
Defines functions rawMetropolis metropolis

Documented in metropolis rawMetropolis

#' The Metropolis Algorithm
#' Given a starting table (as a vector) and a collection of moves, run the
#' Metropolis-Hastings algorithm starting with the starting table.
#' See Algorithm 1.1.13 in LAS, the reference below.
#' @param init the initial step
#' @param moves the moves to be used (the negatives will be added); they are
#'   arranged as the columns of a matrix.
#' @param iter number of chain iterations
#' @param burn burn-in
#' @param thin thinning
#' @param dist steady-state distribution; "hypergeometric" (default) or
#'   "uniform"
#' @param engine \code{"C++"} or \code{"R"}? (C++ is significantly faster)
#' @name metropolis
#' @return a list containing named elements
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item \code{steps}: an integer matrix whose columns represent individual
#'   samples from the mcmc.
#'   \item \code{moves}: the moves supplied.
#'   \item \code{accept_prob}: the empirical transition probability of the
#'   moves, including the thinned moves.
#'   \item \code{accept_count}: the numerator of \code{accept_prob}.
#'   \item \code{total_count}: the numerator of \code{total_prob}.
#'   }
#' @export metropolis
#' @author David Kahle
#' @references Drton, M., B. Sturmfels, and S. Sullivant (2009). \emph{Lectures
#'   on Algebraic Statistics}, Basel: Birkhauser Verlag AG.
#' @examples
#' ## basic use
#' ############################################################
#' # move up and down integer points on the line y = 100 - x
#' # sampling from the hypergeometric distribution
#' # note: negative moves are added internally
#' init <- c(10L, 90L)
#' moves <- matrix(c(1,-1), ncol = 1)
#' # it helps running each of these lines several times to get a feel for things
#' metropolis(init, moves, iter = 10, burn = 0, thin = 1)
#' metropolis(init, moves, iter = 10, burn = 0, thin = 1, dist = "uniform")
#' metropolis(init, moves, iter = 10, burn = 0, thin = 1, engine = "R")
#' metropolis(init, moves, iter = 10, burn = 0, thin = 1, engine = "R", dist = "uniform")
#' # a bigger simulation
#' iter <- 1e4
#' out <- metropolis(init, moves, iter = iter, burn = 0)
#' hist(out$steps[1,], breaks = 100, col = "gray20")
#' # view convergence through trace plot
#' plot(1:iter, out$steps[1,1:iter])
#' # look at autocorrelation
#' acf(out$steps[1,])
#' ## thinning to reduce autocorrelation with the thin argument
#' ############################################################
#' out <- metropolis(init, moves, iter = iter, thin = 200)
#' acf(out$steps[1,])
#' hist(out$steps[1,], breaks = 100, col = "gray20")
#' ## burn in with the burn argument
#' ############################################################
#' set.seed(1L)
#' metropolis(init, moves, iter = 10, burn = 0, thin = 1, engine = "R")$steps
#' set.seed(1L)
#' metropolis(init, moves, iter = 10, burn = 0, thin = 1, engine = "R")$steps
#' set.seed(1L)
#' metropolis(init, moves, iter =  5, burn = 5, thin = 1, engine = "R")$steps
#' # to do, align these:
#' set.seed(1L)
#' metropolis(init, moves, iter = 10, burn = 0, thin = 1)$steps
#' set.seed(1L)
#' metropolis(init, moves, iter = 10, burn = 0, thin = 1)$steps
#' set.seed(1L)
#' metropolis(init, moves, iter =  5, burn = 5, thin = 1)$steps
metropolis <- function(
  iter = 1e3L, 
  burn = 0L, 
  thin = 1L,
  dist = c("hypergeometric","uniform"), 
  engine = c("C++","R")

  ## preliminary checking
  dist <- match.arg(dist)
  if (is.character(engine) && length(engine) == 1L && engine == "Cpp") engine <- "C++"
  engine <- match.arg(engine)
  if (thin == 0L) {
    message("thin = 1 corresponds to no thinning, resetting thin = 1.")
    thin <- 1L

  ## in R
  if(engine == "R"){

    n_moves <- ncol(moves)
    state   <- matrix(nrow = nrow(moves), ncol = iter)
    ## burn in
    current <- unname(init)
    burn_unifs <- runif(burn)
    main_unifs <- runif(iter*thin)  
    message("Running chain (R)... ", appendLF = FALSE)
    if (burn > 0) {
      for(k in 1L:burn){
        move      <- sample(c(-1,1), 1) * moves[,sample(n_moves,1)]
        prop_state <- current + move
        if(any(prop_state < 0)){
          prob <- 0
        } else {
          if(dist == "hypergeometric"){
            prob <- exp( sum(lfactorial(current)) - sum(lfactorial(prop_state)) )
          } else { # dist == "uniform"
            prob <- 1
        if(burn_unifs[k] < prob) current <- prop_state # else current
      state[,1L] <- current
    } else { # no burn-in
      state[,1L] <- current
    ## main sampler
    total_count <- 0L
    accept_count <- 0L
    prob_total <- 0
    for(k in 2:iter){
    	for(j in 1:thin){
        move       <- sample(c(-1L,1L), 1L) * moves[,sample(n_moves,1L)]
        prop_state <- current + move
        if(any(prop_state < 0)){
          prob <- 0
        } else {
          if(dist == "hypergeometric"){
            prob <- exp( sum(lfactorial(current)) - sum(lfactorial(prop_state)) )
          } else { # dist == "uniform"
            prob <- 1
        # prob_total <- prob_total + min(1, prob)
        if(main_unifs[k*(thin-1)+j] < prob) {
          current <- prop_state # else current
          accept_count <- accept_count + 1L
        total_count <- total_count + 1L     
      state[,k] <- current    
    ## format output
    out <- list(
      "steps" = state, 
      "moves" = moves, 
      "accept_prob" = accept_count / total_count,
      "accept_count" = accept_count,
      "total_count" = total_count

  ## in Cpp
  if (engine == "C++") {
    sampler   <- if (dist == "hypergeometric") {
    } else {
    message("Running chain (C++)... ", appendLF = FALSE)  
    out       <- sampler(unname(init), cbind(moves, -moves), iter, burn, thin)
    out$moves <- moves


  ## return output

  out[c("steps", "moves", "accept_prob", "accept_count", "total_count")]

#' @rdname metropolis
#' @export
rawMetropolis <- function(init, moves, iter = 1E3, dist = "hypergeometric"){
  metropolis(init, moves, iter, burn = 0, thin = 1, dist = dist) 
dkahle/algstat documentation built on May 23, 2023, 12:29 a.m.