
#' @title Print LaTeX contrast table for lme, lm and glm models
#' @description  Generates a LaTex contrast table for the \code{lme}, \code{glm} and
#' \code{lm} models, with number of significant digits shown depending on
#' standard deviation of the contrasts.  Signficant p-values can be shaded.
#' @aliases latex.lme latex.summary.lme latex.lm latex.glm
#' @param object result of a fit by \code{lme}, \code{glm}, \code{lm}, or of
#' \code{summary.lme}. Note that there is are no variants for \code{summary.lm}
#' and \code{summary.glm}.
#' @param title printed in top left corner
#' @param parameter label of the estimated parameter, used for caption and
#' label of the table. Can have spaces. Defaults to target variable in formula.
#' See also \code{\link{lmeLabel}}
#' @param file output file name; default prints output to the standard output,
#' which is the method of choice for Sweave.
#' @param shadep table cells for p-values lower than this will be shaded;
#' p-values for \code{(Intercept)} are never shaded.
#' @param caption caption used for table; default caption is \emph{ANOVA for
#' <parameter>}
#' @param label label used for table; default label is composed from model
#' formula by lmeLabel
#' @param ctable uses \code{ctable}-formatting of LaTeX by default.
#' @param form Optional formula for caption display. By default, object model
#' formula is used
#' @param interceptp If TRUE, show p-value and t-value of \code{intercept}.
#' Default is FALSE, because in most cases this value should not be
#' interpreted.
#' @param moredec Show more decimals than by default. Fractional values, e.g.
#' 0.5 can be used here such that boundary case are rounded up instead of down
#' @param where positioning parameter for LaTeX
#' @param \dots Additional parameters passed to \code{latex} in Hmisc.
#' @return Returns the result of the call to \code{latex} in \code{Hmisc}.
#' @export latex.lme
#' @export latex.summary.lme
#' @export latex.lm
#' @export latex.glm
#' @note Requires \code{ctable}, \code{colortable} in your Snw/tex file.
#' @author Dieter Menne, \email{dieter.menne@@menne-biomed.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link[Hmisc]{latex}}, \code{\link{latex.lme}},
#' \code{\link[nlme]{lme}}
#' @keywords print models
#' @examples
#' # Pinheiro/Bates page 47
#' library(nlme)
#' library(Hmisc)
#' fm1Oats <- lme(yield~ordered(nitro)*Variety, data=Oats,
#'   random = ~1|Block/Variety)
#' # Both versions give same result, output to console
#' latex(fm1Oats,"Yield")
#' latex(summary(fm1Oats),"Yield")
#' # The following model is nonsense, but it shows how default latex labels
#' # and captions are constructed in complex cases
#' fm2Oats <- lme(yield~I(sqrt(nitro))*Variety + I(nitro^2), data=Oats,
#'   random = ~1|Block/Variety)
#' latex(fm2Oats,"Yield with dumb model")
#' # For lm
#' ctl <- c(4.17,5.58,5.18,6.11,4.50,4.61,5.17,4.53,5.33,5.14)
#' trt <- c(4.81,4.17,4.41,3.59,5.87,3.83,6.03,4.89,4.32,4.69)
#' sex <- as.factor(rep(c("f","m"),10))
#' group <- gl(2,10,20, labels=c("Ctl","Trt"))
#' weight <- c(ctl, trt)
#' x <- lm(weight ~ group*sex)
#' latex(x,parameter="Weight",moredec=0.5)
#' # For glm
#' counts <- c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12)
#' outcome <- gl(3,1,9)
#' treatment <- gl(3,3)
#' d.AD <- data.frame(treatment, outcome, counts)
#' glm.D <- glm(counts ~ outcome + treatment, family=poisson())
#' latex(glm.D,parameter="severe")
"latex.lme" <-
  function(object, title = "",parameter = NULL,file = "",shadep = 0.05,
           caption = NULL,label = NULL,ctable = FALSE,form = NULL,
           interceptp = FALSE,  moredec = 0, where = "!htbp",...) {
    options(Hverbose = FALSE)
      summary(object),title = title,parameter = parameter,
      file = file, shadep = shadep, caption = caption,
      label = label, ctable = ctable, form = form, moredec = moredec, where =

"latex.lm" <-
  function(object,title = "",parameter,file = "",
           shadep = 0.05,caption = NULL,label = NULL,ctable = FALSE,form =
           interceptp = FALSE, moredec = 0, where = "!htbp", ...) {
    options(Hverbose = FALSE)
    fixF <- object$call
    xt = summary(object)
    xtTab <- as.data.frame(coefficients(xt))
    sigp <- xtTab[,4] < shadep # cells that will be shaded
    if (!interceptp) {
      sigp[1] <- FALSE # intercept will only be shaded on explicit request
      # Replace small significances, discarding p-value for (Intercept)
      xtTab[1,4] = 1 # we do not show it anyway, easier formatting
    pval <- format(zapsmall(xtTab[, 4],4))
    pval[as.double(pval) < 0.0001] <- "\\textless .0001"
    xtTab[, 4] <- pval
    xtTab[,"t value"] <- round(xtTab[,"t value"],1)
    if (any(wchLv <- (as.double(levels(xtTab[, 4])) == 0))) {
      levels(xtTab[, "4"])[wchLv] <- "\\textless .0001"
    # extract formula
    if (is.null(form)) {
      form <- deparse(formula(object$terms))
    if (is.null(label))
      label <- lmeLabel("contr",form)
    # remove I(..). Because finding matched parens is tricky, we leave the ()
    form <- gsub("I\\(","(",form)
    form <- paste(sub('~','$\\\\sim$ ',form),sep = "")
    # Determine base level. TODO: check for numeric covariables
    lev <- list()
    for (i in  seq(along = object$xlevels)) {
      levs <- object$xlevels[i]
      lev[i] <- paste(names(levs),levs[[1]][1],sep = " = ")
    levnames <- paste(lev,collapse = ", ")
    if (is.null(caption))
      # TODO: Allow %s substition
      caption <-
        "Linear model (lm) contrast table for \\emph{",
        parameter, "} (model ",form,
        "). The value in row (Intercept) gives the reference value for ",
        levnames,".", " The standard deviation of the residuals is ",
        signif(xt$sigma,3), " at ", xt$df[2]," degrees of freedom.",
        sep = ''
    caption.lot <- paste("Contrast table for ",parameter, " by ",
    ndec <- pmax(round(1 - log10(xtTab[,2] + 0.000001) + moredec),0)
    xtTab[,1] <- formatC(round(xtTab[,1],ndec))
    xtTab[,2] <- formatC(round(xtTab[,2],ndec))
    names(xtTab) <- c("Value","StdErr","t","p")
    # Do not show Intercept p-values and t-value if not explicitely requested
    if (!interceptp) {
      xtTab[1,3] <- NA
      xtTab[1,4] <- ''
    cellTex <-
      matrix(rep("", NROW(xtTab) * NCOL(xtTab)), nrow = NROW(xtTab))
    cellTex[sigp,4] <- "cellcolor[gray]{0.9}"
    rowlabel <- ifelse(nchar(parameter) > 9,"",parameter)
    # All I( in factors are replaced with (
    row.names(xtTab) <-  gsub("I\\(","(",row.names(xtTab))
    row.names(xtTab) <-
      xtTab, title = title,file = file, caption = caption,caption.lot = caption.lot,
      caption.loc = "bottom", label = label, cellTexCmds = cellTex,
      rowlabel = rowlabel, ctable = ctable, where = where,
      booktabs = !ctable, numeric.dollar = FALSE,col.just = rep("r",5),...
    # returns summary(object)

"latex.summary.lme" <-
  function(object, title = "",parameter = NULL, file = "",
           shadep = 0.05,caption = NULL,label = NULL,ctable = FALSE,form =
           interceptp = FALSE, moredec = 0, where = "!htbp", ...) {
    # This function can be mis-used for gls models when an explicit
    # form is given
    options(Hverbose = FALSE)
    xtTab <- as.data.frame(object$tTable)
    sigp <- xtTab[,"p-value"] < shadep # cells that will be shaded
    if (!interceptp) {
      sigp[1] <- FALSE # intercept will never be shaded
      # Replace small significances, discarding p-value for (Intercept)
      xtTab[1,"p-value"] = 1 # we do not show it anyway, easier formatting
    pval <- format(zapsmall(xtTab[, "p-value"],4))
    pval[as.double(pval) < 0.0001] <- "\\textless .0001"
    xtTab[, "p-value"] <- pval
    xtTab[,"t-value"] <- round(xtTab[,"t-value"],1)
    if (ncol(xtTab) == 5)
      # not for gls
      xtTab[,"DF"] <- as.integer(xtTab[,"DF"])
    # extract formula
    if (is.null(form)) {
      if (!is.null(object$terms)) {
        form = object$terms
      } else {
        form = formula(object)
    if (is.null(parameter)) {
      parameter = as.character(form[[2]])
    if (any(wchLv <-
            (as.double(levels(xtTab[, "p-value"])) == 0))) {
      levels(xtTab[, "p-value"])[wchLv] <- "\\textless .0001"
    if (is.null(label))
      label <- lmeLabel("contr",form)
    form <-
      deparse(removeFormFunc(as.formula(form)),width.cutoff = 500)
    form <- paste(sub('~','$\\\\sim$ ',form),sep = "")
    # All I( in factors are replaced with "(" **This could be improved
    row.names(xtTab) <-
    row.names(xtTab) <-
    row.names(xtTab) <- TextUnderscore(row.names(xtTab))
    # Determine base level
    levs <-
      lapply(object$contrasts,function(object) {
    levnames <- paste(names(levs),levs,sep = " = ",collapse = ", ")
    # Try to locate numeric covariables
    #  v1 <- all.vars(formula(object))[-1]
    ## Changed 8.10.2008, not regression-tested
    v1 <- all.vars(form)[-1]
    numnames <- v1[is.na(match(v1,names(levs)))]
    if (length(numnames) > 0) {
      numnames <- paste(numnames," = 0",collapse = ", ")
      levnames <- paste(levnames,numnames,sep = ", ")
    if (is.null(caption)) {
      # TODO: Allow %s substitution
      if (inherits(object,"lme"))
        md = "Mixed model (lme)"
        if (inherits(object,"gls"))
          md = "Extended linear model (gls)"
          md = "Linear model"
        caption <- paste(
          md," contrast table for \\emph{",
          parameter, "} (model ",form,
          "). The value in row (Intercept) gives the reference value for ",
          levnames,".",sep = ''
    caption <- TextUnderscore(caption)
    caption.lot <-
      TextUnderscore(paste("Contrast table for ",parameter, " by ",
    ndec <- pmax(round(1 - log10(xtTab[,2] + 0.000001) + moredec),0)
    xtTab[,1] <- formatC(round(xtTab[,1],ndec))
    xtTab[,2] <- formatC(round(xtTab[,2],ndec))
    if (ncol(xtTab) == 5) {
      names(xtTab) <- c("Value","StdErr","DF","t","p")
      pcol = 5
    } else {
      # gls misuse
      names(xtTab) <- c("Value","StdErr","t","p")
      pcol = 4
    # Only show intercept p/t when explicitely required
    if (!interceptp) {
      xtTab[1,pcol - 1] <- NA
      xtTab[1,pcol] <- ''
    cellTex <-
      matrix(rep("", NROW(xtTab) * NCOL(xtTab)), nrow = NROW(xtTab))
    cellTex[sigp,pcol] <- "cellcolor[gray]{0.9}"
    rowlabel <- ifelse(nchar(parameter) > 9,"",parameter)
      xtTab, title = title, file = file, caption = caption,caption.lot = caption.lot,
      caption.loc = "bottom", label = label, cellTexCmds = cellTex,
      rowlabel = rowlabel, ctable = ctable, where = where,
      booktabs = !ctable, numeric.dollar = FALSE,col.just = rep("r",5),...

TextUnderscore = function(x) {
  gsub("\\_", "\\\\textunderscore ", x)

"latex.glm" <-
  function(object, title = "", parameter, file = "", shadep = 0.05,
           caption = NULL, label = NULL, ctable = FALSE, form =
           interceptp = FALSE, moredec = 0, where = "!htbp",
           ...) {
    options(Hverbose = FALSE)
    fixF <- object$call
    xt = summary(object)
    xtTab <- as.data.frame(coefficients(xt))
    sigp <- xtTab[,4] < shadep # cells that will be shaded
    if (!interceptp) {
      sigp[1] <- FALSE # intercept will only be shaded on explicit request
      # Replace small significances, discarding p-value for (Intercept)
      xtTab[1,4] = 1 # we do not show it anyway, easier formatting
    pval <- format(zapsmall(xtTab[, 4],4))
    pval[as.double(pval) < 0.0001] <- "\\textless .0001"
    xtTab[, 4] <- pval
    xtTab[,"z value"] <- round(xtTab[,"z value"],1)
    if (any(wchLv <- (as.double(levels(xtTab[, 4])) == 0))) {
      levels(xtTab[, "4"])[wchLv] <- "\\textless .0001"
    # extract formula
    if (is.null(form)) {
      form <- deparse(formula(object$terms))
    if (is.null(label))
      label <- lmeLabel("contr",form)
    # remove I(..). Because finding matched parens is tricky, we leave the ()
    form <- gsub("I\\(","(",form)
    form <- paste(sub('~','$\\\\sim$ ',form),sep = "")
    # Determine base level. TODO: check for numeric covariables
    lev <- list()
    for (i in  seq(along = object$xlevels)) {
      levs <- object$xlevels[i]
      lev[i] <- paste(names(levs),levs[[1]][1],sep = " = ")
    levnames <- paste(lev,collapse = ", ")
    if (is.null(caption))
      # TODO: Allow %s substition
      caption <-
        "Generalize linear model (glm) contrast table for \\emph{",
        parameter, "} (model ",form,
        "). The value in row (Intercept) gives the reference value for ",
        " The deviance is ",signif(xt$deviance,3),
        " at ", xt$df.residual," degrees of freedom.",
        " The null deviance is ",signif(xt$null.deviance,3),
        " at ", xt$df.null," degrees of freedom.", sep = ''
    caption.lot <- paste("Contrast table for ",parameter, " by ",
    ndec <- pmax(round(1 - log10(xtTab[,2] + 0.000001) + moredec),0)
    xtTab[,1] <- formatC(round(xtTab[,1],ndec))
    xtTab[,2] <- formatC(round(xtTab[,2],ndec))
    names(xtTab) <- c("Value","StdErr","z","p")
    # Do not show Intercept p-values and t-value if not explicitely requeste
    if (!interceptp) {
      xtTab[1,3] <- NA
      xtTab[1,4] <- ''
    cellTex <-
      matrix(rep("", NROW(xtTab) * NCOL(xtTab)), nrow = NROW(xtTab))
    cellTex[sigp,4] <- "cellcolor[gray]{0.9}"
    rowlabel <- ifelse(nchar(parameter) > 9,"",parameter)
    # All I( in factors are replaced with (
    row.names(xtTab) <-  gsub("I\\(","(",row.names(xtTab))
    row.names(xtTab) <-
      xtTab,title = title, file = file, caption = caption,caption.lot = caption.lot,
      caption.loc = "bottom", label = label, cellTexCmds = cellTex,
      rowlabel = rowlabel, ctable = ctable, where = where,
      booktabs = !ctable, numeric.dollar = FALSE,col.just = rep("r",5),...
    # returns summary(object)
dmenne/dlatex documentation built on May 15, 2019, 9:32 a.m.