$Content_Types <- c(wb$Content_Types, '<Default Extension="vml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.vmlDrawing"/>')
      drawXMLrelationship <- lapply(xml, function(x) x[grepl("drawings/vmlDrawing", x)])
      hasDrawing <- sapply(drawXMLrelationship, length) > 0 ## which sheets have a drawing
      ## loop over all worksheets and assign drawing to sheet
        for(i in 1:length(xml)){
            target <- unlist(lapply(drawXMLrelationship[[i]], function(x) regmatches(x, gregexpr('(?<=Target=").*?"', x, perl = TRUE))[[1]]))
            target <- basename(gsub('"$', "", target))
            ind <- grepl(target, vmlDrawingXML)
              txt <- paste(readLines(vmlDrawingXML[ind], warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n")
              txt <- removeHeadTag(txt)
              i1 <- regexpr("<v:shapetype", txt, fixed = TRUE)
              i2 <- regexpr("</xml>", txt, fixed = TRUE)
              wb$vml[[i]] <- substring(text = txt, first = i1, last = (i2 - 1L))
              relsInd <- grepl(target, vmlDrawingRelsXML)
                wb$vml_rels[i] <- vmlDrawingRelsXML[relsInd]
    ## vmlDrawing and comments
    if(length(commentsXML) > 0){
      drawXMLrelationship <- lapply(xml, function(x) x[grepl("drawings/vmlDrawing[0-9]+\\.vml", x)])
      hasDrawing <- sapply(drawXMLrelationship, length) > 0 ## which sheets have a drawing
      commentXMLrelationship <- lapply(xml, function(x) x[grepl("comments[0-9]+\\.xml", x)])
      hasComment <- sapply(drawXMLrelationship, length) > 0 ## which sheets have a drawing
      for(i in 1:length(xml)){
          target <- unlist(lapply(drawXMLrelationship[[i]], function(x) regmatches(x, gregexpr('(?<=Target=").*?"', x, perl = TRUE))[[1]]))
          target <- basename(gsub('"$', "", target))
          ind <- grepl(target, vmlDrawingXML)
            txt <- paste(readLines(vmlDrawingXML[ind], warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n")
            txt <- removeHeadTag(txt)
            cd <- unique(.Call("openxlsx_getNodes", txt, "<x:ClientData", PACKAGE = "openxlsx"))
            cd <- cd[grepl('ObjectType="Note"', cd)]
            cd <- paste0(cd, ">")
            ## now loada comment
            target <- unlist(lapply(commentXMLrelationship[[i]], function(x) regmatches(x, gregexpr('(?<=Target=").*?"', x, perl = TRUE))[[1]]))
            target <- basename(gsub('"$', "", target))
            txt <- paste(readLines(commentsXML[grepl(target, commentsXML)], warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n")
            txt <- removeHeadTag(txt)
            authors <- .Call("openxlsx_getNodes", txt, "<author>", PACKAGE = "openxlsx")
            authors <- gsub("<author>|</author>", "", authors)
            comments <- .Call("openxlsx_getNodes", txt, "<commentList>", PACKAGE = "openxlsx")
            comments <- gsub( "<commentList>", "", comments)
            comments <- .Call("openxlsx_getNodes", comments, "<comment", PACKAGE = "openxlsx")
            refs <- regmatches(comments, regexpr('(?<=ref=").*?[^"]+', comments, perl = TRUE))
            authorsInds <- as.integer(regmatches(comments, regexpr('(?<=authorId=").*?[^"]+', comments, perl = TRUE))) + 1
            authors <- authors[authorsInds]
            style <- lapply(comments, function(txt) .Call("openxlsx_getNodes", txt, "<rPr>", PACKAGE = "openxlsx"))
            comments <- regmatches(comments, gregexpr('(?<=<t( |>)).*?[^/]+', comments, perl = TRUE))
            comments <- lapply(comments, function(x) gsub("<", "", x))
            comments <- lapply(comments, function(x) gsub(".*?>", "", x, perl = TRUE))
            wb$comments[[i]] <- lapply(1:length(comments), function(j){
              comment_list <- list("ref" = refs[j],
                                   "author" = authors[j],
                                   "comment" = comments[[j]],
                                   "style"  = style[[j]],
                                   "clientData" = cd[[j]])    
    ## rels image
    drawXMLrelationship <- lapply(xml, function(x) x[grepl("relationships/image", x)])
    hasDrawing <- sapply(drawXMLrelationship, length) > 0 ## which sheets have a drawing
      for(i in 1:length(xml)){
          image_ids <- unlist(getId(drawXMLrelationship[[i]]))
          new_image_ids <- paste0("rId", 1:length(image_ids) + 70000)
          for(j in 1:length(image_ids)){
            wb$worksheets[[i]]$oleObjects <- gsub(image_ids[j], new_image_ids[j], wb$worksheets[[i]]$oleObjects, fixed = TRUE)
            wb$worksheets_rels[[i]] <- c(wb$worksheets_rels[[i]], gsub(image_ids[j], new_image_ids[j], drawXMLrelationship[[i]][j], fixed = TRUE)
    ## rels image
    drawXMLrelationship <- lapply(xml, function(x) x[grepl("relationships/package", x)])
    hasDrawing <- sapply(drawXMLrelationship, length) > 0 ## which sheets have a drawing
      for(i in 1:length(xml)){
          image_ids <- unlist(getId(drawXMLrelationship[[i]]))
          new_image_ids <- paste0("rId", 1:length(image_ids) + 90000)
          for(j in 1:length(image_ids)){
            wb$worksheets[[i]]$oleObjects <- gsub(image_ids[j], new_image_ids[j], wb$worksheets[[i]]$oleObjects, fixed = TRUE)
            wb$worksheets_rels[[i]] <- c(wb$worksheets_rels[[i]], 
                                         sprintf("<Relationship Id=\"%s\" Type=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/package\" Target=\"../embeddings/Microsoft_Word_Document1.docx\"/>", new_image_ids[j])
    ## Embedded docx
    if(length(embeddings) > 0){
      wb$Content_Types <- c(wb$Content_Types, '<Default Extension="docx" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"/>')
      wb$embeddings <- embeddings
    ## pivot tables
    if(length(pivotTableXML) > 0){
      pivotTableJ <- lapply(xml, function(x) as.integer(regmatches(x, regexpr("(?<=pivotTable)[0-9]+(?=\\.xml)", x, perl = TRUE))))
      sheetWithPivot <- which(sapply(pivotTableJ, length) > 0)
      pivotRels <- lapply(xml, function(x) {y <- x[grepl("pivotTable", x)]; y[order(nchar(y), y)]})
      hasPivot <- sapply(pivotRels, length) > 0
      ## Modify rIds
      for(i in 1:length(pivotRels)){
          for(j in 1:length(pivotRels[[i]]))  
            pivotRels[[i]][j] <- gsub('"rId[0-9]+"', sprintf('"rId%s"', 20000L + j), pivotRels[[i]][j])
          wb$worksheets_rels[[i]] <- c(wb$worksheets_rels[[i]] , pivotRels[[i]])
      ## remove any workbook_res references to pivot tables that are not being used in worksheet_rels
      inds <- 1:length(wb$pivotTables.xml.rels)
      fileNo <- as.integer(unlist(regmatches(unlist(wb$worksheets_rels), gregexpr('(?<=pivotTable)[0-9]+(?=\\.xml)', unlist(wb$worksheets_rels), perl = TRUE))))
      inds <- inds[!inds %in% fileNo]
      if(length(inds) > 0){
        toRemove <- paste(sprintf("(pivotCacheDefinition%s\\.xml)", inds), collapse = "|")    
        fileNo <- which(grepl(toRemove, wb$pivotTables.xml.rels))
        toRemove <- paste(sprintf("(pivotCacheDefinition%s\\.xml)", fileNo), collapse = "|")
        ## remove reference to file from workbook.xml.res
        wb$workbook.xml.rels <- wb$workbook.xml.rels[!grepl(toRemove, wb$workbook.xml.rels)]
  } ## end of worksheetRels
  ## convert hyperliks to hyperlink objects
  for(i in 1:nSheets)
    wb$worksheets[[i]]$hyperlinks <- xml_to_hyperlink(wb$worksheets[[i]]$hyperlinks)
  ## queryTables
  if(length(queryTablesXML) > 0){
    ids <- as.numeric(regmatches(queryTablesXML, regexpr("[0-9]+(?=\\.xml)", queryTablesXML, perl = TRUE)))
    wb$queryTables <- unlist(lapply(queryTablesXML[order(ids)], function(x) removeHeadTag(.Call("openxlsx_cppReadFile", x, PACKAGE = "openxlsx"))))
    wb$Content_Types <- c(wb$Content_Types, 
                          sprintf('<Override PartName="/xl/queryTables/queryTable%s.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.queryTable+xml"/>', 1:length(queryTablesXML)))   
  ## connections
  if(length(connectionsXML) > 0){
    wb$connections <- removeHeadTag(.Call("openxlsx_cppReadFile", connectionsXML, PACKAGE = "openxlsx"))
    wb$workbook.xml.rels <- c(wb$workbook.xml.rels, '<Relationship Id="rId3" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/connections" Target="connections.xml"/>')
    wb$Content_Types <- c(wb$Content_Types, '<Override PartName="/xl/connections.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.connections+xml"/>')
  ## table rels
  if(length(tableRelsXML) > 0){
    ## table_i_might have tableRels_i but I am re-ordering the tables to be in order of worksheets
    ## I make every table have a table_rels so i need to fill in the gaps if any table_rels are missing
    tmp <- paste0(basename(tablesXML), ".rels")
    hasRels <- tmp %in% basename(tableRelsXML)
    ## order tableRelsXML
    tableRelsXML <- tableRelsXML[match(tmp[hasRels], basename(tableRelsXML))]
    wb$tables.xml.rels <- character(length=length(tablesXML))
    ## which sheet does it belong to
    xml <- sapply(tableRelsXML, function(x) .Call("openxlsx_cppReadFile", x, PACKAGE = "openxlsx"), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    xml <- sapply(xml, removeHeadTag, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    wb$tables.xml.rels[hasRels] <- xml
  }else if(length(tablesXML) > 0){
    wb$tables.xml.rels <- rep("", length(tablesXML))
environment(loadWorkbook2) = environment(openxlsx::saveWorkbook)
debarros/rrttReportBuilder documentation built on Oct. 16, 2020, 4 p.m.