
Defines functions get_openstreetmap

Documented in get_openstreetmap

#' Get an OpenStreetMap
#' [get_openstreetmap()] accesses a tile server for OpenStreetMap and
#' downloads/formats a map image. This is simply a wrapper for the web-based
#' version at \url{https://www.openstreetmap.org/}.  If you don't know how to get
#' the map you want, go there, navigate to the map extent that you want, click
#' the export tab at the top of the page, and copy the information into this
#' function.
#' In some cases the OSM server is unavailable,  in these cases you will receive
#' an error message from [utils::download.file()] with the message HTTP status
#' '503 Service Unavailable'.  You can confirm this by setting `urlonly = TRUE`,
#' and then entering the URL in a web browser.  the solution is either (1)
#' change sources or (2) wait for the OSM servers to come back up.
#' See \url{https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright/} for license and copyright
#' information.
#' @param bbox a bounding box in the format c(lowerleftlon, lowerleftlat,
#'   upperrightlon, upperrightlat)
#' @param scale scale parameter, see
#'   \url{https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/MinScaleDenominator}.  smaller
#'   scales provide a finer degree of detail, where larger scales produce more
#'   coarse detail. The scale argument is a tricky number to correctly specify.
#'   In most cases, if you get an error when downloading an openstreetmap the
#'   error is attributable to an improper scale specification.
#'   [OSM_scale_lookup()] can help; but the best way to get in the correct range
#'   is to go to \url{https://www.openstreetmap.org/}, navigate to the map of
#'   interest, click export at the top of the page, click 'map image' and then
#'   copy down the scale listed.
#' @param format character string providing image format - png, jpeg, svg, pdf,
#'   and ps formats
#' @param messaging turn messaging on/off
#' @param urlonly return url only
#' @param filename destination file for download (file extension added according
#'   to format). Default `NULL` means a random [tempfile()].
#' @param color color or black-and-white
#' @param ... ...
#' @return a ggmap object (a classed raster object with a bounding box
#'   attribute)
#' @author David Kahle \email{david@@kahle.io}
#' @seealso \url{https://www.openstreetmap.org/}, [ggmap()]
#' @export

# # get_openstreetmap(urlonly = TRUE)
# # osm servers get overloaded, which can result in
# # erroneous failed checks
# # osm <- get_openstreetmap()
# # ggmap(osm)
get_openstreetmap <- function(
  bbox = c(left = -95.80204, bottom = 29.38048, right = -94.92313, top = 30.14344),
  scale = 606250, format = c('png', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'pdf', 'ps'), messaging = FALSE,
  urlonly = FALSE, filename = NULL, color = c('color','bw'), ...

  .Defunct(msg = "OSM is at least temporarily not supported, see https://github.com/dkahle/ggmap/issues/117.")

  # enumerate argument checking (added in lieu of checkargs function)
  args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
  argsgiven <- names(args)

  # argument checking (no checks for language, region, markers, path, visible, style)
  #if(checkargs) get_openstreetmap_checkargs(args)

  if('bbox' %in% argsgiven){
    if(!(is.numeric(bbox) && length(bbox) == 4)){
      cli::cli_abort("{.arg bbox} improperly specified, see {.fn ggmap::get_openstreetmap}.")

  if('scale' %in% argsgiven){
    if(!(is.numeric(scale) && length(scale) == 1 &&
    scale == round(scale) && scale > 0)){
      cli::cli_abort("{.arg scale} must be a positive integer.")

  if('messaging' %in% argsgiven) stopifnot(is.logical(messaging))

  if('urlonly' %in% argsgiven) stopifnot(is.logical(urlonly))

  format <- match.arg(format)
  if(format != "png") cli::cli_abort("Only {.arg format = \"png\"} is supported.")

    destfile <- tempfile(fileext = paste(".", format, sep = ""))
  } else{
    filename_stop <- TRUE
    if(is.character(filename) && length(filename) == 1) filename_stop <- FALSE
    if(filename_stop) cli::cli_abort('{.arg filename} improperly specified, see {.fn get_openstreetmap}')
    destfile <- paste(filename, format, sep = '.')

  # color arg checked by match.arg
  color <- match.arg(color)

  if('checkargs' %in% argsgiven){
    .Deprecated(msg = 'checkargs argument deprecated, args are always checked after v2.1.')

  # url segments
  base_url <- 'http://tile.openstreetmap.org/cgi-bin/export?'
  bbox_url <- paste('bbox=', paste(bbox, collapse = ','), sep = '')
  scale_url <- paste('scale=', as.integer(scale), sep = '')
  format_url <- paste('format=', format, sep = '')

  # format url proper
  post_url <- paste(bbox_url, scale_url, format_url, sep = '&')
  url <- paste(base_url, post_url, sep = '')
  url <- URLencode(url)
  if(urlonly) return(url)

  # read in file
  m <- try(download.file(url, destfile = destfile, quiet = !messaging, mode = 'wb'), silent = T)
  if (inherits(m, "try-error")) cli::cli_abort('Map grabbing failed, see {.fn get_openstreetmap}.')

  map <- try(readPNG(destfile), silent = T)
  if (inherits(map, "try-error")) cli::cli_abort('Map grabbing failed, see {.fn get_openstreetmap}')

  # format file
  if(color == 'color'){
    map <- as.raster(apply(map, 2, rgb))
  } else if(color == 'bw'){
  	mapd <- dim(map)
  	map <- gray(.30 * map[,,1] + .59 * map[,,2] + .11 * map[,,3])
  	dim(map) <- mapd[1:2]
  	map <- as.raster(map)
  class(map) <- c('ggmap','raster')

  # map spatial info
  attr(map, 'bb') <- data.frame(
    ll.lat = bbox[2], ll.lon = bbox[1],
    ur.lat = bbox[4], ur.lon = bbox[3]

  # additional map meta-data
  attr(map, "source")  <- "osm"
  attr(map, "maptype") <- "openstreetmap"
  attr(map, "scale")    <- scale

  # return
dkahle/ggmap documentation built on March 3, 2024, 8:19 a.m.