#' @title Get a seed depending on an object
#' @description This function creates a seed based on the hash of an object.
#' @param object (`character(1L)`) Character containing the name of the object
#' to which the seed is bounded.
#' @param rm_attributes (`logical(1L)`) Flag whether attributes should be deleted or not.
#' @return Integer containing a seed.
#' @author Daniel S.
#' @export
seedBoundedToObject = function(object, rm_attributes = TRUE) {
checkmate::assertCharacter(object, len = 1L)
checkmate::assertLogical(rm_attributes, len = 1L)
so = eval(parse(text = object))
if (! (is.numeric(so) || is.data.frame(so)))
stop("Object must be a \"numeric vector\" or \"data.frame\" and not ", dQuote(class(so)))
if (rm_attributes)
attributes(so) = NULL
a = digest::sha1(mean(unlist(so), na.rm = TRUE))
seed_add = as.integer(gsub("[^\\d]+", "", substr(a, 1, 9), perl = TRUE))
if (is.na(seed_add)) seed_add = 0
#' @title Truth and Prediction Checker
#' @description This function checks if the vector of true values and predictions
#' has the correct format to be used for the ROC-GLM. If something does not suit,
#' then the function tries to convert it into the correct format.
#' @param truth_name (`character(1L)`) Character containing the name of the vector of 0-1-values
#' encoded as integer or numeric.
#' @param prob_name (`character(1L)`) Character containing the name of the vector of probabilities.
#' @param pos (`character(1L)`) Character containing the name of the positive class.
#' @return Data frame containing the truth and prediction vector.
#' @author Daniel S.
checkTruthProb = function(truth_name, prob_name, pos = NULL) {
truth = eval(parse(text = truth_name))
prob = eval(parse(text = prob_name))
if (length(unique(truth)) > 2)
stop("\"", truth_name, "\" contains ", length(unique(truth)), " > 2 elements! Two are required!")
ntruth = length(truth)
checkmate::assertNumeric(prob, any.missing = FALSE, len = ntruth, null.ok = FALSE, finite = TRUE)
if (is.null(pos)) {
if (is.character(truth) | is.factor(truth)) {
warning("\"", truth_name, "\" is not enocded as 0-1 integer, conversion is done automatically.",
"This may lead to a label flip! Set argument \"pos\" to ensure correct encoding.")
if (is.character(truth))
truth = as.integer(as.factor(truth))
if (is.factor(truth))
truth = as.integer(truth)
if (max(truth) == 2)
truth = truth - 1
} else {
if (is.character(truth) | is.factor(truth))
truth = ifelse(truth == pos, 1, 0)
if (is.numeric(truth)) {
warning(quote("pos"), " is set but \"", truth_name, "\" is numeric. Are you sure",
" you know what the response really is?")
return(invisible(data.frame(truth = truth, prob = prob)))
#' @title Return variance of positive scores
#' @description This function just returns the variance of positive scores.
#' @param truth_name (`character(1L)`) Character containing the name of the vector of 0-1-values
#' encoded as integer or numeric.
#' @param prob_name (`character(1L)`) Character containing the name of the vector of probabilities.
#' @param m (`numeric(1L)`) Sample mean used for variance calculation. If `NULL` (default), the
#' sample mean of the positive scores is used.
#' @param return_sum (`logical(1L)`) Logical value indicating whether the function should
#' just return the sum of positive scores.
#' @return Variance of differences of positive scores
#' @author Daniel S.
#' @export
getPositiveScoresVar = function(truth_name, prob_name, m = NULL, return_sum = FALSE) {
df_pred = checkTruthProb(truth_name, prob_name)
checkmate::assertNumeric(m, len = 1L, null.ok = TRUE)
truth = df_pred$truth
prob = df_pred$prob
## Calculate brier score just if there are at least five or more values to ensure privacy:
nfilter_privacy = .getPrivacyLevel()
if (length(truth) < nfilter_privacy)
stop("More than ", nfilter_privacy, " observations are required to ensure privacy")
pv = prob[truth == 1]
if (return_sum) return(sum(pv))
if (is.null(m))
return(stats::var(pv) * (length(pv) - 1))
return(sum((pv - m)^2))
#' @title Return positive scores
#' @description This function just returns positive scores and is used
#' as aggregator to send these positive scores.
#' @param truth_name (`character(1L)`) Character containing the name of the vector of 0-1-values
#' encoded as integer or numeric.
#' @param prob_name (`character(1L)`) Character containing the name of the vector of probabilities.
#' @param epsilon (`numeric(1L)`) Privacy parameter for differential privacy (DP).
#' @param delta (`numeric(1L)`) Probability of violating epsilon DP.
#' @param seed_object (`character(1L)`) Name of an object which is used
#' to add a seed based on an object.
#' @param seed_object (`character(1L)`) Name of an object which is used
#' to add a seed based on an object.
#' @param sort (`logical(1L)`) Indicator whether the return values should be
#' sorted or not.
#' @return Positive scores
#' @author Daniel S., Raphael R.
#' @export
getPositiveScores = function(truth_name, prob_name, epsilon = 0.2, delta = 1e-5,
seed_object = NULL, sort = FALSE) {
df_pred = checkTruthProb(truth_name, prob_name)
checkmate::assertNumeric(epsilon, len = 1L, lower = 0)
checkmate::assertNumeric(delta, len = 1L, lower = 0, upper = 1)
checkmate::assertCharacter(seed_object, null.ok = TRUE, len = 1L)
checkmate::assertLogical(sort, len = 1L)
if (epsilon == 0) stop("Epsilon must be > 0")
if (delta == 0) stop("Delta must be > 0")
if (! "l2s" %in% c(ls(envir = .GlobalEnv), ls()))
stop("Cannot find l2 sensitivity. Please push an l2 sensitivity with name 'l2s' to the servers.")
l2s = eval(parse(text = "l2s"))
checkmate::assertNumeric(l2s, len = 1L, lower = 0)
if (l2s == 0) stop("L2 sensitivity must be > 0")
truth = df_pred$truth
prob = df_pred$prob
if (sort) {
pv = sort(prob[truth == 1])
} else {
pv = prob[truth == 1]
sde = GMVar(l2s, epsilon, delta)
if (sde <= 0) stop("Standard deviation must be positive to ensure privacy!")
if (! is.null(seed_object)) {
seed = seedBoundedToObject(seed_object)
out = stats::rnorm(n = length(pv), mean = pv, sd = sde)
#' @title Return variance of negative scores
#' @description This function just returns the variance of negative scores.
#' @param truth_name (`character(1L)`) Character containing the name of the vector of 0-1-values
#' encoded as integer or numeric.
#' @param prob_name (`character(1L)`) Character containing the name of the vector of probabilities.
#' @param m (`numeric(1L)`) Sample mean used for variance calculation. If `NULL` (default), the
#' sample mean of the negative scores is used.
#' @param return_sum (`logical(1L)`) Logical value indicating whether the function should
#' just return the sum of negative scores.
#' @return Variance of differences of Negative scores
#' @author Daniel S.
#' @export
getNegativeScoresVar = function(truth_name, prob_name, m = NULL, return_sum = FALSE) {
df_pred = checkTruthProb(truth_name, prob_name)
truth = df_pred$truth
prob = df_pred$prob
## Calculate brier score just if there are at least five or more values to ensure privacy:
nfilter_privacy = .getPrivacyLevel()
if (length(truth) < nfilter_privacy)
stop("More than ", nfilter_privacy, " observations are required to ensure privacy!")
nv = prob[truth == 0]
if (return_sum) return(sum(nv))
if (is.null(m))
return(stats::var(nv) * (length(nv) - 1))
return(sum((nv - m)^2))
#' @title Return negative scores
#' @description This function just returns negative scores and is used
#' as aggregator to send these positive scores.
#' @param truth_name (`character(1L)`) Character containing the name of the vector of 0-1-values
#' encoded as integer or numeric.
#' @param prob_name (`character(1L)`) Character containing the name of the vector of probabilities.
#' @param epsilon (`numeric(1L)`) Privacy parameter for differential privacy (DP).
#' @param delta (`numeric(1L)`) Probability of violating epsilon DP.
#' @param seed_object (`character(1L)`) Name of an object which is used
#' to add a seed based on an object.
#' @param sort (`logical(1L)`) Indicator whether the return values should be
#' sorted or not.
#' @return Negative scores
#' @author Daniel S., Raphael R.
#' @export
getNegativeScores = function(truth_name, prob_name, epsilon = 0.2, delta = 1e-5,
seed_object = NULL, sort = FALSE) {
df_pred = checkTruthProb(truth_name, prob_name)
checkmate::assertNumeric(epsilon, len = 1L, lower = 0)
checkmate::assertNumeric(delta, len = 1L, lower = 0, upper = 1)
checkmate::assertCharacter(seed_object, null.ok = TRUE, len = 1L)
checkmate::assertLogical(sort, len = 1L)
if (epsilon == 0) stop("Epsilon must be > 0")
if (delta == 0) stop("Delta must be > 0")
if (! "l2s" %in% c(ls(envir = .GlobalEnv), ls()))
stop("Cannot find l2 sensitivity. Please push an l2 sensitivity with name 'l2s' to the servers.")
l2s = eval(parse(text = "l2s"))
checkmate::assertNumeric(l2s, len = 1L, lower = 0)
if (l2s == 0) stop("L2 sensitivity must be > 0")
truth = df_pred$truth
prob = df_pred$prob
if (sort) {
nv = sort(prob[truth == 0])
} else {
nv = prob[truth == 0]
sde = GMVar(l2s, epsilon, delta)
if (sde <= 0) stop("Standard deviation must be positive to ensure privacy!")
if (! is.null(seed_object)) {
seed = seedBoundedToObject(seed_object)
out = stats::rnorm(n = length(nv), mean = nv, sd = sde)
#' @title Calculate standard deviation for Gaussian Mechanism
#' @param l2s (`numeric(1L)`) l2-sensitivity.
#' @param epsilon (`numeric(1L)`) First privacy parameter for (e,d)-differential privacy.
#' @param delta (`numeric(1L)`) second privacy parameter for (e,d)-differential privacy.
#' @param useAnalyticGM (`logical(1L)`) inicating whether noise for analytic Gaussian mechanism should be calculated. See details.
#' @return Numerical value for the standard deviation for the normal distribution.
#' @details If useAnalyticGM is TRUE, the standard deviation is calculated using the analytic Gaussian mechanism.
#' The algorithm behind is a binary search which may cost a bit time, but the added noise is less.
#' It also accepts epsilon > 1.
#' If useAnalyticGM is FALSE, the standard deviation is calculated using the standard formula (faster, but a higher sigma).
#' @author Daniel S., Raphael R.
GMVar = function(l2s, epsilon, delta, useAnalyticGM=TRUE, ...) {
checkmate::assertNumeric(l2s, len = 1L)
checkmate::assertNumeric(delta, len = 1L, lower=0, upper = 1)
if (!useAnalyticGM){
checkmate::assertNumeric(epsilon, len = 1L, lower = 0, upper = 1)
return(sqrt(2 * log(1.25 / delta)) * l2s / epsilon)
} else {
checkmate::assertNumeric(epsilon, len = 1L, lower = 0)
return(analyticGaussianMechanism(epsilon, delta,l2s, ...))
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