# Add missing F1s to the X and Y matrices to act as pseudo-counts when we update
# genotype state means and variances.
# Arguments: founders: list containing founder information, either with
# allele calls or intensities. Type is determined by the
# 'method' attribute, which must be either 'allele' or
# 'intensity'.
# snps: data.frame containing SNP information.
# sampletype: character string indicating the type of
# sample. One of c("DO", "CC", "DOF1", "HS", "other")
# Returns: list containing founder data, with the missing F1s added.
add.missing.F1s = function(founders, snps, sampletype = c("DO", "CC", "DOF1",
"HS", "HSrat", "other")) {
sampletype = match.arg(sampletype)
missing = NULL
if(any(nchar(founders$code) != 2)) {
stop(paste("All founder codes must be 2 letters long. Please check",
"the founder codes and make sure that they are 2 letters long."))
} # if(any(nchar(founders$code) != 2))
if(length(unique(founders$sex)) == 2) {
f.missing = founders$states$auto[which(!founders$states$auto %in%
founders$code[founders$sex == "F"])]
f.missing.sex = rep("F", length(f.missing))
m.missing = founders$states$auto[which(!founders$states$auto %in%
founders$code[founders$sex == "M"])]
m.missing.sex = rep("M", length(m.missing))
missing = data.frame(code = c(f.missing, m.missing),
sex = c(f.missing.sex, m.missing.sex))
missing = missing[order(missing$code),]
} else {
if(unique(founders$sex) == "M") {
if(attr(founders, "method") == "intensity") {
warning("Only male founders found. X chromosome cannot be reconstructed.")
} # if(attr(founders, "method") == "intensity")
missing = founders$states$auto[which(!founders$states$auto %in%
founders$code[founders$sex == "M"])]
} # if(unique(founders$sex) == "M")
if(unique(founders$sex) == "F") {
missing = founders$states$auto[which(!founders$states$auto %in%
founders$code[founders$sex == "F"])]
} # if(unique(founders$sex) == "M")
} # else
mthd = attr(founders, "method")
if(nrow(missing) > 0) {
# Allele Calls
if(mthd == "allele") {
# Add columns for the new F1s.
unique.geno = unique(unlist(apply(founders$geno, 2, unique)))
stopifnot(all(unique.geno %in% c("A", "C", "G", "T", "H", "N")))
founders$geno = data.frame(rbind(founders$geno, matrix("", nrow(missing),
ncol(founders$geno), dimnames = list(missing$code,
row.names = make.unique(c(rownames(founders$geno), missing$code)))
founders$code = c(founders$code, missing$code)
names(founders$code) = rownames(founders$geno)
founders$sex = c(founders$sex, missing$sex)
names(founders$sex) = rownames(founders$geno)
founders$geno = lapply(founders$geno, factor, levels = unique.geno)
founders$geno = data.frame(founders$geno)
rownames(founders$geno) = names(founders$code)
# Get the parents of each of the missing F1s.
par = matrix(unlist(strsplit(missing$code, split = "")), nrow = 2)
par = matrix(paste(par, par, sep = ""), nrow = 2)
# For each F1, get the parental genotypes and figure out the F1 genotype.
# Autosomes.
curr.snps = which(snps[,2] %in% 1:19)
# Get the parental genotypes.
rn = sort(unique(as.vector(par)))
par.gt = matrix("", length(rn), ncol(founders$geno), dimnames =
list(rn, colnames(founders$geno)))
for(i in 1:nrow(par.gt)) {
pg = lapply(founders$geno[founders$code == rownames(par.gt)[i],,
drop = FALSE], table)
par.gt[i,] = sapply(pg, function(z) { names(z)[which.max(z)] })
} # for(i)
# Fill in the F1 genotypes for the autosomes.
for(i in 1:nrow(missing)) {
geno.rows = which(founders$code == missing$code[i] &
founders$sex == missing$sex[i])
p1g = par.gt[par[1,i],]
p2g = par.gt[par[2,i],]
homo = which(p1g == p2g)
founders$geno[geno.rows, homo] = matrix(p1g[homo], nrow = length(geno.rows),
ncol = length(homo), byrow = T)
het = which(p1g != p2g)
founders$geno[geno.rows, het] = "H"
} # for(i)
# X chromosome.
curr.snps = which(snps[,2] == "X")
if(length(curr.snps) > 0) {
# Females
missing.females = which(missing$sex == "F")
for(i in missing.females) {
geno.rows = which(founders$code == missing$code[i] & founders$sex == "F")
p1g = par.gt[par[1,i],]
p2g = par.gt[par[2,i],]
homo = which(p1g == p2g)
founders$geno[geno.rows, homo] = matrix(p1g[homo], nrow = length(geno.rows),
ncol = length(homo), byrow = T)
het = which(p1g != p2g)
founders$geno[geno.rows, het] = "H"
} # for(i)
# Males
# Because we don't know the maternal allele, set these to N. We don't
# use the F1s to genotypes the males. We only use the founders.
missing.males = which(missing$sex == "M")
for(i in missing.males) {
geno.rows = which(founders$code == missing$code[i] & founders$sex == "M")
founders$geno[geno.rows, curr.snps] = "N"
} # for(i)
} # if(length(curr.snps) > 0)
# Y chromosome.
curr.snps = which(snps[,2] == "Y")
if(length(curr.snps) > 0) {
# Females
# Set these to N.
missing.females = which(missing$sex == "F")
for(i in missing.females) {
geno.rows = which(rownames(founders$geno) == missing$code[i] &
founders$sex == "F")
founders$geno[geno.rows, curr.snps] = "N"
} # for(i)
# Males
# We don't used the F1s to genotype the Y chr, so set these to 'N'.
missing.males = which(missing$sex == "M")
for(i in missing.males) {
geno.rows = which(rownames(founders$geno) == missing$code[i] &
founders$sex == "F")
founders$geno[geno.rows, curr.snps] = "N"
} # for(i)
} # if(length(curr.snps) > 0)
# M chromosome.
# We don't used the F1s to genotype the M chr, so set these to 'N'.
curr.snps = which(snps[,2] == "M")
if(length(curr.snps) > 0) {
for(i in nrow(missing)) {
geno.rows = which(rownames(founders$geno) == missing$code[i])
founders$geno[geno.rows, curr.snps] = "N"
} # for(i)
} # if(length(curr.snps) > 0)
founders$geno = as.matrix(founders$geno)
} else if(mthd == "intensity") {
# Intensities
# Add rows for the new F1s.
missing$code = as.character(missing$code)
founders$x = as.matrix(rbind(founders$x, matrix(0, length(missing$code),
ncol(founders$x), dimnames = list(missing$code,
founders$y = as.matrix(rbind(founders$y, matrix(0, length(missing$code),
ncol(founders$y), dimnames = list(missing$code,
founders$code = c(founders$code, missing$code)
names(founders$code)[(length(founders$code) -
nrow(missing) + 1):length(founders$code)] = missing$code
founders$sex = c(founders$sex, missing$sex)
# Get the parents of each of the missing F1s.
par = matrix(unlist(strsplit(missing$code, split = "")), nrow = 2)
par = matrix(paste(par, par, sep = ""), nrow = 2)
unique.par = unique(as.vector(par))
par.means = list(x = matrix(0, length(unique.par), ncol(founders$x),
dimnames = list(unique.par, colnames(founders$x))),
y = matrix(0, length(unique.par), ncol(founders$y),
dimnames = list(unique.par, colnames(founders$y))))
for(i in 1:length(unique.par)) {
rows = which(founders$code == unique.par[i])
par.means$x[i,] = colMeans(founders$x[rows,,drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
par.means$y[i,] = colMeans(founders$y[rows,,drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
} # for(i)
# Calculate the new F1s intensities as the mean of their parents.
# Autosomes.
curr.snps = which(snps[,2] %in% 1:19)
for(i in seq(1, length(missing), 2)) {
x.rows = which(rownames(founders$x) == missing$code[i])
founders$x[x.rows, curr.snps] =
matrix(colMeans(par.means$x[par[,i], curr.snps], na.rm = TRUE),
length(x.rows), length(curr.snps), byrow = TRUE)
founders$y[x.rows, curr.snps] =
matrix(colMeans(par.means$y[par[,i], curr.snps], na.rm = TRUE),
length(x.rows), length(curr.snps), byrow = TRUE)
} # for(i)
# X chromosome.
curr.snps = which(snps[,2] == "X")
# Females
missing.females = which(missing$sex == "F")
for(i in missing.females) {
x.rows = which(rownames(founders$x) == missing$code[i] & founders$sex == "F")
founders$x[x.rows, curr.snps] =
matrix(colMeans(par.means$x[par[,i], curr.snps], na.rm = TRUE),
length(x.rows), length(curr.snps), byrow = TRUE)
founders$y[x.rows, curr.snps] =
matrix(colMeans(par.means$y[par[,i], curr.snps], na.rm = TRUE),
length(x.rows), length(curr.snps), byrow = TRUE)
} # for(i)
# Males
# We don't used the F1s for the male X chr, so set them to NA.
missing.males = which(missing$sex == "M")
for(i in missing.males) {
x.rows = which(rownames(founders$x) == missing$code[i] & founders$sex == "M")
founders$x[x.rows, curr.snps] = NA
founders$y[x.rows, curr.snps] = NA
} # for(i)
# Y chromosome.
curr.snps = which(snps[,2] == "Y")
# Females
# Females don't have a Y chr, so set them to NA.
for(i in missing.females) {
x.rows = which(rownames(founders$x) == missing$code[i] & founders$sex == "F")
founders$x[x.rows, curr.snps] = NA
founders$y[x.rows, curr.snps] = NA
} # for(i)
# Males
# We don't used the F1s for the male Y chr, so set them to NA.
for(i in missing.males) {
x.rows = which(rownames(founders$x) == missing$code[i] & founders$sex == "M")
founders$x[x.rows, curr.snps] = NA
founders$y[x.rows, curr.snps] = NA
} # for(i)
# M chromosome.
curr.snps = which(snps[,2] == "M")
# We don't used the F1s for the male Y chr, so set them to NA.
for(i in missing.males) {
x.rows = which(rownames(founders$x) == missing$code[i] & founders$sex == "M")
founders$x[x.rows, curr.snps] = NA
founders$y[x.rows, curr.snps] = NA
} # for(i)
# Look for NaN in the founder data and try to replace them with
# values.
wh = which(colSums(is.nan(founders$x)) > 0 | colSums(is.nan(founders$y)) > 0)
if(length(wh) > 0) {
for(i in wh) {
idx = which(is.nan(founders$x[,i]))
for(j in idx) {
cd = founders$code[j]
stopifnot(length(unique(cd)) == 1)
par = strsplit(cd, split = "")
par = matrix(rep(unlist(par), each = 2), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
par = apply(par, 1, paste0, collapse = "")
founders$x[j,i] = mean(founders$x[founders$code %in% par,i], na.rm = TRUE)
founders$y[j,i] = mean(founders$y[founders$code %in% par,i], na.rm = TRUE)
} # for(j)
} # for(i)
} # if(length(wh) > 0)
if(any(is.nan(founders$x))) {
stop("NaN in founders$x.")
} # if(any(is.nan(founders$x)))
if(any(is.nan(founders$y))) {
stop("NaN in founders$y.")
} # if(any(is.nan(founders$y)))
if(sampletype == "DOF1") {
keep = which(founders$code %in% founders$states$auto)
founders$x = founders$x[keep,]
founders$y = founders$y[keep,]
founders$sex = founders$sex[keep]
founders$code = founders$code[keep]
} # if(sampletype == "DOF1")
} else {
stop(paste("Unknown method", mthd, "in add.missing.F1s()"))
} # else
} # if(length(missing) > 0)
} # add.missing.F1s()
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