Man pages for denalitherapeutics/archs4
Wrappers to query and extract ARCHS4 data

archs4_feature_infoRetrieves the feature (gene/transcript) information for the...
archs4_file_infoRetrieves a table of files that back an Archs4Repository
archs4_file_pathIdentify the file path on the system for specific ARCHS4...
archs4_local_data_dir_createInitialize a local datadir to act as an ARCHS4 data datadir
archs4_local_data_dir_validateCheck "the health" of a local ARCHS4 data datadir
archs4_metaRetrieves the meta information associated with an ARCHS4...
Archs4RepositoryAn interface to a locally downloaded ARCHS4 dataset
archs4_sample_covariatesRetrieves tibble of sample-level covariates available in...
archs4_sample_infoRetrieves information for samples by GSE series or sample IDs
archs4_sample_tableLists the GEO series and samples available in the human and...
archs4_series_statusChecks which samples from a single series are present/absent.
archs4_sourcesLists the different sources ARCHS4 is built for
as.DGEListCreate a DGEList for the expression data of a series or set...
blacklistReturn a list of series/samples you may want to ignore for...
create_augmented_feature_infoCreate meta information for the genes and transcripts in the...
datadirRetrieves the directory that contains the data for the...
dot-h5readRead data from an HDF5 file "with caution"
estimate_norm_factorsCalculates library size and norm factors for a specific...
estimate_repository_norm_factorsEstimate normalization factors for datasets in the...
feature_lookupPerform a loose/fuzzy lookup for a gene/transcript feature.
feature_sourceRetrieves (organism) source of gene/transcript identifiers
fetch_expressionRetrieve expression data for genes/transcripts across samples
geo_id_typeClassify a vector of sample or series GEO ID's as such
libstatsExtract the read depth and normalization factors for the...
lookup_biosamplesRetrieve sample annotations from NCBI's Biosample database
lookup_gseRetrieve information about a GEO series
query_geoQuery NCBI GEO through its REST interface
retrieve_sra_metadataRetrieve metadata for an SRA accession
denalitherapeutics/archs4 documentation built on May 17, 2019, 1:29 p.m.