# UAGRA R Scripts - Rcameratraps parse_catalog.R
# functions to parse camera trap data stored on a live filesystem
# Note: <notes here>
# version 0.2
# created fra 20160826
# updated prea 20190906 added warnings for missing files in SD directories
# updated prea 20190808 cleaned up code, fixwd roxygen tags
# prea 20190506 cleaned up stuff, rewrote from scratch updateCatalog()
# parallel experimental implementation of updateCatalog2
# updated prea 20180216
# updated prea 20180119
# updated prea 20161106
# updated prea 20160829
## tasks to be performed at package load must go in zzz.R
#### package reserved dot-functions ###########################################
# dot-functions aren't @export-ed
# dot-functions aren't doxygenized
#### get all file names in a repository #######################################
.getAllFiles <- function(relative=FALSE) {
fileNames <- data.frame(Raw.Names=character(), Raw.Path=character()) # use field names from .createEmptyCatalog()
theRepo <- getRepository()
siteDirs <- listSiteDir()
for(s in siteDirs) {
cameraDirs <- listCameraDir(s)
for(c in cameraDirs) {
dataDirs <- listDataDir(s, c)
for(d in dataDirs) {
# in case a SD card dir is empty... warn and skip
curNames <- list.files(path=paste(theRepo, s, c, d, sep=.Platform$file.sep), pattern=paste0(paste0(.getOption("known.extensions"),"$"), collapse="|"))
curPaths <- paste(theRepo, s, c, d, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
if(length(curNames)>0) {
curFileNames <- data.frame(Raw.Names=curNames, Raw.Path=curPaths, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
fileNames <- rbind(fileNames, curFileNames)
} else {
warning("Memory card directory empty: Site: ", s, " Camera: ", c, " directory: ", d, "\n Skipping.\n", immediate.=TRUE)
if(relative==TRUE) { # strip repository path
fileNames$Raw.Path <- gsub(paste0(theRepo, .Platform$file.sep), '', fileNames$Raw.Path)
#### create (without storing) a catalog of a repository #######################
.createCatalog <- function(verbose=FALSE) {
theRepo <- getRepository()
if(verbose) cat('Repository is ', theRepo, '\n')
siteNames <- listSiteDir()
if(verbose) cat("Sites: ", siteNames, "\n")
catalogData <- list()
for(site in siteNames) { # process a site directory
sitePath <- paste(theRepo, site, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
if(verbose) cat(" processing site ", site, "\n")
site.metadata <- .parseMetadata(path=sitePath, check=FALSE) # get site metadata, if any
cameraNames <- listCameraDir(site)
siteData <- list()
for(camera in cameraNames) { # process a camera directory
cameraPath <- paste(sitePath, camera, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
if(verbose) cat(" processing camera ", camera, "\n")
camera.metadata <- .parseMetadata(path=cameraPath, check=TRUE) # get camera metadata, they must be there
sdcardDirs <- listDataDir(site, camera)
cameraData <- list()
for(sdcard in sdcardDirs) { # process sd card dump directories
dataPath <- paste(cameraPath, sdcard, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
if(verbose) cat(" processing sdcard ", sdcard, "\n")
sdcData <- getEXIFData(dataPath, tz=camera.metadata$timezone)
if(nrow(sdcData) > 0) {
# fix file system dependant fields at sdcard level
sdcData$Raw.Path <- paste(site, camera, sdcard, sep=.Platform$file.sep) # store paths relative to getRepository()
sdcData$Raw.Names <- basename(as.character(sdcData$Raw.Names))
cameraData[[sdcard]] <- sdcData
} # sdcard (sdcardDirs) loop
# flatten sd card data
cameraData <- do.call('rbind', cameraData)
# fix camera metadata, this also happens in handle_catalog.R::updateCatalog()
cameraData$Camera.Serial.Number <- camera.metadata$serial
cameraData$Camera.Start.Date.and.Time <- camera.metadata$start
cameraData$Camera.End.Date.and.Time <- camera.metadata$end
cameraData$Camera.Manufacturer <- camera.metadata$make
cameraData$Camera.Model <- camera.metadata$model
cameraData$Latitude <- as.numeric(camera.metadata$lat)
cameraData$Longitude <- as.numeric(camera.metadata$lon)
cameraData$Sampling.Unit.Name <- camera
cameraData$Camera.Name <- camera.metadata$name
cameraData$Site.Name <- ifelse(is.null(site.metadata$name), site, site.metadata$name)
# stash
siteData[[camera]] <- cameraData
} # cameraDirs loop
# flatten camera data
siteData <- do.call('rbind', siteData)
catalogData[[site]] <- siteData
} # siteDirs loop
# flatten catalog data
catalogData <- do.call('rbind', catalogData)
row.names(catalogData) <- NULL
# shape up to a standard catalog
emptyCatalog <- .createEmptyCatalog()
# align the catalog to the basic catalog structure, doing a 'fast merge' as per http://stackoverflow.com/a/32162311/3215235
# get columns in catalogData, but not in siteData
diffCols <- setdiff(names(emptyCatalog), names(catalogData)) # order is mandatory
# add blank columns to siteData
for(i in 1:length(diffCols)) {
catalogData[diffCols[i]] <- NA
# make sure field types are all OK
# note that passing a 'tz' to as.POSIX* means that tz is a scalar (ugly but true): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32084042/converting-to-local-time-in-r-vector-of-timezones
if(length(unique(catalogData$Timezone))>1) { # we have more than a single timezone, split up, set, reassemble
tmpCatalogByTz <- split(catalogData, catalogData$Timezone)
for(tz in names(tmpCatalogByTz)) {
tmpCatalogByTz[[tz]]$Photo.Timestamp <- as.POSIXct(paste(tmpCatalogByTz[[tz]]$Photo.Date, tmpCatalogByTz[[tz]]$Photo.Time), tz=tz)
catalogData <- do.call('rbind', tmpCatalogByTz)
} else { # all data share a single timezone
tz <- catalogData[1,]$Timezone
catalogData$Photo.Timestamp <- as.POSIXct(paste(catalogData$Photo.Date, catalogData$Photo.Time), tz=tz)
#### parallel version of createCatalog ########################################
#' @note this is just experimental and should not be used
#' @note looks like parallelisation doesn't speed up things
.createCatalog2 <- function(verbose=FALSE) {
theRepo <- getRepository()
# just list directories
theDirs <- list.dirs(path=theRepo, full.names=FALSE, recursive=TRUE)
# remove @-names
theDirs <- theDirs[grep("^@", theDirs, invert=TRUE)]
# 1st element is current directory, drop it
theDirs <- theDirs[-1]
# assign depth levels
theDirs <- data.frame(path=theDirs, level=lengths(regmatches(theDirs, gregexpr(.Platform$file.sep, theDirs))))
theDirs$path <- as.character(theDirs$path)
# level 0 -> site; level 1 -> camera; level 2 -> sd card
theDirs$level <- factor(theDirs$level, levels=c(0,1,2), labels=c('site', 'camera', 'sdcard'))
# size up jobs
theCards <- theDirs[theDirs$level=='sdcard',]
# go parallel 1: get EXIF data from sdcard directories
catalogData <- parallel::mclapply(paste(theRepo, theCards$path, sep=.Platform$file.sep), function(x) getEXIFData(x, tz=Sys.timezone(), offset=0)) # timezone data will be fixed after
catalogData <- do.call('rbind', catalogData)
# shape up to a standard catalog
emptyCatalog <- .createEmptyCatalog()
# align the catalog to the basic catalog structure, doing a 'fast merge' as per http://stackoverflow.com/a/32162311/3215235
# get columns in catalogData, but not in siteData
diffCols <- setdiff(names(emptyCatalog), names(catalogData)) # order is mandatory
# add blank columns to siteData
for(i in 1:length(diffCols)) {
catalogData[diffCols[i]] <- NA
# fix some fields content, LATER: add camera metadata
catalogData$Raw.Path <- gsub(theRepo, "", dirname(catalogData$Raw.Names)) # store paths relative to getRepository()
catalogData$Raw.Names <- basename(as.character(catalogData$Raw.Names))
# pull out camera directory name
camNames <- do.call('rbind',strsplit(catalogData[,'Raw.Path'], .Platform$file.sep))
catalogData$Sampling.Unit.Name <- camNames[,ncol(camNames)-1]
# get and attach camera metadata
theCameras <- theDirs[theDirs$level=='camera',]
# go parallel 2: get metadata from camera directories
cameraData <- parallel::mclapply(paste(theRepo, theCameras$path, sep=.Platform$file.sep), function(x) .parseMetadata(x))
names(cameraData) <- basename(theCameras$path)
catalogData <- split(catalogData, catalogData$Sampling.Unit.Name)
for(cam in names(cameraData)) { # attach camera metadata
if(nrow(catalogData[[cam]]) > 0) {
catalogData[[cam]]$Camera.Serial.Number <- cameraData[[cam]]$serial
catalogData[[cam]]$Camera.Start.Date.and.Time <- cameraData[[cam]]$start
catalogData[[cam]]$Camera.End.Date.and.Time <- cameraData[[cam]]$end
catalogData[[cam]]$Camera.Manufacturer <- cameraData[[cam]]$make
catalogData[[cam]]$Camera.Model <- cameraData[[cam]]$model
catalogData[[cam]]$Latitude <- as.numeric(cameraData[[cam]]$lat)
catalogData[[cam]]$Longitude <- as.numeric(cameraData[[cam]]$lon)
catalogData[[cam]]$Sampling.Unit.Name <- cam
catalogData[[cam]]$Camera.Name <-cameraData[[cam]]$name
#'@note correct here for timezone?
catalogData <- do.call('rbind', catalogData)
#'@note get and attach site metadata
theSites <- theDirs[theDirs$level=='site',]
# go parallel 3: get metadata from site directories (if any)
siteData <- parallel::mclapply(paste(theRepo, theSites$path, sep=.Platform$file.sep), function(x) .parseMetadata(x, check=FALSE))
names(siteData) <- basename(theSites$path)
#'@note todo: site data are read but not used, actually we use 'name'...
catalogData <- split(catalogData, substr(catalogData$Sampling.Unit.Name, 1, 8))
for(site in names(siteData)) { # attach, if any, site metadata
catalogData[[site]]$Site.Name <- siteData[[site]]$name
catalogData <- do.call('rbind', catalogData)
# make sure field types are all OK
# note that passing a 'tz' to as.POSIX* means that tz is a scalar (ugly but true): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32084042/converting-to-local-time-in-r-vector-of-timezones
if(length(unique(catalogData$Timezone))>1) { # we have more than a single timezone, split up, set, reassemble
tmpCatalogByTz <- split(catalogData, catalogData$Timezone)
for(tz in names(tmpCatalogByTz)) {
tmpCatalogByTz[[tz]]$Photo.Timestamp <- as.POSIXct(paste(tmpCatalogByTz[[tz]]$Photo.Date, tmpCatalogByTz[[tz]]$Photo.Time), tz=tz)
catalogData <- do.call('rbind', tmpCatalogByTz)
} else { # all data share a single timezone
tz <- catalogData[1,]$Timezone
catalogData$Photo.Timestamp <- as.POSIXct(paste(catalogData$Photo.Date, catalogData$Photo.Time), tz=tz)
#### public functions #########################################################
#### list all "site directories" in a repository ##############################
#' @export
#' @title list repository structures
#' @description list site directories in a repository
#' @family repository functions
listSiteDir <- function() {
siteList <- .getDirectoryContent()
#### list all "camera directories" in a site directory ########################
#' @export
#' @title list repository structures
#' @description list camera directories in a repository
#' @family repository functions
listCameraDir <- function(siteDirName) {
rep <- getRepository()
path <- paste(rep, siteDirName, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
camList <- .getDirectoryContent(path)
#### list all "data directories" in a camera directory ########################
#' @export
#' @title list repository structures
#' @description list sd card data directories in a repository
#' @family repository functions
listDataDir <- function(siteDirName, cameraDirName) {
rep <- getRepository()
path <- paste(rep, siteDirName, cameraDirName, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
dataList <- .getDirectoryContent(path)
# if need be, we can filter out here the directory names patterned as YYYY=MM-DD
# cardDir <- cardDir[grepl("[[:digit:]]{4}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2}", cardDir$name),]
#### End Of File ####
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