#' Plot temperature coloured by depth
#' @inheritParams identify_heat_stress_intervals
#' @inheritParams filter_in_growing_seasons
#' @param facet_var Variable(s) defining faceting groups. Variables must be
#' column(s) in \code{dat}). For a single facet variable: \code{facet_var =
#' "SEASON"}. For more than one facet variables: \code{facet_var = "SEASON +
#' DEPTH"}. Default is \code{facet_var = NULL}.
#' @param date_breaks_major Character string specifying intervals for major
#' breaks on the x-axis, e.g., \code{date_breaks_major = "2 month"}. Default
#' is \code{date_breaks_major = NULL}, which chooses breaks based on the
#' length of the data series.
#' @param date_breaks_minor Character string specifying intervals for major
#' breaks on the x-axis, e.g., \code{date_breaks_minor = "1 month"}. Default
#' is \code{date_breaks_minor = NULL}, which chooses breaks based on the
#' length of the data series.
#' @param date_labels_format Character string specifying the format of the date
#' labels on the x-axis, e.g., \code{date_labels_format = "\%y-\%b"}. Default
#' is \code{date_labels_format = NULL}, which chooses labels based on the
#' length of the data series.
#' @param colour_palette Optional vector of hex colors onto which \code{DEPTH}
#' will be mapped. If \code{colour_palette = NULL} (the default), the reverse
#' viridis colour palette will be used (option D).
#' @param legend_drop Logical argument indicating whether to drop unused depths
#' from the legend. Default is \code{legend_drop = FALSE}
#' @param legend_position Position of the legend ("none", "left", "right",
#' "bottom", "top"). Default is \code{legend_position = "right"}.
#' @param ncol Number of columns for faceted figure. Default is \code{ncol = 1}.
#' @param nrow Number of rows for faceted figure. Default is \code{nrow = NULL}.
#' @param alpha Transparency for the heat stress and superchill shaded boxes.
#' @param plotly_friendly Logical argument. If TRUE, y-axis label is set to a
#' plotly-friendly title ("Temperature (deg C)"). If FALSE,
#' \code{expression()} is used to insert the degree symbol.
#' @return ggplot object
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom stats as.formula
#' @importFrom dplyr select distinct
#' @importFrom strings convert_depth_to_ordered_factor get_colour_palette
#' get_xaxis_breaks
#' @export
plot_temperature_at_depth <- function(dat,
trend_threshold = 4,
superchill_threshold = -0.7,
heat_threshold = 18,
facet_var = NULL,
colour_palette = NULL,
legend_drop = FALSE,
legend_position = "right",
date_breaks_major = NULL,
date_breaks_minor = NULL,
date_labels_format = NULL,
ncol = 1,
nrow = NULL,
alpha = 1,
plotly_friendly = FALSE){
# observations can be duplicated for consecutive seasons.
# if not faceted by season, remove duplicates
if("SEASON" %in% colnames(dat)){
dat <- dat %>%
select(-SEASON) %>%
if(is.character(facet_var)) {
if(isFALSE(stringr::str_detect(facet_var, "SEASON"))){
dat <- dat %>%
select(-SEASON) %>%
dat <- dat %>%
if(is.null(colour_palette)) colour_palette <- strings::get_colour_palette(dat)
axis.breaks <- strings::get_xaxis_breaks(dat)
if(!is.null(date_breaks_major)) axis.breaks$date.breaks.major <- date_breaks_major
if(!is.null(date_breaks_minor)) axis.breaks$date.breaks.minor <- date_breaks_minor
if(!is.null(date_labels_format)) axis.breaks$date.labels.format <- date_labels_format
x_scale <- scale_x_datetime(
name = "Date",
date_breaks = axis.breaks$date.breaks.major,
date_minor_breaks = axis.breaks$date.breaks.minor,
date_labels = axis.breaks$date.labels.format
y_axis <- scale_y_continuous(name = expression(paste("Temperature (",degree,"C)")))
} else {
y_axis <- scale_y_continuous(name = "Temperature (deg C)")
# figure ------------------------------------------------------------------
p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = TIMESTAMP, y = VALUE, col = DEPTH)) +
xmin = as_datetime(-Inf), xmax = as_datetime(Inf),
ymin = heat_threshold, ymax = Inf,
fill = "#FB9A99", alpha = alpha) +
xmin = as_datetime(-Inf), xmax = as_datetime (Inf),
ymin = -Inf, ymax = superchill_threshold,
fill = "#A6CEE3", alpha = alpha) +
geom_point(size = 0.25) +
y_axis +
scale_colour_manual(name = "Depth (m)",
values = colour_palette,
drop = legend_drop) +
guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 4))) +
geom_hline(yintercept = trend_threshold, col = "grey", lty = 2) +
theme_light() +
strip.background = element_rect(fill = NA),
strip.text = element_text(color = "black", hjust = 0),
legend.position = legend_position
if(is.character(facet_var)) {
facet_var <- as.formula(paste("~", facet_var))
p <- p +
facet_wrap(facet_var, ncol = ncol, nrow = nrow,
labeller = label_wrap_gen(multi_line=FALSE))
p + x_scale
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