# UAGRA R Scripts - Rcameratraps base_functions.R
# convenience functions for Rcameratraps package
# Note: <notes here>
# version 0.3
# created fra 20160826
# updated prea 20190808 cleaned up code, fixed roxygen tags
# prea 20190509 added roxygen tags
# prea 20190502 moved startup functions to zzz.R
# getwd() and setwd() aren't used anymore
# timezone identification now uses lutz::tz_lookup_coords()
# prea 20180119
# prea 20161106
# prea 20160829
## tasks to be performed at package load must go in zzz.R
#### package reserved dot-functions ###########################################
# dot-functions aren't @export-ed
# dot-functions aren't doxygenized
#### list all directories in a directory ######################################
.getDirectoryContent <- function(path=getRepository()) {
dirs <- list.dirs(path, full.names=FALSE, recursive=FALSE)
# exclude directories whose name begins with "@"
dirs <- dirs[grep("^@", dirs, invert=TRUE)]
#### create an empty dataframe for catalog data, assigns as global (column names as per Rovero and Zimmermann 2016)
.createEmptyCatalog <- function() {
catalogData <- data.frame(Organization.Name=character(),
#### parse a metadata file, yielding a named array #############################
#' @export
.parseMetadata <- function(path=getwd(), metadataFile=.pkgOptions$metadataFileName, check=TRUE) {
metadataFilePath <- paste(path, metadataFile, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
if(file.exists(metadataFilePath)==TRUE) { # process file
# open silently, as connection
conn <- file(metadataFilePath, open='r')
lines <- readLines(conn, warn=FALSE) # final lines with no CRLF could raise warnings
# clean up comments: a comment is anything between a pond # and a <cr>
lines <- gsub('#.*', '', lines)
lines <- lines[lines!=""]
# replace the first colon with a marker
lines <- sub(':', "^", lines)
lines <- strsplit(lines, "^", fixed=TRUE)
# parse and collapse
lines <- do.call('rbind', lapply(lines, function(x) data.frame(key=x[1], value=x[2])))
lines$key <- trimws(lines$key)
lines$value <- trimws(lines$value)
metadata <- as.list(as.character(lines$value))
names(metadata) <- tolower(lines$key) # dirty fix, in case someone mistyped keys...
# finish up parsing any element that needs a specific type
# as of August 2017 the "legal" tags are:
# *make: | Maker of the camera trap | Please use consistent naming and spelling
# *model: | Model of the camera trap | Please use consistent naming and spelling
# *serial: | Serial number of the camera trap | Please transcribe the exact serial number
# *lat: | Camera position, latitude | Use raw latitude in decimal degrees, WGS84 (i.e. EPSG:4326)
if(exists('lat', where=metadata)) { metadata$lat <- as.numeric(metadata$lat) }
# *lon: | Camera position, longitude | Use raw longitude in decimal degrees, WGS84 (i.e. EPSG:4326)
if(exists('lon', where=metadata)) { metadata$lon <- as.numeric(metadata$lon) }
# timezone:| Time zone of camera position | Use time Olson/IANA zone names as from R OlsonNames() function
if(exists('timezone', where=metadata)) { # check for a valid timezone
if(!any(OlsonNames()==metadata$timezone)) { # exists, but no match with Olson names
metadata[['timezone']] <- as.character(lutz::tz_lookup_coords(metadata$lat, metadata$lon, method="accurate", warn=FALSE))
#metadata[['timezone']] <- as.character(GNtimezone(metadata$lat, metadata$lon)$timezoneId)
warning("Time zone ", metadata$timezone , " is not a valid time zone identifier in ", metadataFilePath, ".\n Attempting to derive time zone from latitude and longitude: ", metadata[['timezone']], ".\n See ?OlsonNames() for valid time zone codes.")
} else { # timezone not present in metadata file, use lat/lon, if they exist, if not, no timezone info
if(exists('lat', where=metadata) & exists('lon', where=metadata)) {
metadata[['timezone']] <- as.character(lutz::tz_lookup_coords(metadata$lat, metadata$lon, method="accurate", warn=FALSE))
#metadata[['timezone']] <- as.character(GNtimezone(metadata$lat, metadata$lon)$timezoneId)
warning("Time zone information not found in ", metadataFilePath, ".\n Attempting to derive time zone from latitude and longitude: ", metadata[['timezone']], ".\n")
# *start: | Camera start timestamp | Use date and time expressed in ISO 8601 format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK
if(exists('start', where=metadata)) {
tzInfo <- ifelse(exists('timezone', where=metadata), metadata$timezone, Sys.timezone()) # use timezone, if doesn't exist default to local timezone
metadata$start <- as.POSIXct(metadata$start, tz=tzInfo, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", usetz=TRUE)
# *end: | Camera end timestamp | Use date and time expressed in ISO 8601 format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK
if(exists('end', where=metadata)) {
tzInfo <- ifelse(exists('timezone', where=metadata), metadata$timezone, Sys.timezone()) # use timezone, if doesn't exist default to local timezone
metadata$end <- as.POSIXct(metadata$end, tz=tzInfo, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", usetz=TRUE)
# height: | Camera ground height | Height from ground at which the camera treap has been placed
if(exists('height', where=metadata)) { metadata$height <- as.numeric(metadata$height) }
# aspect: | Camera lens aspect | Aspect (in degrees, 0 to 360) at which the camera lens was facing
if(exists('aspect', where=metadata)) { metadata$aspect <- as.numeric(metadata$aspect) }
# placed: | Who placed the camera | First name, last name
# removed: | Who removed the camera | First name, last name
# return data
} else { # metadata file not found
if(check==TRUE) { # complain if etadata file does not exist, this is standard behaviour
stop("File ", .pkgOptions$metadataFileName, " not found in ", path, ". Aborting.\n")
} else { # skip checks, be silent
#### public functions #########################################################
#### return path to image/video filesystem repository #########################
#' @export
#' @title Get the repository path
#' @description Return the current \code{cameratraps} repository root path
#' @return A character string or \code{NULL} and an error message, if a repository path has not been set.
#' @seealso \link{setRepository}
getRepository <- function() {
rep <- get("repositoryPath", envir=.pkgOptions)
if(is.null(rep)) {
stop("Repository not defined. Please use setRepository()\n")
} else {
#### set path to image/video filesystem repository ############################
#' @export
#' @title Set the repository path
#' @description Set the root directory for the current \code{cameratraps} repository
#' @param path character, a valid path.
#' @param attach boolean: check whether a catalog file has already been made and use it.
#' @param create boolean: create that directory if it does not exist.
#' @return the catalog path as a charaxctes string, or \code{NULL} in case of an error.
setRepository <- function(path=getwd(), attach=TRUE, create=FALSE) {
path <- normalizePath(path, mustWork=FALSE)
pathExists <- dir.exists(path)
if(pathExists==FALSE) {
if(create) {
pathExists <- dir.exists(path) # should be TRUE now
} else {
stop("Repository ", path, " does not exist.")
# assume path exists
if(pathExists) {
message("Repository set to: ", path)
.setOption('repositoryPath', normalizePath(path))
.setOption('catalog', NULL)
# check for an existing catalog
if(attach==TRUE) {
if(any(.catalogFileExists())==TRUE) {
} else { # no catalog
warning(" a catalog file is not present for the repository ", getRepository(), ".\n see ?createCatalog().")
#### pull out EXIF data for all AVI and JPEG files inside a directory #########
#' @export
#' @title extract EXIF data
#' @description get EXIF data from image and video files in a given directory
#' @param EXIFDir character, a \code{cameratraps} "sd card directory", i.e. a directory where camera trap files are stored.
#' @param tz character, see \link{OlsonNames}: a valit time zone designator, will be used ot fix EXIF timestamps accordin ti the time zone where the camera trap operated.
#' @param offset numeric, a time offset in hours (decimal hours) that will be algebtically added to EXIF timestamps. Use with care.
#' @param verbose logical,
#' @return a dataframe containing file names (\code{Raw.Names}), a timestamp (\code{Photo.Time}), the type of file (\code{Photo.Type}, and the "camera directory" where each file is stored (\code{Sampling.Event}).
getEXIFData <- function(EXIFDir=getwd(), tz=Sys.timezone(), offset=0, verbose=FALSE) {
# For maintenance purpose: all known file extensions are now declarde as package global .pkgOptions$known.extensions, see zzz.R.
# Some notes on time and time zone information:
# as it seems, exiftool extracts timestamps assuming they are in the timezone of the machine where exiftool itself is running.
# This can be undesirable, as sometimes we need the timestamps in the timezone the camera trap operated in, which may be different from the timezone we're working.
# If a time zone name (i.e. a valid Olson time zone designator) or a time zone offset has been supplied, time zone information will be corrected accordingly.
# check for time zone
if(tz %in% OlsonNames() == FALSE) stop("Time zone name \"", tz, "\" is not compliant to Olson/IANA format.\n Please see ?OlsonNames.")
tmpCsvFile <- tempfile(pattern=paste("EXIF", gsub(.Platform$file.sep, '-', EXIFDir), sep=''), fileext=".csv")
# fix csv file names containing spaces
tmpCsvFile <- gsub(' ', '_', tmpCsvFile)
# ask exiftool to pull out just the tags we need, some files can hide _binary_ tags that are difflcult to process...
res <- system2(.pkgOptions$EXIFTOOL, args=paste('-FileModifyDate -Filetype -CHARSET UTF8 ', paste('-ext', .pkgOptions$known.extensions, collapse=' '), ' -csv "', normalizePath(EXIFDir), '" > ', tmpCsvFile, sep=''), stderr=FALSE)
if(res==0){ # EXIFTOOL exited nicely, we have a csv to parse
EXIFData <- utils::read.csv(tmpCsvFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
names(EXIFData) <- c('Raw.Names','Photo.Time','Photo.Type')
# process Photo.Time to be compliant with Rovero and Zimmermann
# the standard EXIF timestamp format is "YYYY:mm:dd HH:MM:SS", plus, if any, timezone info as "+HH:MM" or "-HH:MM" or "Z"
EXIFData$Photo.Time <- as.character(EXIFData$Photo.Time)
# separate timestamp from EXIF time zone
EXIFData$XXtime <- substr(EXIFData$Photo.Time, 1, 19)
# convert into POSIX datetime, use timezone info if available, if not, use Sys.timezone
EXIFData$XXtime <- as.POSIXct(EXIFData$XXtime, format="%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S") # in Sys.timezone (which could be wrong)
# add an offset (in seconds) if needed
EXIFData$XXtime <- EXIFData$XXtime + offset # e.g. 19800 if is 5.30h
# correct for timezone
if(tz!=Sys.timezone()) { # a timezone has been specified, correct timestamps to that timezone
EXIFData$XXtime <- format(EXIFData$XXtime, tz=tz, usetz=TRUE)
} else { # keep Sys.timezone @TODO perhaps this else clause is unnecessary...
EXIFData$XXtime <- format(EXIFData$XXtime)
# format as per Rovero and Zimmermann
EXIFData$Photo.Date <- substr(EXIFData$Photo.Time, 1, 10)
EXIFData$Photo.Date <- gsub(':', '-', EXIFData$Photo.Date)
EXIFData$Photo.Time <- substr(EXIFData$Photo.Time, 12, 19)
EXIFData$XXtime <- NULL
EXIFData$Timezone <- tz
EXIFData$Sampling.Event <- basename(EXIFDir) # use basename assuming EXIFDir is a full path
#EXIFData$Photo.Type <- as.character(EXIFData$Photo.Type)
} else { # EXIFTOOL call returned an error, create an empty dataframe
EXIFData <- data.frame(Raw.Names=character(), Photo.Time=character(),Photo.Type=character(), Sampling.Event=character())
if(verbose==TRUE) {
warning("call to EXIFTOOL returned errors in ", EXIFDir, '\n ', res, '\n' )
#### End of File ####
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