Man pages for dinmatias/reconproGS

alleleFrequencyDetermines the frequency of each allele in each population
arp2vcfConverts fastsimcoal2 simulated DNA data to a vcf format
contigHapAssembles the contig haplotype from a phased vcf
findfixedSNPCalculates allele frequency in each population.
getAlleleCountDetermines the number of copies of each allele of a locus in...
getAllelePopDetermines the number of copies of each allele of a locus in...
mergeReadsReads raw fastq files and concatenates the forward and...
recodeGTRecode the genotype with the allele
vcf2genindFast conversion of vcf to genind
vcfLoadLoads a vcf and parse by SNP information per sample
dinmatias/reconproGS documentation built on May 19, 2019, 1:43 a.m.