
Defines functions cfoutput_MdTable

Documented in cfoutput_MdTable

#' Output table as markdown
#' @param dt data.table
#' @param split_by Charactor of colnames to split the table by inserting separator lines
#' @param filename 
#' @return object of class knitr::kable
#' @author Daniel Lill (daniel.lill@physik.uni-freiburg.de)
#' @md
#' @export
#' @importFrom stringr str_pad
#' @examples
#' tableName <- "bla"
#' dt <- data.table(iris)[1:5]
#' cfoutput_MdTable(dt)
#' cfoutput_MdTable(data.table(iris), split_by = "Species")
#' split_by <- NULL
#' filename <- NULL
#' format <- c("markdown", "pandoc")
#' caption <- NULL
#' na.strings <- "NA"
#' FLAGsummaryRow <- TRUE
#' NFLAGtribble <- 2
cfoutput_MdTable <- function(dt, split_by = NULL, filename = NULL, format = c("markdown", "pandoc"), 
                             caption = NULL, na.strings = ifelse(NFLAGtribble == 2, "NA", "-"), FLAGsummaryRow = TRUE, 
                             NFLAGtribble = 0,
                             ...) {
  tableName <- as.character(substitute(dt))
  options(knitr.kable.NA = na.strings)
  # kt <- knitr::kable(dt,format = format[1], caption = caption)
  kt <- knitr::kable(dt,format = format[1], caption = caption, ...)
  seprow <- gsub(":","-",kt[2 + 2*(!is.null(caption))])
  widths <- nchar(strsplit(seprow, "|", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][-1])
  if (NFLAGtribble) {
    types <- vapply(dt, class, "double")
    for (fact in names(types)[types=="factor"]) dt[[fact]] <- as.character(dt[[fact]])
    hasDoubleQuote <- vapply(names(types)[types%in%c("character","factor")], function(nm) any(grepl('"', dt[[nm]])), FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
    hasSingleQuote <- vapply(names(types)[types%in%c("character","factor")], function(nm) any(grepl("'", dt[[nm]])), FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
    if (any(hasDoubleQuote & hasSingleQuote)) 
      warning("This table has double quotes (\") AND single quotes ('). Using (\"), but the output must be checked manually.")
    quoteSymbol <- ifelse(any(hasDoubleQuote), "'", '"')
    for (fact in names(types)[types%in%c("character","factor")]) dt[[fact]] <- paste0(quoteSymbol, dt[[fact]], quoteSymbol)
    kt <- knitr::kable(dt,format = "markdown")
    kt <- kt[-(1:2)]
    FLAGpastedt <- Sys.info()["nodename"] != "IQdesktop"
    row0 <- ifelse(FLAGpastedt, "data.table(","")
    row0 <- paste0(row0, "tibble::tribble(")
    row1 <- paste0(stringr::str_pad(paste0("~", names(dt), ","), width = widths, side = "left"), collapse = "")
    kt <- substr(kt, 2, nchar(kt))
    kt <- gsub("\\|", ",", kt)
    rowN <- kt[length(kt)]
    rowN <- substr(rowN, 1, nchar(rowN)-1)
    rowN <- paste0(rowN, ")")
    rowN <- ifelse(FLAGpastedt,paste0(rowN, ")"),paste0(rowN, "")) # not nice but too lazy to do properly
    kt <- kt[-length(kt)]
    kt <- c(row0, row1, kt, rowN, "")
    if (length(tableName) == 1) 
      kt[1] <- paste0(tableName, " <- ", kt[1])
    if (NFLAGtribble == 1) cat(kt, sep = "\n")
    if (NFLAGtribble == 2) {
      e <- rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()
      rstudioapi::insertText(e$selection[[1]]$range$start, paste0(kt, collapse = "\n"))
  if (!is.null(split_by)){
    dt <- copy(as.data.table(dt))
    dn <- dt[,list(nlines = .N), by = split_by]
    dn[,`:=`(rowid = cumsum(nlines))]
    dn[,`:=`(rowid = rowid + 2 + 2*(!is.null(caption)))]
    atr <- attributes(kt)
    for (i in rev(dn$rowid)[-1]) {
      kt <- c(kt[1:i], seprow, kt[(i+1):length(kt)])
    attributes(kt) <- atr
  if (FLAGsummaryRow) {
    summaryrow <- vapply(dt, function(x) {
      if (is.numeric(x))   return(paste0("Sum=", sum(x)))
      if (is.character(x)) return(paste0("Lvl=", length(unique(x))))
      }, FUN.VALUE = "N=nunique")
    summaryrow <- vapply(seq_along(summaryrow), function(i) sprintf(paste0("%",widths[i],"s"), summaryrow[i]), "bla")
    summaryrow <- paste0("|", paste0(summaryrow, collapse = "|"), "|")
    kt <- c(kt, seprow, summaryrow)
    writeLines(kt, filename)
  cat(kt, sep = "\n")
dlill/conveniencefunctions documentation built on Sept. 30, 2022, 4:40 a.m.