# Find a Bayesian Credible Interval for a QTL, given the LOD score and Chr
# locations. We do this by scaling the area under the LOD score to 1 and finding
# 95% of the area, centered on the maximum QTL.
# Daniel Gatti
# Dan.Gatti@jax.org
# May 15, 2012
# Arguments: qtl: QTL object as produced by scanone.
# chr: character, chromosome ID.
# prob: numeric, value between 0 and 1.
# expandtomarkers: boolean, expand the QTL interval to the outermost
# flanking markers if TRUE. Default = FALSE.
bayesint = function(qtl, chr, prob = 0.95, expandtomarkers = TRUE) {
if(missing(qtl)) {
stop("bayesint: The qtl cannot be null. Please supply a QTL object.")
} # if(is.null(qtl))
if(missing(chr)) {
stop(paste("bayesint: The chromosome cannot be null."))
} else if(!chr %in% c(1:19, "X")) {
stop(paste("bayesint: The chromosome must be 1 to 19 or X."))
} # else if
if(prob < 0 | prob > 1) {
stop(paste("bayesint: The probability must between 0 and 1."))
} # if(prob < 0 | prob > 1)
old.warn = options("warn")$warn
options(warn = -1)
if(!is.na(as.numeric(chr))) {
qtl = qtl$lod$A
} else {
qtl = qtl$lod$X
} # else
options(warn = old.warn)
qtl[,1] = as.character(qtl[,1])
qtl[,2] = as.character(qtl[,2])
qtl[,3] = as.numeric(qtl[,3])
qtl[,7] = as.numeric(qtl[,7])
qtl = qtl[qtl[,2] == chr,]
pos = qtl[,3]
if(any(is.na(pos))) {
remove = which(is.na(pos))
qtl = qtl[-remove,]
pos = pos[-remove]
} # if(any(is.na(pos)))
# Make a set of 10,000 intervals so that we can integrate numerically.
breaks = approx(x = pos, y = 10^qtl[,7], xout = seq(pos[1], pos[length(pos)],
length.out = 1e5))
widths = diff(breaks$x)
heights = breaks$y[-1] + breaks$y[-length(breaks$y)]
trapezoids = 0.5 * heights * widths
# Normalize the area to 1.
trapezoids = trapezoids / sum(trapezoids)
# This code copied from the R/qtl bayesint() function by Karl Broman.
ord = order(breaks$y[-length(breaks$y)], decreasing = TRUE)
wh = min(which(cumsum(trapezoids[ord]) >= prob))
int = range(ord[1:wh])
# Find the left & right SNP.
left.snp = c(NA, qtl[1,2], breaks$x[int][1],
approx(qtl[,3], qtl[,4], breaks$x[int][1])$y,
approx(qtl[,3], qtl[,5], breaks$x[int][1])$y,
approx(qtl[,3], qtl[,6], breaks$x[int][1])$y,
approx(qtl[,3], qtl[,7], breaks$x[int][1])$y)
max.snp = qtl[which.max(qtl[,7]),]
right.snp = c(NA, qtl[1,2], breaks$x[int][2],
approx(qtl[,3], qtl[,4], breaks$x[int][2])$y,
approx(qtl[,3], qtl[,5], breaks$x[int][2])$y,
approx(qtl[,3], qtl[,6], breaks$x[int][2])$y,
approx(qtl[,3], qtl[,7], breaks$x[int][2])$y)
if(expandtomarkers) {
# Find the left & right SNP.
left.snp = qtl[max(which(breaks$x[int][1] >= qtl[,3])),]
max.snp = qtl[which.max(qtl[,7]),]
right.snp = qtl[min(which(breaks$x[int][2] <= qtl[,3])),]
} # if(expandtomarkers)
retval = rbind(left.snp, max.snp, right.snp)
retval[,3] = round(as.numeric(retval[,3]), digits = 6)
retval[,4] = round(as.numeric(retval[,4]), digits = 6)
retval[,5] = round(as.numeric(retval[,5]), digits = 6)
retval[,6] = round(as.numeric(retval[,6]), digits = 6)
retval$lod = as.numeric(retval[,7])
} # bayesint()
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