#' @title wTO.fast
#' @author Deisy Morselli Gysi <deisy at bioinf.uni-leipzig.de>
#' @param n Number of resamplings, used to compute the empirical distribuitions of the links. Default is set to 100.
#' @param Data data.frame containing the count / expression data for the correlation.
#' @param Overlap Set of nodes of interest, where the Overlapping weights will be computed.
#' @param method Type of the correlation that should be used. "s" / "spearman" will compute the rank spearman correlation, "p" / "pearson" will compute the linear correlation. If no value is given, the default is to use "p".
#' @param sign Should the wTO be signed?
#' @param delta expected difference between the real wTO and the bootstraped.
#' @param method_resampling method of the resampling. Bootstrap or BlockBootstrap.If the second is used, please give the lag (time dependency among the data).
#' @param lag Time dependency for the blocked bootstrap (for time series).
#' @param ID ID of the samples for the blocked bootstrap (for repeated measures).
#' @description Compute the wTO and also the bootstraps. Proposed at arXiv:1711.04702. This is a quicker version of the wTO.Complete. It doesn't contain diagnose plots nor a parallel version.
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster clusterExport clusterApplyLB stopCluster
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist dcast
#' @importFrom som normalize
#' @importFrom stats cor p.adjust reshape pchisq
#' @importFrom graphics plot axis par abline legend
#' @import magrittr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # wTO.fast(Data = Microarray_Expression1,
#' # Overlap = ExampleGRF$x,
#' # method = "p")
#' # For a time series with lag = 4
#' # wTO.fast(Data = Microarray_Expression1,
#' # Overlap = ExampleGRF$x,
#' # method = "p",
#' # method_resampling = 'BlockBootstrap',
#' # lag = 4)
#' # For a study where the individuals were measured multiple times.
#' # wTO.fast(Data = Microarray_Expression1,
#' # Overlap = ExampleGRF$x,
#' # method = "p",
#' # method_resampling = 'BlockBootstrap',
#' # ID = rep(1:9, each= 2))
wTO.fast = function(Data,
Overlap = row.names(Data),
method = 'p', sign = 'sign',
delta = 0.2, n = 10,
method_resampling = 'Bootstrap', lag = NULL, ID = NULL){
Overlap = unique(as.character(Overlap))
`%ni%` <- Negate(`%in%`)
##### Messages
if(is.numeric(n) == F){
stop("n must be numeric.")
if(n <= 0){
stop("n must be greater than 0.")
if(is.data.frame(Data) == F){
stop("Data must be a data.frame.")
if(method %ni% c("s", "spearman", "p", "pearson")){
stop('Method must be: "s", "spearman", "p" or "pearson".')
if(method_resampling %ni% c("Bootstrap", "BlockBootstrap")){
stop('Method must be: "Bootstrap" or "BlockBootstrap".')
if(method_resampling %in% "BlockBootstrap"){
if (is.null(lag)&is.null(ID)){
stop('If you want to use the "BlockBootstrap" please give a lag or the indivuals ID.')
stop('If you want to use the "BlockBootstrap" please give a lag OR the indivuals ID.')
DIM_Overlap = nrow(subset(Data, row.names(Data) %in% Overlap))
if(DIM_Overlap == 0){
stop('There is no overlapping nodes. Please check your input "Overlap"')
message(paste('There are',DIM_Overlap, "overlapping nodes,",dim(Data)[1],
"total nodes and" , dim(Data)[2],"individuals." ))
message("This function might take a long time to run. Don't turn off the computer.")
wtomelt0 = wTO::CorrelationOverlap(Data = Data,
Overlap = Overlap,
method = method) %>%
wTO::wTO(., sign)
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
. <- NULL
for ( i in 1:n){
message(' ',i,' ', appendLF = FALSE)
if(method_resampling == 'BlockBootstrap'){
if (!is.null(lag)){
nsampl = ifelse (ncol(Data) %% lag == 0, ncol(Data) %/% lag, ncol(Data) %/% lag +1)
Y = sample(1:nsampl, size = nsampl, replace = T)
Vect = Y*lag
j = lag - 1
while( j > 0){
Vect = cbind(Vect , Y*lag - j)
j = j - 1
SAMPLES = c(Vect)
SAMPLES[SAMPLES > ncol(Data)] <- NA
SAMPLE = stats::na.exclude(SAMPLES)
Data_boot = Data[,SAMPLE]
ID %<>% as.factor
bootID = sample(levels(ID), replace = TRUE)
Data_boot = subset(Data, select = ID %in% bootID[1])
for (k in 2:length(bootID)){
Data_boot = cbind(Data_boot,
subset(Data, select = ID %in% bootID[k]))
res = wTO::CorrelationOverlap(Data = Data_boot, Overlap = Overlap, method = method) %>%
wTO::wTO(., sign)
else if (method_resampling != 'BlockBootstrap'){
res = wTO::CorrelationOverlap(Data = Data[,sample(1:ncol(Data), replace = TRUE)], Overlap = Overlap, method = method) %>%
wTO::wTO(., sign)
U = (res < wtomelt0 - delta) + (res > wtomelt0 + delta)
if ( i == 1){
out = U}
if (i != 1){
out = out + U
rm (U)
wtomelt0 = wTO.in.line(wtomelt0)
cor = wTO.in.line(out)
adj.pval = p.adjust(cor$wTO/n, method = 'BH')
pval = data.table::data.table(wtomelt0, pval = cor$wTO/n, pval.adj = adj.pval)
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