# Read in the genotypes of DO mice, assign the most probable genotype based on
# the posterior probabilities and map the Sanger SNPs onto the DO samples.
# These functions split the DO genotypes at the midpoint between MUGA markers.
# Daniel Gatti
# Dan.Gatti@jax.org
# Sept. 7, 2013
# Arguments: do.files: character vector of *.genotype.probs.Rdata files that
# contain the posterior probabilities.
# snps: data.frame containing 4 columns containing the SNP IDs,
# the chromosome, the Mb location and the cM location.
# snp.file: character containing the full path to the Sanger SNP VCF file.
# Defaults to the SNP file at ftp.jax.org.
# return.val: Either "numeric" to return the SNPs coded as 0, 1 or 2 or
# "character" to return the SNPs as character allele calls.
do2sanger = function(do.files, snps, output.file = "do2sanger.txt",
snp.file = "ftp://ftp.jax.org/SNPtools/variants/mgp.v4.snps.dbSNP.vcf.gz",
return.val = c("numeric", "character")) {
if(missing(do.files)) {
stop("do.files cannot be missing. Please enter a set of DO sample files.")
} # if(missing(do.files))
if(missing(snps)) {
stop(paste("snps cannot be missing because we need the locations of the",
"SNPs. Please provide SNP locations that match the SNPS in the",
} # if(missing(do.files))
# Read in the first file to get the genotype and SNP dimensions.
states = colnames(prsmth)
snps = snps[snps[,1] %in% rownames(prsmth),]
prsmth = prsmth[rownames(prsmth)[[3]] %in% snps[,1],]
gt = matrix("", length(do.files), nrow(prsmth), dimnames = list(
sub("\\.genotype\\.probs\\.Rdata$", "", do.files), rownames(prsmth)))
# Read in the DO files and call the maximum genotypes.
print("Calling DO genotypes...")
for(i in 1:length(do.files)) {
gt[i,] = states[apply(prsmth, 1, which.max)]
} # for(i)
# Split up the MUGA markers by chromosomes.
markers = snps[snps[,1] %in% rownames(prsmth),]
markers = split(x = markers, f = markers[,2])
# sanger = get.variants(file = snp.file, chr = 1, start = 0, end = 4,
# strains = c("129S1/SvImJ", "A/J", "C57BL/6J", "CAST/EiJ",
# "NOD/ShiLtJ", "NZO/HlLtJ", "PWK/PhJ", "WSB/EiJ"))
sanger = read.vcf(vcf.file = snp.file, chr = 1, start = 0, end = 4,
strains = c("A_J", "129S1_SvImJ", "CAST_EiJ",
"NOD_ShiLtJ", "NZO_HlLtJ", "PWK_PhJ", "WSB_EiJ"))
keep = setdiff(1:ncol(sanger), grep("qual", colnames(sanger)))
for(c in 1:length(markers)) {
curr.chr = names(markers)[c]
print(paste("CHR", curr.chr))
num.snps = 0
# Start writing SNPs at the beginning of the chromosome 1.
print("Mapping Sanger SNPs to DO samples...")
con = file(description = paste("chr", curr.chr, ".", output.file, sep = ""),
open = "w")
writeLines(paste("ID", "CHR", "GRC38.bp", "Ref", "Alt",
paste(rownames(gt), collapse = "\t"), sep = "\t"), con)
# Start of Chr.
result = do2sanger.helper(snp.file = snp.file, chr = curr.chr, start = 0,
end = mean(markers[[curr.chr]][1:2,3]), geno = gt[,markers[[curr.chr]][1,1]],
keep = keep, return.val = return.val)
if(!is.null(result)) {
result = apply(result, 1, paste, collapse = "\t")
writeLines(result, con)
num.snps = num.snps + nrow(result)
} # if(!is.null(result))
# Middle SNPs.
for(i in 2:(nrow(markers[[curr.chr]]) - 1)) {
if(i %% 100 == 0) {
} # if(i %% 10 == 0)
if(all(!is.na(markers[[curr.chr]][(i-1):(i+1),3]))) {
result = do2sanger.helper(snp.file = snp.file, chr = curr.chr,
start = mean(markers[[curr.chr]][(i-1):i,3]),
end = mean(markers[[curr.chr]][i:(i+1),3]),
geno = gt[,markers[[curr.chr]][i,1]], keep = keep,
return.val = return.val)
if(!is.null(result)) {
result = apply(result, 1, paste, collapse = "\t")
writeLines(result, con)
num.snps = num.snps + nrow(result)
} # if(!is.null(result))
} # if(all(!is.na(markers[[curr.chr]][(i-1):(i+1),3])))
} # for(i)
# End of Chr.
if(all(!is.na(markers[[curr.chr]][(i-1):(i+1),3]))) {
result = do2sanger.helper(snp.file = snp.file, chr = curr.chr,
start = mean(markers[[curr.chr]][(nrow(markers[[curr.chr]])-1):nrow(markers[[curr.chr]]),3]),
end = 200, geno = gt[,markers[[curr.chr]][nrow(markers[[curr.chr]]),1]], keep = keep,
return.val = return.val)
if(!is.null(result)) {
result = apply(result, 1, paste, collapse = "\t")
writeLines(result, con)
num.snps = num.snps + nrow(result)
} # if(!is.null(result))
} # if(all(!is.na(markers[[curr.chr]][(i-1):(i+1),3])))
print(paste("CHR", curr.chr, ":", num.snps))
} # for(c)
} # do2sanger()
# Helper function to get Sanger SNPs and place them in the DO samples.
do2sanger.helper = function(snp.file, chr, start, end, geno, keep, return.val) {
# sanger = get.variants(file = snp.file, chr = chr, start = start, end = end,
# strains = c("129S1/SvImJ", "A/J", "C57BL/6J", "CAST/EiJ",
# "NOD/ShiLtJ", "NZO/HlLtJ", "PWK/PhJ", "WSB/EiJ"), quality = 1)
sanger = read.vcf(vcf.file = snp.file, chr = chr, start = start,
end = end, strains = c("A_J", "129S1_SvImJ", "NOD_ShiLtJ",
"NZO_HlLtJ", "CAST_EiJ", "PWK_PhJ", "WSB_EiJ"))
qual = grep("qual", colnames(sanger))
qual = matrix(as.numeric(unlist(sanger[,qual])), nrow = nrow(sanger))
remove = which(rowMeans(is.na(qual)) > 0.01)
qual = qual[-remove,]
sanger = sanger[-remove,]
sanger = sanger[rowMeans(qual) == 1,]
if(length(sanger) > 0 && nrow(sanger) > 0) {
sanger = sanger[,keep]
# Add in C57BL/6J.
colnames(sanger) = sub("^X", "", colnames(sanger))
sanger = data.frame(sanger[,1:5], "A_J" = sanger[,"A_J"],
"C57BL_6J" = paste0(sanger$REF, sanger$REF),
"129S1_SvImJ" = sanger[,"129S1_SvImJ"],
"NOD_ShiLtJ" = sanger[,"NOD_ShiLtJ"],
"NZO_HlLtJ" = sanger[,"NZO_HlLtJ"],
"CAST_EiJ" = sanger[,"CAST_EiJ"],
"PWK_PhJ" = sanger[,"PWK_PhJ"],
"WSB_EiJ" = sanger[,"WSB_EiJ"])
colnames(sanger) = sub("^X", "", colnames(sanger))
geno.cols = (ncol(sanger) - 7):ncol(sanger)
map = do.colors[,1:2]
map[,2] = sub("/", "_", map[,2])
map = map[match(colnames(sanger)[geno.cols], map[,2]),]
colnames(sanger)[geno.cols] = map[,1]
# Here, we assume that the founders are homozygous. This may not be the case
# and this is an area for improvement.
sanger[,geno.cols] = apply(sanger[,geno.cols], 2, substring, 1, 1)
hdr = sanger[,1:5]
sanger = as.matrix(sanger[,-1:-5])
# Turn the sanger SNPs into 0 for reference allele and 1 for alternate allele.
sanger = matrix(as.numeric(sanger != hdr[,4]), nrow(sanger), ncol(sanger),
dimnames = dimnames(sanger))
# Create a 2 x n matrix with founder haplotypes for each DO founder.
samples = names(geno)
geno = matrix(unlist(strsplit(geno, split = "")), nrow = 2, dimnames =
list(NULL, samples))
if(return.val == "numeric") {
# Convert the founder haplotypes to numeric genotypes.
##### NOTE: We are assuming bi-allelic SNPs here! This may not be the case
##### for all Sanger SNPs.
geno = matrix(sanger[,geno[1,]] + sanger[,geno[2,]],
nrow(sanger), ncol(geno), dimnames = list(NULL, samples))
# Code the major allele as 0 .
num.zero = rowMeans(geno == 0, na.rm = TRUE)
num.two = rowMeans(geno == 2, na.rm = TRUE)
swap.rows = which(num.two > num.zero)
geno[swap.rows,] = 2 - geno[swap.rows,]
} # if(return.val == "numeric")
return(cbind(hdr, geno))
} else {
} # else
} # do2sanger.helper()
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