#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# facecheck.R -- Create images of MRI volumes to see whether defacing (anonymization) worked.
# This is an example script that comes with 'fsbrain': https://github.com/dfsp-spirit/fsbrain
# Dependencies:
# Requires the 'fsbrain' package to be installed.
# NOTE: Currently, you need the latest development version of 'fsbrain' for this to work. To install it, run in your R session:
# install.packages(c("devtools", "knitr", "rmarkdown", "testthat"));
# devtools::install_github("dfsp-spirit/fsbrain", build_vignettes=TRUE);
# USAGE: ./facecheck.R <subjects_dir> <subject_id>
# Written by Tim Schaefer
quietly = TRUE;
library("fsbrain", quietly = quietly);
library("misc3d", quietly = quietly);
library("magick", quietly = quietly);
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE);
generate_facecheck_image <- function(subjects_dir, subject_id, output_img=NULL, silent=TRUE, delete_tmp_images=TRUE) {
volumes_rel = c("mri/orig.mgz", "mri/orig_nu.mgz", "mri/T1.mgz", "mri/rawavg.mgz", "mri/orig/001.mgz");
volumes = paste(file.path(subjects_dir, subject_id), .Platform$file.sep, volumes_rel, sep="");
output_single_images = c();
sub_img_idx = 1L;
for(vol_file in volumes) {
img_name = sprintf("facecheck_tmp_%d_subject_%s.png", sub_img_idx, subject_id);
if(!silent) {
cat(sprintf("Handling volume file '%s'.\n", vol_file));
if(file.exists(vol_file)) {
mgh = freesurferformats::read.fs.mgh(vol_file, with_header = TRUE);
surface_tris = fsbrain::volvis.contour(mgh, level=90, show=FALSE);
surface_tris = fsbrain::apply.transform(surface_tris, freesurferformats::mghheader.vox2ras(mgh)); # re-orient to standard rendering orientation
rglactions = list("text"=list("x"=-160, y=-130, "texts"=basename(vol_file))); # Draw volume label onto the 3D image.
fsbrain::vislayout.from.coloredmeshes(surface_tris, view_angles = "sd_caudal", output_img = img_name, silent = silent, rglactions = rglactions);
output_single_images = c(output_single_images, img_name);
sub_img_idx = sub_img_idx + 1L;
if(is.null(output_img)) {
output_img = sprintf("facecheck_subject_%s.png", subject_id);
if(length(output_single_images) >= 1) {
if(!silent) {
cat(sprintf("Combined views of %d volumes into image '%s'.\n", length(output_single_images), output_img));
fsbrain::arrange.brainview.images(output_single_images, output_img, silent=silent, grid_like = FALSE);
if(delete_tmp_images) {
del_result = file.remove(output_single_images);
} else {
warning(sprintf("No volume files found, nothing to visualize.\n"));
if (length(args) == 2) {
generate_facecheck_image(args[1], args[2]);
} else if (length(args) == 3) {
generate_facecheck_image(args[1], args[2], args[3]);
} else {
stop("USAGE: ./facecheck.R <subjects_dir> <subject_id> [<output_img>]");
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