
Defines functions print.fs.coloredvoxels is.fs.coloredvoxels rglvoxels apply.transform volvis.contour hull.retain.along.axis vol.hull volvis.voxels

Documented in apply.transform hull.retain.along.axis is.fs.coloredvoxels print.fs.coloredvoxels rglvoxels vol.hull volvis.contour volvis.voxels

# Volume visualization in 3D, based on RGL.
# These functions work by isosurfaces or rendering voxels as boxes.

#' @title Voxel-based visualization of volume mask at surface RAS positions.
#' @description Plots a 3D box at every *foreground* voxel in the given volume. All voxels which do not have their intensity value set to `NA` are considered *foreground* voxels. The locations at which to plot the voxels is computed from the voxel CRS indices using the FreeSurfer \code{\link[fsbrain]{vox2ras_tkr}} matrix. This means that the position of the rendered data fits to the surface coordinates (in files like `surf/lh.white`), and that you can call this function while an active surface rendering window is open (e.g., from calling \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.subject.morph.native}}), to superimpose the surface and volume data. **On coloring the voxels** (using *rgl materials*): Note that you can call this function several times for the active plot, and color the voxels differently by passing different material properties in each call. Alternatively, check the `voxelcol` parameter.
#' @param volume numeric 3d array, voxels which should not be plotted must have value `NA`. Take care not to plot too many.
#' @param render_every integer, how many to skip before rendering the next one (to improve performance and/or see deeper structures). Use higher values to see a less dense representation of your data that usually still allows you to see the general shape, but at lower computational burden. Set to 1 to render every (foreground) voxel.
#' @param voxelcol character string or a *voxel coloring*. A *voxel coloring* can be specified in three ways: 1) the string 'from_intensity' will compute colors based on the intensity values of the foreground voxels in the volume, applying normalization of the intensity values if needed. 2) an array of RGB color strings: will be used to retrieve the colors for all foreground vertices, at their CRS indices. 3) A vector with length identical to the number of foreground voxels in the volume: will be applied directly.  Obvisouly, you should not pass a color material parameter (see `...`) when using this.
#' @param ... material properties, passed to \code{\link{triangles3d}}. Example: \code{color = "#0000ff", lit=FALSE}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'    fsbrain::download_optional_data();
#'    subjects_dir = fsbrain::get_optional_data_filepath("subjects_dir");
#'    brain = subject.volume(subjects_dir, 'subject1', 'brain');
#'    # Plot all voxels of the brain:
#'    brain[which(brain==0L, arr.ind = TRUE)] = NA;  # mark background
#'    brain = vol.hull(brain); # remove inner triangles
#'    volvis.voxels(brain);
#' }
#' @export
volvis.voxels <- function(volume, render_every=1, voxelcol=NULL, ...) {
    num_volume_voxels = prod(dim(volume));

    voxel_crs = which(!is.na(volume), arr.ind = TRUE);   # foreground voxels, as CRS indices.
    num_foreground_voxels = nrow(voxel_crs);

    rendered_voxels = seq(1, num_foreground_voxels, render_every);  # Each number represents a voxel, encoded as the row index in 'voxel_crs'.
    num_rendered_voxels = length(rendered_voxels);

    # Create voxel colors as a vector of color strings that has length equal to 'num_foreground_voxels':
    if(!is.null(voxelcol)) {
        if(length(voxelcol) == 1) {
            if(voxelcol == 'from_intensity') {
                voxelcol = vol.intensity.to.color(volume[voxel_crs], scale='normalize_if_needed');
            } else {
                if(is.character(voxelcol)) {
                    voxelcol = rep(voxelcol, num_foreground_voxels);

                } else {
                    stop("If parameter 'voxelcol' has length 1, the only allowed value is the character string 'from_intensity'.");
        } else {
            if(is.array(voxelcol) & is.character(voxelcol) & all.equal(dim(volume), dim(voxelcol))) {
                voxelcol = voxelcol[voxel_crs];
            } else if(is.vector(voxelcol) & is.character(voxelcol) & length(voxelcol) == num_foreground_voxels) {
                # do nothing, it was already passed in exactly as required: one color per foreground voxel.
            else {
                stop(sprintf("If not NULL, parameter 'voxelcol' must be the character string 'from_intensity' or an array representing rgb colors with dimensions identical to those of 'volume', or a color vector with length identical to the number of foreground voxels (%d).\n", num_foreground_voxels));

        if(length(voxelcol) != num_foreground_voxels) {
            stop(sprintf("Bug: Voxel color mismatch. Computed %d voxel colors for %d foreground voxels.\n", length(voxelcol), num_foreground_voxels)); # nocov

        # Filter the colors by the voxels which will actually be rendered:
        if(render_every != 1) {
            voxelcol = voxelcol[rendered_voxels];

        if(length(voxelcol) != num_rendered_voxels) {
            stop(sprintf("Bug: Voxel color mismatch. Computed %d voxel colors for %d rendered voxels.\n", length(voxelcol), num_rendered_voxels)); # nocov

    if(num_foreground_voxels > 0) {
        voxel_crs = cbind(voxel_crs, 1); # turn coords into homogeneous repr.
        surface_ras = matrix(rep(0, length(rendered_voxels)*3), ncol=3);
        vox2surface_ras_matrix = vox2ras_tkr();
        for(idx in seq(length(rendered_voxels))) {
            row_idx = rendered_voxels[idx];
            surface_ras[idx,] = (vox2surface_ras_matrix %*% voxel_crs[row_idx,])[1:3];
        #rgl::spheres3d(surface_ras, r = 0.5, ...);
        return(invisible(rglvoxels(surface_ras, r = 1.0, voxelcol=voxelcol, ...)));
    } else {
        warning("No foreground voxels in volume, nothing to visualize.");

#' @title Retain only the outer hull voxels of the foreground.
#' @description Filters the *foreground* voxel in the volume by keeping only an outer border of voxels, and setting the inner core voxels to `NA`. This is a utility function for voxel-based visualization. The goal is to remove the inner voxels, which will not be visible anyways, and thus to dramatically reduce the number of triangles that will need to be computed for the mesh.
#' @param volume numeric 3d array, must contain foreground voxel and background voxels. The latter must have value `NA`. This function assumes that a solid foreground object surrounded by background exists in the volume.
#' @param thickness integer, the width of the border in voxels, i.e., how many of the voxels in each upright column to keep at the top and at the bottom.
#' @param axes integer vector, the axes to use. Valid values in the vector are 1L, 2L and 3L. You will have to use all 3 axes if you do not want any holes in the object. (Obvisouly, having noise around the object can still lead to holes.)
#' @return numeric 3d array, a filtered version of the input. It contains at least as many `NA` voxels as the input. If the function had any effect, it contains a lot more `NA` values. The other values and the volume dimensions are left unchanged.
#' @export
vol.hull <- function(volume, thickness=1L, axes=c(2L)) {
    vd = dim(volume);
    if(length(vd) != 3L) {
        stop("Volume must have exactly 3 dimensions.");

    if(length(axes) > 3L) {
        stop("Length of vector in parameter 'axes' must not exceed 3.");
    axes = as.integer(axes);

    hull = array(rep(NA, prod(vd)), vd);

    for(axis in axes) {
        hull = hull.retain.along.axis(volume, hull, dim_check = axis, upwards = TRUE, thickness = thickness);
        hull = hull.retain.along.axis(volume, hull, dim_check = axis, upwards = FALSE, thickness = thickness);


#' @title Copy the first *n* foreground voxel values.
#' @description Copy the first *n* foreground voxel values along the axis and direction from the volume to the hull, thus adding foreground voxels to the hull.
#' @param volume numeric 3d array, the full source volume.
#' @param hull numeric 3d array, the input hull volume.
#' @param dim_check integer, the array dimension to use. Must be 1L, 2L or 3L.
#' @param upwards logical, whether to use upwards direction (increasing indices) in the array dimension
#' @param thickness integer, the width of the border in voxels, i.e., how many of the foreground voxels to keep
#' @return numeric 3d array, the updated hull volume.
#' @keywords internal
hull.retain.along.axis <- function(volume, hull, dim_check=2L, upwards=TRUE, thickness=1L) {
    vd = dim(volume);
    row_length = vd[dim_check];
    start_idx = ifelse(upwards, 1L, row_length);
    end_idx = ifelse(upwards, row_length, 1L);

    if(dim_check == 2L) {
        for(v_c in seq_len(vd[1])) {
            for(v_s in seq_len(vd[3])) {
                num_retained_this_row = 0L;
                for(v_r in seq.int(start_idx, end_idx)) {
                    if(num_retained_this_row >= thickness) {
                    voxel_value = volume[v_c, v_r, v_s];
                    if(!is.na(voxel_value)) {
                        hull[v_c, v_r, v_s] = voxel_value;
                        num_retained_this_row = num_retained_this_row + 1L;

    } else if(dim_check == 1L) {
        for(v_c in seq_len(vd[2])) {
            for(v_s in seq_len(vd[3])) {
                num_retained_this_row = 0L;
                for(v_r in seq.int(start_idx, end_idx)) {
                    if(num_retained_this_row >= thickness) {
                    voxel_value = volume[v_r, v_c, v_s];
                    if(!is.na(voxel_value)) {
                        hull[v_r, v_c, v_s] = voxel_value;
                        num_retained_this_row = num_retained_this_row + 1L;
    } else if(dim_check == 3L) {
        for(v_c in seq_len(vd[1])) {
            for(v_s in seq_len(vd[2])) {
                num_retained_this_row = 0L;
                for(v_r in seq.int(start_idx, end_idx)) {
                    if(num_retained_this_row >= thickness) {
                    voxel_value = volume[v_c, v_s, v_r];
                    if(!is.na(voxel_value)) {
                        hull[v_c, v_s, v_r] = voxel_value;
                        num_retained_this_row = num_retained_this_row + 1L;
    } else {
        stop("Invalid 'dim_check' parameter.");

#' @title Visualize contour of a volume.
#' @description Compute a smoothed surface from the voxel intensities in the given volume and render it. Requires the `misc3d` package to be installed, which is an optional dependency.
#' @param volume a 3D brain volume
#' @param level numeric, intensity threshold for the data. Voxels with intensity value smaller than `level` will be ignored when creating the contour surface.
#' @param show logical, whether to display the triangles. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param frame integer, the frame to show in case of a 4D input volume. Can also be the character string 'all' to draw the contents of all frames at once. Useful to plot white matter tracts from DTI data, where each tract is stored in a different frame.
#' @param color the color to use when plotting. Can be a vector of colors when plotting all frames of a 4D image (one color per frame).
#' @return the rendered triangles (a `Triangles3D` instance) with coordinates in surface RAS space if any, `NULL` otherwise. This will be a list if you pass a 4D volume and select 'all' frames.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'    fsbrain::download_optional_data();
#'    subjects_dir = fsbrain::get_optional_data_filepath("subjects_dir");
#'    brain = subject.volume(subjects_dir, 'subject1', 'brain');
#'    # Plot all voxels of the brain:
#'    volvis.contour(brain);
#' }
#' @export
volvis.contour <- function(volume, level=80, show=TRUE, frame=1L, color='white') {
    if (requireNamespace("misc3d", quietly = TRUE)) {

        if(freesurferformats::is.fs.volume(volume)) {
            volume = volume$data;

        ndim = length(dim(volume));
        if(ndim == 4L) {
            if(frame == "all") {
                num_frames = dim(volume)[4];

                if(length(color) == 1L) {
                    color = rep(color, num_frames);
                if(length(color) != num_frames) {
                    stop("Length of color parameter must be 1 or exactly the number of frames (4th dim) in the image.");

                all_tris = list();
                for(frame_index in seq.int(num_frames)) {
                    all_tris[[frame_index]] = misc3d::contour3d(volume[,,,frame_index], level=level, draw=FALSE);
                    all_tris[[frame_index]]$color = color[[frame_index]];
                names(all_tris) = NULL;

                if(show) {
            } else {
                volume = volume[,,,frame]; # select requested single frame
                surface_tris = misc3d::contour3d(volume, level=level, draw=FALSE);
        } else if(ndim == 3L) {
            surface_tris = misc3d::contour3d(volume, level=level, draw=FALSE);
        } else {
            stop("Input volume must have 3 or 4 dimensions.");

        if(length(color) != 1L) {
            stop("Color must have length 1 for a 3D volume.");
        surface_tris$color = color;
        if(show) {
    } else {
        warning("The 'misc3d' package must be installed to use this functionality.");

#' Apply matmult transformation to input.
#' @description Apply affine transformation, like a *vox2ras_tkr* transformation, to input. This is just matrix multiplication for different input objects.
#' @param object numerical vector/matrix or Triangles3D instance, the coorindates or object to transform.
#' @param matrix_fun a 4x4 affine matrix or a function returning such a matrix. If `NULL`, the input is returned as-is. In many cases you way want to use a matrix computed from the header of a volume file, e.g., the `vox2ras` matrix of the respective volume. See the `mghheader.*` functions in the *freesurferformats* package to obtain these matrices.
#' @return the input after application of the affine matrix (matrix multiplication)
#' @export
apply.transform <- function(object, matrix_fun) {
    m = object;
    if(is.null(matrix_fun)) {
    if(is.function(matrix_fun)) {
        affine_matrix = matrix_fun();
    } else if (is.matrix(matrix_fun)) {
        affine_matrix = matrix_fun;
    } else {
        stop("Parameter 'matrix_fun' must be a function or a matrix.");

    if(is.vector(m)) {
        if(length(m) == 3) {
            m = c(m, 1L);
        return((affine_matrix %*% m)[1:3]);
    else if(is.matrix(m)) {
        surface_ras = matrix(rep(0, nrow(m)*3), ncol=3);
        if(ncol(m) == 3L) {
            m_cp = cbind(m, 1); # turn coords into homogeneous repr.
        } else {
            m_cp = m;

        for(idx in seq(nrow(m))) {
            surface_ras[idx,] = (affine_matrix %*% m_cp[idx,])[1:3];
    } else if('Triangles3D' %in% class(m)) {
        m$v1 = apply.transform(m$v1, matrix_fun=matrix_fun);   # v1 is an n x 3 matrix of the x,y,z coords of vertex v1 of the face
        m$v2 = apply.transform(m$v2, matrix_fun=matrix_fun);
        m$v3 = apply.transform(m$v3, matrix_fun=matrix_fun);
    } else {
        stop("Input type of parameter 'object' not supported. Must be numerical vector/matrix or Triangles3D.");

#' @title Draw 3D boxes at locations using rgl.
#' @description Draw 3D boxes at all given coordinates using rgl, analogous to \code{\link{spheres3d}}. Constructs the coordinates for triangles making up the boxes, then uses \code{\link{triangles3d}} to render them.
#' @param centers numerical matrix with 3 columns. Each column represents the x, y, z coordinates of a center at which to create a cube.
#' @param r numerical vector or scalar, the cube edge length. This is the length of the axis-parallel edges of the cube. The vector must have length 1 (same edge length for all cubes), or the length must be identical to the number of rows in parameter `centers`.
#' @param voxelcol vector of rgb color strings for the individual voxels. Its length must be identical to \code{nrow(centers)} if given.
#' @param ... material properties, passed to \code{\link{triangles3d}}. Example: \code{color = "#0000ff", lit=FALSE}.
#' @param do_show logical, whether to visualize the result in the current rgl scene
#' @return list of `fs.coloredvoxels` instances, invisible. The function is called for the side effect of visualizing the data, and usually you can ignore the return value.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'    # Plot a 3D cloud of 500 red voxels:
#'    centers = matrix(rnorm(500*3)*100, ncol=3);
#'    rglvoxels(centers, voxelcol="red");
#' }
#' @export
rglvoxels <- function(centers, r=1.0, voxelcol=NULL, do_show = TRUE, ...) {
    coloredvoxels = list();
    if(is.null(voxelcol)) {
        coloredvox = list("voxeltris"=cubes3D.tris(centers, edge_length = r), "color"="#000000");
        class(coloredvox) = c("fs.coloredvoxels", class(coloredvox));
        rgl::triangles3d(coloredvox$voxeltris, color = coloredvox$color, ...);
        coloredvoxels = append(coloredvoxels, list(coloredvox));
    } else {
        if(is.character(voxelcol) & length(voxelcol) == 1) {
            voxelcol = rep(voxelcol, nrow(centers));
        if(length(voxelcol) != nrow(centers)) {
            stop(sprintf("Mismatch between voxel centers (%d rows) and voxel colors (length %d), sizes must match.\n", nrow(centers), length(voxelcol)));
        for(rgbcol in unique(voxelcol)) {
            voxel_indices_this_color = which(voxelcol==rgbcol);
            #message(sprintf("Rendering %d voxels with color '%s'.\n", length(voxel_indices_this_color), rgbcol));
            coloredvox = list("voxeltris"=cubes3D.tris(centers[voxel_indices_this_color,], edge_length = r), "color"=rgbcol);
            class(coloredvox) = c("fs.coloredvoxels", class(coloredvox));
            coloredvoxels = append(coloredvoxels, list(coloredvox));
            if(do_show) {
                rgl::triangles3d(coloredvox$voxeltris, color = coloredvox$color, ...);

#' @title Check whether object is an fs.coloredvoxels instance (S3)
#' @param x any `R` object
#' @return TRUE if its argument is a fs.coloredvoxels instance (that is, has "fs.coloredvoxels" among its classes) and FALSE otherwise.
#' @export
is.fs.coloredvoxels <- function(x) inherits(x, "fs.coloredvoxels")

#' @title Print description of fs.coloredvoxels (S3).
#' @param x brain voxel tris with class `fs.coloredvoxels`.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @export
print.fs.coloredvoxels <- function(x, ...) {
    cat(sprintf("Brain coloredvoxels with %d triangles.\n", nrow(x$voxeltris)/3L));     # nocov start
    if(is.null(x$color)) {
        cat(sprintf("No color information.\n"));
    } else {
        if(length(x$color == 1L)) {
            cat(sprintf("Voxel color is '%s'.\n", x$color));
        } else {
            cat(sprintf("Voxel color with %d entries.\n", length(x$color)));
    }                                                                                   # nocov end
dfsp-spirit/fsbrain documentation built on Nov. 28, 2024, 10:29 a.m.